(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Miaiko, Samval,
I got the shampoo from that website. It's local. Maybe if we want we can take orders and pool together, so that we get free shipping. We should perhaps wait til we're in the 3rd trimester to do this so that the products are still fresh when we want to use them.
Priviledged: oh.. i bought a few things from little dreamers before but not the shampoo. Hw did u find the shampoo? Gd to use?

Samval: maybe we can use this shampoo?*wink*
Faz: Ya lor...basically there is nothing tat we can do except to wait for it to go away..

cjteng: i think i bought it at around $170.. dual use, both manual and electric

MTBS: how about perming? coz i remembered i read an article at my gynae clinic, rebonding better not do, but perming can leh..think maybe the solution used is different...my hair now is permed...i think make me look more fresh and not so flat lor..but must maintain la
miaiko/priviledged: hi 5! yeah we can get the shampoo instead of not washing hair..
*wink* *wink*
DaddyToBe: hehe yup *fingers crossed*

Priviledged: Brilliant Idea! Im keen. anyone one else? Actually, i asking do you like the shampoo and whether it is good to use. Not exactly asking u where u find it. gee... sori for the confusion.
The shampoo is quite good to use. Not much different from most other shampoos. The smell is quite nice and gingery. In fact I didn't finish the bottle. Still have some left. I tend to forget to use it, now pregnant, can't use it. It washes clean. I have no complaints. Will probably order another bottle for next year.
samval....guess dats the best option of having such a shampoo rather than tose dry powder form...cant imagine tose powder sticking to the oily hair...wouldn't it be worst?
yes my dear sel....
ya...i think alot of MTB here interested in the shampoo and body wash leh....must find someone to consolidate the orders and do the posting...
suika : Thanks for checking with ur colleague. =)

Priviledged : Thanks for the recommendation, i'll probably buy that too... maybe i still hv to wash hair secretly, but with tis, i can do so with less guilt... *wink*

piyobaby: I tried those powder form dry shampoo! Horrigible leh.... make my scalp even more itchy...

Ladies: rem to blow dry ur hair after washing ur hair okie... my MIL told me she din blow dry, & she developed headaches (sometimes migraine) - that lasted for a good few years... & 1 thing she taught me, aft washing, apply some alcohol (hard liquor) to the scalp, to prevent 'wind' fm seeping in...
piyobaby: ya lor..will make the hair very sticky..

priviledged: since its ginger shampoo, wouldnt it feel hot when kena our face during shower?
gelato...im pretty sure it is cos oreadi cant imagine the aftermath of usage.....guess if we use warm water + herbs + quickly drying of hair in enclosed room w/o open windows shd be fine ba...at least dats wat I will do so long as dun ask mi dun bath + dun wash hair....
think if many of us are interested in the shampoo and bodywash, maybe we can consolidate orders according to our areas... cos they hv delivery charges leh.. think it's 8dollars..

anyone knows hw long can a bottle last? 30 washes?
think hw long the bottle of shampoo lasts depends on each person's usage, length and thickness of hair rite?

Juz wondering, Hv this thread made bulk orders before? Consolidating by areas sounds like a gd option.
PVL, ya ya, I forgot I used that ginger shampoo too. I didn’t finish mine too, passed it to a fren who just gave birth early this yr.

Miako, frankly speaking I feel that it's not realistic for us to follow the 'no washing, no shampoo' rule.

Daddytobe, medela mini elec is very noisy. I got Ameda elec and it's quieter.

Gelato, those powder form shampoo is ineffective.

Samval, no leh, my face dun feel hot when kenna while using the ginger shampoo leh. But I felt some heat after the shampoo.
piyobaby: my first 2 confinements, i never take care. the first one i practically bathe on the next day aft delivery in hosp with cold water cos was feeling very super hot. then was hair somemore and aft that no hair dryer in hosp so sit down on my bed in air cond room wait for it to dry. then aft discharge, i go jalan jalan cos cannot tahan stay at home. and never eat confinement food. took all thsoe curry etc etc.

2nd confinement, i took care just a "little". i ate proper confinement food with lots of ginger. but only like 40% take care lah. the rest 60% i still go jalan jalan and bathe (but this time warm water) as per normal. so this time i wanna take care cos getting old liao and body here pain there pain, especially back-ache and tired feel. i'm not sure issit it due to never take care or not??
Samval: talking abt after delivery in hospital, we can and suppose to shower rite? I mean, after delivery, all the mess and perspiration etc.. *blurr*
miaiko: dunno leh. some ppl say cannot shower leh. but i agree with you. all the mess and feel so dirty, how dont bathe??
Yes, there's a slight warm feeling on the head after washing hair.

If you want to be strict, not supposed to bathe at all! But if you think about it, it's really unhygenic, esp if you're breastfeeding.... After delivery we'll be bleeding down there, and once we get home, we'll probably perspire lots. There were times when I didn't know if my bb was having sweat or milk!! Not that I didn't bathe, but it was just warm.
For my 1st child, as soon as I was wheeled into the room after delivery, I bathed! Was in labour nearly 24 hours mah.
For my 2nd child, I had bathed just before going to the hospital, and the delivery was just 4 hours later, so I didn't bathe right after delivery, and in the end waited til I came home the next day to bathe.
anyone going for pre-natal massage? any massage lady to recommend? i called Noor but no one pick up the phone leh. then called a few, they said they dont do pre-natal. only post-natal leh.
Samval: i got Mdm Noor to do my prenatal msg. feel she is gd and has strength. But she only travel so certain areas. U might want to check with her.
Priviledged: hmmm... so confusing. Can shower, cannot shower. Sigh. Think I cant take it without showering. Think most imptly is to keep warm after shower. But then again, in hospital, some rooms can be quite cold esp. for 1-bedded.
Wat to do??
Samval: yes that's her no. Maybe she is engaged with a customer. Also, she mention this mth her daughter is getting married, so maybe she busy. Can drop her an sms and she will reply u.
sel, i called the birth and beyond to check with them regarding the price of prenatal massage

it cost $80 if you massage at their center (Tanglin), if you want it at your house, it cost $85.

me still considering... is it exp???
DaddyToBe > Thanks for ur info.

cjteng > Avent got a package for avent electric breast pump at $259.

ladies > How come u all looking at manual instead of electric? i heard eletric better?
my cols say manual pump till hand ache.

blessedmum > me me me! but me attending the 2pm session.
thanks for checking out... i just sharing info nia.. think it might be cheaper if u get a malay massage lady...

might try either one if the backaches become unbearable in the later stage..
Babystarlet : Personally, only the manual pump (particularly Avent) works for me. I was a heavy user, hence i agree it's tiring. That's why i explored into Medela (single & double) & Ameda - unfortunately all didn't work for me - i can hooked the pump to me for a loooooooog time & still dun achieve letdown (maybe at most 10ml of milk). With Avent manual, i cld clear the breast & stock up quite a bit of milk...

Hvg said that, i m NOT saying Avent munual is the best, it juz happened to work best for me. Some of my frens achieved good letdowns with Medela Electric. Hence, it's very individual...
samval...wow...u certainly is modern lor...shut both eyes to all confinement rules huh...ur mum neber nag at u ar...hosp no warm water or u choose to shower wif cold water...

blessedmum....mi likely to sign up for sat night lessons 7.30 - 9pm...

gelato...dats unusual..u mean there's a difference in volume of breast milk expressed using maunal or electric...would have thot it shd be the same...but quite alot swear by avent in particular manual pump...
haha.. hopefully there's more good news lo... it's getting more expensive nowadays... hope that the 4mths ML is gg to come true..
hihi ladies, i am interested in the confinement body wash n the shampoo.. if u all got order together, please count me in also.. thanks a million..

blessedmum (newmum11): i am keen to join u for the classes.. but don't know whether still can sign up anot lei.. u let me know again.. my e-mail is [email protected]
