(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

haiz.. think need to call n ask.. if i put the father name will i get the bb bonus? but i dun think i wan to put his name lei.. in the end if next time bb grow up liao den ask me,wad should i tell her.. should i put his name? i very stress lei..

piyobaby: 'claim' because if an employee has used up the annual leave, he/she can continue to take an additional one week's worth of leave, but unpaid. Cos currently I don't think men can take unpaid leave.

MTBs I don't understand abt the child care leave that can be taken by either parent. How do they track who's taking the leave? And wouldn't it be better if both parents can claim it at the same time? It would be nice for hb and wife to claim a weekday together to go to the zoo with the kid.

Edited: go to the zoo with the child
Hi, I think we'll need the details from the press release later. To me, unpaid infant care leave = nothing. Anyone can take unpaid leave, so long as your company will accept your reason. My hubby's colleague (young, single man) was so bored after working for a few years, wanted a good break, asked for 2 mths off... he was given, spent the time playing computer at home!

As for the childcare leave, I suppose if both parents take it at the same time, it just works out to an additional day lor... I mean currently it's 2 days.... both can take, unless both are from civil service, then the 2 days is shared by mum & dad.

And when they introduced the 2 days childcare leave. There was no significant change for people in civil service as they were already given 5 days per child, capped at 15 days per year. When the 2 days came about, it just meant that 2 of their entitlement need not be covered by MCs.

Well, I guess anything extra is still a 'bonus' la...
EmQ: so it means 6 days of childcare leave means father gets 6 days and mother also gets 6 days? cos my company gives me 2 days CC leave and my hubby's company gives him 2 days CC leave too. or is the 6 days shared among both HB and wife? confused. then for the unpaid infant care leave, mean we claim back from gov issit?
Babystarlet : Actually, when i had my #1, i din know which pump is good for me. My sis passed me her Avent & i juz used it. I only started to explore into electric pumps when i went back to work, hoping to spend lesser time expressing milk during office hours... For Ameda, i think i loaned fm moms in mind (juz pay a deposit & the delivery charge). For Medela, i bought a new set but sold it off eventually.
speaking of rebonding, i got a reply from my gynae thru email. she said rebonding can do, so long as the chemical doesnt touch the scalp. how not to touch?
Hey.. goverment will be increase to 4 Month maternity leave wor.. + (6 day child care share by Dad OR MUM ) leave and 5 day unpaid leave.
more detail.. Wang Ka Teck will announce.. not sure when.. anyway is a good news for us! heheh
Hi mummies!!
sorry to interupt..
I have a Quinny Zapp for sale.Still under warranty from Robinsons My daughter refuse to sit in it, have to buy another stroller for her. it comes with matching infant seat as well.
(Bright Pink for both )
email me if u r keen.
[email protected]
mummies/daddy: today Wong Kan Seng will have the press conference for the BB bonus. From wat I understand from Straits Times is that both parent will entitle to the 6 day childcare leave....
mummies: it 6 days of childcare leave for both dad & mum... not share by both....

think most likely will take effect from Aug since the last time they implement it, it also start from Aug....
oh izzit 6 days not share by both ah..that's good
guess I heard wrong ba. ahaah pai say.. cos first time be mummy hehe
cjteng: from what i read from Today, it stated both parents can now claim 6 days per yr of childcare leave..... but the link provided by sperzz stated it can be claim by either parent.... hope that it is 6 days for both parents & not share bet both....
cjteng: the 6days childcare leave it's not shared de.......the leave that can be shared is the extra 4wks of maternity leave.....can be shared with daddy....so meaning mummies can take 3mths n daddy take 1mth to help out in taking care etc....up to parents to decide who's using it
ya lo....dunno when will it effect hor...scully 1st Jan 09 then jialat lor...my edd is early Jan leh....

childcare leave not 6 days for mum 6 days for dad meh???CONFUSED...
suika: u mean the extra 4wks of ML can be shared?.... thot only for mummies....where u read that from??? cos the paper did not mention on that... think if can share, then it will be nice for daddy to stay at home to help out after delivery
aiyo...so confusing leh....seems like these few days must read the papers more...
if anyone know the exact results, do let me know ya...
how i wish i m 10 years younger.... i din hv any incentive for my #1 kid, & only 2mths maternity leave then... hehehe...
gelato: i've check with my colleague on the pump...she said she saw it selling at $50+ at the shop name "the First something blah blah blah....she can't remember the actual name.....if u staying nearby there den can drop by to see

Jesline: it's mentioned in the rally and TOday's paper it's stated very clearly there.....can be shared among daddy n mummy.....coz gov wana give daddy a share in the upbringing of their kids not like last time oni mummy takes care....he wants daddy to contribute too....

in the rally PM oso mentioned that daddy can choose to take at the end of mummy's ML or during the confinement period to give mummy support etc...
PM oso says tax rebates etc will be increased and oso extended to the 4th n 5th child onwards.....no more restricting to no. of child
their English very chiam...6 day childcare leave by either parent....Strait Times stated for parents (whether father or mother) so its not shared.
u know ah, just now the HR manager walk in and commented "wah gov give 4 months ML, you all think GM will be happy??" somemore she preg leh...

make it sound as if our fault. its gov decision, not ours.

anyway, i already anticipated employers will be unhappy.
suika: so if daddy wanna take ML towards the end of mummy's ML also can lah. Then does it mean that mummy has to go back to work if daddy on leave? e.g. for the last 4 weeks, mummy take 2 weeks and daddy take 2 weeks (shared among them for the last month), then mummy go back to work when daddy taking the 2 weeks issit?
samval: but the last 4wks no hv to b used straight after birth 1 mah....it's more like extra leave for parents.... actually i oso scared how would my company be reacting to this news....sure to jump 1......my company alone now already got 4 ladies preg n all giving birth 1 after another.....hahaha

share a good news with u all....1 of my colleague juz gave birth yest...another might b going nxt wk and 1 more in end oct and lastly me me me...in jan HAHAHA
suika: didnt see the news that father can take the last 4 wks ML lei..
samval: I think ur HR also getting worried abt the policy might affect her job prospec...till now the gov still nvr protect woman being retrench/sack within the first 6 mth of preg, so the employer still can sack us without compensation....
anyway.. for me.. if dad will to share on the leave.. i guess, i will ask more for me.. as my hb work.. dun really let him take leave wan.. so give him also not use la. rather then i take.. dun want to waste it!
actually i was just thinking this morning...the more the government give to us preggies, the more difficult it would be for us to go for job interviews / job changes in future if our marital status is "married" cos future employers sure afraid one ma...
sperzz: ya agree they can sack us during preg...but since the HR gonna pass her 6 months soon (she's due in Dec), dont see why she so worried lor... sigh... but you're right. cos our GM just took over is from China mah, so may be a bit conservative lor.

but the company doesnt belong to him leh. if wanna complain, we can go directly to our HQ in USA.
ZiLL (zill) ya. but if the company think that way.. then they will be gg to hired more man rather then woman.:p think still will have some company can accept since they can accept 3 month .. 4 month sure not be a problem ba..
suika, gelato,
The shop at KKH is The First Few Years. A couple of doors away from Mothercare. Maybe they're having a promo, if you want you'd better go get it soon before stocks run out or they stop the promo. Mind you, Avent has many different packages for their pumps. Some come with the disposable system or bottles, some are bundled with Via cups, some might be bundled with breast shells etc etc. So when you compare prices, you must compare the correct bundles.
i think rite now we can all be sure that ML's gonna be increased to 4mths....so now we can oni wait for that Wong to finalized the full details n when implementing.......

Zill: was juz discussing this topic with my colleague over breakfast juz now.....heehee most likely next time employers dare not employ ladies at the age or 26-30yrs old.....marriage age for ladies mah n those married status employers will ask....how many kids u having now? 2 kids? planning for more? no den u're employed....no kids? oh....pls wait for call....BYEeee HAHAHAHA
Still disappointed that nothing was mentioned about maid levy. Sigh, was waiting for this rally before i employ a maid wor, but i guess having a maid is a must for me now, so...cant help it.
It's true that all these incentives can be quite disadvantageous to MTBs. Why don't they amend the employment act to protect more pple?
Samval > have u try applying medical oil both sides of ur temples?
wah,ur HR manager very bad leh,somemore she preggy herself.

i wonder how they track who took the 4wks leh?

ladies > any1 knoes the avent at taka fair is bundled with wat freebies?
Ashley: dun b dishearted yet.....rebates will be mentioned later of the week.....PM did mentioned on tax rebates....so now we'll juz have to wait
Babystarlet : still dunno if the 4weeks can be shared btw husband & wife. i m under the impression that it's meant for mums. Anw, if really to be shared - the employers hv to submit a form to CPF Board, with employee's particulars & declaration that the maternity leave has been claimed. CPF board shld be able to keep track of the claims via the computer system - double claims, if any, (fm both husband & wife) wld be detected by the system then... i think so lor...

actually after giving birth my son, I went for a few interview, they already asking who is taking care ur son and planning any 2nd BB.....I think now will b worst....dun even dare to think abt job hopping........
