(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mine is at 1145.. nurse says to reach at 11 if i wanna go for the hospital tour... looks like mine is the only girl here... hehe... hope that it's a girl lo.. more hand-me-downs frm ppl.. haha..

hav put on weight too.. already at 60.7kg... was only 56 a yr ago.. sadz sadz... bt dunno why my 1st weighing is 62kg... hoping nt to gain too much excess weight during the pregnancy leh... hard to bounce back de....

samval: nowaday my head is very heavy, nvr experience this during my first preg. I already into my 16wks but still having MS. Waste all my food.

Look like most of u had gained weight, me still losing leh....Still got 2 more weeks to see Dr, hope by then can know is Minnie or Micky....
sperzz (fionayap) me also, I dun think i put on weight also.. my last visit after my Oscar test my gynae say I lost 2kg. Hope I have gain some weight.
sel: i also want to go for the tour...maybe i call the hospital later...then maybe we can see each other. coz mine is 12.15pm...dunno should eat 1st or what..
i was 47.5kg at 6 weeks...now 51.2kg liao...
mercsboy: mi too...have hit 55kg now...really wonders who's the 1 gaining all those weight...

precious_bb: my nxt visit i think shd b 1st wk of aug...hahaha memory failing me cannot remember

sprezz: dun worry u not the oni 1....yest nite puke out my new york new york food


my bellie button very itch n i think got pimples but inside is water like that....dun noe wad's that....hopefully will go off by itself soon
suika: now gaining weight is the mummy....yday gynae told me my baby weight 100g only...and i put on 3kg! he said mostly is water.
You can find Medela at any major departmental stores like Robinson's, Taka, etc. Do wait for sales or promotions, the PIS is usually bundled up with lots of other goodies that you'll need for breastfeeding. The price can range from $600+ to $700+ depending on when and where you buy it from.

If you really, really want to breastfeed, you must tell yourself that you WILL do it no matter what. We are all made to birth and breastfeed so there is no such thing as you can't or not enough. There is only 'don't want'.

Don't have formula milk on standby or tell yourself that you'll just 'try' out breastfeeding. If you have this mindset, there is a high probability that you will give up breastfeeding early on.

I bought my PIS when I was around 5 months pregnant and after I delivered, I had no milk bottles or formula milk around. As you can already tell, I was super determined to breastfeed no matter what! And oh my, the comments I got from my own mother, aunties, etc were soooooooooooo discouraging that if I were not that determined, I'm sure I would have stopped early instead on continuing exclusively for 13 months. It was a horrible experience trying to breastfeed when my own mother was there telling me 'not enough, not enough'. Even after I breastfed exclusively for 6 months, I still had my aunties asking me, 'Enough meh?' Really felt like knocking their heads then, as if I would purposely starve my own child and if my milk was not enough, would my son have been able to survive solely on it for 6 months? Super irritating.
Itchy stomachs mean the skin is stretching, do put on some super moisturising cream soon if you don't want stretch marks!
ladies, how is your appetite? MS still around? as for me, it has more of less subsided, but once in a while i do feel nauseous. i also find that compared to my other 2 preg, i eat lesser for this one... dunno why.
jesline: u can see the baby weight on the ultrasound pic leh...its stated there..
i also thinking my detailed scan so far away, 5 weeks then i can see my baby again...
I'm dying to know whether I'm having a boy or girl too...only because I want to go shopping already, lol!

I've not put on any weight yet, but I've lost 2 kg. Blame it on the horrid MS I had and am still suffering from. Vomit until I scared already.
Samval, I'm so envious that your MS has more or less subsided. I still get it horribly at least 3 times a week, but I must say it's much better than before when it was every single day.
mercsboy: think mine only state the length of the baby & the EDD..... think Dr Ang will change the setting maybe from 15-16th weeks onwards... as from my previous pregnancy, the weight will be showed maybe during the 2nd trimster....

me too... still got a long wait to end august....
JS (powders) so exp.. i heard there is sale incoming on sep at take.. anyone know?

Samval (samval) I have not sign up package.. but i told my gynae that I dun eat veg, so she just give me folic acid, fish oily and Vitamins.
mercsboy: but i no drink alot of water wor....can mine b water gain oso?

samval: good for u...my MS oso alot better as compared to last wk...my vits already finished liao....hvn been taking vits for 1wk liao lor...mine no give extra ley...think my gynea no write there den the nurse no give lor....heheee mi oso no ask :p
cjteng: folic acid is standard 1.....i now oso seldom take veg but my gynea no ask mi anything at all....hahaha even when i told him my GP says my BP low he oso says it's normal
so i guess juz have to trust him
suika: thats quite strange. i tot vitamins are part of the package. i asked my colleagues and they all say that they have vitamins + folic acid and its in the package. if need others like fish oil, calcium then need to pay extra.
Officially in 2nd trimester liao!!
Bought a new top from spring maternity yesterday to congratulate myself.. hehehe.. also got the belly belt from a fren so now some of my regular bottoms can last a bit longer..

mercs congrats on ur boy

precious bb ur hubby same as mine, wanna bring kid to play football... that's why even tho he say he has no preference i can easily guess that he would prefer a boy. But i have feeling that i'm carrying a girl. Told him the other day n he replied that i still can be 50% wrong!!

cjteng how come u dun eat veg? dun like or phobia?

JS thks for sharing ur bf experience, very encouraging to hear it. After my mom said i shld give fm at night so will be less tired, i started thinking abt not having any bottles or fm ard at all so that wouldn't be a possibility. She'll be helping me during confinement so when she said that, i was a little scared that we would have conflicts over this matter cuz i wanted to bf exclusively.

Night feedings are extremely important!!! Yes, you will be tired out from getting up every 1.5 to 2 hours or maybe even shorter hours to feed your baby, but isn't he/she worth it? Night feedings help to establish supply and if you skip them it's really hard to 'get it back', if you know what I'm trying to say.

I'd rather be tired for the first few months and then enjoy later. Besides, the night feedings will/should stop once your baby doubles his/her birth weight (around 3 - 4 months, sometimes even faster) and then you can get all the rest you want!

Our parent's generation were brain washed into thinking that formula milk is better than breastmilk, so they are pretty new to this breastfeeding thing and hence their sometimes thoughtless comments. It may be good to not have any bottles or fm around if you foresee conflicts with your mum on this matter.

If you want to know more about breastfeeding, please feel free to PM me.
I'm all for breastfeeding and strongly recommend it!
My packages doesn't include vitamins, folic acid, etc. And it costs $800 and will only start from Week 18 onwards...Dr Ho expensive lah.
JS: like that ur package consist of wad? oni consulation n scan? i thought basic med like folic acid would be included....coz we'll b taking that all the way till delivery mah
suika (suika) ya lor.So when i take the medicine cost me so much $.

de_luxe (de_luxe)haha. dun know.before I have not preg, I already dun eat veg liao,theat's y hb dun like and keep on say me.. and also talk to my baby say that I m a bad person.. dun eat veg..
preciousbb....mi oso on 2 days MC...sudden wave of MS..haizz...vomitted at my gynae clinic oso & feeling abit feverish...din manage to noe gender as yet as gynae din mention just now too....

JS...so far most of the case heard of depends on willingness to BF or not only a few isolated case where medical cond hinder BF....but i do noe dat the initial period is always tough having to deal wif fatigue, engorgement, low flow etc....I am pretty sure that I will BF as it's benficial for Baby, aid mummy's recovery and could save quite abit from spending on formula milk too...hee

suika....mi check wif dr woody juz now he said that honey is fine for consumption, only gota avoid coffee, tea & alcohol....=)

ladies...anybody started on fish oil? just got mine from gynae...30 capsules for $30...have not burp after taking so unsure how horrifying the aftertaste will be...
i was given multi vit. but i forgot to eat for few days then i realise it's easier to poo poo... so i am thinking of giving up eating the multi vit.. any comments?
any of u seeing gynea today?
able to help me ask something.....i need to know if MANUKA HONEY with UMF20+ is safe for pregnancy

as all of u noes my gynea....he everything oso can take everything oso normal....

please please
cjteng: i know u can get folic acid from outside n alot cheaper.......maybe u can buy outside for u case
suika...he's like dat de lor...everything oso can eat & drink wif just the few exception...haha

cant help u much le...
merc & precious bb: congrats...

swan: my gynae also told me till delivery... but i know some stop taking after 3 months...alot depends on individual gynae.
piyobaby: poor thing. hope you are feeling better. i was told that folic acid is taken for the first 3 months only cos that's when the baby's spine starts developing to prevent spina bifida. aft 3 months when it is already developed, taking folic acid will not have that much effect already cos all the vital organs are already formed.

JS: wow your package very ex leh. Dr. Ho is from where?

I'm very pro BF as well. I think it takes alot of perserverance, and not easy to ignore MIL of mum's comments. it will affect our supply if we are stressed too. So jia you ok? Actually ah, just to share, my 1st child was not BF at all, but my 2nd one was BF exclusively for 6 months. But seems like the younger one still kena more throat infection, allergy & cough more than the elder one. I asked the PD why and he said sometimes its just like that. He can't explain why also. Maybe the genes or what, i dunno.
swan : yeah all this multi vits, folic acid will cause constipation. Can try to eat more veggie and fruits. I eat oatmeal cereal everyday, which i find will help the constipation problem.
samval...how abt u...feeling better from ur bad headache oreadi...mayb drink more water can help cos weather quite hot tis few days....my gynae prescribe till delivery and anyway it's free + small so easy to consume...

i have read before that breastfed kids have better resistance bcos of the antibodies or sumthg like dat but might still depends on individual child's physical well being....
JS, i am also with Dr. Ho. So u started on the package le? So exp hor! $800! but no choice. I think package is cheaper den paying ala carte.

piyobaby: yup feeling better aft lunch
i also bot those folic acid tabs from pharmacy and its still sitting at home haha. so i think in order to clear stock, i might as well just take it lor.
