(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

samval: when mine was a puppy, i confine him to a gate with half newspaper and half towel for him to sleep...then dunno why he auto know the newspaper is for peeing then towel is for sleeping leh. then now we have a pee tray at a corner for him with newspaper so he will go there to pee or shit lor. but if the tray is too dirty he will pee at my floor rug.. he dont like dirty newspaper. so i have alot of floor rugs at home. in case...

samval: since now u're preg liao i would suggest u wait till later part where u really sure u've enuff time den maybe u can start by dog sitting for others first....that's what i did for a start to confirm i really can do it.......
one dog i think still managable la..but coz i scared my older dog lonely when we shifted to our own house, so we bought a puppy to accompany him...heng they get along very well...until sometimes we see also buay tahan...pestering each other...but at the same time will protect each other when see other dogs...
mercsboy (mercsboy) maybe.. end up no. he wake me up cos he sh sh.. haha but he is very happy to wake me up.. haha.. aiyo... can picture it leh.. your want so sweet the 2 of your dogs. haha
mercsboy: juz like my boys...used to have two together but later kana complain n i realised the two boys no really like each other coz fighting for attention so let my godmum take care of 1....n now both of them very happy with their own lives den sometimes meet to play
haiz.. I dun have multiply
.. only have friendster or msn messager. haha
de_luxe: Yeah, really have to depend on luck. Still headache about it. if dont engage i worry my mum cannot cope if to engage so much to worry as well.

Wow... everyone is talking about their dogs. I used to have a dog called buffy (Shih Tzu) I was very attached to her and she was attached to me as well wherever i go she will follow me if go out always stay at the doorside to wait. Bought it since she was 3-4mths old but passed away last yr. I was traumatised by her death. When too attached, it was difficult to get over it just have to slowly let it go...
miyuki: i was also scared coz my older dog is already 11 yrs old...i already told my hubby, if really pass away, pls settle for me...
ya me too hee

sorry ah ladies...cos my back is facing the walkway and many many ppl walking around so sometimes cnanot type or msn too often...unless bosses all not around lah.
heehee.....my seat better coz oni big boss's room behind me...i'm at the far end corner...if nobody goes find him i can even watch online movies :p
forum easier la...coz can own time own target reply ma...msn the blinking and blinking...my work screen is 19" so...quite obvious..hehe
samval: mi lucky got a very GOOD seat....if my boss not in town or he no come out of room, nobody will noe mi watching show or playing games.....oni sometimes got ppl come find me den i quickly use email to hide....heehee
mercsboy: 19"? WOW that's big....mine oni 17" but i'm aiming for my small boss 20" 1....he says when finish this project he go back Japan he let me hv his...but dun noe how true la
mine got partition but ppl still can see and like to creep up behind you ask you something.

agree, forum own time, own target. later msn the thing blinking blinking, ppl from far can see. somemore my boss like to come to my desk chit chat...

babystarlet: added you.
hi all.. been absent for qte a while..
been feeling too tired to post. anyone feeling same way? into my 16th week soon! still duno the gender......... soooooooooo .... i want to start buying baby stuff!!

Wah.. now all exchanging msns/ facebook/ multiply?
Add me!!
MSN: [email protected]
multiply: smiley23
facebook: [email protected]

haa... i used diff emails wan.. :p
