(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

nobody chatting in here ley...think mostly busy ba

samval: i oso got poo poo issue den finally yest n today can poo but damn bad....alot of blood
samval: now ok already. i realize must eat fruits almost everyday lor...or else must drink fruit juices...vegetables not so helpful for me leh...
suika: oh dear. it happened to me too. and somemore so much red blood and damn painful. cos i strain. just now manage to poo poo but only a bit but still feel very bloated.

mercs: i'm a vege lover and i eat alot of vege. i also realise that it doesnt work as effective as fruits. i wanna blend my own fruit juice but too lazy. i like to take in those with fibre wan.
samval, eat prunes??? i ate prunes after lunch. it reallie helped to clear bowels =)

anyway i think i need to get new bras... abit tight till i feel back is quite pain. today back is especially pain
cjteng: i dont like papaya leh...when put put got one smell...i usually eat apples lah, can share with my dogs. u knw my dog hor can eat the inside and leave the skin of apple for me to throw
cherryale actually the 1st maid was ok... we were quite worried when we didn't get any news from her after she went back. If she had contacted us earlier i think my mom would have hired her again. It's just that by the time she contacted us again, we were already coping well w/out maids for so long that it's not worth spending the money.

babystarlet is there such a thing as painless natural delivery? Sounds quite impossible to me. I've heard of hypnotherapy classes where they teach u to focus on labouring and supposedly to help u feel less pain. Haven't found enuff info on it so dunno if i'll take up the class.

mercs hear u all talk abt ur dogs make me want one too! Had a few dogs before, last one was the longest w us - 13 yrs but he died 3 yrs ago. B4 preggy, my HB din want to get a dog cuz he's scared that i will love the dog so much that i wouldn't want kids!! So now i've been bugging him that i've "fulfilled" my responsibility already so time to get dog. It's just that we are not sure how long we will stay in SG, dun want to have to face the possibility of having to give it away or to put it in 1-2 months quarantine in another country.

ni yeah agree kids and dogs can live tog but also depends on the dog's character.. i myself grew up with my grandma's dog from 2 or 3 months old. He used to wait beside my crib when i napped in the afternoons and if i wake up, he'll go to the kitchen to get my grandma by pulling on her pants.. but later on he died and they got a new dog who was very naughty and territorial.. fight w me for my grandma's attention, can u imagine??!!

samval if ur gals like dogs but hubby dun want to keep, maybe u could bring them to the animal shelters (SPCA or ASD) to play with the dogs there. Most of them are very tame and love to be sayang... that way u can get the best of both worlds, kids get to interact with dogs, n u dun have the burden of maintaining a dog. Having a dog is nice but also can be costly, have to pay for food, shampoo, toys, vet, grooming, etc..
de_luxe: ya lor...dogs accompany me and give me happiness at times so i wont give them away. i believe my 2 dogs are quite ok. the other so old liao ma, not so active, the younger one very timid, shout at him only he will hide...so i believe they can get used to a baby. just need to train lor. i will do that, double effort.

ange: me me!! i rub my tummy at times, talking to the baby at times.

cjteng: to me got smell la...that is why i seldom take papaya. but take already sure 100% will put put
I had GA for both as both were emergency c-section. #1 because gynae says my pelvic bone did not expand for baby to pass through. I had developed fever and baby's heartbeat became irregular. So did not want to prolong labour any longer and wheeled in for emergency c-section. #2 because baby arrived 8 days before the scheduled op.. which was already supposed to be 2 weeks before ETD! I wanted badly to have a Epidural c-section... but with 2 GA, I'm not sure if I dare try for epidural... cos heard from a colleague quite a nerve-wrecking experience. But main reason would be because hubby get to witness the birth.

Pinkie Pirate
Thank you for your very encouraging remarks. Really appreciate it. Yes, will take it as a detailed health check for baby. =D

All the best for your OSCAR!

Please add me in the MTB list:
EmQ/ FTWM/ 19 Jan/ TBC/ 3/ GlenE/ Prof Tham KF
EmQ, I went thru epi c-section for both my preg. It's amazing, excellent experiences
Hb can be by your side and both of you can see bb first-hand. You can bf bb earlier also.
wah.. so exciting here... talk abt dogs and exchanging msn.. lol.. i also hv a dog.. shihtzu mixed.. he is the super chor lor type lo..

here's my msn:
[email protected]

add me! bt i'll only be ard mostly at nite

mercs missing me again ar.. been v tired/busy these few days leh..

just went for the checkup.. might be a girl cos doc cant see anything yet.. so he guessed that it's a girl..
waiting for the detailed scan (1st Sept) to confirm the gender...
Hi MTBs,

been busy at work today. don't think can come in during office hours these days.

I made kiwi blend + 1 cup of yogurt. Went toilet 3 times today but wife had no feeling to go toilet. gosh. I think i'll have to try blended strawberries tomorrow.

just fyi, it's great to be able to chat on msn but do be wary of spam bots on the internet that's sniffing around for email addresses.

Have a good evening!
ange - yes, me!! subconsciously and consciously. haha.. and i tend to keep looking at my tummy also

wah. so fun. all of you adding to msn. i also want to add...
furkids....used to have a mixed beagle years back...she ran to our house and refuse to go away after repeated tries so we adopt her...she's very close to me and passed on when she's about 16 years old....mi cried like nobody biz so from then on though i love dogs....no more pet for mi le....

ange...mi oso unconsiously will rub tummy....esp if i feel 'danger' esp when ppl walked veri near mi, automatically will protect my tummy...hee

can i add u gers in msn...but most of the time will only be online at night...=)
piyobaby: yes yes, I noticed the other day that once it started getting crowded, I would put my hand on my tummy. Hahaha Please feel free to add me.
Hi mummies,
Sorry to intrude...
Just wondering if anyone is interested in rainbow vacuum cleaner, there'l b a roadshow on this sunday at Toa payoh west CC from 8 - 1. Any quries feel free to email me at [email protected]
gals,thanks for adding me.

NI: if u wanna save some money,can get bra extensions. that's wat i buy for my
current bras.hee

de_luxe: not exactly painless.jus considering if i shld take epidual or not.hee
I highly, highly recommend getting your babies to grow up with animals if possible. My son grew up with my dog since birth and right now he has absolutly NO fear whatsoever of dogs and hamsters.

It doesn't matter what size the dog is, if the dog towers over him, is barking, etc, he will be quite happy to run to the dog and pat/kiss it on the head. Most of the time, it is the owners of the dogs who cringe at the sight of my crazy son running towards their pets, lol. Downside is that I don't know whether the dog will bite him, but so far so good. I sometimes wish he would not be so friendly to other people's dogs because I don't know if they have been vaccinated or not.

But overall, I think it's a good experience for children to grow up with animals!
Are you intending to bf long term or short term?

If long term, I would say get Medela's PIS if you can afford it. It's the only I would recommend for sustaining your supply in the long term. I used the PIS Advanced with my son and breastfed for 13 months and the motor is still as good as new. Now that you mentioned it, I think I need to bring out from storage to prepare it for No. 2 already.

If you plan to do it only for a short while, then any old pump will do, manual also can. But do note that a lousy pump will affect your supply somewhat.
ange: i sometimes rub my tummy also.

btw, any mummies feel itchy at the tummy area ah? mine itchy leh. dunno issit cos the skin stretching or not.

JS: i agree with you that its good for kids to grow up with animals, to curb their fear and also they can learn alot of things abt animals like feeding, bathing etc. it will be a good experience for them. but to bad lor, my hubby no allow me to keep dog. and my gal also wan to have hamsters and rabbits, but i say cannot cos i don like them...
mercsboy (mercsboy)Hw was your scarn?? Able to know is a boy or a gal?.

Samval (samval) ya,for dog if well train, it will be very easy to keep..
since your hb dun allow then dun adort first ba..maybe he scare you too tired as to take care of kids cum and a dog.
Morning All,

Visited my gynae yesterday, baby was 4 months! During scanning, managed to see that little "thing" sticking out between baby's legs, so most probably, I'll be having a baby boy
But doc say to wait till 5th month detailed scan to re-confirm gender.

But I had a scare on tuesday night,felt sharp sharp pain in my tummy and I was bleeding a little. I was so so worried, I was crying. Visited doc yesterday morning and thankfully, baby is fine. *phew* Guess baby wanted to see us earlier and announce he's gender..haha..was suppose to visit my gynae only this saturday. Now I am on hormones pills, 3 times a day for a month. Doc say may cause MS..so MS days are not yet over for me yet..sobz..

Hi Racheal, please help me update my details.
FTWM, boy.

Samval, yes, I do feel itchy and skin very very tight, especially after a meal. My tailbone also very pain if I sit too long, experiencing back-ache too...hand gets numb so easily too..sobz..

These are the "Joy of pregancy"..haha

Anyone know Mt Alvernia Hospital tour timings? Do they have tours on weekends? Wana compare MAH and TMC. Cus yesterday I went to TMC hospital tour yesterday, didnt quite like the observation room and delivery room. But the wards are ok.
precious BB: glad that everything is alright now. I went for both TMC and Mt. A tours. Mt A has weekend tour at 11am on Sat. personally i prefer Mt. A than TMC. TMC's rooms are ok, but don like the delivery ward.
sel: haha...so coincidence...i will be going for the detailed scan on 1 Sept also...your appt what time? mine at 12.15pm then back to dr ang clinic at 3pm. maybe we can see each other??

dr said mine 80% is a boy...coz he saw the kuku bird la...
JS: really ma? no wonder sometimes i see kids look at my dogs so excited...my dogs in fact more scared than the kids..i was afraid they frighten the kids. actually my dogs dont bite, but when he see kids, he will like to disturb and jump jump lor...so usually i will pull them away.

precious bb: my check yday also reveal its a boy...and i had put on 3kg and dr told me my baby weight 100g only!! Faint!!

samval: ya ya...i feel itchy also...so i will use the palmer itchy oil to apply...works quite well...spray only within 5 mins not itchy liao...
JS...isit recommended to buy breast pump b4 delivery? am worried dat there's a likelihood of not able to BF or no breast milk...

samval...tis few days feel veri itchy on my tummy despite having stretch mark cream on...keep asking my hubby to help observe if there's stretch marks...hee

preciousbb...do take care and congrats on ur boy boy...

mercsboy....added u in multiply....so many boy boy in jan...hee
piyobaby: i was looking at your BKK pics...the food looks yummy..i be going on 7th aug also...my hubby is 1/4 thai...i tried applying the palmers oil for itchy skin leh...works for me..
mercsboy & sel: my DS is also on the 1Sept, 1030am. Actually mine is on the 27 Aug but I changed it as its Teacher's Day and my son's had no sch that day so I can bring him along to see the BB.
mercsboy...we enjoy ourselves wif the food there more than shopping...u will have a nice time there im sure....muz try again wif my cream le cos i din apply when feel itchy....
sperzz...mine at 12.15pm...wonder we can see each other or not...go there must be wondering who is who....is it from motherhood forum...
morning all....
was rather busy this morning....so tired sia

I've already bought Avent breast pump liao

susanne: i've added u in

precious_bb: congrates.....u wanted a boy? i so hopping mine's a boy too....haizzz
so many boy boy in Jan 09.. haha..

going for Triple Test and gynae check up on sat.. hopefully bb is more cooperative, open up the legs and let me see the gender... keke
NI (ninilicious) good luck to you!

sus (sunsmile) added you too.

hw many milk bottle did we need to buy for baby use huh?
Hi Samval, thanks for the info on MAH tour, may go take a look there

Mercsboy, congrats on a boyboy too.. you put on 3kg? I put on many more kgs than you during 1st trimster..pengz..

Thanks Piyobaby

Suika, Thanks. I have no preference for gender, cus I hope to have 2 kids. 2nd kid than I will have preference. But my hubby prefers boy, say he can play soccer and ps3,faint. When's ur next visit? Good luck k!

Today I'm on mc, so can chat in forum

Girls, do add me at friendster/facebook too
[email protected]
congrats on your baby boys! Me too.. still waiting for my next scan at 16 weeks to tell..
when is a good time to start buying baby stuffs?
Those who added me, I forgot to add you to my contact list but just enabled you to see my online status.. sorries.. can add again? thanks!
