(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mercsboy: same same my boss not in town today so i'm oni left with filing n photocopying stuffs to do

sel: now go lunch? abit too early ley

NI: ya lor...with vinegar & ginger...yummy....saliva drools...always got funny cravings at last minute one. u knw my colleague said when feel like eating what must eat, so that next time baby wont have much saliva
ohno... I m hungry liao.. I also love it ...with vinegar & ginger.. and while u eat the juice will spilt out wor.. so shiok!! heheh
Just wondering, what is the difference between nursing and material bras? They are those nude color kind right? Saw in triump and some bras shops.

I heard from a nurse that we shld not wear bras with underwire now, is it true??

I love xiao long bao too, had craving last month and went to di tai fung for dinner that very day. Yummy! =)
Hi MTBs, there's 20% discount on selected support and nursing bras at Habourfront Mothercare.
Hi all!
the thread today is going slow yah..

do you mean maternity bra? most nursing and maternity bra comes in nude color or maybe in white or black color.
both nursing and maternity bra do not come with underwire but with good support to our growing breast. the difference for nursing bra is can hook and unhook the bra cover to breastfeed/nurse/express without removing the whole bra, very useful.

now i seldon wear bras with underwire already bcos my nipples are still quite sentistive, so quite uncomfortable to wear those. actually it depends on individual on when to wear maternity/nursing bra, i started wearing coming to the end of my 2nd trimester during my last pregnancy. in time round earlier.
Wah... me also want xiao long bao! Planning to go with a fren next wk to my fave place at Neil Road

daymoon Nursing bras allow u to bf easily by unhooking or pulling down. Dun think maternity bras allow u to do that. I tot no underwire is only when bf is started?? If not, i have to revamp my entire lingerie collection liao, cuz i only have underwired ones now!! Can go broke xia!
de_luxe, my asst manager also recommend me to go neil road to eat xiao long bao.. she say that place very authentic food...

hee.. any MTBs started buying clothes for their lil loved ones already??? me siao siao one, already bought 3... one is for a boi boi, if test out is ger ger, den gif my fren loh.. lol
our breast will more or less increase in size abit. so it is better to get some during our 3rd trimester when our breast size are more or less settle down, some might gets bigger when start on breast feeding tho.

my breast not big too, and them actually shrink after i finished my breast feeding period *sob sob* still it is worth it la.
ya ya, mine for sure shrink. so for this pregnancy hor, i dare not think what will become to my breast after i breastfeed... airport runway *faint*
oh no.... i dare not imagine mine too
only starting my hubby notice like got abit bit bigger den now he says smaller liao.....if after breastfeed shrink....cannot imagine sia
somemore i intend to BF as long as possible, good for bb n can save money oso abit on milk powder...heehee
wah.. i also like xiao long bao.. i'm in sch now lor.. next lesson at 1130 mah.. and i dun like to squeeze with the rest at 1330, too crowded after sch.. so eat early lo..

the tiny shop at neil rd serves good food.. i like their xiao long bao, jiao zi and their tang yuan.. yummy...
today topic about breasts ah...hehe...
oh dear...some of my bras already quite tight u knw...then i using bra extensions already. maybe i see got any cheap bras at BKK. but BKK dont sell too big sizes one...i wear C over there (whereas i only B cup here)...
yah lor, tats y my boy seldom sick since his infant time. tats y i say its worth it even tho my breast shrink. now he super scare of seeing our PD bcos we only bring him for jab once in a bluemoon and for health reviews. always cry his head off when he saw the PD hahaha
most maternity wear/ lingerie shops will hv the bra extensions.. or u can also go to the lingerie dept in the departmental stores.. ask the sales girl / promoter if u cant see them ard.. sometimes they keep it away..
ni yeah been going to the neil rd place for years.. if convenient for u, do check it out

sel their noodles r nice too.. love the dan dan mian n the soup one w si chuan cai, very simple but so yummy... slurp!
Hi, new to this forum! I am expecting #2 on the 26th Jan. Just managed to wean my 3yr 5month old boy to formula milk, due to dwindled supply and discomfort.

Hoping for a girl this time round.....is it possible to scan as early as 16 weeks?
hi muffin break: welcome and congrats!!

wah....u bf for 3 yrs? SAHM is it...i admire u...

heard that girls must normally confirm during 20 weeks...i knw my bb gender when i was 16 weeks...its a boy.
hi muffin!

mercsboy: i think all go eat xiao long bao forgot to come back liao...heheee
too quiet here today
Hi muffin, welcome to the thread... 3yrs+ if bf is really v long... bt v good for ur child..

ya.. today super quiet leh...
sel: ya lo...weather so cooling somemore, nobody to chat, feel like sleeping man!
the hospital tour must book one is it? have u enquire?
mercsboy: my hb working if not drag him go eat tonite too....heehee
the tour must book if not they dun noe u coming mah....u oni nid to give them a call
eh.. the nurse nv say must book leh.. i nv call leh.. lol... if got den go lo.. dun hv also nvm... cos i cfm staying there...

also feel like eating xiao long bao nw...
suika: i called and asked already. no need to book, just go counter slightly before 11am, one person also can tour.

sel: true la. i also confirm be giving birth there. since dr ang is situated there, might as well...
u also want to eat xiao long bao ah....nearby our house, majiam dont have leh....
mercsboy: u wan go where tour? TMC or MtA? i've been to both liao...TMC i noe 11am got a tour n MtA is at 2.30pm
samval: ya....finally. today weather so shiok, nice to sleep. later i going to eat coca steamboat, yummylicious chilli...like tat how to dont fat, u tell me
mercsboy: u can take buffet? hmm how nice...i missed all the buffet so much...mi now eat buffet so 'bo hua' cannot eat much n keep vomitting

samval: yeah! been waiting for this day very long liao
mercs: wow coca steamboat! yum yum... btw u choose which hosp? TMC?

suika: i tot Mt. A tour is 11am and TMC is 2.30pm?
suika: i have no problems with eating. just that eat not much only, very fast full. i go there for the chilli...yummy...

samval: i be choosing TMC lor..easier coz gynae from there ma. maybe gynae will be more used to that area. coca steamboat nice leh, especially the fish glue and chilli sauce...hehe..
sel: i am waiting for next week leh...coz pay day ma! hehe...then next next week i going BKK, so i am hoping next week fly by also...
sel: ya me too weekend comes and goes very fast. i also dread to think of next week.

mercs: where is coca? any branches?
samval: there are 2 branches in singapore. one at international plaza the other at takashimaya (kinokuniya there). last time there is one at concourse but closed already.
mercs: i rem that time you said you have the philips weighing scale at home rite? do you find that the readings are not accurate? cos i use but not accurate.
mercsboy... i also going for steamboat for dinner. nice to have steamboat on a cold weather like today.. hehehe...

its a happie day for me today... friday + its payday.. means more shopping for BB... +tml i going scan.. hope can know gender...
