(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

i'm back....after the long 3 hrs briefing...almost killed my butts

samval: antacid can be taken coz i'm on that too

piyo: i juz hope my friend's got more things to give me so i can save up more on other stuffs

Ange: cannot take cold stuffs? yest raining n i juz took ice-cream wor....y cannot take har?

ninilicious: any idea how much is the total cost? My brother employed 3 Indonesia maid all no good... the last one was the worst snatched my SIL handphone then ran away for few days and left a letter to say that we didnt ill-treat her it just becos of her hometown parents forced her to abort her bb and she came sg not to work but to die... haiz... no good impression of indonesia maid....
samval: I guess you can consider me a SAHM. Hahaha I am still studying part time and take classes in the evenings. Yes, I've heard that pregnancy sometimes does affect the vision. Pregnancy causes everything of ours to go haywire la. Don't you think? Hehehe

suika; the older people always say don't take cold drinks cos no good for baby. But I still take alot of cold stuffs like juice, soya bean milk, milk; all straight from the fridge. But what I do try to avoid is to take drinks with ice when I'm out, for fear of contamination from the ice.
miyuki i think all countries have horror stories re maids lah, mostly depends on ur luck. We had sri lankan maids yrs ago. 1st one was ok, mature lady, 30+yrs old w 2 kids. Can cook, clean and pick up some simple english. My mom extended her contract by 2 more yrs, n in the 3rd yr started giving her regular off days. That's when the problem started cuz she started to see other men, later became pregnant but claimed she was raped. My mom had to pay for her abortion. Then she wanted to go home for a short visit and my mom allowed. In the end she never came back. But I dunno how abt 5-6 yrs later, she managed to contact my mom at her office, saying that she's back in sg, working for another person but dun like that and asked my mom to take her back.

After her, we employed another one. This time a young one. But haiyoh... the problems!! She think come here to play lor.. very hiao, want to talk to men all the time, wear tight pants, etc.. use my dog as an excuse to go downstairs. My poor dog didn't get a walk cuz all she did was stand there and chit chat with the poor fellow sitting next to her for like 30-45 mins.. in the end, buay tahan, cancel contract and send her back. After that, no more maids liao.
suika yeah... from young we had a traditional cantonese nanny but she retired when i was 9, hence had to employ maids cuz both my parents working. But after our adventures, it's no wonder why my mom decided to not have maids anymore!! She figured that we're also old enuff to do some housework too.. hehe
2 boys mum, i took epidural for my first pregnancy. Will definitely ask for it again this time round

deluxe, wow, i was just venting my frustrations on maid in another thread. But your experiences are really quite scary, will put anyone off maids.

why no ice-cream?? I have been eating a lot of ice-cream
good source of calcium, I console myself
samval, i had alot of air in my tummy, so co doc gave me antacid. she says its ok. but i try not to take too much lah. nowadays i switch to drinking yakult or yami yogurt

mercsboy - agree. these pple just don't understand the bond we have with our pets. i agree with you. we intend to get a 'fence' to confine doggy to the kitchen. anyway, my dog never enter our bedroom de, and she poos downstairs, so i won't be in contact with her poo. hubby now has to pick up after she does the deed, not me. heheehee...
k... more bent on epi... *cross fingers* hope i can really enjoy the whole procedure

oh... maids ah... all the sama sama... really depend on ur luck.
previous ones are indo. then now they say indo maids got alot of problems... thus take philip ones...
now having a philippines one...quite good. but think p maids have more character...maybe their upbringing and belief influnence from the west...
thanks pinkie pirate...when are u going for ur amino or have u been?

thanks rachel for helping to update the list....=)

samval...i rem my galfren drank only orange juice during her pregnancy and it turn out dat her ger is very prone to cough and phlegm but wif the #2, she avoided so no such prob...not too sure if it is indeed related...

suika...was just asking my hubby if we start asking ard for hand me downs, will it be too kancheong...cos have not known the gender oso...hee
piyobaby: i've been warned by my mum to not drink too much orange juice for the same reason - that the baby will be prone to coughs and phlegms. But for me it's abit hard to avoid completely. I like the slightly sourish taste. Trying to cut back now.
Ange...not drinking it too frequently shd b alrite cos for my galfren she took it for almost like every meal as she dare not take other drinks...it's a good source of Vit C too....
mercsboy:i'm a strong believer of chuang dao qiao tou zi ran zhi.However,some things
we still need to plan early.

ANyone knows what is the market rate for daytime nanny now?

i was thinking if we opt for epidual as a spare and in the end,we dun use,must we still pay?
is it really painless to go purely natural delivery?me wanted to try but scared the pain
hi gals...
i heard orange juice really causes phlegms and allergic problems to young children,so i avoid.
maybe can try cranberry juice or other juices instead,which i am now addicted to cranberry juice.

rachel and DaddyToBe
i did massages...but not much improvements...sometimes take Hot shower to spray onto the painful areas...help abit.Today worse,left hand always go numb......:p
pain really v individual...as for the cost,i not sure too

pinkie pirate,
how come u doing the amino test? is it the same as the triple test? is it inside the gynae package?

Any SAHM or PTWM here??
2boys_mum:i scared really last min cannot tahan the pain den jialat. i rem once heard a guy friend say,e wife preggy for 9mths not easy liao,why let her suffer somemore during delivery,i'm so touched when i heard that.

btw wat's PTWM stands for?
I had epi for my first, an epi c-section because Dr Ho said recovery would be faster. However, I still remember lying on the operating bed and shivering away like an animal for about an hour after he took my baby out. But it was okay lah, just shiver lor, that's all.

Will most prob opt for epi again because I've had a really bad experience with GA, LOTS of vomitting and nausea for at least 24 hours. At least with the epi, I only shivered for 1 hour. Maybe my body can't take GA.
Blend the prunes with milk or some fruit juice of your choice. If you're open to the idea of taking cold stuff, add in a scoop of ice cream, some oreo biscuits and you'll get a really yummy, filling shake!

I've been told to avoid cold stuff too, but honestly, I can't really be bothered. I won't specifically avoid cold stuff, if it's there and I feel like eating it, I will just eat.
janjan16: i still pick up my dogs poo la, but i make sure i wash my hands after that. anyway, my dogs i take care of them very well one, if they go downstairs come back home, will wash legs one...bathing is done by my hubby la. i cannot sit for too long lor. ya, alot of ppl simply dont understand the bond we have with our pets. dont confine your dog to small kitchen la, put a baby gate at the room where baby going to be...
babystarlet: yeah...individual opinions la. for my case, when i planned ALWAYS dont work too well. so better dont waste my brain juice man...memory seems to be worse when pregnant lor...hehe...shall see how things goes then
de_luxe (de_luxe)ya, we really have to depend on luck. My hb also worries on all those issue that in case we get a bad maid.That's y try to aviod her alone beening with my baby.Even heard that got one case when maid helping the baby bathing, and accident hit the baby head at the toilet bowl.. but she dun inform anyone and keep quiet.. end up the baby died.Therefore we really have to be very alert.
mercsboy (mercsboy) me also have a dog but my dog is staying with my mum house.Recently I go and see my dog, my mum will ask my dog not to near me,but I dun care..cos I really miss my dog..hehe
cjteng: i also dont care, my dog is like my baby...so i still hug and kiss and sayang him lor...everyday when we back they will be like so happy and greet us...i will never give them up lo.
mercsboy (mercsboy) ya, I know the feeling..haiz.. that's day when i was at my mum place.. and it start to rain outside, and my dog will stand up at the sofa while I was laying on it.. and my dog want me to protect him.. cos he very scare thunder. haha..
morning all......

piyo: i've asked some of my friends for stuffs liao...but clothes wise is reserved for me first la...when i know gender den can take

mercsboy: i'm oso taking care of my dog's poo n pee....but of coz all along hv to wash hands 1 mah whether preg or not
cjteng: i've always called my dog as my son....and i've been telling it that his young master will be coming soon and in no time he'll no have time to come to me for sayang but to come to me for help.....heheee coz i've always pictured it as my kid would be chasing him around n trying to pull his tail.......hahaha
suika: i also called my younger dog as son lor...we addressed ourselves as daddy & mummy. but for the older dog no la...coz he was from my mum place
mercsboy, i also love my bb dog alot. he is so smart, every morning will wake me up for work. on weekends, he will just sleep in together with us, such a sleepyhead. =)

i wun give up my dog one too. i believe babies and dogs can live harmoniously one...

mine is a mini schnanzer, 9 mths old only.. what breed are yours????
NI: wah...so clever...your alarm clock ah. my dog only wake my hubby up during weekends to bring him gai gai lo..i also believe dogs & babies can live harmoniously too...i heard some dog knw how to protect babies u know...

i have 2 dogs..one is 11 yrs old and the other is 1.5 yrs old (bought him when 2 mths, so he very attached to me). both are japanese chin, quite rare dogs...males...yours leh?
Nl: mine will oni wakes me up if i oversleeps.....but over weekends he no allows me to laz in bed n watch TV...if wake up liao must either pei him or let him come on bed...must stick close to me
i want to get a dog but hb no allow me cos he say no one take care. but my MIL at home mah. and also my gal is bugging me for a dog....i love dogs. ask you. anyone taking care while you are away at work?
samval: u love dogs ma? actually dogs can tame kids also...i have friend kids, after having dogs, they become more responsible. but dont get one if u have no time. dogs need care & concern too.
my 2 dogs are left alone when we go for work till reach home around 7+ ba...but they very clever one...hear my key sound only...sure at the door greeting you...
samval: my dog is adopted 1....n he cannot be caged coz he know's how to open doors etc...so i always leave him roaming alone at home with his toys while we're out. I've left him a blanket in the living room too in case raining he cold coz his bed is in our room....i'll keep all room doors closed coz he likes to anyhow pees if he angrys with us
mercs: ya i love dogs. last time my folks stay in kampung and had many many dogs. i grew up loving dogs. want to get one and of course will give it all my attention and love. but hubby insist cannot.
suika: if my dogs cold...they will sleep on the sofa...they dont like to sleep on human beds...only their own beds...they have 2 beds each lor..one in the room one in the living room...all bought by my hubby one...
samval: then dont get one...since yr hubby dont like it. or maybe when your girls grow older...me & hubby love dogs...thats why we kept 2...to accompany each other when we at work lor...u knw when i sad and cry, my dogs will come and comfort me one u knw
samval: how come ur hubby insist cannot?

mercsboy: my boy oni wana get close to us....i think his ex owners neg him.....my dog is mostly taken care by me, my hubby oni plays with him at times that's why he more attached to me
mercs/suika: my hubby also likes dogs, but he insist cannot cos he say pity them if lets say we dont have time for them. i assure him that i will take care of them, but he said tok so easy...
mercsboy, my dog is called mario! hehehe. when i have time i upload pics for u.. my dog also has his own bed, he is one lazy thing also, loves to snuggle in bed..
suika (suika & NI (ninilicious) Ya. haha kid and good can live harmoniously. heheh I only picture that my baby will keep on touch my dog.. I wan to let my baby will not scare of dog in future when it bark. My dog will bark and tel my mum that the phone is ringing.. make sure my mum pick the cal. if not he will contious barking. haha
samval: then dont get one...since yr hubby dont like it. or maybe when your girls grow older...me & hubby love dogs...thats why we kept 2...to accompany each other when we at work lor...u knw when i sad and cry, my dogs will come and comfort me one u knw
NI (ninilicious)wow own bed.so envy all of you.My dog last time when small I take care.. he will stand up in front of my bed and wake me up..cos he is hungry.. after that he growth up.. more to stick to my mum.. as I m busy on my study.. Now wheneven I cal him, he will walk very slowly movement to reach my side. haha

Mine is a mix.. schnanzer + Mounti. My dog picture is display in my msn pic now.

NI: u see my nick? mercs is my dog and he is boy...so my nick is mercsboy lor. he was adopted also when he was 6 mths old..my friend bought for his ex gf, then they break off, dont want the dog so i adopt. free u see my multiply la, got his pic http://dreams2real.multiply.com
the other name is hugo...mario is a nice name lor...i like...
