(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

daddytobe: ya very sweet of you. i take 1.5 glasses of prune juice and will also have tummy ache. i think chilled drinks are fine, so long as not those ice chilled kind. if take from fridge, just leave it outside for a while to let it cool down.

DaddyToBe: My mum told me not to take too much green apples as it is cooling. I juice 2-3 times a week. And instead of just green apples with carrots, I now use 1 green apple + 1 red apple + 2 medium sized carrots. Red apples + Carrots alone is too sweet for my tastebuds. But if your wife is not averse to sweet stuffs, you can skip the green apples. And the one that helps in bowel movements is really the carrots. But everything in moderation. Don't do it everyday.
DaddyToBe: As for chilled drinks, I still take them. I do try to avoid drinks with ice, especially when I'm outside, as the worry is about contamination. I mean Singapore's hot most of the time, and MTBs have a higher body temperature, constantly drinking hot drinks can get quite unbearable at times (at least to me).
sperzz (fionayap) aug Magz. nvm But really have alot of thing to learn from inside.
Will waitn until they have nice free gift and subscri.
oppz, I sometime still take the ice cold water. During the first preg, for the full 9 mths I nvr take cold drink but for this time rnd, I like bochap. Take ice water, ice cream and chilli etc...

cjteng, u mean the Aug issue is out already...I last Sat juz get the Jul issue. I think I will go to buy the latest issue tonite
haha i also take cold drinks. sometimes very very cold leh. but try not to cos during my 2nd preg i always take very icy cold drinks and my younger gal very prone to lung/throat infection and always cough. i'm not sure issit due to the cold drinks or not???
actually my 2nd preg i take at least 2-3 cans of icy cold soft drinks EVERYDAY. but now i cut down to maybe once or twice a week lor... but still take leh. but not the very very cold one lah.
samval: better to cut down on the soft drinks cos pretty high in sugar content. I sometimes get a craving for like sprite or ginger ale. Hehe
anyone knows if antacids can be taken during preg? or anything to resolve the bloatedness? me feeling very bloated and like cannot digest like that.
samval: my gynae did say gelusil and a few other names (I can't rem) can be taken during pregnancy to help ease indigestion and heartburn. Did you take something too oily for lunch?
I drink cold drinks too, even had ice cream cake =) yum yum. on the juicing of fruits, do you use those blender that comes with the filter that takes away the fibre OR the one that directly blend eveything of what you throw it?

it will do our body good to blend everything in and drink in the fibre as well, this allow us to take in more fibre in aids of our digestive system and bowel movement.
rachel: I use a Breville juicer @ home. I think it takes out the juice and filters out the pulp.

To get fibre I make sure I include a healthy dose of green leafy vegetables in my diet.
HIIII Ladies
Finally past the 1st trimester....
have missed out quite alot here yeah.i tot i still can keep myself updated with the posts here thru emails...however,stopped receiving any posts thru email,so i tot this thread inactive...
Shocked to see SO ACTIVE woah...

YEP! PRUNE juice is teh best for relieve of constipation. next would be fibrogel i think,which i prefer cos i dun like prunes sometimes... :p

hey ladies...
may i know who's having epidural?? any advise? read alot but need real experiences...
and any plannings for the newborns?
ange/rachel: aiyoh you two ah. ice cream lah. ginger beer lah... jialat. stop stop stop..

btw ange, the ginger beer what brand you drink? i also wanna buy
2 boys mum hehe... i have the same problem as u with the emailing of the recent posts. i think it's been rectified today.

I'm hoping to avoid epidural if possible cuz afraid it'll affect a previous back injury which happens to be in the area where the epidural is injected. Did u use any pain relief for ur previous deliveries?
samval: i used to drink the Budaberg gingerbeer. Available at cold storage in individual bottles of packs of 6, if I remember correctly. But during pregnancy I find it abit too sweet and the ginger taste quite strong. Going to find ginger ale as the alternative. Hehehe
the topic on chilled drinks sure generated alot of replies :D think i'll exclude the ice if it isn't necessary

as for juicer, i'm using the type quite similar to a-n-g-e, that filters the pulp. I have a blender and will be using that to blend the strawberries/kiwi. Saw the juice stall at Food Republic Suntec doing that. Intend to copy that idea.
I took epidural for my C-sect. I was told by my gynea that I will recover faster than GA. Side effect for epi is that u will shiver and vomit, but I dun have all this effect. I was told epi for natural birth u dun feel anything and u also wont know when the BB come out as u got no feeling at r lower part...
de_luxe (de_luxe),
this is your first delivery ma?
no,i did not use ANY pain relief.... so i guess this time round, i hope to deliver the baby with much ease ... i want to ENJOY the process...
still getting more feedbacks on epi.
ya...so the con is that you might not know when to push the bb out correct...
for C-sect,is it a must to take epi?... any backpain? this time round, u also c-sect?
DaddyToBe: as long as your fruits come out cold from the fridge, I generally don't find it necessary to include ice in my fruit juices.

Samval: I don't know if there is indeed any difference, but I do find that most ginger beers have a stronger flavour whereas gingerales tend to be abit lighter. hehe
2boys mum yeap, 1st child for me. Was the pain very bad w/out pain relief? I think if i really need pain relief, will try laughing gas...

sperzz yes was told the same thing too. No feeling, so no urge to push, must listen to docs/nurses, only push when they tell u to.
hi ...
anyone experiencing hand numbness?
recently, i have very bad shoulder ache,from shoulder,with occassional arm numbness. and pain till to the tip of the fingers.
i found some info on carpal tunnel syndrome... very sad...cos affecting the mood... have never such pain during my previous pregnancies
keke,did use the laughing gas... haha...and hubby's jokes lo... still cant relieve la... the 2nd one,nearly want to have a jab on the leg,but doc says no need ler...phew...

but wats the feeling after the delivery if taking the epid??
taking fruits along with their fibre has the benefit of taking in enzyme too, which aids in our immune and digestive. where else vege need to be cook before consume and the heat destory the enzyme. unless we talking about salad la.

thats why i use those blender without filtering. just a sharing =)

bo pian la, ice cream do makes me feel better! when i was in my 1st mth, i practically finished up a box of ice cream on my own. of cos at tat time i yet confirm i am pregnant haha

i had epi for my 1st delivery, had wanted to do without it and in the end throw in the white towel haha. the laughing gas did not work for me, only made me super giddy.
really hope this time round can tong till the end. maybe our body more season due to previous delivery, can do without it =p
2boys_mum: I just experienced hand numbness today. But nothing too severe. I had bad migarine yest and that resulted in an ache going down the neck, shoulders and eventually the back. Had my eyes checked and it's cos my degree went down. So all's good today.
samval: how did you survive without epidural? I mean my friend encourages me to take it to save myself the pain which she describes as 100 times worse than menses cramps. *faints*
2boys_mum: C-sect u can either take Epi or GA. but recommended by my gynea to take Epi bec can recover faster. I got no side effect, no backache for me yet. But actually I dun like to feeling to feel numbness at the lower body...I feel no control of my legs at all....Actually I freak out during the surgery. I might be going for C-sect again but think of the operation again very scared...Dun dare to think of it again.
will doing some light exercise and massaging helps wiht your numbness?

the epi did make me shiver abit and only for a few minute. i was stuck at 5cm dilated for 2 hours and epi did helped me to dilate fully. i can still feel and able to push my boy out when my gynae instructed me to. can even felt my placenta coming out at that time. so i think its a matter of individual body condition on how much they react to epi bah.
samval: i try to sleep it off. Now that I've rectified the problem and gotten new glasses and contact lenses, I sure hope the headaches and migraines stay far far away from me man.
ange: that time i did not have time to top up the epi. i was in labour for few days and towards the end, the hosp stopped the epi so that i can have some sensation to push. i tot they just gonna reduce the dosage to give me SOME sensation, but they removed ALL dosage ! i asked why and they said its kk hosp policy!

so 2nd preg i opted for epi. you can actually control how much you want, so in the end i reduced the dosage so can feel something when pushing. more like feel the "pressure" like that.

but i fully agree with what rachel said, that epi helps us to relax and only when our body is relaxed, we dialate faster.
ange: you SAHM or FTWM? cos when i have nasty headaches, i cant even sleep leh. and if i kena in office, surely cannot sleep ba.
could it be pregnancy also makes our degree decrease/increase? so called our eyes will go haywire ah?
my coll maid come frm nation too. very well trained. very good. but heard the admin fees are higher. no choice, paying for their advert, and their endorsement on the lee nan xing and xiang yun.. hehehehe
Miyuki1 (miyuki1) haha ya me too..also think of nation but heard friend say is better to find the agent near your place, just in case need to go down often or change maid.

2boys_mum: wife mentioned about numbness on one upper arm early last week then late last week, the other upper arm. Does massaging help?
