(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Irene, for breast shells, wait till after you deliver, buy them if you need to. No need to buy them now. Sometimes, will leak milk while sleeping too.

For Massage lady, you may want to try Ida and her sisters. Quite good & value for money. It's relaxing and helps to flatten my tummy

For engorgement, use hot towel & cold cabbage leaves instead of hot/cold packs. Save $$

Dazed, yup, should be milk clot. During Mrs Wong class, she mentioned that sometime, we get milk clot at our armpits. Later ask your ML to massage okie?
hello ladies... finally had a good nite slp. first time ever i slept for 10 over hours... its bcos maid + hb did the nite shift last nite, and bcos i was running a fever and rashes, thats why i am exempted from nite shift. However, went to the doc for fever + rashes, took an injection, was told to stop giving bm for 2-3 days till the medicine gone off. Just poured away 100ml of bm, so heartpain but no choice. Do i have to keep pumping in order to continue the supply???
dink: thanks for your feedback on Leprecious and Lexin. I actually confirmed on them, but haven confirmed the # of guests still... sick still got so many things to do.. aiya...
HI Irene,

RE: Breasts shell
- I dun use breasts shell, but i do experience leaking breasts. it does make half of my tshirt so wet... even if u not pumping, sometimes, do leak also, depends on individual.

Ya i will recommend Ida and her sister, depending on where u live, they will assign accordingly. They only charge $50 for 2 hrs sessions. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... =)

RE: Chinese Names
I went Tai Mao BI for the naming of chinese names too. They give a variety of names for your to select from. and those old school old fashioned names also...
hi ni: get well soon! get all the sleep u can ok?
yah think u need to cont to pump and throw away the milk to maintain the supply.

I also had a better sleep last night cos I express breast milk and let hubby and MIL take night shifts. Just saw lactation consultant Sister Kang too, she says reason y I feed baby so long is cos baby dun latch well, so feed 1 hr, baby still cries after 20 min and wants to feed more.
Irene, I used avent breast shells for my first pregnancy as I leak a lot of milk. It does help to save a lot of leaking milk, sometimes about 30ml. But if u use a dual pump then no need breast shells. Now I dun use breast shells for second one as I find that by applying pressure on the breast that I am not pumping also stop the flow. But I use pigeon breast pads. Its the best that I have tried.
Thanks all for the tips.

Where is taimaobi? got any website or number to call?

novakido, you mention that the heat pad is use before breastfeeding and cold pack is use after breastfeeding, what is the different ah?
Hi Ladies,

1. BP for baby cots - Inclusive of latex mattress, 100% pinewood + 7pcs bedding set

2. BP for babymallonline spree 3rd shipment

3. Desitin creamy ready stock (Only 7 pcs left!)

4. Strollers BP

5. Lansinoh milk storage bags 50pcs BP

6. Medela Breast Pumps inc Freestyle and PIS BP

Pls PM me more more info
hi all
hope you all have been coping well in parenthood

finally everything is over
I am freed now.. heheh... but MIL insists mi to eat "healthy" until 40 days...

for the jab, juz went to normal GP to check price... 5 in 1 charge at $80, 6 in 1 at $100... tink it's even cheaper than poly
swan: which gp u go to?

Mummies: help! Just now my breast was leaking milk so quickly go pump since bb slping. After 30 mins, only 30ml. Does it mean i have super low milk supply? Wat type of food can increase milk supply? Me alone at home so sometimes didnt take proper lunch as need to take care of bb. I stopped confinement food when bb was 2 weeks old. Now took normal food
Irene, Heat helps to soften the areola and encourages let-down. But just a while no need to long wor. But like Mercsboy says, you can just use a warm towel will do. Ice packs after nursing will help reduce the engorgement. Actually I heard from my sis in law cold cabbage helps too but some friends tell me cold cabbage reduces milk flow dunnoe true or not...

Ni will you still have the massage ladies go to your place anytime soon? Do you think you can help me ask them if the massages will still work 4 months after delivery? I'm only gg back in May... Am very tempted with all these massages...
Mint, I heard some kind of fish and green papaya soup... but have to ask the ladies here for more info... Have a decent amount of fluid intake at least 8 glasses a day also helps...
novakido: You doing direct breastfeeding all the time? Did you manage to feed your baby both breasts each time? and each breast how long? How many hours interval? At night wake up how many times to feed?
Gwen:Doc induced me one day after EDD,cos he doesnt recommended overdue.Looking back,maybe its better not to induce..

Dazed: My boi's cord dropped this morning too. cl came to me with this small stump and asked me to blow dry and keep.

Suika:i am coping okie,last 2 days before cl goes back.Dun think hubby is going to defer cos he said this one shld be quite relax and shld be able to come home daily.

Chantalle:I can FULLY understand how u feel cos i went through the same process. I went through almost 20 hours after putting in the pill to induce. Then doc has to burst water bag after 9 hours to kickstart contractions.Then cervix refused to dilate and i asked for epi.Finally 10cm dilated but baby is too high and refused to move down. So vacuumed but failed. In the end,had to go for emergency c-section and bb pooed during the c-section and had to be in special care for 3 days. Our bill came up to be more than $10K!Nearly fainted when i saw the bill.
novakido: thanks..heard abt it but me cant cook..thinking of supplements?

Mummies: im confuse by e 6 in 1 jab u all were talking abt. Called my gp, say only take when bb is 6 month old. Is there another 6 in 1 jab tat bb should take at 1 mth old?
mo3: I hope this is not too late... yes, I let baby do the hearing test & of course vacination. Hep B & BCG are compulsory, so might as well do in hospital rather than bring to another venue... then hearing test... did for #1... so subsequently #2 & #3 also do lor.. to b fair ma... but then I think if not done, can get it done free at Polyclinic at 1mth... think so... GlenE claim their equipment more high tect, accurate, etc... I dunno la... Cos I know at P1, the sch health services will check again also (complimentary)... also the 6yo jab done at P1.
swan: for the jabs at GP - 5 in 1 charge at $80, 6 in 1 at $100. Consultation fees will be extra charges is it? So if include consultation, will it be cheaper?
Jade: Yup Direct BF now wor. It depends on baby but most times if he is alert he can feed both breasts. He is now 1week and 1day old (so you can roughly gauge) Most times in the day when he is drowsy he will feed 15mins only one breast this will last every hour or hour and a half . But from late afternoon onwards he will feed both breasts ranging about 15 to 20mins each breasts and that will last about 2 and a half to 3hrs... In the night after 12mn he only feed twice every 2 to 3hrs most of the times both breasts... Sometimes if I dun wake him up, I thk he may be able to sleep thru the night but I make it a point to wake him up maximum 3hrs since his last feed to ensure a constant supply of Milk flow wor...

Daymoon: my baby's cord also drop 2 nights ago, my friend says to put in ang bao packet and place it under his clothes in the drawer. Is that true?
Dear all,
I hv prbs in posting in marketplace overseas spree tink restricted to 2006 members & before. I need to purchase Playtex milk bags urgently, 4 pkts fr Lav's thread. Can anyone help me to post in Lav to contact me, Jersherm at HP no. 81680239. Thanks.
novakido, me help you ask my ml tomorrow... din know jamu so messy... hehe...

daymoon, yah me also just keeping it outside to air dry completely...

novakido, din hear about the keep in drawer thingy... me ask my mil later tonight...
Umblical cord: I put it in a red packet and place it at the corner of BB's cot mattress. Hehe.. No speacial reason for placing there, just hope she guai guai lor. So far so gd lah, bb is very well behave. hehe
Novakido: Yes, I think generally pp keep baby's cord in red packet & under some clothes in the drawer. I keep my gers' cord stump together in a box. When I had #2, someone tell me that keeping the kids' cord stump together will ensure that the siblings are close knit... so I just put them togther... when #3's drop off, I'd probably need a bigger box. ;-p
Ni: No need to waste the milk... cannot feed baby... but think can do facial with it... hee hee... just use it to wash your face lor... a few of my ger friends do that... (not BM though), when the fresh milk they buy (to drink) expires & they did not finish in time, instead of throwing away the milk, they either use it to wash face or pour into bath tub to bathe... right now we can't exactly soak in bath tub... so I suppose wash face still can... then you get super smooth skin... =D
Just a thought....

Anyone tried drinking your own breast milk? I've not... but yesterday after I pumped, there were droplets left on the pump, so out of curiousity, I tried to taste it, but seem tasteless le... or too little liao... ??? A few of my friends tried... some say it's very sweet... others say very 'xin' smell... I dunno, din really dare to try... not much in the first place... just save for baby...
EmQ: i tried coz once bb can't finish so mi n my hb tried....fishy fishy taste ley...dun noe is it coz i everyday eat fish so milk fishy taste n smell....sweet meh? ur friends eat wad?
Suika: I also dunno la... but when I tried tasting mine, no taste le... hahaha... but I did not drink plain water since coming home le... maybe lor... if you take a lot of fish, then fishy taste... maybe friend took lots of sweet stuffs... hahaha... wa, if I take lots of Milo, hot chocolate & eat chocolate, will my milk taste like chocolate milk? Yum yum... that'll be nice hor...
EmQ: that's a very good idea wor....hahaha i ate alot of fish coz ppl says fish will increase milk mah.... i oso since step in hse no more plain water....oni eat med den take 2 mouthful oni

so u r strictly drinking longan red date drink now? i occasionally will drink a glass of warm water when i feel a bit heaty, or the mouth dry dry de.
novakido:cl didnt mention putting at drawer but did mentioned must blow till dry else will have worms.

dazed:ya,me sunning by the window,seems quite hard now.

EmQ:i tried also,but it seems tasteless. but after i pumped or feed bb,i feel myself smelling of milk smell. keke

twws:ya,i only drink longan red/black date.only use plain water to brush teeth..i miss plain water.used to gulp bottles before pregnancy..
emq: washing face with my BM? haha. dun wan lar. but i was thinking keeping the bm and giving to bb for BM spa bathe. saw in other threads that got pple do that one...

novakido: yes, my massage lady doing for me tml i will ask her for u. but she mentioned to me hor, she also gave birth in the States, and came back when her daughter was 6 mths old. after that den she asked her sis to do the massage for her... haha, she is nice lady, everytime tell me her stories while massaging...

bm a bit oily oily de, how to give bb spa bathe huh? after that still must wash in soap and water wor.

initially i see the unfinished ebm being poured away, always feel very xin tong, but now my supply is established and i'm able to freeze a pack a day, i just close one eye.
twws: strictly no plain water...oni eat med abit....i took longan water (with alot of other herbs added....yucks...not nice to drink 1 lor) den milk too...my hb warms it up for mi...drink more milk hope can pump out more milk too....HAHAHA
Suika: But the red date drink my MIL prepares very nice le... my mum bought the ingredients la.. heard b4 there's diff kinds of longan... dunno taiwan ones are sweeter... I used to hate all these tea tea stuff... till today, I dun take any tea or coffee... but red date tea... very nice wor... love it... maybe you put more longan inside & see if it tastes better... ;-p
twws: Oh, on day 5, I stole a sip of 100plus! Hahaha... saw an opened can in fridge (usually only HB & I do that)... so just stole a sip... but after that no other drinks except for the confinement soup & red date tea.. oh, yes still got Milo & hot chocolate... but even when I take my supplements, I down them with Milo or hot chocolate... hee hee..
Hi Dazed, correct,its this thread. May I know wat is mean by PM dat person? Cos I try to post message but I am not allowed as restricted to ppl register b4 2006. If u can post message in dat thread can help me post to Lav ask her to contact me at 81680239. Thanks.
i tried my bm, sweet sweet one leh... no fishy lah, me got take fish also leh. actually the bm taste quite similar to the nan1 that bb took in hospital... cos hospital glass bottle is 90 ml so def got left over so i tried lor... hehe... then yesterday my bb din finish the bm i also tried...
ok, jersherm, me will post for you... PM is to personal message... just click on the person's nickname and you will see the person's details pop up and there will be a place where you can send a message to the person.
emq, naughty naughty! eh, dun take cold drinks lah...

so funny, just now my ml doing massage keep burping, then she say is my body alot of gas that's why she will burp...
finally settle my boi's sleepless night issue...shd b the colic at work cos after taking the rid wind...he can sleep beta but still take a while to fall asleep at night after feed.....

cord - my boi's haben dropped yet although it look realli dry...mum was saying his belly button look very sunken in so do take a while to drop off....

feed - he's 10 days old today and feeding anything from 60-80ml either EBM/FM...try to latch him on again but unsuccessfuly...will continue to try...

just went for my post natal checkup earlier and was told stitches healing well but have some pus near the anus so was given antibiotic cream and oral medication..expecting the stitches to dissolve in abt another 1 week...lochia around another 3 weeks?

drinking of plain water will result in water retention wor...beta believe it just in case kena...
Hi Mummies who went for c-sect, did you have to have stitches removed? I went on Mon to have my stitches removed. Nurses says can only remove after at least a wk... (was day 11 then), gynae says no need to cover up stitches liao... but after remove the stitches & leaving open, sometimes I can feel as if wound splitting open at the edge kind of feeling... din feel this way for my previous 2 c-sect le... then last night I ask HB to see, he says can see a few shiny spots, as if the thread from the stitches inside! He asked me to call gynae to check... I haven't la... then gynae & nurse saw my stitches after they remove the cover yet did not mention anything le... sounds so scary to me... sigh...

Then before removing still feel ok... but now, if I make sudden movements like get up from bed fast or walk fast, sometimes I feel as if the wound is splitting at the edge... sigh.. any one feels this way?

Also, anyone experience gastric pains? Mine started yesterday evening, sudden & severe pain, pain was so bad, it stretches to my back. I went to lie on the bed... din realised I fell asleep till 2am, when I got up to change into PJ & feed bb... then whole of today, on & off the gastric pain comes back... I wonder why... I only know previously my CL told me cannot bf if got gastric pain... dunno something abt baby catching gastric problem as well... ????
