(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

EmQ : Are you still taking any medication and eating well? Coz my wife takes pain killers and also has Antacid which prevents gastric.
EmQ: har? mummy got gastric if BF will pass on to bb? no heard of such thing wor....i've got serious gastric problems but since delivery my gastric still ok ley
dazed: if no more vomit blood den shd b ok lor....mi at times still hving that heartburn issue lor...but lucky not serious
whoo daymoon need to blowdry or else will have worms ah... Ewww... ok ok I better blow dry it haha...

oh ni really ah! thanks thanks... i thk thats good wor! then I can get contact from you again when I'm back. Now got paunch now(belly) ugly ugly... sigh...

Serene, your wound area heal liao huh? mine still painful... wonder if its because I never lie down and sit up too long. how long do you stay in bed huh? ya most times wind can cause the baby distress i thk that's wat happen to caleb the 2nd night until we use ru yi yu...

dazed and EMQ- I heard before leh, last time i used to go for chinese massages of my mum says my body very "weak" always fall sick... then this sinseh uncle told me that, during the massage, all the "bad air" goes to the person massaging us through their fingers they must always practise breathing exercises when massaging their clients to keep themselves in good health and to help purge out the bad air themselves... Seems like quite interesting hehe
ladies > me reporting again. me jus bought the nipple shield for bb to suck,can
see that she can suck better now,but i still supplement with EBM as i tink
she din have enough from my breast. kinda sad tht she not able to get enough
BM from my breast.

1. any of u the same? sucking from the breast but yet supplement with EBM?

2. me jus visited my PD today,he told me abt the 6in1 and 5in1.the price is
super scary.
6in 1 costs $600+ ah.................
think me go GP better,i scared polyclinic long queue leh

novakido > me still have belly leh.somemore my weight still 6kg more than
my original weight.

kamy > i'm fine,jus busy handling domestic issues eg CL,my mama and hb issue
instead of bb issues.

for those who havent pop > dun worry so much,no problem at all.

pinkie > hw abt u? u pop yet? u managed to find any infant care yet?
suika: i tried giving my dogs my EBM coz tat day i had fever then dont want to waste so try to give my dogs...they dont even want it lor!! think no taste ba...
mercs: my hb also ask me to give my EBM to mario, since i cant feed it to bb now. haha. so mean. but i didnt't la... but hb tried giving remaining of the FM tat bb cant finish to mario. and it finished it up very quickly! haha
EmQ: I went for my post-natal checkup last friday... my gynae just took out the plaster & use scissors to cut off the knot at the corner & he put on another plaster & asked me to take it off in a weeks time... he also mentioned that my wound is healing ok & there is some blue black only...my gynae also do a scan to show that everything is ok inside lor

my plaster came off on monday so i just took it off & look at the mirror.... the wound is healing well just that there is patches of blue black... think will go off soon... can see the bikini line cut wound but not the same as what u had described ... yrs sound so scary... can see silver thread mah?? thot the thread gynae use is those that will dissolved by their own....

do u feel any pain when yr gynae take out the thread???

i only feel some pain on & off but it is ok after awhile... maybe u want to check with yr gynae
EMQ: My stitches are self dissolvable but have left the wound and stitch uncovered since day 3 as midwife told me to take off after my shower, but the stitch havent dissolved yet. At first i also feel scared but seems ok so far. I wear clothes which dont rub against it though.
ni: i testing want to give hugo lor...since he so greedy wat rubbish also eat one...but surprisingly he refused to drink my EBM lor...damn funny..
u feeling better already?? me left 3 more days then CL leaves liao...nightmare is coming!!
mercs: i oso gave my dog....he drink abit oni den rejected it...coz mine is rubbish bin....this is the first time he reject food lor
mercs: try taking over from ur CL now b4 she leaves....u can learn some tricks from her in taking care of ur bb ley?
EMQ: I also felt what u felt in the beginning, my gyne said it's the knot part. will feel it cause this is the 3rd c-section. Until now on n off i will still feel slight pain.
mercs: who helping u after CL leaves??? so shiok ur confinement ending and u can enjoy CNY.. envy.. lol.. yep feeling better after injection, but so sad have to throw away my ebm, so far throw 300over ml liao...
suika: i got involved in taking care of baby la, these few days i been waking up in the middle of the nite to pump milk also...just that got CL can shake legs ma, everything she wash she clean...she left liao means i got to do housework also lor

ni: nobody helping me after CL leave, i be alone...prob my mum will comes on and off ba. the only happy thing is confinement finally over...officially is ending this friday lor..
CNY happy meh...got to spend money for ang bao also leh...then hor...the clothes cant wear!! and now my mum bring me her pants lor...Size L...so sad...last time i wear size small one leh
mercs: i oso....last time mi t-shirt wear s-size still very loose...now can't even fit in M-size...wear liao like dumpling lor...can't breath sia
suika: same lor...i cant fit in all my tshirts liao...think got to wear hubby one...but then hubby ones the shoulders too broad for me...damn sian lor...i was wondering what will happen to my old clothes huh....dunno keep where...
heng my shoes still can wear, never grow bigger or wat...
heng tat day i sneaked out still managed to get 3 dresses for CNY...or else no clothes to wear la..
Jesline: Yes, simlar, he cut off knot on one side, then tug at the other side to pull out the thread. Can feel it being tug... dull pain... machaim during the epi c-sect like that... can feel slightly, but not that painful... think the thought scarier than the actual pain... hee hee..

Yes, some pain on & off... actually din feel it before he removes the stitches...

Gynae says to expect some bruise due to the injection he gave... supposed to reduce keloids... but I can't see & haven't taken a mirror to look at it... HB says slight bruising.
Autumn Leaf: Yes, my 2nd c-sect was using those dissolvable thread... that's why when I went back to have 'stitches removed', gynae just checked & I even asked him abt the thread... he said, will dissolve on its own... then this time, when he told me to see him to remove thread, I was like huh? Then I could see the ends of the thread tied in knots this time... so was a bit puzzled.

My gynae used diff technic for each of my c-sect le... like so many pattern... 1st was only internal stitches... exterior was 'stuck' together using glue, so there was no stitches at all on the exterior... 2nd c-sect was dissolvable thread & this time was a fishing-line-looking thread.
mercs: i also wear hb t-shirt at hme, my t-shirt all like so small on me! and i also sneak out to tampines mall to get a dress for my son's manyue party! hehe. now only can wear babydoll dress loh...

suika: ya half day already throw away 300plus... over the 2-3 days of no bm for bb, i think i can accumulate 1 litre to throw away. hopefully bb can take my bm after that, will nt reject...
my invitation for BB Kyan Manyue Party!!

Yan Ling: I'm still taking my pre-natal supplements, but those are just folic acid, calcium pills & multi-vits... should not cause gastric right? I'm taking my 3 meals at regular interval, & does not have previous history of gastric problems le... only diff now is that I'm taking confinement food.

I had a bit of heartburns during 3rd trimester, but this time round, it's already not as bad as during my 1st preg... at that time, I had bad gastric pains/ heartburns almost half the 3rd trimester!

So I dun quite understand why the sudden gastric attack... sigh..
suika: Dunno lor... last time my CL says so... if I have gastric pain, cannot bf baby... not forever la, just perhaps on that day or during that period... maybe bf also too acidic?
Ni: Hello, my dear girl... your invite is very pretty & well done... but my dearie, posting it here is exposing your details to the entire world le... not just sharing with us... ops...

BTW, how did you do it? Which software did you use? Can share? Actually thinking of the man yue, I also sian... still need to call up my aunties, then my HB side... sigh... like a lot of things to do le... then I haven't even called the caterers to check lor..
Dazed: Is that so? If cord stump come off early, child is stubborn? OMG... I must ask my mother when my cord stump came off... hee hee... as if she can remember... I mean 5 of us, some more so many years ago... hahaha... hey, I think my #2's came off quite early... like 7 days only... but #3 now 13 days still does not look like coming off soon... & hor #2 is really quite strong willed... can't exactly say stubborn now, cos still young.... but at this rate, likely to be a stubborn character wor... sigh...
Dazed: Just a thought... then hor, can I stuck surgical tape to baby's cord... so will come off even later... hee hee...
emq: haha. nv mind lar. just my address... who want to send me pressie also gd. just kidding! lol! anyway this invite is done by my best fren.. she say she using smilebox/powerpoint also can. and yes, i do feel sian abt informing all the relatives and frenz abt the manyue party. and contacting the caterers also ley chey.... so many coordination need to do...
Ni: Your friend very nice ah... can ask her to help us make also... hahaha... kidding...

Yeah lor... I like lost fire liao le... used to love organising all these stuffs... but maybe old liao, lazy liao... hahaha...

Actually quite a simple job to just give a call... but the thought of calling my aunts up sian lor.. eventhough now dwindle to only 4 left... & HB side hor, I dun call one... usually just ask PILs to handle... hahaha... then sourcing of caterers... then also considering abt decor for that day... I bought some balloons to fill with helium for that day, but considering whether to do up the room...
emq, haha... that's a thot... just wondering, your bb cord, is it clipped by a heavy plastic clip? cos mine is, and my mom was wondering how come the clip so heavy... anyway that's what the ml says lah, my mom also haven't heard before...
ni: during kyler's man yue...i am still wearing my maternity bermudas lor...+ one bigger size tshirt...but no matter what i wear...i still feel sooooo fat..some of them commented that i am fat!! but never mind la, used to it liao...
half a day u can get 300ml of BM ah...so good..me every 3 hrs can only pump about 100-110ml for 30 mins leh...
raw fenugreek dont work on me...sad...

EMQ: ya la...all the calling and messaging to invite ppl damn sian...heng coordinating for the man yue still ok, coz i have fax, comp all at home...used to coordinating all these. But inviting part i sian la, coz some of them like must beg them to come lor...but anyway, for once only...2nd one mai liao
babystarlet how many weeks have it been since you popped?

Mercsboy you so cute! give to your dogs hehe but do they normally drink milk previously? Ni your mario good! everything also take! speaking about dog, my dog has been behaving pretty wierd this 2 days, he has been having diarrhea dunnoe is it from the baby or not leh since nothing else have changes... previously if he have diarrhea we just stop him from eating for a day, the next day he is fine but not this time...

For me I can't fit into my bottoms... and still got belly, very xian.

Ni your invitation very cute! Well done! Hehe EmQ I think Ni inviting everyone of you ladies to the party too!
novakido: my dog also like rubbish bin one...he drink milk, but he refused to drink my ebm lor..haha...dunno why, maybe got smell.

i also cant fit into my bottoms leh...until the thigh there then cannot pull liao..hahaha...now still wearing my maternity bottoms lor
Dazed: No le, the clip was removed on 2nd day I think... so by the time discharged already no clip liao what... but hor I was telling HB abt what your ML says... he says #1's came off later also, but quite stubborn le... dunno le... or is it these days kids just know how to reason (read 'argue') with parents lor... hee hee...

Today, #1 just told HB at dinner that her friend's parents give $2+ for pocket money, why is it that we only give her $1... so HB tells her he can also go to her school & find a child whose parents give $10... #1 even answered him, 'yeah, but not ez'... when HB related to me, I faint... wl... only 3 wks in sch, & already know how to bargain for more pocket $!

& she does not compare that despite her pocket money, she gets to bring unlimited snacks to school le... & there were days she did not even spend a single cent & saved her entire $1....
mercsboy & novakido: Dun worry, can slim down one... give yourself some time... I haven't tried my pre-preg clothes... will do so next week ba... wonder if I can fit in... for my 2nd preg I could fit back into pre=preg clothes by baby's man yue... hopefully this time can also...
but hor... ladies, wear dresses, can't expect to fit back into pants so soon... unless you are the lucky ones...
Mercs: some pple commented u fat? tell them u just give birth leh, not just finish competing for Ms. Universe leh... anyway i also "bah" to such comments liao. even my own mother ask me, how come u become such a king kong (in terms of size!)!!! how irritating!!!

novakido: mario is very greedy, as long as its milk he will take one! haha. i think ur dog still adapting to the new member? bring him to the vet is the diarrhea persist. I think even with a new baby, we still must shower our furkids with the love.. like hb still continue to bring mario for walks, and we even brought him to the groomer together, Yes, when i am still supposed to be in confinement, i went to the groomer! heehe
Mercsboy! Same... my problem also the thigh area!!! So xian me also wearing my maternity ones still...

Wow EmQ, kids nowaday so clever ah... remembering last time in school whatever parents give also happy hehe... my sis in law just told me, my favorite nephew just started pri 1. They give him money expect him to buy himself lunch during school like mee or rice (staple food) but instead he went to buy wang wang biscuit or other tibits! Then by the time dinner come back home super hungry!!!
Ya lor, EmQ I see my friend so lucky 3 weeks can fit into her old jeans liao some more loose de wor!

Got leh, he never loses his attention from us leh, hubby and my sis still bring him from his twice a day daily walks... Only I never bring him coz weather quite cold outside... Hehe Ni I also got out already even though I'm on confinement hehe Last week when bring bb to PD I took the chance to go shop for nursing bras though wound hurts and I walk very slow haha and I think tmr we gg out again yeah! bring him go make his birth cert!
emq, hehe, you can explain to her lor...

novakido, is like that lah, kids with their new found "freedom" will buy what they like lah, at least it's food, wait till they learn they can spend in the school bookshop too... hehe..

suika, voted, but hor, thot the contest until 16 nov only leh...
hi EmQ
i just happen to pop by this thread to read up so i can be prepare for delivery. I am a Feb mum. Anyway i read about your gastric condition and it sounds really familiar to my own.
I got similar symptoms of gastric around 2 months after i delivered my first son 5yrs ago. It gotten so badly i hardly can be at rest. The pain went to the back like u mention.
Just a word of caution to u. If those gastric pills cant heal u, do try to go to hospital for a thorough check up. I was found with gall stones and have to have it remove. Those pain was result of stones causing infection somewhere.
not to scare u, but just hope yours is not like mine.

I voted too Suika...
So cute!

Dazed, can clean your breast first before feeding? Today my boy also like play with my breasts before he finally decides to drink, wonder is it because yest my sis cook some confinement peppery dish and the milk taste spicy or something... hmmm
