(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

hi...little update on my delivery...
10pm admitted to hospital

1am inserted the pill to dilate the cervix

3am strapped on CTG

6am walked to the labor ward

6.30am started to feel some pain,at first dun really know it is contractions... as it get more intense at 15mins apart, asked for epi

7.15am was told my nurse anesthetist caught in jam,coming at 8.15am. pain is pumping and body shifting sidewards and hands holding the bars of the bed as the pain step in

8.45am still no sign of the anesthetist...

9.15am finally arrived. administered epi... swift and almost painless jab. put on the drip together

10.30am gynae checked,6cm dilated.hooray...but hb still having arrive,so slower down the drip

12.15pm HB arrived...relieved... but shivering due to epi's side effect

1.07pm my little princess was jerked out from some laughters.... my gynae brought with him 2 apprentices, explaining them what and how and why he doing this or that...

we busy snapping pics...
congrats Mo3! Wonder who else is awaiting to pop! This past 2 weeks had so many of us deliver...now think all so busy n thread has slowed down for now at least =p
haha dazed
ya, now i still can follow the pace of the thread/... haha,... wondering how's pinkie pirate cos her due date seems to be quite near to CNY ma...

so autumn leaf, u back in Sg for CNY celebration?? u still in confinement ma?

dunno how's priviledged and gelato hor...
dazed: this 1 new 1....
not to worry abt the smell lah....my bb oso like that but later he gets used to the smell....bb can still find mummy's smell underneath jamu n nutmeg smell

thanks nova!
me backie home.. first time expressing milk using dual pump..
cos bb got jaundice n stayed overnight..

not alot leh for my first 2 express, only 20ml.... how to increase supply via pumping? am relieved that milk kicked in faster then 1st round.. probably cos i latch him constantly as i sleep during my stay in hospital..
Hi ladies! Congrats to all who have been promoted to mummy status!

I'm in labour ward now. Yesterday went for checkup and gynae said bb not growing so advised to induce. Admitted at midnight and inserted pill. Now just burst waterbag, super painful now - 3 cm dilated, should deliver in the afternoon.

Mo3- I am also in GlenE. Meet up later ok!
A bit lost in the forum after motherhood :p Then place very crowded with PIL and parents in the day.. Plus all the feedings..
Finally some 'me' time hehe.. Can post my super over-dated birth story

16 Jan
6 pm: Was at forum and doing cross-stitch when water bag suddenly burst.. initially just a few gushes, then went toilet 2 times and suddenly all wet. Got bloody show too. Sms hubby who was like 'wah! really ah?'. Parents fetch me home and da bao food for us.

646 pm: Contractions started while in the car home. Every 2-3 mins.

7 pm: Quickly shower and decide to bring da bao food to Mt A instead.

7-8 pm: Longest car ride it feels like.. jam on expressway to Mt A.

830 pm: Finally admitted to delivery ward. Feels cold. Nurse check baby and contractions and make me empty stools. Called gynae, who allows me to eat da bao food (yay!)

1030 pm: Gynae comes and allows for administration of drip to speed up labour as well as epidural. Dilation only 1 cm.

11 pm: Epidural and drip administered.

17 Jan
12 am: Blood pressure drops, baby heart rate also drops. Quickly taken off drip and epidural placed at very low dose.

2 am: Thankfully dilations proceed, around 2-3 cm dilated.

530 am: 5-6 cm dilated.

630 am: Start to feel contractions more pain and something below. Ask nurse to increase epidural.
Suddenly nurse realise 10 cm dilated! Baby coming anytime! Placed on oxygen mask as baby heartrate dropping.

700 am: Gynae comes, start to push. No feeling as epidural increased. Start to vomit which was really the worst part.

716 am: Gynae does epistiomy and with a bit of pushing, baby is out!!

Baby is small but cute at 2.4 kg. But keep vomitting for the next few hours. Shouldnt have increased epidural if I knew baby coming out already!

Baby is doing fine now, but I have problems with latching on - baby doesnt drink enough so by expressing fully I know baby gets enough. Anyone of full expressing of bm rather than latching too? Im a bit sad that miss out on the bonding during latching.
ni: ya lor..those closer friends la...ask me what i intend to do to shed off those fats...some just commented that i am fat!! but i take it easy la...just gave birth one month ago leh...and furthermore, i am not those with slim genes...my mum had big butt so i expected myself also lor..

sus: how come u have problems latching on leh? u have short/inverted nipples also? i also expressed out BM for my son...but at times i also latch him while warming up his bm..
mercs: no leh my nipples are ok, I also thought I latch ok. But realize that my son suckle up to 1 hr but still don't get enough (my breasts hard still and he cries after 1/2 hr). I don't latch well enough according to the lactation consultant so end up my son suckles for up to 1 hour and still doesnt get enough. My nipples also very sore so I scared to latch on. Is nipple soreness quite common initially? Im only day 6 today.
sus: i totally expressed out my bm one. i cant latch cos of inverted nipples. and these few days expressed out and pour away my milk, cos i sick, dun wan to pass on virus to baby... i just poured away 140ml in the morning and 110ml just now! heartpain. hope i can resume giving ebm tml! and u may wan to try applying nipple cream for sore nipples (i using avent)
hi gals, hope everyone is coping well wif ur newborns.

Have u gals done up any blog...maybe can link together??

Btw, rachel can help to update my details? i delivered my 2nd boy on 15th Jan. Actual EDD was 31st Jan but as bb's head din turn down so i went for LSCS with epidural. Realli a different experience for me as my 1st boy was by natural delivery. I must say natural delivery is still so much beta compared to c-sect.

Baby's Name: Darius
Weight: 3.2kg

mo3: congrats on ur long awaited princess!!!

pinkie: jia you! push harder. awaiting your good news with your prince!

who else is due to pop soon???
ni: do ur nipples also feel sore after expressing? I find it painful to even wear bra so Im wearing breast shields.

Congrats bb march!
tks sus. do apply the nipple cream. I oso suffered cracked nipples when i had my 1st boy so tis time i applied lotsa of nipple cream b4 delivery.
sus: yes, initially my nipples feel sore when pumping the milk out. but as times goes, my nipple like "bah" to the pumping already. skin thicken already loh..

congrats bb_march!
sus: initially i also got sore nipples...i even pump 'pink' milk man! guess was bleeding ya...but after applying my own bm on my nipples...now its much better...
hi ladies,
just finished reading 6 pages of postings! congrats to sus & mo3..and jia you to pinkie!

recently i've been crying almost everyday cos i hate being confined at home, or rather, in the room. i dread going out to the living room where my dad will pass his not so nice comments, so i just keep myself in the room with baby. its very depressing! yesterday was such a relief as i had the chance to go out for my gynae & PD's appt. had a long talk with my gynae and broke down in front of her because i'm falling into depression. i can see that she was almost trearing herself. i think confinement is still ok, but its the people that we are confined with (MIL or mum, dad, CL, maid etc etc) that makes our stress level go up. dont u agree? the other day i brought bb down for some sunlite and kena scolding by him and then he nag and nag and nag the whole nite. and when i come out into the kitchen, i have to pass the living room where he just sits his bloody ass ther and talk cock, he will sneak into the room to see baby and then come out and pass fuc*@#% comments! he just nag and nag about everything. about neighbours, abt karang guni man, abt me, abt my sis, abt my mum, abt my older kids etc etc. and he also drinks so it is worse. confinement already so jialat, so imagine being CONFINED in your room?? worse rite? there is no outlet to express out. my hubby came by yesterday and brought my PC so i can come into SMH and chat here, or msn my friends. yesterday also went to visit mrs wong and she help clear my block milk ducts and showed me the proper way to latch and pump. i managed to pump 160 mls on the first day when my milk came in. yesterday pumped another 60 mls. went to see PD and baby is slightly jaundiced, else everythign is ok. he is now drinking 90mls every 3 hourly. i asked PD if he is being overfed, and PD said babies this age should drink as much as they want, so long it is every 3 hourly, passing urine & motion ok and burping ok. sorry for the long post, and sorry for venting. i just need an outlet to let go.

thanks all for your kind thoughts and words. will try to remain positive. trying very hard to block out those negative, talk cock remarks from my dad!

ni: are u ok? sayang.. we jia you together.
forget about this, anyone knows...

how long can BM be stored in the non-freezer compartment in the fridge?

if stored in the non freezer liao, still can transfer to chiller??
samval, pls dun cry during confinement. Its not gd. Tok to ur hb and share your unhappiness. He nids to be there for you esp this period.
samval: i can understand...tats why i said confinement is torturing. i also broke down for the 1st few days i was discharged. but dont ok, it is really not good. try to dont bother about their comments...or tell them off directly??
samval: how much u need to pay to see mrs wong or any of the lactation consultant?

jia you! Cheer up! i also broke down and got cranky after i got back home... my breastfeeding has always been an issue.. and im really getting bit disheartened..

fed bb like almost 1 hr like sus, bb got suckle...after a while bb still cry for more milk. but thing is my breasts dont feel engorged...
had my 1st night of undisturbed sleep cos place bb in mum's room...was on medication for flu thus worried cant hear bb in the night....it's such a blessing to sleep thru...heavens!

congrats mo3 and jiayou pinkie....

ophe...im feeling pain at a specific location of my stitches..went to see gynae for post natal checkup yest....he guess it b4 i could tell him when the pain is from...stitches healing well only the area near anus is wif pus (which was apparently very common for natrual birth) so was given oral antiobiotic and antiobiotic cream to apply...he said shd heal in a week max and lochia mayb clear in 2-3 weeks lata...when i ask him abt hw bad was my tear...he just mention the norm for natural birth....

dazed...my boi's cord shd b off this 2 days but his character appear very firm as well even though cord dropped so late...mayb myth again?
samval: good to hear from you. yes i agree confinement is tough, i really missed the pregnancy days man! confinement is already tough enough, still have to cope with those unncecessary comments from your own relatives or parents. makes confinement even more sucky. dun worry, we will get thru this very soon! i am already day 19! and yes, i do total expressing. i pump every 3 hours and middle of the nite, after bb is being fed and goes to slp i will pump loh..

dun cry ok? i noe diff to hold back tears, cos me been crying so much that hb says i have post natal blues and is a emo monster! haha. irritating hb!
anyhow im still having prob wif latching on....bb simply too impatient...have not been diligently expressing milk as well cos was tired out and sick so sleep thru the noon wif bb....im having slight engorgement again...hope everything will be fine soon...
mercs: thanks. i'm just waiting for this confinement to be over. btw, fenugreek also dont work for me, but since my gynae give me yesterday i might as well finish it lor. she also gave me another med under prescription, Domperidome.

ni: heehee.. your hubby call u emo monster? guess he trying to cheer u up. thanks for the tip on pumping. i also hope to do like u too.

bb march: will try not to cry but sometimes just cant help it. my hb is not staying wif me during this period (i'm staying wif my mum) cos he gotta take care of my #1 & send her to school.

blessedmum: i pay abt 40 plus. less than 50 - abt an hour session. she will show u how to latch using the breastfeeding pillow, then massage your breast and later pump milk aft latching. watever milk pumped will put in a bottle and u bring back. i find aft she massage, instantle when pumped got milk. but when i tried the same method at home ystdy, ony have 40 mls leh. maybe din massage hard enuff.

piyo: that time i also stop latching due to sore nipples. in fact my nipples still sore! and each time i offer the breast to bb, he will struggle and make a face and turn away. its very stressful! then ystdy i saw mrs wong, and she unwrapp bb, put him to my breast (or rather force bb to latch) then only successful. but when i came home bb still dun wanna latch so i do the same method as mrs wong. maybe u wanna pop by to see her?
Good luck Pinkie! Very soon you see your baby!

bb_march: I have a blog for my bb what's yours? Mine is http://jasonopheliaang-littlehands.blogspot.com

yes ladies, please apply nipple cream my friend just suffer from Mastitis, she said most times you get it cause of cracked nipples when bateria enters... very painful...

Samval really do take care, do come around and vent to us! just try and block out your dad comments? stay cheerful ya!

Serene I also feel pain still its been a week liao wor so around 1 more week to heal? My gynae appr visit is only in 4 weeks sigh... Jia you with the breastfeeding ya!
ni: u can really pump out alot wor.... if i can pump out that amt den i can rest more liao.... heehee dunhv to feed him so much FM oso
oh pinkie!!
GOOD Luck... smooth delivery!!
WOW,ya... i getting bored in hospital liao...checking out tmr already! which ward u in?...rest well ya after pushing...!! so excited for U

yo...now i am thinking where to go for choosing names for my gal... me and my hb already knows what name for her. just need to choose which character... i reading up on the TAIMAOBI... is it good? most of u all gog for that? where did u all go for name choosing?

hey sam...try 1 ear in 1 ear out and close both eyes... i know is hard sometimes due to our emotional... mmm,now what u needed most is to talk out ur frustrations... just vent them out here and then leave the room,breathe in fresh air and let out foul air here in the forum again ya!

mint: i dont hve the number for mrs wong parent craft center, because i just walk in and never make appt. but i have the 24 hours hotline. it is 91193502. a lactation consultant will attend to u regarding bf or bb matters. or anyone here can give mint parent craft #?

mo3: yo congrats! tmrw discharge ah? take care how heavy is your baby?

anyone knows is it ok for normal delivery to do massage aft confinement?
