(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Tumble, good decision to wait. Other mummies, please be patient and wait for ur little one. I guess i regretted to be induced. I always wish for the drama mama birth experience. Waterbag bursts contraction pain rushing to hospital. Good luck there!

tumble: my appointment is also tom. true also, better to let the baby decide his bday. unless due to medical reasons.

chantalle: y did u induce in the 1st place?
Yup, looks like I'm the only one. Will be a long long necked giraffe.
Hey, cheer up. You MAY cry! Don't listen to other people lah. It's good to let out your emotions. Speak nicely to your hb about how you feel. Just remember, they all mean well though sometimes it's really ridiculous and unbelievable.

If possible, I would never voluntarily go for induction. Having been through 2 already, it's not fun. The pain and contractions come so close together you feel yourself losing control. Hardly any time to catch breath before the next contraction starts. Chances of complications are higher too.
My doc allows for a few days of overdue.

I don't know about insecure or what, but both my children as infants were left to cry for 10 - 20 minutes in their cot to see if they would sleep. In later months, we were very mean, and sometimes would not pick up the child at all. Just let them cry til next feed. But, they aren't insecure and definitely not unemotional. They are confident, joyful, happy children now, who have no sleeping issues anymore
Sorry for the interruption.

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emq/mercs/sperzz and all: thanks for your concern. I am alrite. wun go into depression, just feel abit down, maybe bcos stil a new mommy, everyday is a learning journey still. thanks for all your concern...

hb was joking to cheer me up, saying, "dun worry, ah boy will know who is the mommy, when he needs money next time!" irritating hb!
suika: me gave in pacifier when he was abt 2 weeks old liao. it did help a little. but now he angry, he dun even want the pacifier! now i am contemplating sarong for him
PVL....i dun wish to give up but my BB is a fast drinker so if no milk reaches him....he will wail like nobody biz....tried again just now..latch on but he cant get much so being impatient wail again...gota supplement wif FM....then still proceed to pump but only achieve 20ml nia...haizz...duno why supply decrease so much suddenly....

precious bb....im worried abt overfeeding him...we tried to feed him 2hrs after his last yet still cranky....perhaps it's the wind in his tum tum....giving him rid wind from pd to monitor nw....

dazed...wats color of bb poo....still black? if black then still clearing meconium....my bb got lots of wind too....he passed meconium till abt 4 days...wah day 5 oreadi cord drop ar...im still waiting for mine to drop...

ni...ya lor for my boi it happen like both nights so far...hopefully the rid wind will help to improve the situation.....
Priviledged: thanks for the advise. shall c wat gynae has to say tom. at this point in time i think i stil can endure the tiredness, swollen feet and super itchy tummy. have been walking a lot to make him come out but hes just too happy inside. haha...
mi juz came back from polyclinic checkup....juz asked the doc on the lump....she says mummy BF will pass some homos over to bb once we stop BF it'll go down wor....my boy's jaundice lvl dropped further... but still hv to go back 1wk later....

that stupid guy nurse there so not gentle to my son...gonna complain him.... press my boy's foot so hard till he's face turns red liao lor... lucky he no let his blood drip if not we gonna scold him....draw till the tube almost overflow lor
@ 39th wk, alrdy on leave waiting since ytday. Everything prepared welcoming her anytime. Hb wking, home alone so abit sian... How abt u? Read that you're visiting ur gynae tmr. Gd luck
mine will be on this thurs. Will do ctg.
suika - actually thot baby will come earlier thats why thot hubby can still go reservist.

Jade - how many days of confinement are you at now?when my cl leave this friday,it is 17th day.i haven tried bathing the bb yet,guess next week will be the testing time!

Mummies,anyone having their full month on 7th Feb?which catering are you using?Now seems like all are CNY menus..

So for the vaccines, is polyclinic cheaper than pd? Understand Greenlife is quite cheap too right? are the queues in polyclinic long?
fiona87:u can try taking panadol,doc said its fine cos i got fever too and even though taking medication,can still bf.doc even prescibed me a dose of antibiotics.take care ya,i will be taking care of bb by myself next week too.

preciousbb:i tried giving pacifier but bb doesnt seems to like it.not sure cos if its wrong size. i using avent 0-6 months.

kamy:dun be nervous.i also induced cos doc dun recommend beyond EDD. i walked a lot too during my pregnancy and swam but bb still refused to pop early or on time.

dazed:ur bb cord dropped so fast,mine is also 2 weeks and still there!my boi hiccups about 2 times a day too.think its normal ba..
bb_Gen: same here. started my leave since yest. thot of continuing to work since no signs of early labor but feeling more n more tired. ya. can be quite bored at home but luckily i stay near my mom,can go over, got a few HK series to catch and do a bit of light chores. oh ya, have been hearing a lot abt CTG, wat exactly is that and when do we need it cos din hear from my gynae on tat.
dazed...greenish poo isit bcos he got scared...u noe like wat they say 'tio qi kia'....

suika...good dat ur boi's jaundice improving...wats the level now? im scared to go polyclinic bcos of this ppl lor....

daymoon...shd still have chance to defer right since it's more than valid reason.....wonder when does the CNY menu stop?
piyo, no lah,, is still in transition from blackish to yellow mah... anyway last one was more to yellowish liao and no trace of blood... hope it continues this way.

daymoon, yah dropped today, this morning was hanging by a thread.
Gwen: haha.. sama sama here.. no symptom at all just abit of cramps and go off soon. me trying to do some spring cleaning also.. wanted to shift things in my bb cum study room but was told not to. so hb will do it after my delivery.

Only know heard that, will be strapped while doing ctg and monitor bb's heart beat etc.. shld be like that.
bb_Gen: ya... better dun shift those heavy stuff, let ur hubby do it. : ) oh so CTG is used to monitor baby heart beat only? mayb can check with my gynae tom. so do u intend to take 3 or 4 mth of ML? I only take 3 mth 1st den slowly clear. haha
gwen / bb gen, ctg has 2 monitor, 1 for fetal heartbeat, 1 for monitoring contractions strapped to the tummy. for induction, i was strapped half hour before insert pill and continue 1 hr after pill inserted.
Gwen: I was induced becoz Gynae detected that my Bb is very mini thru ultrasound scan and he said that my bb has stopped growing at week 39. Throughout my whole pregnancy, i merely put on 7kg. This is because of my poor appeitite and on the other hand, i am also paranoid that i might put on too much weight.

Also, my bb is also detected with single umblical cord so likely that i am not sending enough nutrients to her thru my placenta.

The whole induction process was indeed no fun as mentioned by Priviledged. For my case i went thru 12 hours of contraction pain and ended up in the operation theatre with an E C-sect as my cervix was merely 5cm dilated. Baby was in distress and sent to special care nursery for 2 days after birth as she has breathing difficulties. For my side, i suffered an ugly scar, unneccessary pain and long hours in the labour ward and plenty of painkiller (i took epidural, gas and the injection on the thigh) and all these means money! I was vomiting throughout in the labour ward and op theatre as doc cut me up to bring bb out.

However, docs could sometimes be wrong for my case as my bb was not that mini after all with a good weight of 2.8kg at birth. Doc was even very surprised at the Op theatre! I was told that my BB head is too big to pass thru my birth canal, doc even had to use forceps to bring bb out.(extra money again). Sigh.. Sorry for the long post, just sharing here, but do not be affected by me, not everyone is the same.

God blessed and hope you have a pleasant and happy delivery.
i am having my bb full mth celebrations this sat. Will post some pics and do some review of the caterer and bb cakes for sharing.

Caterer: Mum's Kitchen
Cakes: Sweetest Moment
daymoon: me also holding baby 1st month celebration on 8th Feb.. most likely will be ordering from Neo garden.... ya lor.. the menu are all CNY one lor.. plus the pricing also.. & not much choices....
Chantalle: thanks for sharing.dun feel upset abt it, anyway ur baby is doing fine now ya and glad tat u b having baby shower this sat! time flies! Congrats! rem to share some pix with us after tat ya. : )
sel: i brought him straight to taimao bi after he pray the ancestors lor...one shot do all ma...since CL around...she handle my boy quite well

suika: ya...i gave in to pacifier liao...coz he cannot be everytime crying for milk one ma...sometimes he just want to suckle..anyway when he sleeps, usually will spit out the pacifier
daymoon: when my CL leave this Friday, it will be day 28 of my confinement. So just in time for CNY as my CL has specified previously before I gave birth that she does not want to do confinement over CNY. I have already watched the CL bathe baby a couple of times, I will try to bathe baby at least once this Thurs before CL leaves.
Dazed: Why so soon? 5 days only? My baby 12 days liao, cord still wettish & intact, doesn't look like coming off soon le... did you apply anything special?
piyo: his lvl now is 110 now....still hv to go back for review again 1wk later...

daymoon: i told my hb that he's not allowed to go reservist during this time lor coz i nid him to b ard...bb oso nids him too....can't imagine if he went reservist now n his mum issue....HAHAHA

so how u coping with things now??

mercs: i hope my boy can b good so i can rest more if not i'll soon give in to pacifier too
emq, no leh, just clean with cord spirit oni... yesterday twice cos morn mom clean liao, afternoon my mil clean again (she was ex nurse), this morning already left with a thread then afternoon change nappy drop off liao... me so scared bb will hurt but ok leh...
belacan: I think I'm the best wife liao lor... HB cannot complain liao... hahaha. however, I dun think I'm such a great DIL... I'm still praying for more grace & generousity towards MIL... often, I still get angry with her actions/ word/ attitude... & at times, I feel that I could have been nicer to her lor... hee hee... but HB is always on my side... he thinks I'm too nice to his mum but she won't appreciate it...

When I related this afternoon's incident to HB, he was furious & wanted to confont his mum... I told him not to... I said so be it la... let it be... said I told him cos I really thought she was too much... if I knew he'd get so upset as to want to confront her, I won't tell him liao... I mean what for... she'd definitely say I carry tales lor... she'd twist & turn words in her defence... also since living together, no pt for conflicts... we know what she's like can liao... no pt for confrontation or telling the whole world... I din even bother telling my sisters when they visited me today... it'd only make them look at MIL in bad light... what for? Then when sis tell horrible things abt how my MIL handled my kids during my 4th sis wedding, I just shut them off... cos I already know MIL cannot manage my kids properly... the more sis tell me, the angrier I'd get... so no pt knowing more la...

Actually I feel bad that I do not think MIL is a respectable figure... hee hee... I mean we all respect our parents & think the world of them... even my FIL is such a dear... but sorry, cannot say the same abt MIL... I cannot find anything respectable abt her... but it's ok, the less she does for me, the less I 'owe' her... so I'm not obliged to do anything (for her) that I may not be willing to do... hee hee..
dazed: No la, baby won't feel any pain when the cord drop off... just the old folks saying that if we tug it off prematurely may have wind in tummy... that's all lor... if dried up & drop off, should be no problem la... only scare if wet, drop off then wind may enter.
Hi Merc,

I hope I can give my baby pacifier too but my MIL is totally against it. She had taken care of my nieces & nephews and they all grew up without pacifier.

But my baby seems like always crying for milk cos she keeps wanting to suck her hand. I believe she just want to suckle only...

However my MIL will say my breastmilk is not enough, so will ask me to feed her another 60ml formula milk. In my heart, I was like, oh gosh, my baby is being overfed man... So heart pain, see her stomach bloated after finishing 100ml breastmilk and 60ml formula milk.

I complained to hubby but he told me to trust his mother... so sad...
Cocoa: best not to give pacifier....1st time i hear MIL says no to that

u tried to pump out from 1 side n see how much u can pump lor....from there u'll noe bb latch on drinks abt how many ml so if nid can noe how much to sup for FM liao lor....that's wad i did lah

mi not enuff BM so must latch on 2 sides to get 60ml-70ml now...so if bb not enuff i'll oni sup with 20-40ml FM depending on how long he latch on
Jan: Enjoy your mummy's love la... I know what you mean... actually I'm the independent sort so my parents never really do much for me. For my 2nd & 3rd deliveries, my parents did not even turn up during my confinement. For some reasons or other, they were unable to come but they did send plenty of stuffs & gifts la...

I'm also immune liao... at some pt when I was younger, I did feel a tinge of jealousy... but I'e gotten past that stage... also as a parent, I can understand why I get less attention from my parents. I've always been the independent, trouble-free kid so my parents never had to worry abt me, naturally they left me alone... albeit too much sometimes... but I'm ok la, used to it... if they turn around & give me attention now, I'd feel so awkward lor...

I'm just blessed to have an equally independent HB... basically, we manage everything on our own... sometimes we are so independent, we reject our parents' or family's offer of help... hahaha...
Cocoa: Tell HB dun b silly la... obviously that's kind of alot for a little baby... overfeeding can mean overloading baby's tiny tummy... & over stress the digestive system man... maybe call hospital's parent craft centre or ask PD what is suitable amt for baby... cos at the hospital when baby seem to be still hungry after 1hr of feeding, we asked for FM... then nurse told HB to feed only 30ml & not overfeed le...
daymoon: I'm also celebrating full mth on 7th Feb but have not checked buffet menu.

Jesline: You checked buffet liao? All CNY only meh? But 7th & 8th CNY coming to an end liao what... sigh... maybe go for Halal ones (eventhough I dun like them... & dun think we expecting Muslim friends)... maybe Halal caterers have alternative menu... hmmm...
Hi suika,

Heehee, my MIL used to be nanny and all the babies she took care all never use pacifier. And she doesn't like people to rock babies cos she said will "spoilt" them. But I think whatever I did during these 2 weeks sure piss her off. I will rock my baby to sleep cos cannot bear to see her cry and being unable to sleep.

I never latch my baby cos I'm unable to produce milk for first few days and since then my baby is super impatient, latch her for a while, she will scream cos I think my milk flow is very slow and my nipple too short for her to latch on. Therefore so far, I keep pumping milk for her. Now both sides is about 70ml - 100ml (only pump at most 4 times a day). The night feeds are usually formula milk.

So in the day till evening, I usually give her breastmilk but after she finished, she will cry especially when put her down on the bed. So my MIL will think she's not full enough (think she doesn't want me to keep carrying her. I try not to too cos don't want to upset my MIL). So she will ask me to make another 60ml milk for her.

Aiyoh next time my baby will have a big appetite man... :p

I also think so... if keep feeding her, will overstress my baby digestive system. Not good for her in long run. But my MIL is the only one taking care of her after I start work. So cannot "offend" her leh. I also stuck in between.

Maybe I should ask hubby to persuade his mother to let us use pacifier? If not, after every feed, I have to carry her lor to make her sleep. Chiam ah!
EMQ : understand ur situation. sometimes i also wonder nowadays very difficult to be good DIL also...

my MIL is not that bad, but sometimes I felt that she 's controlling too much also. but then i also close one eye lar...don't wanna put hubby in difficult position, afterall she meant well for us...just that sometimes a bit too much lar....
EMQ : understand ur situation. sometimes i also wonder nowadays very difficult to be good DIL also...

my MIL is not that bad, but sometimes I felt that she 's controlling too much also. but then i also close one eye lar...don't wanna put hubby in difficult position, afterall she meant well for us...just that sometimes a bit too much lar....
That is why I'm super stressed. Hubby work long hours and my MIL is the "experienced" type and she keeps insist that breastmilk is not filling for BB so must supplement with formula milk. She sticks to the rule that formula milk is 60ml every 3 hourly. Breast milk can feed anytime my BB wants more.

But I try to feed BB breast milk first (every 3 hourly) but at times my BB will wake up half an hour earlier. The problem is that she will cry after feed so probably she just wanna being cuddled. Hai~ but my MIL will tell me don't keep "rcoking" her, BB will be 宠坏. So at times I just leave her in the cot. But BB will cry and cry and she will also try to suckle her hand. So my MIL thinks that she wanna eat. So she will feed BB either water or breastmilk lor.

Hai~ I'm really caught in and because of this, I don't know how many times I cry alone in my room...
cocoatan: dont cry ya..its bad for the eyes...my bb if feed bm, he also cant sleep 3 hours thru..sometimes he wakes up 2 hrs later but i try to drag him for another half an hour before giving him another round. i never top up with FM after that...erm, maybe i express out, so i may be able to monitor how much he feeds. but sometimes if he cries 2 hours after the previous feed, i will latch him on for awhile then give him the ebm.
only at wee hours i will feed him fm...but never top up with bm also...scared overfeeding ma..
cocoa: u no show her how much BM u feed liao? if she's an experience nanny then she shd know what to do.... i like the way she handles...no pacifier n no rocking etc.... but she's not helping u to put bb to slp meh? she shd b able to pacify bb to slp mah

maybe u try listen to ur MIL by giving extra 60ml FM but dun put in full scoop....wad i do is i put in lesser powder...like half scoop but water to 60ml lor....like that bb intake more water n oso wun b overfed in a way lah
re: 1st month
i m doing my bb's 1st mth on the 8th.. checked with several caterers bt most are having CNY menu only. Only rasel and ecreative wld allow orders frm normal menu... i chose rasel in the end, cos prev have ordered frm them before and find their food is quite alright.. ecreative nv try before.. and nt v favourable comments frm the forums...

cocoatan: can understand ur frustrations.. my mum also hv tons of experience.. so she hv her own way of doing things.. and she's also looking after my bb after my ML.. bt my situation is much better cos it's my own mum, at least i can tell her wat i want.. and at times, i can be rather blunt with her.. feel so bad after tat..

hw old is your bb now.. mine is 2wks old and i only feed her 75-90ml of BM/FM every feed... babies at the initial stage wld need cuddles to feel more secure.. sometimes, instead of rocking, i'll just hold her in my arms and pat her.. with a rythmn, it's easier for her to calm down and fall asleep too..
Thanks for all your advices & encouragement.

Ya, I should do that... maybe just put in less milk powder to the 60ml...

Sometimes she helps by swaddling her and putting her on her chest to pat her to sleep. But I guess my BB is used to rocking and carry around, cos after 15-20 mins of patting, BB will cry again if she can't fall asleep... Think my MIL also surrender. Then she will feed her water to help her sleep. But if she still cries, then she said to me "feed her breastmilk" cos she can see my BB trying to suckle...

Ni: Had my son's 1st month celebration last Sun. Ordered buffet from Le Xin & cake from Le Precious. Guests enjoy the food from Le Xin esp the sin chow bee hoon, curry chicken & the sambal sotong. As for Le Precious, the packaging looks quite nice. I have never actually seen or tasted the one from Sweetest Moments, but I guess they should be quite comparable.
