(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cocoa: mayb u like mi lor....latch bb to slp....my boy at times treating my nipple as pacifier liao...must latch on till slp soundly liao den can lor....coz mi still refuses to give pacifier mah

sel: ur 2wks liao feeding so much? i think my bb like not eating so much as u all 1 ley...till now still feeding oni abt 60ml wor

suika: alot ar?? i already started feeding abt 60 at 1 week old leh... tat day during PD check up (1wk old), PD asking hw much i m feeding.. i told him 60ml.. he said it's normal and added tat normal shld be btwn 60-90ml.. and i thot 90ml is alot for 1 wk old bb lo... most of the time is abt 75ml la.. only when i got abit more BM, den will give 90ml.. cos 15ml store also no pt leh.. so will just give lo..
I just checked into GlenE... this morning visited gynae...asked to induce bb these few days... checked with the dates already. decided to induce bb to come out by tmr.
but today's VE's check is abit painful. and now there is some VERY VERY slight discharge.
wondering if theres any mummy awake yet.. have been having pains in the lower tummy in the nite but not sure if its braxton hicks or real contractions.
mo3: doesnt really feel like cramp, its more of muscle tearing kinda feel. lasted foe secs den subside.. initially felt it in hr intervals, now is like every 15 min... dunno whether to go hospital or not cos scared its false alarm den waste money. somemore i b seeing my gynae later at 9plus.
novakido thanks! called the gynae. she said might be false labor, but if still feel the contractions in 5 min interval den go hospital. c how.. mayb i go have my breakfast while accessing the situation
last night my boy was very fretful... make noise after 1.5 hr after FM, eyes big big, everything also cannot, then suckle until sleep but moment put down on bed again eye big big liao... make my hb so nervous... cos past 2 night my mom and me take care mah, oni last night my mom went home for the night and me and hb sleep in room. think he appreciates what me doing more now... hehe... boh bian in the end, gave more formulae... finally sleep...
hehe dazed ya lor... once they are full most of the time they will dozed to sleep ya... sometimes my bb also finish drinking liao still eyes big big! then after that he will welcome you with poop in his diapers haha...
novaiko: my ger like that too! so i usually wait till she did her business then change b' sleep again ....talk about fast digestion!
Haha Autumn Leaf... Thk they have very short intestines that's why so fast haha...

Mummies check with you ladies, do you still have a little belly after delivering? Will it go away or do you need to work it out? Mine 1 week already still seems quite big... Sigh
novakido / autumn leaf, yah man... i'm wondering if feeding is a Q to them that it's time to move the bowels... sometimes, once latch on liao can feel the pop on the diaper liao... hehe
novaiko: think its normal to have a tummy...but depends on each person and pregnancy too! my first child took me about a month b' really flat but this time took me 2 days! but for some strange reason my weight still havent drop much after giving birth...donno is it the milk weight instead or not though? dont worry though...we only 9 days after birth =)
wow 2 days flat already ah!... Jialat... before pregnancy mine is flat de now got a paunch that super sad...

hehe dazed! I know that pop, i also giggle when i hear it...
yah dunno why this time even my hubby was suprised...dunno is it during cesar does the doc suck all the stuff out thats why so fast flat?
Hi ladies, any other solutions for leaking breasts other than breast pads? My wife is using the pigeon disposable breast pads, but it does not seem to stick well.
yan ling; dont think there are much options? perhaps try washable ones ? But I'd probably just try out different brands first to see if any other suit her better.
I still have 12 kg wor...

Do you all massage the area or do anything?
Yan Ling,
Get the Breast Shells from Avent or other brand. Catches leaking milk. A real bra-saver! Otherwise, if breasts are leaking, it's time to feed bb!
suika, yah lor, me surprised too... me can back from hospital already left 4 kg. this morning even less lor. din do anything leh... starting my massage today... but me still have tummy too...
gwen,tumble,bbgen: hihi, looks like left the few of us still waiting hor. but actually you all still have sometime left wor, until next week. my edd is tmr already. sigh... and it's so near to cny. my mum asked me to consider induce after cny...but i scared there will be implications, and my bb is on the big side too...so many things to consider...sigh.

daymoon: thks for comforting...

Chantelle: your birth experience sounds really scary... it depends on individual bodies right... I really hope everythig will be smooth sailing...praying hard..

mo3: you are in hospital already?! did they start off with pill too? Hope you have a smooth n fast delivery yah!!
hehe... yan ling, breast pads supposed to stick on nursing bra...

ask mummies, anyone has lumps on their armpits? yesterday found 1 on each side today found more... waiting for my massage lady to arrive and see if normal, if not maybe i go dr later...
Kamy: when is ur nx gynae visit? I think normally will be told to induce if bb still hvnt come out 2 to 3 days after edd. If u feel uncertain can always call up ur gynae for advice. Don't stress yourself too much.
precious bb: yup..no surcharge.. bt i emailed them first.. and the sales person, lee ting, called me to get more details and hv to seek permission frm her superior... the food is quite gd.. got many positive comments frm my guests during hsewarming...
precious bb: i got the $12 one lo.. ordered for 60 tentatively.. and the sales ppl there are quite nice.. can get 2 types of rice/noodles, so 30pax for each type..
It's me again, from March MTB threads. I got some questions for experience mommies/daddies here.

Do we really need breast shell to collect milk, if we are using manual pump? If dual pump, then don't need right?

Do we need the heat/cold pack for our breasts to relief engorgement?

Is the dry confinement shampoo good/useful?

Do we really need massage lady? Anyone got any recommendation?

Anyone has recommendation for choosing Chinese Names for baby also?

sorry ah, so many questions here
dazed: it should be a milk clot, massage when you feed or pump and stroke it down towards your nipple area, it should go away... but it might hurt...

Irene: Heat pack is for before feeding and ice pack helps after feeding. For me the cold pack helps I didn't really use a heat pack. Entire time, I only have 1 time engorgement, no more now... Never use the shampoo coz using the herb shower... as for breast shells me not too sure also coz I never really pump out my milk...As for Chinese names, a lot of ppl goes to this "yu rong zi" i think the number is 67440148
if you search under other shifu can find some thread/post i thk. HTHs...
irene: actually dont have to spend money on heat pack, just warm compress hot towel will do...
breast shells are for collecting leaking milk...but not everyone will leaks milk.
i didnt use dry confinement shampoo, but i did order this warming shampoo and warming body wash from littledreamers...but i used a few days i gave up liao...dont like it. if u want i can give u...just PM me. still got 3/4 left for both shampoo and body wash.
some of them went to taimaobi for chinese names...its charged at $80
massage lady helps abit la..they do massage the breasts also...which i enjoyed it, relieves engorgement.
