(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Hi all,

Congrats to all mummies and jia you to those soon to be!

Finally! My baby, Royce Ong has arrived on 14Jan, Tue. Natural with epidural. Wow.. really pei fu those who went thru birth without epi. for me, it's not the pain that is torturing. it is my lower back ache that makes me feel very uncomfortable in any position.

My waterbag broke on tuesday morning after my hubby left home for work and I slept for another hour, waking up to find my bottom very wet. No urine smell so I know it's time. Moreover, after I urined and walked out of the toilet, the water continued to leak.

My labour was long because the contractions did not kickstart with the breaking of the waterbag. So I was on drip for more than 10 hours before cervix dilate to 10cm. Phew! Can't wait for the baby to be delivered and it is over at last!

Here's my baby =)

hi ladies!

Congrats to all who have given birth!

It's finally saturday and my hb can be home wif me.
It's been a long 2 wks for us.
earlness: ur bb's hair so cute and stylo

my bb cries alot in the afternoon. carry her wont cry, but soon after putting her in bed to sleep, she will wail again. No prob at nite though *touch wood*

Anyone faces this prob too?

Im doing confinement alone at home so it's very tiring to be carrying bb whole afternoon and I cant rest at all. Also dun want bb to have the habit of being carried all the time.

I feel for you cos it is really not easy to do confinement at home. You must jia you k.. We will all support you!

Not sure if my advice is of any help since I am a first time mum and baby is only 3 days old. Baby cries for a lot of reasons. See if he has dirtied his nappy, is hungry, hot/cold etc. For me, baby often cry because not enuff milk. According to nursery midwife in the hospital, newborn needs at least 30ml of milk per feed and 50ml to 60ml after 3 days old. Now my breast not enuff milk to feed baby cos still in colostrum stage so have to supplement with formula milk.
Don't give up leh. I'm so confused liao. Are you one of those who can't latch on? If you can, do latch on. Pumping can be discouraging. I have never been able to pump anything much, but my babies all grew well latching on directly. So obviously there was enough, though I would only be able to pump out maybe 20 ml each time, even after supply was established.

I might be the longest necked giraffe here. my EDD is the 31st and historically, my babies have arrived more or less on time.

congrats sus, earlness, and all mummies who have popped recently. (I've lost track)

Jia you. I"m sure you'll do a great job.
My strategy for the crying baby is to make sure baby is fed and comfortable, then put to bed. If bb cries, leave him to cry for 20 minutes, do the things I need to do first. Then if don't stop crying, pick up bb, and hold whilst seated (great time to surf net one-handed or read a book), til bb drifts off, then try putting down to sleep again. Oh yes, SWADDLE baby! Don't rock or shake bb to sleep - that can become a habit. You'll soon find a pattern for your bb, and adjust to the routine. Babies will constantly change. It will get easier soon, don't worry. Give thanks for the little blessings like sleeping easily at night.
pvl: hi there! thanks for the tip. I will try. Oh but my bb dun like to be swaddled. Just like me. haha. she will find all means to kick and push off the cloth and she will be happy.
congrats sus...have a good rest....

miaiko....im oso worried my bb used to being carried by my mum...usualli i will let him wail for a while b4 carrying him....

im having flu + sore throat now and worst thing is sore nipples + abit bleeding....stop latching him on since yest so rely on the little reserve of expressed BM and supplement wif FM...milk supply oso drop drastically, hw very sian..how i wish can latch him again soon....
Congrats to those who have popped!lost track liao but all the pics posted are so so cute!

M_int:just want to know more abt c-section cos mine was emergency. just saw gynae,he recommended the next time to go for c-section too. haha..save all the trama and $.

I am down with fever-doc said its cos of engorgement so mummies, rem to empty ur breasts. mine get full quite fast.

btw,any recommendations for massage lady for c-section? we can do only one month later right? can pm me.. cos me losing track of the many postings. =)thanks!
ophe....congrats...BB Caleb & Zethan share the same bday of cos if Caleb's considered in US time....cools pics on ur multiply..
piyo: at least u worry it's ur own mum carrying ur boy....u can still tell her nicely n if she no listen u can still tells her off but my problem is MIL....she comes here carry carry pat pat den pat pat her OWN BUTTS N WENT HOME!!! best is she came yest n even claim credit for the effort that we've done.....had a big fight with my hb last nite over everything
suika...i was just telling her just now...she claims that BB will noe hw to differentiate one...fainted! but seriously wun noe hw to cope w/o mum....a great help...

dun bother to fight over all this things la...ur health and BB more impt lor...hw is ur boi's jaundice so far?
piyo: at least ur mum is helping u in the nite time liao.....we handling bb ourselves in the nite n she carries till bb not willing to slp if no one carry him....he's lvl went dwn abit liao....u brought him to checkup yet?
suika....my next PD visit is next mon...hopefully all's fine...

can someone advise if it's normal for my 6 days old to drink abt 70ml every 3hrly ma?
mo3 & Priviledged: I've short nipples... tried very hard to latch baby on while in the hospital... until I was so exhausted.

Nurse observed that baby actually pushes nipple out after a few suckle... which was why it was very difficult to latch her on... she can't latch on well.. even if she does latch on, only 10 secs, then let go... very tiring to keep putting her back... then after a few attempts, she also gets frustrated & refused to even open the mouth... no matter how we coax... then she just fall asleep... a few times I tried until I fell asleep with her in my arms..

Then on my last night in the hospital, the nurses suggested I get a nipple shield... it did help baby latch on better... but it was so thick & big, baby dun really like it... sigh... then when I came home, baby rejects nipple shield... she still tries when I put her direct on the breast but on the shield, she refuse to open her mouth... maybe cos it was too big for her, tiring to open mouth wide...

By then, I was also trying to cope with being home, managing the maid, managing MIL as well as the kids... on top of everything, the surgical pains... muscle aches & pains typical of post c-sect... everything became overwhelming for me...

Finally decided to let go... cos I was just going crazy... HB did not want me to be stressed... so went & got FM... & as like her 2 older sisters, once FM given, they refused to go back on the breast liao... some more mummy's nipples are a real challenge for them... sigh...

So I went back to pumping... but with kids & MIL running in & out all the time, also difficult to keep to 3 hourly pumping.. subsequently, I think no milk liao man...

When I noticed some milk when I was changing, I tried pumping... in the end the amount was insignificant... more came out when I express with hand then with pump! I tried latching baby on... but she refused... so sad lor... so whenever I squeeze out some colostrum, will make her lick them lor... that's the most I have now... dunno why... worst then the last 2 rounds... but I must say for the last 2 rounds, I had more help & more rest... so maybe could focus more on pumping... unlike now... sigh...
Oh yes mummies, anyone giving full FM... like me... I'm like giving FM & supplementing with drips of BM... sigh...

May I know how much your babies are drinking (FM)... cos we started giving her 90ml every 3 hrs... is that alot? I really dunno... cos #1 was a long time ago, while #2 is a very very small drinker... even now at 18mths, she takes only 90/120ml each time! I think #3 will surpass her very soon at this rate...

We wonder if we are over feeding... cos baby looks chubbier than at birth... or am I imagining? She's abt 8days today.
piyo: urs feeding alot sia...mine oni feeds 60ml....u feeding BM or FM? mi can oni pump 60ml in total for both sides.... haizzz

EmQ: i'm oso not hving much BM for my bb....had to sup with FM....at time BF him liao den sup with FM....
suika: At least you can manage 60ml... I think the best I reach this time is only 10ml... sigh...

Then on FM, baby is now taking 90ml every 3 hrs... is it considered over feeding? One thing though... baby is very ez... she drinks & sleeps... even if she's awake, she'd play on her own... can turn her head & move about in the playpen... dunno how she manages, must have shifted bit by bit... not fussy at all... even when we change her, she won't fuss... unlike my #2... remember we had a hard time with her... she'd cry to be carried, takes an hr to finish her milk... even now, she's all over the place! If we dun watch her for a moment, she'd be up to mischief... MIL says one day, she'll find her way into the playpen while we are not watching... I won't be surprise... cos she's always walking over to 'disturb' the baby...
15th of Jan 2009

Hello all,

a little update for my wife ashley!

9:30am - Waterbag burst. Contraction slowly getting really strong.
1pm - doc came to check, 2cm dilated. Says baby poh still kinda high.
3pm - started epidural as scared delivery process will take too long as only 2 cm dilated earier on. :p
6pm - doc came to check, 3cm dilated. baby poh still high and not coming down.
Doc informed to monitor for around another 6hrs. If baby still high and dilation still around the same,
may need to c-sect.
7pm - started to feel some pain even after epi, informed nurse and epi dosage was increased
8:30pm - started feeling numbness on legs. Legs are unable to move freely
9pm - started vomitting and feeling weak. Vomitted twice.
9:30pm - Nurse check on dilation. still 3cm. Baby poh still on the high side and CTG shows heartbeat going down.
Doc was informed and went ahead with emergency c-sect.
10:00pm - wife inside operating theatre and ready for c-sect. Papa unable to go in as c-sect requested was GA.
10:10pm - Papa can go in le. Cos wife was already on epi. So Doc proceed with half epi c-sect instead of GA.
10:16pm - Baby poh pop out le. Chop chop fast fast sia, C-sect. Baby weighing 3.2kg.
Was informed that baby poh's cord was around his shoulder thus he could not go down.
11:20pm - wife back in ward. Drowsy and tired. Call her also not much response. Only eyes barely open, acknowledge
and back to sleep le.
Miaiko: me same situation as yrs. BB like energizer bunny during daytime. the most sleep 1/2 to 1 hr & demand for milk almost every hr. the rest of the time, he wants to be carried...at night, he wake up 2hrly for his feed b4 going back to sleep.

yeah! today is my last day of confinement hell. will go shopping with my hubby & let the CL take care of bb b4 she leaves 2mrw.
EmQ: ur bb how many days liao? the doc says feed 3hrly n dun over feed FM...if BM den it's ok

Congrates! Ashley & hb....

dink: so good last day confinement liao...must b very happy
suika...as of now bcos my nipple are sore so no latch on & pumping...gota try hand express lata...low supply bcos of flu which make mi so upset...few days back i can pump like 30ml after latch on....so he's on partial BM & partial FM now...

EmQ...my boi is feeding like 70ml every 2.5-3hrs..he's 6 days old...

congrats ashley & hb...so long as bb & mum safe and sound...nothing matters more....

dink...im only like 1 week into confinement sia...was trying to bargain wif mum to stop confinement when celebrating bb full month which she raise her objection strongly...suggested to go on 40 days instead....gosh!!!
suika...but 1 week lata must go back PD for review rite, thought not just for jaundice? or u straight away go for polyclinic le?
hi mummies...sorry to intrude...some stuff for sale

Suitable for newborns as can be laid flat. 8.2kg. Comes with a canvas shelter too. Easy to fold. $79.

Brand: Baby Exor (Brand New)



Suitable for Newborns as it can be laid flat. Easy to fold. Slight defects on pram handle, Slight peels on rubber. Other than that, its perfect condition. Pls email me: [email protected] if u r interested.
I'm feeding my baby FM supplement with BM.

Depending on my supply, I will mix FM (30ml) with BM (60ml). But she tends to wake up much earlier crying (a few times already). Guess she was hungry. With only FM (60ml), she will wake up on time for feed (most of the time).

My MIL said mixing breast milk with formula milk (30ml) is not enough. She advice me to continue feed my baby FM at regular hours. Only when she wakes up ealier before her next feed, then feed her whatever BM I have to satisfy her...

Do you think this will overfeed her?
hi ladies...

sooo busy being giant milk bottle til no time to log on.

how come your babies so fast open eye liao? my bb close eyes most of time leh. she's 8 daysold.

ystdy hb bought mango cake for me. we ate after mother went back. yum yum... so sweet of him. i'm sol sick of cf restrictions.
piyo: i'm oso gg for 40days confinement....but can bath normally lah....oni cannot anyhow eat

u latch on liao still can pump 30ml? that's alot ley....i latch liao cannot pump anything liao lor

back to PD for review? on wad? i no go back....my PD Terrance Tan says it's ok....my boy everything normal n fine except for Jaundices issue....can juz go nearby CCK polyclinic since we staying so far mah....

Cocoa: from wad i know, BM is high in water content so shd be ok ba.... the doc oni says FM feed on 3hrly n careful on overfeeding that all
suika: you really very hardworking wor. can keep the binder on for so long, even when u sleeping??? i tried to keep it on, but took off at 1am last nite. now i struggling to keep it on, cos i think i having rashes beneath it le. skin itchy!!! must perserve!!!
janjan: your hb so sweet... see he restrict ur diet during pregnancy for your good. now he pamper ou with mango cake!!! woo.. today after my gyae visit i sneak out wif hb to eat wanton mee too! yippee! haha

EMQ: i also got short and inverted nipples. so bb cant latch on as well. i rely totally on pumping out the EBM. initally i got 20ml also for the firstfew days. but as u perserve u get more supply. today is my 15day! and i can pump 100ml!!! =) so u can do it too de!!
Hi Suika,

Thanks for your reply. Now I'm more assured cos when I start working, I may not able to breast-pump so my bb can only rely on FM. I worried she will always be hungry, wanting to drink all the time. Moreover FM is expensive la... heehee.

Hi ni,

What is your secret of getting 100ml?
Just keep pumping, even in the middle of the night?
Me too, my bb can't latch well so I'm on EBM. For the 1st week, I only can pump 20ml to 30ml after a long 45 mins - 1hr. So stressed every evening when I came out of my room where everyone is back home and saw so pathetic amount in the milk bottle.

Ya, now is my 14 day and I can pump out at most 70ml but only the 1st pump in the morning can pump out more, about 100ml. So EMQ, you perserve on ya. Don't lose hope. I was really depressed on my 1st week but now I'm starting to rejoice over my increment in my BM.
sorry mummies must back track to see who has popped =p *

Piyo; Congrats! what a coincidence....end up zethan popped on e same day as Ashley, and shared e same edd too =)
cocoa tan: no secret lah.. just keep pumping every 3 hours to stimulate supply loh... i think the key word is to perserve. i also always rejoice on the increase in EBM...

autumn leaf: baby ashley has got beautiful eyes!!!
do you also pump in the wee hours? that would mean you pump 8 times a day? it would take alot of discipline. imagine all the washing and sterilising. i think i want to go full-time feeding ebm too. latching on is giving me whole body ache cos she keeps squirming. and i dunno how much she's taking.
ni: it's not rashes lah...it's the skin kana wrap so u'll feel itch...juz rub rub dun scratch

cocoa & ni: wow!! u all can pump out so much....mi oni 60ml for both sides....dun noe when then i can reach this stage

autumn leaf: ur bb have very nice eyes!
valc: ya i also pump in wee hours after my bb has taken his feed and go to bed, so i quickly pump out n den slp =) but of cos sometimes lazy just dun want to pump... and you are right takes alot of discipline. but if dun pump, breasts will harden and pain, isnt that worst???
piyobaby: 40days? oh no, can negotiate with her or not? I went thru 28days already cow-father-cow-mother. I dun stay with MIL or mum, so did not really follow strictly to the rules of confinement, else I sure get post natal depression.
moo2 cow time...
Has Sus popped yet? Getting very close to her EDD leh....

I've not much to write about e delivery process as its a C-sec...hahaha...but I am impressed with the stitching and luckily for me....its alot less pain then the first one I had. And the hospital stay was GREAT! Really was taken care by the midwives! If my first C-sec recovery was this smooth...I probably would have had number 2 earlier =p

BB Ashley was born heavier than her gor gor at 2.8 but very small, only 45cm! But then on her 2nd day her weight reduced to 2.590kg....so now trying to gain back by feeding!

MY engorgement is bad too! Went from B cup to D/E.....looks digusting like an alien! Very unconfortable too...scared will sag later due to the weight!
Oh yes! Wanted to share....after I tried not eating typical confinement food.....(I just eat what the hospital serve) I find out that it makes no difference. My bb also developed Jaundice after day 1....guess cant be helped =p

Well done all mummies who have given birth. All the baby pictures are so cute!

Omg! Serene Babe... Zethan is so cute! He has so much hair!!! Sorry I haven't log onto Motherhood for a while now so I missed out on his birth! Zethan and Caleb even share the same birthday?! OMG OMG!!! Dats so cool la! SO he is S'pore 12th Jan? Caleb is USA 12th Jan but SG 13th Jan but anyhowz we still consider it 12th Jan since his birth cert is 12th Jan... And Serene! I'm having flu too!!! You are taking med for the flu? I'm not so still feeding coz my Ped says its ok de. Even some medication you are taking will be safe for the baby... Babe use your expressed milk to rub on your nipples, they have natural healing properties wor. The mulitply pics are uploaded by his daddy de!

Mercs and Suika! I also got a super bad tear, my gynae says its a second degree tear, I think tear till near the poo poo hole... 3rd degree is passed the poo poo hole. Really super painful to walk and sit! Pee also pain poo even scarier but luckily me still can poop. Slowly recovering.

Bawbaw and Suika! Desitin cream is very very popular! I hear very good reviews about it!
