(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cjteng: did u also engage ur massage lady fr originjamumassage? I finished my 10 day massage with them. My massage lady is lathifa. V good n almost no tummy liao! Btw,i also using e green wrap..now though massage finish liao. But still must ownself wrap for 4 to 6 mths to achieve best results
M_INT:hw come u still wrap yourself?i dun think i engage fr originjamumassage..cos i dun feel really shiok when she massage for me..
.. haiz.. should hire ni massage lady..
jesline,mercsboy: i also order e cakes fr sweetestmoment. Service not bad. Design v nice. But haven try e cakes as only getting them this sat
Ni, thanks so much for the contact! I just called miriam and she's available. she seems nice. when did you start your first massage? she suggested to start earlier cos she can help with breast engorgement... so happy to get another thing done.

Zill: you are posting from hospital now? how's little one doing? bf okie? I've already decided to use epi and told me gynae about it. hopefully my body is able to take it. but the info here does help me get mentally prepared of the side effects.
Hello, everyone!

Me on MC today, but wkg fm hm.... =)

janjan16 : Happy birthday! ur gal dun wanna share birthday cake with u, but babystarlet's gal wanna share same birthday as you... hehe..

Babystarlet : all the best!

Samval : Congrats! Rest well wor... =)

Jesline : my gynae told me body massage aft c sec is okie, but massaging of tummy can only be done 1 mth post op.

ZiLL : ya, it'll be my turn tmr!!!! scary.... hehe... i m still hvg blocked nose... then i told my hb what if half way thru the op i cannot breathe how??? then i unconscious mah... will be out of breathe liao.... haha....

I m going to hv sushi & sashimi as my 'last supper' tonite.... hehe.... tmr onwards - cf food, no bath, no wash hair.... arghhh... i dread it...
cjteng: must continue wrap ownself to get best result as mention by my massage lady..vain ma n my tummy always flatter after each wrap.
M_int:eek:ic.think i will not that hard working ba.haha

ni:hw much u pay for your massage lady?I thinink whether to hire she to do only do for bb?
Jade:i also got sore nipple,a bit reddish now so got to stop bf on right breast for a while.Now have to depend on left breast to produce.

Suika:actually,during the first 4 days home,he will sleep immediately after the feed.only since 2 days ago,he started to want to cuddle. Just tried putting him on our bed instead of the cot to sleep,and he slept soundly for 3 hours liao.Maybe its the bed?

M_int:ya,last night let him suckle for a while and asked CL to feed through spoon my EBM. What FM are u using? My BM has been quite sufficient plus we haven finish the stock of glass bottle milk that TMC gave.. but i think must stand by fm liao.
ZiLL:thanks for posting ur birth story. Just wondering,u chose to have c-section or doc recommended?cos me after 20 hours of labour,have to go for emergency c-section.Hope my 2nd one will not be as tiring.. =(
daymoon: since day 1 he sleeps in the playpen...mi no change plc.... dun noe wad happen lah...it's either he's been carried too much liao now used to it or he daytime slps too much nite no wan slp lor

ni: mi today 4th day massage liao...my tummy got flatten but dun noe will last how long ley....

Rachel had pop this morning 7+am natural w/o epi....bb Devan weighs 3.17kg

thank you very much. anyway, i tried pm you, u also didnt accept...
anyway thanks for the contact..

Congrats on your bb arrival.
Congrats Rachel!
So surprising, yest she was still here and say not much symptons hee

Janjan, happy birthday!

Samval: Rest well yar?

Kamy/ni: Im glad I booked with the Miriam gang as well, but I will be getting her sister as I am in the West.
Suika : Thanks for the update.

Rachel : Congrats! oh, i thot the 2 brothers can share the same birthday cake... hehe... but nvm, few days diff only, can still celebrate together. =)
bb_march : Congrats! do share ur experience with us when u r ready. =) 15th Jan was yestd rite? Samval & ZiLL oso delivered yestd. Not sure if dazed delivered too... hvn't hear fm her... =)

You take care & rest well ya. =)
Janjan and bb march, congrats congrats!

Piyo, congrats too on ur little one.

I have super lost track of who has given birth....haha. But very happy that all the mommies are doing well.

Sperzz, dun worry so much k - we will be praying for ur little one - update us on the checkup for the jaundice yah?
Mine too has jaundice, have done blood test 2 x already - jaundice still present. Sigh/ So i know how worrying it is. Will be making appt to go in and check again.

Take care!
bb_march: congrats! I have also super lost track liao with so many babies having the same birthday hee
Do post details when u have time!

Sperzz: yup will be praying for ur little one.. take care!
Hi gals! am now at KKH with Devan =p
and here's my labour story->

16Jan 2009
2am- started to have mild contractions. thinking it could be false alarm like what happened a few days ago. decided to monitor.
3am- contractions getting intense. time interval 10 mins.
320am- woke up hubby. told him it could be IT. Packed in the remaining items into my hospital bag. Start to have intense contractions and heavy pressure when standing.
5am- called my mum and asked her to come over to look after dylan as he was still sleeping.
530am- headed down to hospital.
551am- admitted and wheeled into delivery ward. by now i was in great pain. contractions coming in at less than 5 mins.
559am- stripped to monitors and wait for gynae. start to use laughing gas, cant tahan the pain liao.
620am- contractions coming in 2 to 3 mins interval. VE checked, 8cm dilated!!
7am- VE checked, 9cm =S
715am- gynae finally reached. all ready to push!
747am- Devan arrives!!
thank you all for your well wishes =) will post Devan's photo after i download from my camera.

now really need to catch some sleep..
will update the list when my engery is back. now low battery liao. nearly die from the contractions and pushings =S too late to take epi.
here's an update of my birth story. sorry got the timing wrongly. delivered at 1758 hrs and not 1558...

9.45am - arrived clinic
10.10am - inserted tablet and observed at clinic
11.00am - went for breakfast and contractions started abt 15 mins interval but still manageable
11.40am - admitted to labour ward under observation
1.00pm - administered epidural
1.40pm - VE done, 4cm dilated
2.20pm - wheeled to delivery suite
3.04pm - administered drip to speed up labour
4.00pm - VE done and still 4cm dilated. nurse say maybe around 9pm will deliver
5.30pm - told hubby i felt something sliding down under there. asked him to and get the nurse
5.35pm - nursed rushed in and did VE. 9.5cm dilated!! at this point all of us were shocked cos din expect so fast. moreover was on epi so they were quite surprised i can feel something down there. called doc and while waiting, started pushing
5.58pm - baby Zachary arrived!
cord was around the neck but no harm to bb (But imagine if i din call the nurse and din feel something sliding down then how?? if push and cord wrapped all the way round the neck how??). also found a cyst which doc khi removed for me before she stitched me up.

doc khi was very cool when she arrived. she took out her jacket, tied up her hair, then changed into her gown and stood there folding her arms and looking at me down there.

i regretted taking epi cos it was damn painful. the epi itself was not painful, but prior to that they had to jab the anasthetic to numb the area and THAT was painful! then during the epi,the anasthetists told me that i will feel some spasms in my leg, then i felt a very sharp pain similar to muscle cramps in my calves. then the nurse keep saying, breathe breathe! i scolded her, and told her to bend my toes inwards. then only the pain stopped. haiz... comparing my 2nd delivery with epi, this experience is bad man!

this morning i got up early to shower and an old nurse who wanted to take my temperature told me off for bathing so early in the morning...

my girls came to visit me this morning and each brought a stalk of rose!
that made my day..
hi all, babystarlet reporting from TMC.

Just delivered bb crystal Chiu this morning at 9.21am.natural with epidual.
now buttocks still pain from the stitches.

Now i understand why u all say epidual is a saviour,hee.

gg to have a rest 1st,report my birth story later.
Rachel & Samval : Thanks for sharing ur experience. Both of you are so cool! =)

Samval : how come u still feel the sliding part? isit bcos the epi not strong enough for u? or maybe it's juz ur motherly instinct. =) did u feel any pain then? so sweet of ur gals to bring u roses! so heartwarming! =)
gelato: dunno leh. got epi but i think the dosage not that high.. i asked the nurses, but they said by right shld not be feeling anything down there at all..
Yan Ling : Yours oso on 15/1? Congrats! sorry, I've been missing quite alot of posts lately. =) ACtually quite lost as to who delivered when liao... hehe...

Samval : anw, thank God bb is fine.
the way u described dr khi, like she watching show... hehe... my gynae oso cool & steady... everytime i hear whistles, i know of his arrival... =)
Rachel, bbstarlet, samval: So proud of all of you.. congrats!! Thanks for sharing all the good news
So happy for you!

Rachel: wow thats a really quick one.. really a nice surprise u suddenly deliver.. hope u recharge ur batteries n 'see' u again soon!

Samval: wow so glad you felt something down there.. Im always shivers when I hear cord wrap around neck.. really happy for u n baby! take care

bbstarlet: update us when u have time
Hi all, just woke up from nap!

was at woody clinic this morning.. suika/ piyo: i swear it is the LONGEST session we had with him. had my stitches removed liao.. still scared would be pain.. but thank goodness.. woody was gentle.. afterall, took my weight again.. woohoo! i lost at least 15kg! 6 kg to go to reach my pre-preggie weight..

woody said need 1 month b4 can do the massage.. saw someone askin when can do massage for c-sec right?

he also shared many things abt myths of confinement lah.. said his wife never really follow cf..if can, i shd go out walk a bit take a breather instead of cooping up at home.. things to take note for bb lah.. joked that luckily i dint try for natural cos with cayden being so big, v diff for me wan..

he made me feel better liao haaa

sus/ kamy: ganbatte woh!!enjoy the time u have now!

congrats samval, rachel, bbstarlet!
blessedmum: at least ur wound ok liao....mind is i think tear lor....i use mirror see like the wound abit open up like that wor....now go see woody nids to pay $ liao.... i dun noe shd i go see him again to check or not ley....haizzz
ni but he cry like non stop lei and only stop when carried....feel alittle feverish oso...so worried but luckily confirm no fever...

PVl...thanks...u must be joking...wonderful???...haha

sus...it was such an experience..dun think will forget man...

kamy..yes...my 1st born....

suika...so worried lor cos he abit feverish but luckily no fever...we carried him for few hrs oso...he fall sleep but wake up & cry when in the cot...even my mum cant pacify him...i gota do it myself...morning oso wail again for sun bath & bathing time...heng after bath time manage to let him sleep happily...

ange...mi worried he hungry cos past too many hrs le..so wake him up for milk...but guess he not feeling very well lor..


congrats to tose popping.....

gota run n b a cow...
suika : my turn is tmr morning.... feeling nervous... hehe... anw, i gonna hv a good dinner tonite - with hb & gal.

if ur wound worries u, better go & see doc... ur package dun include post natal checkups?

blessedmum : haha.. not many pple of our generation really believe in cf rules... guess most of us follow juz to please our folks. =)

piyobaby : dunno why, but bb tend to cry more when they come hm fm hospital... i guess it's normal. =)
piyo: try not to carry him too much....i feed him den when he sleeps i'll put in to bed liao

might b he juz wake up u carry him so u feel he abit hot hot like that ba....mine oso neck area got abit of rash....i wonder the diaper cream can use on his neck anot.... heehee den in the end i used the gel to apply instead

blessedmum: he says sees mi in 6wks time after i seen him on tue....after seeing him den i realised like got abit open up
finally completed my work! phew! got MC like no MC... haha... anw, i m going to hv a good bath b4 heading out for dinner. unlikely to come in here for the next few days, all of you take care ok. in case anyone checking in Mt A for the next 2 days, do sms me. =)
Nothing to report yet! Hope to deliver on my EDD - 31st which is my own birthday too
. I think after my 1st girl, tahan SOOOOO many hours of excruciating pain w/o epidural, my 2nd was really short and quick. Dunno how this #3 is going to be, but I hope I can do it again this time.

rachel, samval, bbstarlet, CONGRATS!
blessedmum, wah biang! thats really good lei! lose 15KG! fantastic! how did that happen? i only lost 6 kg after birth, i have another 13kg to lose to get back my prepregnancy weight.

U are so lucky! Gosh!envious

And now when i look at myself in the mirror, dunno whether to laugh or cry - so much cellulite and patchy skin. *faINT* *SLAPS FOREHEAD*
Wonderful news from Dazed! She delivered Baby Lim at 215 am, 16 Jan, 3.23 kg, natural without epidural!! Another brave mummy!
