(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cjteng: make wad mistakes for u to scold har? i feel bad with my boy cry till my godmum wakes up in the middle of the nite lor....

this is your first baby. when i had my first baby, my supply was also not good. everyday desperately pumping, and getting snide remarks from my then-CL. baby is still the best stimulator for the breasts. do latch as often as you can, rest and eat well (i know it's hard to rest well, but just try). becos i could not yield much from pumping, i resorted to latching my #1 full time and was able to BF till he was 15mths.

my breasts have been conditioned from my first child, hence i can have better yields for my #2.

mummies who want to boost supply can try this organic lactation tea: http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=82661&catid=32592. apparently the reviews quite good.
suika:is normal that bb wake up at night la..my mum recently okie leh..then hor out of suddenly she make a mistake..she feed the milk liao..then the left over she put it back and keep ..luckly i saw it if she give bb i wonder bb sure got upset stomach leh..I have told her at the beinging liao..and out of suddenly i dun know why she do that lor..guess she must be tired that's y she blur blur do liao also dun knwo why she do that....haiz.
twws: i'm trying on this tea too....taste not too nice ley...had add on alot of honey to sweeten it... been drinking oni cups till now lah... think i'll try to drink more....
cjteng: must understand she tired liao oso mah...that's y i feel so paisey my godmum woke up last 2 days in the middle of the nite coz bb cries woke her up
hi mummies, congratz to those who give birth !

me still trying to cope and i've stop bf. =x
but ytd suddenly got the urge to pump milk out so i pump out and give my boy drink.
but becos i got diarrhea den end up he drink alrdy also got diarrhea.

sperzz : wow that's cheap leh! must go self collect is it?
i have a pack on standby, but haven't tried it yet. yah, try and drink more often, recommended is 3-5 times a day. but hor, most importantly is to empty your breasts as frequently as possible.
suika:ya i know..but that time..hard to control la..out of suddenly she do that mistake i also blur leh..
though bb cry at nite is for feed ma? mine bb will wake up twics normally want..that y my mum will tired..haiz..
sperzz: the cupcakes looks so pretty! how much does it cost???

had a terrible sunday! BB Kyan refuses to sleep at all! woke up at 12pm for his feed and bathe, after that eyes open big big, dun wan to sleep at all till now (8pm)!!! only want pple to carry him ard.. almost went mad! luckily got maid to help me carry! hopefully he will sleep more in the nite later!!!
suika: i also have the emotional problem! i thot i will be post-natal depression free... but yet i cant escaped this as well. broke down a few times alrdy. my hb even call me a emo monster when it comes to nite fall. first of all, broke down when i had the pee bag with me, cos felt very handicapped, cant carry and care for bb.. den after take out the pee bag, carry bb he cant stop crying. but once madi carry him, he stopped crying... den tears rolled loh.. cos i feel how come he more closer to the maid den his mommy?? so sad leh..
xpink: I think must self collect.

ni: $1.60/pc. cheaper than sweetest moment. I steal the design from them hehe
ni:i also face that too..i cry twics..once is that time i scold my mum..another time is see bb so pity that i dun pat dry his backside got rash until skin come out...until now still have not recover yet..when i carry bb..he keep on cry..then when i pass to my mum..he will stop crying liao..but slowly la..
since now u are recover..try to join in when bb is having bath or feeding time in the mornig..it work for me..slwoly he will like u want..okie..dun be sad la..talk to bb more..i guess your bb is hpy-active..until now still dun sleep ah..maybe bath make him awake ba..maybe later at night he will sleep longer hrs..
Samval! Me too having sore throat, flu and cough, even had slight fever yest. I can empathise with your situation... Sure a bit down... Yest dunnoe why felt a bit sad too prolly from tiredness, so i ask hubby to come into the room while baby was awake and together we stare at him and chit chat for a while. felt quit therapeutic. Try ways to keep urself happy. simply ignore what ur folks say as long as you know you are doin the right thing older ppl might be a bit more commentative! So one ear in and one ear out lor...

Suika i find my baby quite wierd leh, even though my dog barks he can still sleep thru it soundly! i wonder if its becoz he is used to hearing the dog while he was in the tummy haha...

Serene! Hehe, i have to stand beside him to guide him (used to be a nurse long long time ago so know better than him hehe) through the process de haha and made him watch video... no choice since i full BF he doesn't have much other ways to bond with baby so this is one way? hehe... yes must celebrate our babies' birthdays together!!!! I told my hubby when I found out Zethan was born on the same day as Caleb and he was so excited about it!!! Btw they prick baby heels to collect blood for checking the bilirubin levels

Sperzz very beautiful cupcakes!!!
Samval: is so tiring to take care of bb 24 hrs, during weekend, i bringing bb home, my hb and i taking care ourselves, i try to wake up midnight to feed bb, till morning, cannot tahan anymore, ask hb to take over...my bb is feeding every 3 hrly, he is accurate than alarm clock...

my milk flow came on the 4th day, maybe yours will be coming tomorrow...
super shiok sia....had my 1st shower and hairwashing today....woooz....

suika....mi will be very heartpain to see them prick bb lor...think i wun be able to control my tears too....think i will call his pd tomoro to ask hw they check his jaundice.....wonder hw i bring him for the vaccinations....

my boobs are hard as rock now....super painful...duno wat to do lei....

ophe....at least he's much beta than mine...he dare not carry bb untill yest wor, not to mention bathing....i was just showing my mum earlier photo of Caleb who share Zethan bday....

willting....thanks for ur compliment....
for those who have boy, full month celebration must do on actual day is it?
cannot do few days in advance is it?
cos my inlaw keep saying boy cannot, girl can but we already send out the invitation liao.
more and more problem now...
xpink_xuanx: there are diff schools of thot for this advance celebration.. my MIL says girls can do it earlier bt boys cant.. bt my mum said the other way round.. anyway, we didnt really follow.. we are doing the ancestral prayer thingy on the actual day bt the buffet the sunday after...

dun let small matters affect your mood la.. supposed to be a happy event!!
Hi Sperzz, Can you pls advice how i can contact the lady who made the cupcakes? I have looked thru the blog - but cant find out how to order. Thanks lots!
hi gals, i'm back...

need some help here... how much formulae are you feeding your newborn during the first few days? currently feeding 30 ml but like not enuf for my bb...
Autumn Leaf: Yes, he is really a milk monster. Before he latches on, he'll swing his head up and down looking for ma's nipple and breathes quickly and heavily as if he is starving. Quite poor thing.
twws: i'll try to drink more....

cjteng: i've been waking up myself for nite feeds since day 1 he's back home that's y i tired lor

ni: i think most of us got something with regards on bb to b emo on....for my case is my MIL toking bad abt mi in front of my son n yet i can't do anything n neither can i ask my hb to do anything....juz need some emotional support from him but in the end we quarreled badly n i sank in even more
novakido: not to worry, coz my bb oso wun cry juz becoz my dog barks....anyway, my dog oso no bark alot now....heehee thank god if not i'll go crazy with both my sons (Kevan & dog) crying away....my dog wails for attention now coz i've got no time for him
piyo: injection is different....u wun b so heartpain as this test....coz they prick liao den press press the foot n den use the tube to draw the blood...although not alot but u see the tube being filled up my heart will sink lor...so much for someone so little....
u try my way....feed him 'bao bao' den go...mine slept through during the 2nd check...thank god he no cry if not i wun b juz dropping tears....i'll cry with him liao :p

dazed: starting he feeds abt 30ml den 40ml...now feeding 60-70ml liao....
bb lim is oni 3 days old leh... and he can't get enuf of 30 ml every 3 hrs... plus some supplement from bf... today is his first night home... just discharged this morn...
dazed: maybe bb lim is nt really hungry?? just want someone to cuddle him?? my 1st night was v bad too.. kept crying and waking up..
twws, I'm in Arizona. Yup yup. Baby is a US citizen and when we are back he will be a SG citizen too. Yup unless you not BF then you can drink alcohol, my sis cook it for about 15 to 30mins to make the alcohol evaporate...

Thanks Willting!

Serene, Actually my hubby also dun dare to carry baby de, dunnoe why when he see our baby immediately he was able to lor, guess his own he not as scared haha...

xpink- I asked my mum she said boys can do earlier leh, its girls that cannot do earlier. Boys can do as early as 12 to 14 days apparently. Maybe you check around? Seems like everybody have different opionions. We are doing our boy's One mth earlier too about 5 days earlier...

Suika, my dog had diarrhea this morning! Dunnoe is it he is stressed out from the baby or not! Oops...
Mummies BF does your baby spit out after their feed. I dunnoe if I'm feeding too much or not burping him enough leh, baby keep spitting out... Hmmm Burping wise, 1 burp enough or need more?
novakido: during my anenatal class, i was told that if latching on bb, need not burp them... but if bottle feeding them need to burp la... i m bottle feeding my boy, so i have to burp him... i burp him once, and let him sit upright for like 10 mins b4 he faLLS into slumberland... as for the vommitting wise, i faced that prob a few days back... so now i try to give him half (i.e 40ml) first, den sit up to burp, den continue with the balance milk...
dazed: bb kyan drinks 60ml when he is day 4... but depends on his mood de lah, sometimes can finish the 60ml, sometimes cannot... first few nites after discharge frm hosp is really bad! cos babies still adjusting....
novaiko: YES, my bb also vomit out after each feed even though i burped her and she is direct bf! My son also did last time too....not sure why though??
OIC Ni, over here when I went for the breastfeeding class they say must burp after BF... Coz I specifically ask the lactation nurse the question as I was puzzled, remembering my friends also saying that you don't need to burp if you direct direct BF... Hmmm But I'm going to try the burp while halfway thru and then feed again technique and sit him up for about 10mins after the entire feed! Thanks!!!

Autumn, Ya lor, I just read the book "what to expect during the child first years" And it says that the babies stomach or the reflux part(something like that) have not fully developed yet thus the spitting. Guess I shall just continue to feed whenever he wants and let him spit ba hmmm... Cause BF quite hard to gauge how much he drinks also hor...
novakido: ur dog ate something bad? or is it not enuff slp like us too? my dog very moody recently coz not enuff slp....oso like us hving lots of broken slp now

my bb oso will spit out so now once after every feeding i no let him sit up straight away....coz might hv 1 mouthful of milk inside....i'll cuddle him awhile den try burp him if not he tends to spit out

dazed: i fully agrees with ni!! my bb oso like that... mi n my hb slept in the living room for 1wk lor....trying to adjust on bb's arrival too
suika, why sleep living room?

so glad i survived last nite without much incident, anyway yesterday afternoon already an eventful day...

me gave him 35 ml fm last night 3 hourly and supplement with breast sucking lor... i think he wants to suckle, and also some boiled water.
suika, dunnoe leh... we suspect dat he might have been stressed with the changes in our family or something cause his diet is still the same leh... hmmm
my birth story:

0800 arrived SGH to admit, was told no rooms, have to wait.
0900 given a temporary upgrade from B1 to A1 room. went up, waited for nurses and drs. hb left for work
1030 house dr finally checked me, still 1 cm dilated. was told will put pill.
1130 finally inserted pill and also strapped to ctg machine for 1 hr, no contractions.
1500 dr checked still 1 cm, to put in 2nd pill at 6pm
1730 strapped to ctg for half hour, insert pill and ctg for another 1 hr. Dr says there is remenants of earlier pill.
2000 went downstairs with hb for his dinner as nurse asked to to walk around to help speed up dilation. started to feel tightening of tummy.
2100 felt regular pain
2150 pain at 4 mins apart. called for nurse but they were doing handover.
2210 show plus waterbag burst. nurse and dr rush in, 2 cm dilated oni... dr says big blood clot. transfered to labour ward. hb was asked to clear room as this was our temporary room, poor hb chop chop packed and lugged my bag, lappy bag and his bag down.
2230 at labour ward was given petadine injection and laughing gas to cope with pain as they say not dilated enuf for epi yet.
0100 checked, still at 2 cm.
0145 a big gush again, cannot tahan liao, have pushing sensation, nurse checked 7 cm!at first asked me want epi a not but the house dr said too late for epi, my dr called to rush down... trying hard not to push.
0200+ gynae arrived just in time, cannot control liao, have to push, dr keep saying wait!
0215, after 4-5 pushes, bb lim gushed out. hb says bb like flying out. bb screaming away but quieten down immediately when put on my chest.
taken away and dr continued to collect cord blood and pushed for placenta. then comes the stitching. as i delivered too fast liao, i had 2 tears and required 15 stitches, very near my anus and bladder. put in urine cathenther. cleaned up.
0300+ told to rest in the same bed cos no bed available.
0400 pushed back to ward, same A1 room, nurse who helped me clean up before push down was so surprised to see me, so fast!
piyo & suika: hi, that time my boi was draw the blood from his hand vein during the jaundice check-up by PD, he cried all the way, so heart pain...almost wan to cry with him...

xpink: wat i have heard is, boy do on actual day, girl do eariler date...but since you have set the date and send out the invitation, may as well leave it, if you change the date, your guests may confuse...
novakido: my boy spit out after his feeding starting from 3 weeks...the nurse at TMC taught us to burp him when he drank half the bottle, burp again when finished but my boy will cry for milk if we stop half way through...no choice let him finished the milk...
dazed: that was fast, only 15 mins pushed, bblim came out liao...thanks for sharing your birth story...after read all the birth story, so admire you all about the water bag burst and contraction feel, never have these shows at all, don know how is feel....


has anyone encountered issues on their bb chinese character name? my bb has his last chinese character name the same as my elder brother and i was told that for chinese we are not supposed to do that. My mum told me it was the 3rd chinese character name that cannot be the same but my husband side told me that it was the 2nd chinese character name that cannot be the same so.....
