(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

novakido: my boy oso reduces weight after born...nurses says it's normal....they have water retention juz like us so starting 1st wk will shed off some water....will gain back weight few days later....my boy was born weighing 3.02kg but discharged at 2.8kg....last wk he've already gain back 100gms...weighing 2.9kg...think he's gaining more weight now coz hands tired faster when i cuddle him in feeding time....heehee

some pple can tahan the whole night and then pump in the morning. jus tahan the hardness lor. i cldn't for me 1st and 2nd. but wondering if i shld for the 3rd. cos very tired lah. but last night was so painful i had to pump.
Suika! Ya lor! I love his current size now! Cannot imagine carrying him sometime later when he is bigger! Sure develop muscles! hehe...
Hello all! I am fr Dec 08 mummy thread. I gave birth on 28th dec! I cannot catch up with the mummies in dec thread hehe! I guess my bb is ard the same stage here as most bbs.
hello chantelle, feel free to join us and yak arounh here. but i think this weekend some of them are busy preaparing thei man yue celebrations. anyway my boy is bornt on 2 jan, a few days later than yours =) your first bb too???
Hi Chantalle!! welcome over....

my bb oni 11 days old oni n i'm still trying to cope with everything esp trying to get more BM
hi all,

congrats to sus, dazed and all who popped!

yesterday was day 1 with bb at home. he was fine the whole day till at nite when he became a nite owl!! and i became a panda. i practically din sleep the whole nite!

i'm having sore nipples and my milk ss has not come in yet. its aldy day 4 today, so anyone can advise when it will set in? i only have drops of colustrum which i continue to let bb suckle. and can i ask how many times your bb poo poo a day? need to be average how many times? pls advise!!

today bb is 4 days old and i'm giving him abt 40 mls every 4 hourly. is it too little? cos he cries aft 2 hours and seems like hungry like that. i read some of u are giving abt 50-60mls, so how? sigh! help!!

piyo: me also having runny nose, feel feverish and sore throat since i left hosp. and me no milk ss yet so i keep on latching aft every formula feed, and i latch abt 20 mins each breast. but the pain is unbearable..

miaiko: me also so called doing my own confinement. i'm staying with my mum, and she only help to prepare my meals. other than that, i do everything on my own, which includes feeding, bathing, caring for bb 24 hours lor. on top of that still gotta take care of my older kids. and i'm washing my own clothes too cos got stain and not so nice for my mum to wash lor.

i think i'm falling into depression. today i cry for no reason. my hubby is going back this evening with my elder gal cos she gotta go school so i'm all alone to do nite feeds.. last nite at least we took turns. and my stupid dad see me giving fm he ask "no bm ah?", "u not bf ah"?, "those ppl in africa & euthopia all give birth put to the breast etc etc"!! wish he can shut up! so i just close the door and hide in the room so dont have to hear his comments.

and u know, babies cry for many reasons rite? could be hungry, wet nappy etc etc. each time bb cries, my folks will go like "hungry ah"?? hello! i just gave milk an hour ago leh. really sian. cant wait for this stupid confinement to end!!!
hi samval, cheer up k? mayb you can try pumping instead of latching on if the pain is unbearable? are you going on total bf? if there's no milk, mayb you can try massaging and in the meanwhile, feed him with some FM. tt's wot i did for my baby..

if my baby have bf, he poo abt 6 times a day (on average, he should poo 6 to 8 times a day), and for the first week, we feed him abt 60ml which can last him for 3 hours, coming to 2nd week, we increase the volume to 85ml (which can last him for another 3 hours). each time when we feed him, he will poo and pee and we will have to change his diapers.

hope the above info helps! =)
samval: day 4 i feeding my bb 40ml of FM oni....u let ur bb suckle first den give FM if not later they no wan suckle wor....

my BM oso not alot....always like not enuff...TBF my boy will wake up almost every hourly...so i either pump out to hv 60ml for 1 feed or BF n give 40ml FM (dilute with more water)

i've been crying since day 1 of delivery liao lor...till the day before had a big fight... i cry till eyes swollen lor.... the massage lady came in the morning n was asking mi too

My girl is 6 days today...and a few days back I also start to cry over things which I not sure is it just hormones or what.

I understand what you mean by everytime baby cry ppl say must be hungry....last time my relatives also like that!

From my observation though...my girl (and last time boy too) will also start stressing and make noise when wanting to get pooh out or burp..then after that settle again! Trust yr own instincts!

As for the milk...it really depends on e individual, but none the less dont worry....colostrum is really like gold ...keep feeding it to your son!

For me...I am getting stressed out on trying to not make number 1 jelous...how to make sure he knows to be gentle etc....damn stress till cried too!
Guess you would be experience in that area....how are yr 2 elder children coping?
Ladies, please cheer up. Your bundle of joy is right before you. Tonight will be my first night with baby. Wonder what it'll be like. Right now wife and baby are both asleep.
YanLing: jia you!! be prepared for the sleepless nite for the 1st few days.... heehee or mayb me n my hb more 'kan jiong'....we've not slept inside our own room for 1wk when we brought bb back...making sure he really settle dwn first den this few days we went in room slp...my dog oso now slp in the living room
Yan Ling: will b very tiring... brace yourself... gets better as the wks goes by... but for a start... tiring lor... after awhile, they either get up less or we get used to staying up.... last night, I went to bed at 11pm... got up at 3 cos baby cried for milk... fed her.. then couldn't sleep... was on net till 8! fed baby again at 6am... HB had gd sleep wor... but it's time I take over night feeds liao cos HB going back to work already...
don't despair, milk will come soon if you keep suckling/pumping. For my #2, my milk came in on the third day cos after we got home, I just kept latching him on, every 2 hours, and kept him at the breast as long as possible. For the first night home I had him in bed with me. Once the milk came in I kept more to a schedule of 2 1/2 - 3 hourly feeds and resumed a more sane lifestyle. But I did that cos in the 2 days that I was at the hospital, I had hardly any chance to latch my boy on cos he was in the special care nursery being fed FM in fixed quantities to monitor his output cos of an antenatal kidney problem.
samval: cheer up
the older generation are liddat one lo.. i also kenna the 'so little BM' comments when i first started pumping.. my mum always think tat bb is hungry when i latch her on too... kinda upset over the comments too.. till i cant tahan, i rebutted her lo.. dun give up on BF.. keep trying...

i also feed my gal abt 40ml when she's abt 4day old.. so shld be enuf..

yanling: have fun tonight... my first few nights are terrible.. hardly hv any sleep..

autumnleaf: your ashley looks so adorable.. such big and nice eyes...
Water works? I think it's hormones wor... cos I broke down the night I came back too... actually every thing was really ok... I guess I was just overwhelmed with things... handling kids, MIL, maid, etc... & HB, though on leave, had gone for a course in the evening... the 1st thing he did when he came home was check on #1's work... he realised #1 had used markers (instead of colour pencils) to colour her homework (can imagine the result - bleeding of colours on the reverse page & a real messy look)... so he raised his voice at me asking me how I look after the kids.... I just went crazy... broke down... then got out & screamed at him... told him if he cared enough, he'd have stayed home to manage things... after all I just got back from the hospital... then proceeded to cane #1... but really felt sorry after that... yes #1 was noisy earlier on & had incited her younger sis to join her... so both were making hell lot of noise.. next #1 had made a mess of her homework cos she did not consult me, & took things into her own hands... claim she lost her yellow colour pencil so ended up using markers... (when she had plenty of extra colour pencils kept in a drawer in her bookshelf & more in her bedroom!)

Subsequently, I spoke to #1 on expected behaviour, etc... but I really felt sorry... cos she's a lil girl after all & she's also learning to cope with the demands of being in P1... then with a new baby at home, maybe we are expecting even more of her... yet not being able to give her more attention...

Anyway, HB backed off... maybe that's why eventually he told me not to bf cos it was adding to my stress... hee hee...

Thankfully, that was the one & only time I broke down... subsequently, I told myself, why make myself & everyone at home miserable... just take things ez... & enjoy my confinement & time with kids...

Things have been good so far... really, for those who are still coping with emotions... try to think positive... look at the bright side of things & enjoy your confinement...

I know I am... so can all of you... only thing I feel bad is giving up on breastfeeding... cos really dun have the courage & dun think I can cope with it... but I dun want to dwell too much on that & become upset again...

Then now, maid just dropped a bombshell - she has asked to go home! Terribly homesick after 3 mths... told me she has decided to go home... but she's willing to wait till I find a replacement maid... I'm so sick with these maids coming & going... HB & I were talking abt our options this afternoon... sigh...
Autumn Leaf: Ashley certainly have very beautiful eyes! They dun look very asian though... glad to hear that your c-sect is more comfortable than the last... was it a GA or epi? I tried epi for the 1st time & it was kind of nerve wrecking... currently can't decide if I'd still go for it if I have a 4th child... maybe go back to GA... or maybe with maid problem, having a 4th is impossible...

HB & I considering if we can do without a maid... am really tired with them coming & going, each staying for less than 6mths... very tired with changing liao... so if we decide to go without, definitely can't have 4th...
We have a confinement lady on hand. But my wife is going on total BF. Maybe the few hours before we sleep, try to feed him every 2 hours. Hope he'll get his fill and wake up less tonight. Wonder if that'll work.
suika....now im considering not to go back pd for review....since the onli issue shd b jaundice only...sumore is less than a week since discharge....mayb will call tomoro to check....

BM - have not latch on / pump for 2 days le....nipples slowly recovering but super painful from engorgement...machiam 2 stones....tried to express via hand and took mi 1hr to get 40ml yest....today keep on leaking badly...see liaoz oso heartpain..my precious milk...

autumn...Ashley is so so pretty wif big eyes...congrats! looks like 3 bbs share the same bdae....Ashley, Caleb and Zethan....only Zethan born in spore...hee so u are in hosp for 5 days?

dink...told her i understand it's for my own good but perhaps can go for not the full confinement thingy...just keep out of certain food onli..
piyo: seems like u've lots of milk...unlike mi....pump so hard now still 40-60ml oni

it's up to u whether u wana go back PD anot but for mi coz Terrance suggested if it's too far for us can always go polyclinic to check on his Jaundice issue n if things still no good den go back see him oso not late....that's y we chose not to go back lor....some more confinement not good to go too far now oso mah....esp now so WINDY... i open door oni can feel the super strong wind blowing liao lor....all the papers in the living can start flying at times.....
ophe...thanks for the compliment....super super coolz rite....din expect that Zethan and Caleb will share same bday....mayb we can celebrate together when u are back in spore...now we have BB Ashley oso born on the same day...hee saw caleb's daddy...coolz man...can take so many photos and even upload them....he noe hw to bath him too!!! now nipples healing much beta le....

samval...relax urself...let bb latch on properly...think bb din latch on properly dats why painful...make sure take in the aerola and not just the nipple onli...stimulate ur milk supple by pumping even if no milk (advised by lactation consultant) my bb oso din poo on 1st day of discharge which got us into a frenzy...but afterwhich bcome normal...he's 1 week old today thus consuming abt 60-70ml every 3hrly...poo abt 4 times a day....

yanling...im on TBF for the 1st 4 days as well...in hosp they will bring bb every 4hrly...when he's discharge...latch him on and suckle every 4hrly too but mayb milk not alot so each side abt 20-30mins....can be rather taxing...
autumnleaf: ashley is so pretty!! congrats ya..

EMQ: try again la on bf...i also got short nipple on one side...but i am still doing my cow duties...starting i also managed to pump only 20ml for 1 hr of pumping while bb is feeding on 40ml already, so i accumulate 2 times pumping into one feed while supplementing with FM. In my heart, i am thinking bb got drink bm better then dont have ma, right? try at least while on maternity leave. if really cannot then dont stress yourself ok...dont cry, olden days people believe that crying during confinement, the degrees will increase...i realize after crying a few times, my eyes really at times quite blur..dunno how true is that la.
suika...im hoping that bb will accept my breast back again...crossing fingers and toes...

anyway hw do they test for the jaundice ar? gota prick ar?
EMQ: thanks....she is more chinese....and 1/4 Aussie as I am 1/2 =} but think its the eye colour going through that change period so looks grey but then will turn to brown i guess....happend to my son.

Piyo: Yes! Infact I Ashley came exactly 1 hr 10 minutes after Zethan! =)
Here even normal birth is 5 days....but I am impressed with the support and care given! Very diff and thorough....ie they will show how to bathe bb and they require e mum to bathe bb inftont of midwife b4 can discharge....even if have older child liao =p
I so tired.finally cut my hair and highlight it..hehe..then rush back home for massage..and have a nap for a while..my tummy..still have alot of wind inside..haiz..my massage lady say..i need more time to slim down my tummy.. cos I c-secion..so sian and xin koo..

talking about milk..now 1 day..i can only pump 2-3 time nia..and can pump around 80-100ml..depend on whether my nipp hard or not..and my bb now drink around 80ml to 100ml both Bm/Fm.
autumn leaf...wow..so close to each other huh...when are u flying back to spore then? will be handling on ur own when u are back?

yanling...think now the BM supply not regular yet thus bb will demand more and BM much more diluted than FM...Zethan oso fart alot alot....haha
EMQ: my first c-sec was epi.....same with this but difference is that the first was an emer c-sec so had exhausted pethadine jab and max epi dosage thus leg was numb for a good 12 hrs after birth. This time...i got back feelings in leg after about an hour....but was a bit awkward after the epi jab coz think i didnt lie in a good position (back felt stiff) then wanted to change position but couldnt...coz paralysed waist down. but this lasted less then a min!
Piyo: I should be back by 2nd week of Feb latest. My hubby will fly back with me and help me settle for 2 weeks though then mum will come for a month or 2 =)
yanling: Sounds cute like a little milk monster! My girl also like that the last 3 nights or so....particulary around 11pm - 3+ am will go through a cycle drink, burp, pooh for around 3-4 times but then wil sleep till 4-5 hrs after that and sleeps more through out e day! Naughty me always nights owl when preggie
Hi mummies,

1. 65usd more to close spree for https://www.babymallonline.com

2. Strollers BP still on

3. Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags(50 Bags) BP on

4. Desitin creamy 4oz and california calendular ready stock at bulk purchase price

Pls PM me for info, thanks
Also, BP for US import medela freestyle - half the price of singapore medela freestyle set, already placed an order for a group of mummies, pls PM me soon if interested so can share shipping costs!
ladies, mi having a tiring day today. went to PIL hse for my gal full month. order cupcakes for her. Its very nice and not very sweet.

piyo: my bb oso suckle half hr to 1hr...n he feeds almost every 3hrs ley....no worry oni a few days but u'll hv to b more hard working in latching him when u recover

they prick on the heel of the foot den use hand press press their little foot n use a straw like tube to draw the blood....2 tubes in total for the test each time....polyclinic takes abt 10-15mins for the result oni then can see doc liao....got priority so dun hv to queue very long

1st time go test my boy cried very loudly.... luckily i no go, my godmum had to carry him n sayang him

2nd time i went i fed him full full den go n the nurse/doc very gentle on him so he kind of slept thru the whole visit....but in the end it's mummy who cry.... HAHAHA so 'xia sway' man
samval:u need to rest more and drink and eat to have the milk come..that time i also..then i drink the hong zao tea..and my milk cum liao cum i also sleep enough..hope it will help you. take care okie..
wow really sweet cupcakes! love the pink! and congrats for having finished your confinement.... i'm really looking forward to the end of my "jail term". 18more days to go....

dun worry abt the breastmilk. it will come in soon for you. mine came in at day 5 when my breast engorged in the middle of the night. after that i was able to pump 40ml of yellowish colostrum every 5hrs. keep pumping and latching and drinking lots of fluids to build up the supply. by day 7, i was pumping abt 100ml per 4 hrs. jia you ok?
suika:all thanx to my mum la..but hor..i so bad leh..cos she not enough sleep..and make mistake and i cant control my temp and i scold her lor..haiz..feel so bad la..

sprezz: i want to order..can i have the tel or website?
twws: so envy u all can pump out so much....i'm still trying hard sia....the highest record i pump is 120ml for both sides....but that's like once oni lor....now 60ml oso hard to reach sia

I ordered from this lady. Is homemade n her hse is in Woodlands.

U can design urself n tell the lady. She will do it for u. She is also very nice. U can also request empty boxes from her so that u can distribute the cakes to others. I am thinking to order from her again for my ex-coll.
