(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Suika, sorry I cant make it for the gathering. I've Jap class tonite. I'll tt you the money over the weekend. Sms you once I tt, paiseh tat I delayed so long.

PVL, gynae told me to control my wt cos I put on more than 1kg this mth also lah. I think my gynae is overly concerned abt bb being too big. He told my niece to have c-section on 35weeks also scared that bb too big but in the end bb only 2.6kg.

Ju, that's our family's principle too... "dirty eat, dirty big"

Samval, you shouldn’t kenna chix pox again if you just got it.

Giggler : my gynae told me my bb close to 2kg now (me @ 30 weeks), but he never raise any concern abt the weight leh... anw, weight only estimation mah.... how many kg did u gain in total? I gained 1 kg in 2 weeks & he's happy leh... & how's birth weight of ur elder kids? i think as long as not far bigger than ur previous bb, shld be fine de...
oh no....my hubby just called me and said he got a meeting at 4pm today....so i dunno can he make it in time to come back and fetch me to meet NI...
cjteng: i also cant live without SCV lor...singapore tv programs i dont watch one...all copy taiwan or hong kong one...and my house scv also paid by hubby leh...
I had cal the cost for the BBq liao.

Total no of person: 16 adults (minus pinkie & husband liao)
Total cost spend: $285
1 person cost: 17.80

Pls state ur payment method. By internet banking or paid at the gathering. I will collect the $$.

Pls take a look at the list see if there is any mistake:

26 Oct (sun) 5pm-10pm - BBQ @ EMQ place

1. piyobaby (2 adults)
satays $31-$35.6=-4.60(to paid)

2. pinkie pirate (2 adults)=0

3. ninilicious (1)
tibits $26-$17.80=$8.20(to received)

4. gelato (2 adults + 2 kids)
nachos, salsa, marshmallows & donuts $35-$35.60=$0.60(to paid)

5. dazed (1 adult)
veg, fruits and choc fondue $22-$17.80=$4.20(to received)

6. samval (2 adults + 2 kids)=$35.60(to paid)

7. sperzz (1 Adult + 1 kid)
Bee Hoon & otahs $32-17.80=14.20(to received)

8. cheekygal ( 2 adults)
Fried rice $13-$35.60=$22.60(to paid)

9. suika (1 adult) = 17.80(to paid)

10. EMQ (2 adult)
BBQ necessities, fruits, mushroom, hotdogs, taiwan sausages, ice, drinks $126-$35.60=$90.40 (to received)

11. PAT (2 adults)=$35.60(to paid)
oh no. mercs. lets pray he can make it. if not, u ask him to fetch u to tiong bahru, near his school right? den i can pick u up from tiong bahru, very near pinkie place... =)
sperzz : thanks for compiling, i'll pay u tonite. =)

mercsboy : hope u can join us. I want to see 'humpty dumpty' leh... *dun kill me*....
heee... i am back from lunch.

i queued 15 mins for the muffins. yummy and smell so nice! i dun dare put pantry. later my colls eat them all up! haha. and i bought some chewy junior (cream puffs) too! nice nice! cant wait for later!
gelato & ni: i wanna come....i hate it when he said his boss ask him to go back to office for last minute meeting lor...but i know bo bian one...haiz...

gelato: humpty dumpty now already put on 13 kg la....so fat lor.
rachel: must buy from them anot? i no mind they coming to do the free demo n vacumn my beds ley... heehee :p
but buying then no coz it's too heavy to handle for me

ju: for me i'll oni watch those normal cleaniness la...like washing of hands etc

ni: thanks for helping us to buy the muffins let me know how much tonite pay u back

sperzz: i'll pay u the BBQ later
sperzz: sorry to hear about you being R. take this chance to relax, prepare for bb stuff 1st? then after CNY then start finding a job la...
PVL, maybe my gynae too cautious type, I not sure. Think I got to insist on my c-section date if he suggest a much earlier date cos of bb's size.
no obligation la. its good to have them come and free service to vacuum my mattress, since now me doing spring cleaning haha. got a pot as a free gift and can use it to cook porridge for my kids =p

if you want just pm me your contact and i pass it to the sale person. me and hb find she friendly and not pushy.
can advise how i shall pay you on the milk bags? blessedmum will collect on my behalf from you this evening. 4 boxes for me. thanks.

thanks in advance, will contact you on how to collect from you ya.
gelato: if both ur hb and suika hb cannot make it, den after i drop mercs + babystarlet at pinkie's house, i can make a detour to pick u gers at tiong bahru. pinkie house is near tiong bahru, so its no trouble at all.
rachel: confirm free hor? coz mi confirm not buying esp now.....heehee

where u staying? somewhere near CCK?

gelato: mi still waiting reply from my hb coz he now gg to do his presentation stuffs then later gg home to finish up his things....he says if he can finish den he'll come if not he can oni pick me up when i'm done wor
ya ya, FOC. free vacuum of a piece of item e.g. mattress or sofa etc. but end up she do for our pillows too and my #1's mattress, pillows and toy softs =p

i stay @ bukit panjang.
merscboy : haha... we majiam christmas gifts exchange...

sperzz : ok, i pay u tonite.

So tonite, i need to pass suika Fiona's stuffs. I need to pay sperzz for the tops & BBQ, pay Pinkie for the milk bags, pay ni for the muffins... did i miss out anything?

ni : Thanks for queueing to buy the muffins. =) how much do i owe u?
gelato: ya la...tat time also exchange, this time also exchange...so many things...
really hope i can see u all tonite...hope my hubby can make it!!
want to see how gelato bloomed lor...i dont believe how heavy u can get lor
hello ladies..

anybody wants the Fitti voucher?
I got extra 1. so if anyone wants it, I can bring along and give u.
If nobody wants, also no prob.
merscboy : i oso want to see u leh.... really hope u can come... =) haha... i gained 8kg lah, but bloomed horizontally... more bak & fats now... shld donate my bak & fats to make bak kwa since sooo many pple here like bak kwa... hehe...
suika : ya lor, gynae say exceed target by 1 kg, so he's not concerned. But i m concerned myself... cos' last time i hit tis weight, i gave birth to my gal liao... tis time round will be damn fat when i m ready to give birth...
hb n mum already went to tollyjoy sale, they said things were really worth the bargain... dunno wat they've gotten, tonite go home then will find out... hopefully they din buy too much... haiz...
gelato: 8 kg is considered little leh! i have gained 11 kg so far! next week go back check agian.. duno will gain by how much liao
suika : haha... no lah... i deliver small bb mah... so any extra weight i take leh... & hor, u were underweight to start with, so u shld gain more. =)
got =) as me and hb see the need and we can actually use and share between 4 families, mine, my parent, my brother and my inlaw. actually its my inlaw place that i really want to clean up, i always have blocked nose whenever we are there over a weekend and its been bugging me since my #1 came along. somemore i am not a preson with sensitive nose wor. and the mattresses over at their place are really... err old and under maintainance.
ni: coz gelato says gain 8kg deliver liao mah....den mi 15kg den deliver 2 lor... heehee

ju: i bought some stuffs too....think quite worth

gelato: joking oni hor
blessedmum : but already exceed the guideline my gynae has given. Your EDD is ahead of me, so it's right that u gained more than me...hehe...

Miaiko : Thanks! I m a regular user of Fitti... oops, i mean my kid...
any idea where is a good place to shop for xmas present for kids?? xmas only a mth away and i yet to shop for them. any toy sales recently?
alamak...gelato din noe u wan if not give u mine.... i threw away liao....thought that time all buy liao nobody wants now

rachel: u bought mah so they give u the free gifts n do help u clean alot of things lor....mi not buying they sure to show mi faces 1
i staying at CCK or u wan mi to help u take the bags tonite?
