(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

good morning ladies...

gelato: why u specifically want to choose 23 Jan leh??? how i hope for mine to come out earlier den the EDD. heehe.. so how is ur 2nd xiaobaobei? growing well? how heavy now???

anyway, those who want muffins, let me know how many u want ok? min 6 to be in one box

ni : cos' that's the last day of school for my gal... i thot if i give birth that day, can minimise logistics issue lor... cos' my hb will be the 1 sending her to sch...

thanks, my xiao xiao bao bei is fine. =) There's no estimated weight on my gynae's machine, but i asked for his own estimation... he says if i were to deliver now, bb shld be close to 2kg.

If you're getting muffins, can i get 4 chocs & 2 bananas? If there's no one else getting, then no need to get for me too. Thanks!
TGIF! today my wife will be going for growth scan
excited to see how baby's growing.

gelato: that's a good discount for your avent! The avent manual rrp is already $90+ if i rem correctly.

oh ok, i tot u meant cordblood banking for your own bb. Then it's alright, different issue
Morning ladies!!

Hi bawbaw, juz feel free to join in the chat with us....no need to be shy 1

gelato: how's ur xiao bao bei? heehee can still remembers his cute reaction during the BBQ
if u donate the cord u'll risk losing so much blood? OMG....sounds so scary
I think u better choose an earlier date for ur c-sec coz if u go into labour then c-sec u'll be charged extra so i think no point for that la....u wan hv a CNY bb har? heehee

cjteng: u 1 nite finished washing everything? that's fast wor

ni: i'll take the same as gelato for the muffins so easier for u to buy...heehee

btw, wad are the accessories to get for avent pumps wor?
Good morning dearies! n not to forget some of our SNAGs, yanling n DTB! Great Friday! Tonite is the nite for our gathering, so excited to meet all of u in person.

baw2: do drop a note often, it's easy to b hook onto this thread. try it n u'll find out.

DTB: Huh?... Avent not discounted... sianz... wanted to get the maunal pump leh. u going to meet ur bb today huh?! my hb always get very excited to see his gal, actually more excited than mee that is. have fun! bb shd b quite developed liao. if can get gd position, can "see" what bb is doing then. so ask ur wife to start "psycho"ing bb into gd position now.

gelato: tried calling the number to KKH but no one pick up, mayb try again later. actually losing 300~500cc of blood is equivalent to one pack of blood donation. if u r not having low blood pressure, 2/3 times of the amt shd b ok. but considering the amt we'll b losing already by giving birth, i shun to think on how much total u'll b losing. but if other mummies can do it, so can u lor.
tumble: yes there was 20% storewide for JL but yesterday was the last day. the sale lasted only 3 or 4 days.

I got some medela accessories with 20% discount at the previous Robinson sale.

wanted to confirm if the discount applies to pumps as well or only accessories.

Don't worry about the sale that's ended. They hold sales quite frequently. I will update you ladies again if i know of any JL or Robinson sale in future.
ni: i've got her number.....no worry i believe normally when she wakes up she'll login here....msg her now later disturb her sleeping
suika:ya.I think i don't buy too much of the cloth ba..one shot throw all the 0-12 month cloth in lor..gf still have a big bag to pass me somemore this comng sunday.:p
suika: accessories not for the pumps but the teats for milk bottles, breast shield (for protecting sore nipples) and collecting leaked milk (got such a term?).

ju: surprised hor? that's why i want to find out if there was ever any discount for Breast Pumps @ Robinsons / JL or those were never discounted. However, there was a special price for Avent Manual Pump VIA for the JL sale @ $75++. But that was strictly manual. I wanted to get the single electric + manual but that costs $279 nett

Yes I'm going to meet bb later. I psychoed this morning to co-operate but I don't expect it to cooperate lah. cos' past 3 months no co-operation. haiz
oh ya pinkie, thanks for ur email. got it.
reallie feel bad that u have to prepare all the food. u sre u need no help at all????

anyway, mo3 and fiona87 not attending the gathering today. mo3 told me over msn saying she is having a flu. fiona87, i read on forum she cannot make it..
suika : no, i m not targetting for CNY bb, juz wanna minimise logistics issue.. cos' 23/1 is the last day of sch. =)

ju : the # is not KKH's #. It's "The First Few Years" - the shop at KKH. =)

Thanks for the info abt the blood thingy... i m still thinking abt it... =)

DaddyToBe : sorry, i might hv given u the wrong info abt OG's sales. Now i recall Avent pdts only 10% off, i got other bb stuffs at 20% off tho. If you're getting anything specific, better to call & ask 1st.. =)
DTB: mayb bb short memory, must psycho again before scanning bah.

woah u really gd at all these bfeeding n bb pdts stuff, thot my hb was "scary", u r also quite well-informed. peifu peifu... hb also wanted to get me an electric one but i'm not sure whether can bfeed so see how lor.
re: birdsnest
I haven't started taking yet. Just bought yesterday. I bought the real stuff, buy 2 taels get 6 jars of prepared birdsnest free. I shall double boil the birdsnest once a week for myself. So will probably take it at night at this rate. If I take the jar maybe I'll take it in the morning
You can buy the original stuff and brew it yourself without too much sugar, or without any at all. Just put some pandan leaves into the pot then the smell won't be so 'raw'
good morning....

daddytobe....1st Few Years is still having promotion on some range of Medela at rather attractive prices so u can check them out....one of the PIS is retailing at promo price of $599, if u happen to be @ KKH branch, pop in the retail pharmacy to compare prices as there's Medela sales going on as well...

gelato....looks like ur gynae is very confident on the dates of ur c sec...beta try to follow ba...not sure if it would be considered as emerg c sec if ur water bag rupture / contractions comes before the schedule c sec? by the way Avent Manual pump price no longer $59.90..have gone up to $70+ the last I saw....

cjteng....good for u...all well prepared...
I think I"m going to book a private jamu masseuse rather than from these larger establishments. Price is better. Also, I don't like the way the establishment 'advertises' here in the forum - a little underhand, I feel.
thanks ni....oreadi called her....

suika...mi oreadi working le where got the luxury to sleep so late now wor....only sumtime no chance to log in when in the opic...

ju...dun think they operate so early in the morning....try calling ard 10+ lata...their Avent manual pump shd be abt $70+ now....still discounted from the usual price of $90+...
ju...yes cos the $59.90 was quite a while back on a while stock last basis...but still rather worth it cos abt 20% off from the usual price still....

daddytobe....dun recall avent having any discount except for manual pump @ FFY but definitely a few for medela...
piyo:thank you for the info! I'll probably be getting the avent electric instead for my wife's main pump as I heard it's quieter. The medela electric which i have at home will be the backup.

tumble:yah lor. silly to have a weekday sale. so my wife and i made a wasted trip down town yesterday.
privl: my mum actually asked me whether i wanted malay massage n the price is $50/session, still not sure how long is 1 session. mayb i go talk to her n consult her, she knows better.

piyo: k, i'll call later, thanks. but $70 from $60, wondering is it inflation or wat.. think this weekend i'm gonna spend alot liao... haiz...
suika/piyo: not really leh..cot sheet have not wash and etc...heng during sales time..gf told bb grown fast ma..so ask me to buy big size 6-12 month..lor..anyway I don't think i m well prepared leh..but one thing gd is that i buy big size..think my bb is in big size leh..keke :p
piyobaby : ya, I'll be discussing with hb & MIL abt the date. My hb was telling me earlier oso good, else my MIL will be bz with my confinement, new bb & CNY... all at once. =)

Oh ya, forgotten abt ur area of work... next time shld ask u abt sales/pomotions fm those shops in hospitals... hehe... anw, thanks for the info.
Hi suika and ju,

thanks for the welcome.

Since u guys are talking abt breast pumps, maybe i can share what i know.
If you are intending to purchase the more ex ones eg, the Medela PIS Advanced - which costs like 700 bucks or so, maybe you can consider ordering direct from US.

COs the exchange rate is not too high - u will be able to save like 200 to 300 dollars. The selling price for that is like US$279.99 - includes free shipping to ur designated shippper. So if u use svcs like Vpost or such, then the price is still lower than what u buy off the shelves in Singapore.

Some sites that sell the PIS are :


Hope this helps!

Enjoy your meet up tonight ladies!
daddytobe...dun mention...wait for robinsons sales in dec perhaps...heard they shd have discount on avent over dat period of time...

ju...think it's bcos they are trying to clear out the old stock under Avent naturally....the stock before avent bought over by Philips...

cjteng...most of bb new clothing mi oso buy in bigger size like min 6mths and above...dun wish to buy newborn and end up too small for bb...waste the $$$...
gelato...quite true...at least a good 2 weeks to settle the newborn b4 all get busy wif CNY esp all the preps and all....

most of the time not much sales in hosps esp on BB stuff except wats at KKH cos they have a handful of retail shops...they have a Pureen retail shop there as well have a few promotions...wondering how their liquid cleanser cos it's rather cheap...around $6 for 750ml....
gelato, I also went to see bb yday afternoon.

My bb's wt is 1.5kg liao, gynae concerned that it's big so advise me to control my diet. Also I put on more than 1kg this mth cos must cut cut cut. Sigh......
agree wif bawbaw...shipping direct from USA will be much cheaper but the only thing is they dun come wif warranty so gota cross fingers dat it is a good working cond set...
piyo:yah I'm actually looking forward to that too! U heard they might have discount on avent then? Keeping my fingers crossed :D

bawbaw: i did thought abt getting from US but there won't be any warranty liao. I even saw the Avent Duo RRP $799 in SG. Ebay has brandnew sets going for $400! But because of warranty issues, I was alittle hesitant. But now have decided to get the Avent single so no longer that expensive, can buy local one liao
piyo:ya your are rite!cum bb growth very fast wor..so the rest of the item,when bb is out then I will go and buy..maybe during bb full month..sure got pp buy wan..like now, I have extra nappy rash cream for bb..
hi, giggler, how many weeks is your bb? my bb is 1.8kg at 31 weeks.. doc oso say it's abit too big and want me to cut down on my diet.. =(
daddytobe....possibly so just hang on and see if it happen...anyway shd b no hurry now as well...

cjteng...bb seldom go out for the 1st few mths so having sufficient homewear is more impt...hoping not to receive too much clothing over bb full mth..hee
giggler: u r how many weeks liao? mine was 28wks n weigh 1.3kg... normal leh, not big at all... by 31wks, 2kg also norm leh. i've gain 2kg from 6 to 7mths... dunno how to cut liao cos i'm eating my normal portion of foods.

piyo/DTB: mee too looking fwd to discount on avent items!... pray hard for mee being at the rite place at the rite time.
piyo: u already in ofc liao....i thought u no nid to go back ofc so early mah...heeheee
i think pureen's cleanser cheaper den tollyjoy 1 ley....

bawbaw: thanks for the infor on the pumps, i think most of us hv already bought them esp during the cheapest avent sale....heehee oni $50+ for manual pump

giggler: 1.5kg oni big meh? mi already 1.6kg at 31wk ley now i think even heavier

daddytobe: if u really wan get the electric pumps can really consider getting from US sites....the warranty oni 1yr very fast over 1 so actually not much difference
ju....my bb weight is oso 1.5kg at 29 weeks...gynae say it's of average weight wor...luckily im more actively walking around plus appetite decrease abit...weight kind of maintain or >1kg per mth....crossing my fingers there...

think we can wait for year end sales la...still have some buffer time to wait...
suika...by 9am gota be in opic liaoz lor....pureen is cheaper but not sure wats the feedback....think i ask a few times here le but was missed out so nobody reply as yet...haha
hi all! finally got chance to log in today when everyone is around!

Looking fwd to meeting u all later woh!

sus: pls take care hor! Bathroom floor is v slippery wan! I also slipped and fell once b4! luckily its ok!

suika: I boought pureen wan leh.. already started using them to wash bb clothes.. sorry ah im still waitn to see if my hubby colleague goin to pass us her stuff.. She claims she got no time to sort it out.. DUH! will let u noe asap

anyone getting california baby products? got any good recommendations?

My bb is 29weeks now... think my gynae is overly concerned? He said scared my wound rupture if bb too big cos I had 2 c-sections before.

ju, same here leh. I alr eating normal portion now, really dun know where to cut my intake. Sigh....

piyo, your gynae said yours is avg wt? Mine said it's too big. ???
