(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

kamy: but i din drink anmum everyday.... in fact it's been some time since i've last drunk milk cos forgot. hee hee...

my wt gain has no relationship to the food i take cos my diet has reverted back to pre-preg times, which is not much... but anyway, i breathe also can get fat one so what to do... think i'm the heaviest in the Jan MTBs grp, holding the title of heaviest mum at 95kg n increasing... haiz...
blessedmum : oh okie... thanks! =)

Miaiko : ju is the humorous 1 here... hehe... did u miss out how she described her hb?
Samval, I not sure how I got shingles leh. But the sin seh told me that I didnt have full blown chix pox so higher tendency to have shingles. I suffered more when having shingles compared to chix pox.
miaiko: i've tried not eating but jus drinking water for a day, my wt din even fluctuate. i've also tried vege/fruit diet for 1 week, it works, lost 2kg but feel really weak and cold... my mum says i've got no colour in my face... so went back to usual diet.

i think i get heavier cos last time used to b very garang, chong sua (climb mountain) type, so now less activities, cannot burn fast enough. took me 5yrs to balance out exercise n food intake... haiz.. habitual eating really hard to break.
ju, same here leh. Think I breathe also can get fat leh. Actually I've been trying to control my intake since 2mths ago BUT still put on so much wt. Sianzzz......
gelato: my hb will b coming tonite, u observe, he's as wat i've described. think the slimest of u all pre-preg will only b around the same wt as him.

last nite we were talking to my niece who is 25kg. then she started the topic of "I'm not heavy, uncle ben is double my wt (actual fact he's only 48kg)" then that stupid monkey (my hb) pointed at mee n said "gu gu is double my wt, which is 4times yours"... then they both were laughing their heads off n my mum was snickering behind. can u all imagine wat i go thru on a daily basis... haiz...
ju, hahaha... your hb so bad leh. Me same as you, my hb is skinnier than me
giggler: half the size is more like it... sigh...

miaiko: actually i also can't rem liao but can repeat when we meet. mayb gelato can remind mee... ahahaha..
wah.. u girls enjoy the gathering.. too bad i got so lost in this forum (too long never log on) that i don't even know theres a gathering tonight. eat more huh!!

i've been feeling alot of BH these days.. at least 3-4 times a day.. any of you having similar experience? i got medicine from doc, but dare not eat leh. cos doc say eat liao wil get heart palpitations.. sound so scary. he say don't eat then scared next time i can't differentiate real contractions and BH. how ah??? should i pop the pill?
janjan...im oso given ventolin which result in shaky hands & heart palpitations...mi onli consume when i feel the pain + need to walk around...
Hi, hope everyone had a good gathering. Have been attending a 2 day course so no chance to reply. Anyway, anyone went to the tollyjoy sale? Any good deals there? Will be going after the Mt. A second session talk 2.30-5pm. Rushing down to Changi South after that to see can get anything.
pinkie : HUH??????? got post meh???
OH NO!!!!
i was out the whole day and got back home again to prepare to go gathering.
den i realise i din get the address and contact no. from u all!!!

*blur blur me!!!*
hey, really enjoyed the gathering today...
and thanks to pinkie and her hubby for being such a good host!! remember to let us have the cost ok....we will pay u...its really alot of food!!

nice meeting the rest of the mummies man....hope we have another gathering after we pop man! ah....time seems to pass so fast lor...
xpink_xuanx: the address was posted in the web earlier...and emails was sent. i got receive a couple of times from ni leh...
we were still wondering where are u...
mercs:ya.hehe nice to meet you..hahah all of them..don;t see me before.. don't know who i m..haha..hb don't bring u go eat supper?

ni: thanx for the muffin..heng I pack some..cos hb don't eat much for his dinner..so he eat the 2 pcs liao...and say is v nice!!hehe
Hey ladies, everything is back to normal at my house now, everything cleared away and the furniture re-arranged, but it was wonderful to have everyone over for the gathering. Always nice to hear some "happy noises" in our house - it's usually just the two of us only.

Everyone looks beautifully pregnant, it's so great to see all the rounded tummies.

It was so nice to meet some of you for the first time and to see familiar faces (and tummies) again. Hope the food was acceptable and that everyone's tummy was full at the end of the night.

It was a little humid tonight, if ever you ladies wanna gather at my place again, I must remember to bring more fans, hahaha.

Anyway, hope everyone will have a smooth delivery and I look forward to our next gathering with our new family additions!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone! Cheers!
Pinkie:thanx alot.food is very nice..so sorry...cant help you to clear your food..cos only 2 of us..seldom eat much...ya, I also looking forward to have the next gathering!!
Thanks Pinkie for the food and the potatos.... really had a good time tonite...think this shall be the last time till we pop....who noes i'll be seeing mums at MtA the nxt time....heehee

pls let us know the amt to pay u back

ni: remember to chop the bed nxt to urs then arrange same feeding time....hahaha

gelato: sorry i totally forgotten the cab fare...it's $6.20 rite? give mi ur acc num, we pay u back
cjteng: starting got lor....complains say he outside wait so long liao....but later ok liao la :p

so ur hb finally managed to find his way here la
suika:ya..At first he cant find the place.. pass by pinkie house also don't know..so he go 2 round.. and ask me to walk out the house so he can see me..he also abit angry..:p
sob sob!!!
i din receive any email leh.
i nv check the thread oso cos i tot wont be posted in the forum.

i want to take all of you the contact no. liao.
so next gathering i can call any of you.
i next gathering i chop chop want to go!!!
i miss out the fun !!!!
my girl was anticipating cos i told her will have alot of auntie and kids playing with her.
becos of her blur blur mummy. -_______-"

when is the next gathering????????
pls pm me all yr contact no. leh...
hi mummies, glad you all enjoyed the outing! =) hope can meet u all during the next outing after we pop.. think by then I should be able to feast wif u all. Do post pics n let me see u all =)

gelato: thanx for ur sms today. thought it was really sweet of u.

today I was quite moody. goodnight!

pinkie: thanks for lenting us ur hse for the gathereing. Sorry for the mess. Remember to tell us the cost for the food. I really enjoyed myself. Every MTB is talking abt diff topics, dunno who to listen to.
