(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

suika : my #2 still using diapers at nite lor.. then hor for #3, i thot of buying Pampers premium, my hb say no need lah, juz buy Fitti or Goo.n - try sumthing cheaper 1st... hehe...

gelato/ suika: so we take cab down together later? meeting 630pm at TB mrt station control yar?

haha so exciting! First time meeting ALL OF U!
gelato: hee. okie. pass to u later k. pls help me identify urself coz I have not met any of u before. feel like a little gal first day at kindy. hehe.

btw, Im going with hubby.
Ni: change of plans...hubby said in case he cant make it in time to come back, he will come back and send me to pinkie's place direct...so i wont have to kan cheong need to meet u at 6pm u see...
so i will go pinkie there myself...
can u let me have pinkie's contact? need to inform her i might be there b4 7pm...

sorry for the inconvenience caused to u!!
initially he wanted me to ask u whether can u pick me up at tiong bahru...but i paiseh lah, dont want to trouble u...
Samval : call her again? but dun worry too much, u shld be fine. (Me worse, hvn't kena chic pox b4)... i think ur gynae won't give any definite ans to whether u'll get it again or not oso lor...

blessedmum : my hb cfm cannot pick us, so now waiting for suika's hb. If he oso cannot, then we take cab le. =) Can, we meet at stn ctrl... if there's change of plan, we msg or call ea other again.

Miaiko : Dun worry, we'll intro ourselves. After that we'll test u... haha... *joking only.. no test...*
miaiko: dont worry...u CONFIRM recognise me ma...right? what time u will reach?? how u going?
if u are staying till 10+, can lompang my hubby car back together leh, he coming to fetch me after his class
mercsboy : i dun put on alot of weight, but i put on alot of fats...hahahaha... (& hor, fats is much lighter than muscles...)
gelato: dun test us lah..
now preggie liao.. i find im even more forgetful than b4... somtimes i tink my hubby got a bit exasperated w me.. cos i w always reply "Goh meh? isit? " haha!

hehe eh wat time u gals stayin up til ah? my hubby comin to fetch me later need to tell him the time woh
blessedmum: i will be there till 10+ lor...coz my hubby finish his class at 10 ma...
erm i tell u hor...many mummies, the time pass real fast...
no la. i got the free gift when i came upon their booth @ united square during the Motherhood event. happen to go there with my parent to walk walk. she did not show faces to us all the way and all the things are vaccum during the beginning of the demo and service. if she show face, my hb is the 1st to black face ar. but he was happy and interested to listen which it seldom happen lor. we only decide to get at the last min after we work out the cost.

i fine with whoever help me collect the bags. grateful for your help. maybe you can work it out with blessedmum when you gals see each other this evening? my mum live @ cck though, so i do go cck often.

wats it about tat your gynae need to call you?
gelato: wow.. is this going to be an ice-breaker game? hehe. hmm... me feeling excited to meet u all leh. was actually starting to feel shy and thinking of not going.. :p

mercsboy: really ah? can hitch ur hubby's car back? thanks so very very much! coz think we can only reach about 7pm+
blessedmum : i won't test Miaiko, but i'll test u. Cos' you're a teacher mah.. always test pple, now it's ur turn to be tested... hahaha...

I think i shld going off at 10+ ba? depends on wat time hb & kids chase me to go hm... hehe..
miaiko: dont worry, dont be shy...alot of mummies = alot of talk...and they are all friendly people...i also very friendly isnt it? wahahaha....and talkative lor...

ya, if u dont mind that must wait for him until 10+, of coz can lompang la...neighbour leh...opp block only what...

dont worry 7+ i will be there already, so u will see me...alright??
Miaiko : juz joking with u, no test okie... come huh.. dun last min back out okie... besides u, there're a few others whom we're meeting the 1st time. =)
gelato: then we sama sama, i also hvn't kena chic pox.

who got fats?! i've already reached 15kg liao,... CRY... 2kg/mth, still got 1mth plus to go, dun tell mee i'll hit 18kg.... CRY....
gelato, same here. Last prev 2 preg, I gained 8kg and gave birth liao. Now I gained 9kg so far, and still have 2 more mths to go.

Miaiko, I also have anmum sachets and also one can of similar mum. Not taking liao since I need to control my wt. Any taker?
gelato & blessedmum: we'll hv to take cab dwn liao my hb juz called he still doing his things so don't think can make it....we'll hv to go ahead ourselves
miaiko: i like anmum, if u got extra, i dun mind some... the taste is surprisingly gd for a supplemt... btw, if any of u hvn't try, then i won't take liao.

i also first time meeting so many of u all, the pigeon seminar already met dazed n sperzz. got play games.... i've got bad memory leh..
*phew* no test for me.. so Im spared! yeah.. then sure go to meet u all wif confidence.. otherwise i gonna hide. keke

Giggler: I finish my similac mum in first trimester. now taking anmum but still got so many.

anyone wants?? or i bring and make into cold milk for all to drink later?
hey ladies, my gynae called me and said that since i kena chicken pox before, i will not get it again. then i asked abt Shingles, cos it comes from the same family of varicella virus, and she said that those who got chicken pox wont pass shingles to others. but those who got shingles can pass to others who will get chicken pox.
i oso bought 1 tin when i was barely 4wks....but till now can't even finish half a tin...coz of all the vomiting
merscboy : no need to examine.. itz everywhere..

ju : i hope i dun kena in my life at all... hehe...

Giggler : Ya, i think these milk stuffs make us gained weight. That time i took quite a lot of full cream milk & my weight gain was like 2.6kg in 4 weeks.. now i scared liao, i ctrl...
ju: I have alot of chocolate flavour ones. U like? I have enuff to share ard, dun worry. I prefer anmum to similac. similac too sweet.
miaiko: where u get so much samples one..

after hearing those supplement milks add on weight, i dont dare to drink liao...so i stick with my meiji better
gelato: yah lor, come to think of it, we r quite old to get chic pox. heard that it'll b very bad, sores with pus, the older we get. some who got it in old age, also die cos internal organs also kena. but i'm thinking, why not have... at least knows how it feels, then can sympathise wif those who r having it.

miaiko/suika: i've always love milk, any milk i also drink. anyway, anmum is really gd. the choc one does not even taste like milk, more like milo. i've tried choc supplemt b4, it taste like chalk wif artificial choc flavouring. think everyone shd try if they dun hv lactose intolerance.
mercs: meiji also adds to wt wah... but i believe the maternity milk is richer... bb's milk is worse... as in gaining fats.
ju : i dun want to kena leh... u mentioned the internal organs oso kena, i lagi scared... maybe shld consider taking jab with my kid... hehe...

Samval : u take care oso, going to be tiring looking aft ur gal.
Samval, I got both chix pox and shingles before.. Very suffering.

gelato, I know that why I dun want to take those milk. Let me know if anyone wants… I can meet at RP/Boon Lay.
gosh.. who got chicken pox!? i havent had chickenpox b4!!

suika/ gelato: np, we can take cab down ourselves.. jus rem to copy down pinkie add hor.. haha

yes my gynae kept telling me dun take milk prodcuts cos it w cause me to gain weight! so i stop taking shortly after i went to see him.. got calcium thru other sources of food lor.. but sometimes i still drink milk lah.. but not everyday
Bbstarlet: thanks for asking. can you collect from me then? I'll meet you at raffles place next week during lunch time.
can you help me pay first too? I'll pay you when I meet you. Thanks in advance.

pinkie: 2 boxes for me. Thanks!
ju: ok so I pass u all in chocolate flavour ones. 10sachets enuf?

me drink milk milk when no time for proper meal leh. cannot dun eat mah. later bb cry inside.
ju: I also gained 15kg by now..haha.. altho not confirmed yet. but I'm sure it will be more, not less, when I go for my checkup tmr... and hey, I'm drinking anmum too. it's the only brand that I like most. tried similac, frisomum, mamil, enfamum... all have a very sweet vanilla taste. only anmum is like normal milk... but for some time, i was quite scared when I drink anmum, cos it's from fonterra, which is in the jv partnership with mon-milk... but seems like it's safe for drinking...

no wonder we put on more weight than the others hor.
miaiko: woah, that's enuff liao! thanks.. <><><>

so u all reaching pinkie's place around 7pm ++? i think i can reach earlier cos today can go off at 1730hrs...
