(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

blessedmu...u bought the detergent for laundering bb cothings or liquid cleanser for washing milk bottles?

heard some raves abt the calendula cream from california bb products which appear to be good for rashes and could be used on the face...can join spree cos local selling very expensive...

piyo: u start work 9am? so good... heehee
i noe pureen 1 cheaper, i bought kodomo 1 if not wrong....i oni intend to use that during NB time after finishing that pkt i think i'll not buy anymore liao....but if cheap sales den can consider la
gelato...look like it's not a popular choice then...cos Pigeon cost quite alot think a bottle cost abt $17+ although it could be used for a long while...

giggler...dats wat my gynae said...oso 29 weeks @ 1.5kg...he said average dats why im curious when ur gynae said it's too big...mayb diff gynae have diff perspective..
suika..ya start at 9am...
i was considering tollyjoy even though oso quite costly for the 1st few mths then mayb switch to a cheaper brand...then after dat u not using any liquid cleanser ar? gota remove the oily film on bottles wor cos breastmilk & formula milk is a little oily...
giggler: u coming tonite? ur shampoo still with me

blessedmum: u working till wad time today har? i no fancy that cream coz their products too expensive for me....i bought destin cream for nappy rash instead n organic aloe vera gel too
giggler: i can't comment cos this is my first time birthing, but u already got 2 c/sect liao, then must ask those who hv experience... but 1.5kg at 31wks really not big leh... puzzled.
ladies: mi at home do nothing....super sianz...

MIL had already helped mi to sew the beansprout pillow. But the cover thet sew not nice. Any1 know other than Chinatown where got sell cloth?

NI: can u PM mi PAT HP. I lossed her HP no. Tonite I gg with her. Can u help mi to buy 4pcs of chocolate n 2 pcs Strawberry muffin. Thanks

BTW, I can log on the msn at home. Pls add mi in for the msn : [email protected]
piyo: heehee coz i always believes last time when we young our parents oso no hv such cleanser thing to clean our bottles n i'm also health so i no wan my boi to b brought up in an environment too virus free....nxt time sure easy fall sick....that's y if not on cheap sales i dun think i'll buy again
iyo: I also bought the pureen BB detergent and the Tollyjoy bottle cleaner liquid but nvr used b4. Bac I find Kodomo and Pigeon abit ex, I used to use both of them for my son. This time tried to use the new see if is gd.
My neighbour just gave birth to her 3rd child, 3rd C-section, the baby was 3.7++ kg. I don't think you have so much cause to worry, unless it's because your last pregnancy was not so long ago. Maybe you should ask your gynae. Babies just grow at their own rate mah. It's hard to control the wt of the bb. Even if you starve yourself, the bb might still grow big!
suika: yah lor yah lor... totally agree wif u. i dun promote super clean n hygiene environmt, cos like u, i also think like tat, immunity stronger. anyway i advocate dirty eat dirty big principle... AHAHAHAA
suika..i see....for us in concern think will stick to tose nec & basic lor but will oso not be overly clean & paranoid...

sperzz...i oso bought the pureen ABD for bb clothing...thot Tollyjoy more exp than Kodomo? hw cum did he pay for ur Tollyjoy liquid cleanser?
ju: same same that's wad mi n my hb thinks too....but alot of them asking mi if i can really do that lor....coz 1st child mah....we no even buy cot lor....juz playpen oni...at first dun even wan buy that....was thinking if no get any passdown den let bb slp on the flr instead....coz last time we oso slp on the yaolan n flr mah but my godmum says no good coz better not for mi to go up n dwn esp during confinement time.....then we go buy.... heehee this mummy like very stingy hor :p
oh no. my younger gal down with chicken pox. now i'm frantically trying to call my gynae & ask her is it safe for me to be aroudn her or not? anyone knows if kena before can kena again? cos i kena during my 2nd preg..
samval: u got kana chicken pox yet anot? got fullblown type? or juz those out abit? there's a saying if fullblown 1 then very very less chance u'll get it again but if that time u oni got abit bit then high chance u'll get it again
ok..i go enjoy the show..log in here later..
suika/piyo: yah lor... i also grow so big n blessedly healthy... dun fall sick for years liao, wasted all the MCs. hb n mi wanted to buy minimal cos haven't got our own house yet so dun wanna load my parents place wif lotsa our stuff like wat my 2bros did... aiya, must complain... my 2bros, after they married n gotten hse, still never come take back EVERYTHING... leave some in parents hse n say, next time can use... aiyo, they must remove wah, really can't understand them. my big bro got 1 hammock leh... can u imagine?! hammock?! put where?! use where?! wanted to throw but mum said bro wants to keep... GDNESS!!
cjteng: good for u....my hb oso wan but i said no coz i no wan ends up paying for it n he watching....snatching tv with me :p
suika:haha..for me..guess most of the time I will be the one watching la..anyway is 4 month now..for 40+..if we wan to continous then tel them.
samval: hey i want to get chicken pox leh, but not now... agree wif suika, the abit ones will usually get another one if not immune to it yet.
samval...by right u will be immune against it since u have kena b4 but still safer to dbl check wif ur gynae and wash ur hands after touching ur gal if cant avoid contact wif her for the time being...

sperzz...wats the price for Tollyjoy?
ju..it's such a torture to get chicken pox during adulthood due to the restriction in food intake + harder to resist the temptation to scratch....im glad mi got it when im a kid...

think there's a vaccine for chicken pox...wonder hw efficient it is...mayb next time will try to let my boy have it when he's still a kid...
piyo: i bought pureen detergent for bb clothes wan..

suika: i work half day only.. only need to clock in abt 4 hrs then can go off liao..
suika: what is full blown and not full blown? how to tell? when i got it before during my 2nd preg, my then gynae gave me med to eat, and its to reduce the spots and dont make it come out so much. so is that called "half blown"??

die lo... now feel super sian. somemore weekend liao.
piyo: ya there is a jab for it, which i failed to give my younger gal. i only got my elder gal to jab many years back. each time want to jab my younger gal, she either fall sick or flu or what,so doc will say usually kids sick, cannot jab. then now kena lor. but the doc said got jab doesnt mean 100% wont kena. the purpose of the jab is just to reduce the severity and avoid complications only, but still will get lor (but chances not so high)...

ju: why u wanna kena?
ju: guys r like that 1...my hb oso but i'll scold him

cjteng: the 4mths confirm we watch la but after that ley....it's another diff story for mi liao lor....he says later cancel away after 4mths lor...but i noe him too well....he'll come out with lots n lots of excuses n we'll ends up quarreling over this so my conclusion now is i rather i go bored then to suffer hving to pay for it

blessedmum: that's good ley....ur coy still wan ppl? my colleague wan find such jobs so she can take care of her 2 kids
wau, my office PC is making me damn damn pissed ah!!! keep hanging on me. i have restarted my pc like 3 times already! want to complain to IT liao

blessedmum: see u at the gathering! so shiok, worked 4 hours only, i got another 5 hours plus to go ah!

samval: i think its the best to check with gynae whether its safe for u to go near ur 2nd daughter, if not kena chicken pox during preggie will be very mafan de...
hee congrats cjteng on installing scv! tv is such a great invention. thou i have scv too, but i am still a #1 channel 8 fan!!! hahaha.. my hub is gng to JB to buy me dvds to prepare for the 4 mths ML.. haha. doubt i have time to watch thou...
samval: fullblown meaning u kana whole body, hands, legs n mayb face....those not fullblown oni kana abit here n there....this kind got chance kana again 1...but if urs is everywhere den shd b quite safe

but best is to check with ur dr wad r the things u shd take note in taking care of ur gal too
gelato: last time i kena was when i was 5 months preggie. now only scared will kena again.

ni: ya waiting for gynae to call me back.
suika/ ni: im a teacher lah... only now hol we need to do admin stuff/ prepare for next year... tats y clock min 4 hrs each day..

Today offically last day need to report...
samval: oh, a childish wish since young. the story goes: my big bro has chickenpox when i'm pri 4, my 2nd bro aviod like crazy also kena, i'm taking care of both of them, thinking abt not going to sch for 2/4wks, so wanted to get chickenpox ever since but think my body too strong liao so never kena. if get older i dunno whether i'll survive or not. all the gd food and itchiness... haiz...
dun like scv, too many choices... think okto is gd enough for mee, can watch the whole day.. hee hee... like a big kid.
Hello ladies! today is the DAY! for our gathering! @ Pinkie Place. Whoever who still dun have the address pls PM me for it! =)

And here are the attendees! looking forward....
1. JU- wif hb
2. Ninilicious - (alone)
3. Babystarlet - (alone)
4. Suika
5. Chere (alone)
6. Pat (wif hb)
9. willting (alone)
10. Gelato (alone)
11. xpink_xuanx (with my girl & maid)
12. cheekygal
13. blessedmum (alone)
14. cjteng (alone)
15. Miaiko
16. Mercsboy
17. Sperzz - with son
samval...at least she kena now which dun affect much cos easier to control her food intake and all...think the jab is worth going for since it largely reduce the possibility of contracting chicken pox....

ju...i simply cant live w/o scv...our local channels all cannot make it lei...

ladies...have a great time tonight...eat more okie...=)
ju: we same same ley.... i can watch cartoon whole day like a big kid....mi now got watch things like Ben10 etc every wkend :p

samval: now no point gg for injection liao....there's a injection which can shorten the time but not advisable coz u r using med to suppressed the virus dwn...not too good for her....it's nothing actually....juz she cannot blow wind n itchy oni la...make sure she no scratch hor....the scar very ugly 1
ni:yaya.. so many channel to watch..so i watch here and there..hahaha

suika:ya understand..heng for me..hb paid and I watch lor.hahah.. since he alway work late..so I can enjoy wacthing the tv cum hb also told me ..wil go out seldom since we have so many thing to watch..cut cost on movie heheh..
Hi ladies,
Yesterday we had an in-house service by Delphin and really see the value of having one. It works as a vacuum cleaner, removal of dust mites and air purifier. we all know dust mites causes asthma and allergy. Price is very competitive with other brands thats in the market too!

they did a free vacuum service on our 5 years old queen size mattress and gosh what we saw was scary! she oso did a cleaning on my #1's mattress, pillows and soft toys and boy i was abit shock too =p

thinking some of you might be interested to know more and since they provide 1 time free service and demo. just tot to share with you all something worth getting as me and hb see the value in it =)

btw, as a token of appreciation from them, they will be giving a free gift to every house owner.

if interested, i can pass you your contact to the sales person.

suika/samval: yah lor, i also dun believe in vaccines cos it's actually suppressing whatever attacks u, not gd in the long-run. cos only make body slow to react by itself to any "outsiders".
