(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

precious: i got ask kelly to try to come after the baby jumper class. how long is the class ah???

mercs: u getting more popular, more n more pple gng accompany u while ur hb is away! weeeeee

gelato: wow...got nursing room...must be happy working there...where is the actual location? can go shopping after work...yesterday read your posts, are u working late?
willting : dun want to annouce the bldg here.. next time i tell u.. hehe... yes, worked late last nite, but was at hm - not in ofc.
dazed, mayb juz ask querida to bring the sleep suit and hanky over. She told me she afraid she cant handle too many stock. Is best that if we can juz tell her wat we wan then she juz bring them over.

I already told her the sleep suit that I wan.

hee.. adeline aka querida coming too.. wah.. must resist the temptation to spend $$ again.. i spent more than 100 when i visited her that time..

mercs: will bring my mat along..
ni: i become popular coz of querida...wahaha...
no la just joking..
some older ones i think miss the 1st gathering...remember those good old days...too bad ange cant come also...

precious: my hubby go KL lor...so i am home alone...

sperzz: aiya...tot want u to sing to our babies tomorrow leh...
let me know what to order tomorrow?? i depend on u leh, purchaser...
wat time need to order??
sperzz, u should have seen the last time ni, kelly, pat and i at ktv...haha, its v hilarious. we also cannot make it type of bathroom singers, lots of words cannot read. it takes a while for me to recognise the chinese characters since hardly read chinese)
cherryale: when u all go ktv?? with the babies? i love to sing canto songs leh...
but too bad now with baby cant go and then also dunno why give birth liao, vocals become funny funny one
mercs, after ordering the another reg pizza still not enuff for $100 lei. unless some1 wan to order for personal to add to $100
mercs, it was long time ago, think april, the gals havent started work but i took ccl. Of cos cannot bring babies lah. Next time we arrange ok? take ccl go ktv, eat and shop.
cherryale: i cant anyhow spend money now...got some money problems lor...so cant be tai tai for even a single day leh...

swan: no relation leh...only relation is she stay quite near me lor...

sperzz: bawbaw how huh? yday she majiam interested to come...
cherryale: btw hor...kyler like jay chow songs...or any MTV...play baby can read, he will cry, play MTV, he can sit there watch quite long...
crazy baby
Mercs, as of her yest sms, she will be coming

We got arnd 10ppl rite, the food mayb we can order:

1 Large Mayo Chicken
1 large Singapura Classic
1 regular Hawaiian
1 regular Pelican Special
7 set of chicken wings
2 garlic bread (actually is 4pcs)

Total: 89.40

The pelican Special consist of beef, can?
cherryale: ya, i went many times ktv when pregnant...
but i think kyler belongs to those playful type...cannot study type...jialat...
Mercs, as of her yest sms, she will be coming

We got arnd 10ppl rite, the food mayb we can order:

1 Large Mayo Chicken
1 large Singapura Classic
1 regular Hawaiian
1 regular Seafood classic
7 set of chicken wings
2 garlic bread (actually is 4pcs)

Total: 89.40

But if only 8ppl. drop the regular size pizza
mercs, you always popular leh, I think you're one of the most active ones here..

How did u manage to sing K when you were preggie? Not breathelss? I sang twice, no stamina..haha
gelato: ok...i seldom see you online so late, suspect you work late...haha...most of the time, i go orchard meeting once a week...wan to see are you near me...haha....
confirmed list
1. ni
2. sperzz
3. suika
4. small fiona
5. sel
7. dazed
8. myself..keke

not confirm
9. blessedmum
10. piyo
11. bawbaw

tats all...
suika: superstar? wahaha...he got MI MI yan leh...cannot la...

precious" not popular la...ni & sperzz they all being nice to accompany me cos me home alone ma
wah.. mercs, u are the most popular mummie now.. lolz... u missed out missycandy??

damn pissed off with work now...
sel: she left msg said see 1st leh...i think she paiseh also...

alamak...gelato u still havent collect from her ah...tat day shd have ask me to collect
wah.. u all very bad leh.. now i really feel like cancelling tmr's mj and fly car to 381 to be with you...
but cannot wor. i cancel they all will strangle me..

if want singer for kiddie songs, find me, janjan! the ultimate baby song singer. which lyrics u want?

just came back from lunch at doby got. i survived another afternoon out alone with her. yeah!

sperzz: i call pelican say until very poor thing but still cant...
he ask me to change to all large pizza then he send...about $97...
