(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Cherryale: Why maid application need to submit income tax one? I never submit any so far le... I think there is a box that u can tick, to allow MOM to check directly with CPF (? or is it IRAS?). Cos the agent says dun give also can... so we've never given lol...

Hurray, I selected my new maid on Wed, applied yesterday, then told this morning that application is approved, can handover tomorrow... but we din expect so soon, so have not purchases air tic for current maid. Then agent says better not let them meet... since current one no standard, sekali teach all the wrong things... now we are trying to book a ticket lol... new maid already waiting... Yipee... hope this is an end to my maid woes...

Wow... no one around at all? Or something is wrong with the thread? Hmmm... me going to shower now...

Ultraman: You are the guru here le... how come tons of questions for me? Dun stress me hor... hee hee...
BTW, in case anyone here shops at supernature, they'll be shifting to the unit next to their current unit. hence, they're not replenishing some of their stks at the moment. It may be more worthwhile to make a trip there ~2 weeks later. (juz sharing info here, i m in no way related to them) =)
Oh yes, forgot to say good morning to everybody.

EmQ: what expert? Don't anyhow say. Still, I have tons of questions for you. Haha...
Ultraman : u want to give me the link again? I can chk Tower records (isit tower records?) since i m going to pacific plaza today.
i only walked once, the other time asked my hb to drive me there... but muz tolerate his black face if i shop for too long... haha...
Gelato: I will email you later. Now at Tiong bahri Market. I don't think they have. These are specialised CDs. Btw, tower records still have meh? I thought closed down Liao? Now over there is occupied by "That cd" shop.
wow! so much post i have missed! will read them later. now i have a BURNING QN: mummies, do we still need to use cool boiled water to clean bb's face???
morning gelato!

Dazed...see jiahe later!

shann: i never used cool boiled water leh...i just use warm water straight from the tap..
Good morning! Haven't been in for a day.. so many posts!! We're busy preparing for the trip plus my SIL's wedding today!

Woohoo got another happening old timer's outing!! Enjoy enjoy pizza and chicken wings hehe
sus: morning! ya lo...they coming to my place to accompany me...cos hubby not around ma...
until now, i still no chance to meet u ya...
mercs: wahaha! Kyler likes Jay Chou ah?? I love Jay Chou!! Anyone reserve him yet a not? Can I reserve for my future daughter?? I must play more Jay Chou MTVs for Caleb too haha

Ophe: Wah!! Ure so brave, bring Calebee L to movie??! He can sleep so long ah? Our 'beebee' can nap at most 30 mins each time.. sure 'wah!' halfway into the show one! Eh ask u ah? Wat do u think of giving cough med to Calebee to make him sleep during the flight? Cruel a not ah? Ppl tell me to do that leh.. Like they jet lag, should we prevent them from sleeping during the US day time to make them adjust? Is it very cruel?
blessedmum: no prob....nothing to get from querida hor??

sus: ya..kyler like jay chow...i think maybe coz when i pregnant always listen to his songs
Morning All, it's great to wake up to saturday morning

Mercs, Wah, Kyler can sleep! Shiok, then you should laze in bed for a little longer. Jensen never fails to wake me up by 7am everyday. Anyway, thanks for having us over later. I've send my list of sleepsuits to Querida. If she's there before us, can trouble you to help me collect my items? I PM you my orders can?

Shann, I use cool boiled water only for the 1st month.
Good Morning!!!

everybody so early today...

Those mummies who going to mercs's house and mercs, enjoy the gathering and shopping...haha...

I also have one question to ask, my friend who going to due, told me can she sterilize the milk bottle once a week for newborn...my answer is better sterilize after used, i wan to see what is your views...
Willting, up till now, I sterilize after every use. But my mum told me last time, she sterilize once a day. I think better to sterilize once a day. What's her reason to do it once a week?
Shann: I still use cos my bb skin sensitive lor...

mercs: Kyler preparing for his friends to come later and so got energy to play with them...

EmQ: I also got my new PT maid, now ironing in my home... wah I really hope she's good and can come every wekk type consistently...
PD said to sterlize every use....
I follow if my boy at home.. My MIL only sterlize in morning, meaning once a day.. so far, my son ok lor...

but every week, not encouraging la...
willting: NB better to sterilize after every use lah...till now i still sterilize all his bottles....think i'll continue till he 1yr old ba then see how again
willting: i also sterilize his bottle after every use...for me, coz his bottles used at IFC too, so i make sure, i come back and re-wash & sterilize again.
i think NB better sterilize after every use..maybe when 3-4 months can sterilize every week??
willting: yeah..exciting to see mummies and babies again...my mum now helping me clean the floor lor, and i just bath the dogs too...
make kyler go sleep so later he can be alert to meet his friends!
willting: i think that is personal preference. last time pple no need to sterilise also eat. but now generation, we are more particular. i also sterilise after every use. now shyan bigger liao, abit lazy, so sterilise once a day. of courrse i have 3 milk bottles to rotate. so one bottle use at most 2x then will end up in the steriliser liao. like suika, i also intend to contiue to sterlisise until she is 1year old.

even her cereal bowl and spoon, i also get those can be sterlise one. then i will leave with mum and bring back every few days to sterilise.
mercs: u must be excited huh.. i still haven't bathe my dog since last week
very lazy leh. shyan is having her morning nap now. today 5th floor off.. go shopping liao, so i have to jaga her myself - with limited help from hubby. dur..
janjan: eeee....smelly smelly huh..keke...understand la, sometimes really very bz...i cant do all things if kyler fuss also...heng today he very cooperative, keep quiet while i bath the dogs lor...so clean clean liao...

swan: ya lor...must keep the house clean ma...babies coming..dogs also make them wear clothes so that fur wont fly all over.
preciousbb: is told by her sil...initially her sil used to sterilise milk bottles everyday.
She told me that her son often had diarrhoea at abt 6 months old, when introducing solid food.
Her doc said it was due to oversterilising the bottles and as a result, her son's body cant take any bacteria.

swan, suika, janjan and mercs: thanks for answer...
Willting: I pour hot water into bottle till full n turn teats inside bottle everytime n do the same before I use.. My sterilizer white elephant liao, dun pump n use 1 bottle a day...
janjan: bowl u oso sterilized? i no wor...juz normal wash oni

willting: i've got 4 bottles plus my pump bottles so each day sterilized twice like that....once got 8bottles den sterilize...NB better sterilize first lah coz bb might not b able to counterattack the germs mah

mercs: wah! even bath dogs liao...later Kevan can sit on their backs :p
he loved dogs...esp chasing wangwang in his walker *faint* now wangwang learns to 'watch' his BUTTS....hahaha
suika: cos the bowl says can sterilise mah, so i just sterilise lor. my mum use mama lemon to wash leh.. so i bring back to wash with baby detergent, shun bian sterilise lor

mercs: so good, kyler let u bathe dog quiet quiet. shyan no lor. sticky sticky like super glue

she just wake.. nap 2 hours. not bad...
wow. last posting was 1pm???? so quiet in todae???

jus back frm mercsboy hse. was fun seeing all the old timers, suika, mercs, gelato & evveryone thr!!! mercs, sorry for messing up your hse.... next time i let u come my hse mess up hee. but kyan nt as many toys as kyler leh....

we had a great time shopping @ querida too.. spent $50! hee... gathering also can spend $$$, power!
mercs, thanks for inviting us to your plc, sorry to mess up your hse. And Kyler is such a good boy, just play on his own
Next time u come to the east okie??
bring kyler here for a swim.

Told me hb I go gathering also can spend 80+ dollars, then he asked me "u all gamble huh?" lol
so glad I went to your plc, managed to meet other mummies that I have not met before.
