(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

jan/cherry: my hb also leh, i always cannot pump milk in peace de! kyan was yelling and screaming away leh, he will take it as he is talking to himself! haiyo. guys!

ni: exactly same thing here.. haha.. then end up i pump nothing lor. cos v stress mah. the milk suddenly tap close lor... las ttime when i still pumping, he no choice, has to bring her go walk doggy. if not he stuck on computer i very pek chek. now he no play computer liao, he stuck on SCV. aiyoh...

mercsboy: looks like thats the only option...
ultraman go KL is it? he like v quiet.. haha.. better don't say. for all u know he may be reading up again then will start to spam here and scare everyone again
suika: i can pick u from sembawang mrt leh...
although this morning car backside kana bang la...but car seems ok...small scratches nia...but my neck stiff stiff leh...

pinkie: alamak! making fun of me huh huh....

gelato: sat u at sembawang ma??? i want to ask u...but i think u will be bz...remember sat u got to bring piano or something rite
ni / mercs, for jiahe, if he cry without open eyes, tutu can do, but if eye big big liao means milk time... slow a bit also cannot one... he'll scream the house down...
morning ppl.. TGIF!!!

looking fwd to sat..

read that some babies already started saying Mama and Papa.. hw envious.. thot i heard the Jaidyn uttering 'ma' few days back.. bt think thats just a coincidence.. haha...

mercs: need extra playmat tmr??
ladies who latches,my trip to jap is confirmed. Need to consult u ladies as i only latches my boy for the early morning feed, after the feed he can still down 120ml of milk. Seems like he dont drink till he is full only till he is not hungry. I am afraid for my jap trip he might cry frequently for milk. then i really headache liao. how do u ladies ensure they drink enough?
dazed: Kevan oso same pattern...can tear dwn the hse with his screams

mercs: car kana bang? wad happened?
sperzz: in front the stupid car brake la, hubby brake but behind van cant stop in time...poor thing leh, foreign worker drive one...but we going to claim him...
heng hubby never bang infront car lor, its a mercedes...

suika: u want me to pick u from sembawang mrt? i can drive there...nearby only...
sel: yes i think need leh...i adjust the living room tonite...then fix up the play yard too...
got playpen in the living room also...faint...how come my house got so many things huh!
mercs: wad time convenient go har? if my hb can drop me then i'll go pick fiona n go up ourselves...but his schedule can oni confirm tml
suika: of coz not...my mum might be around for awhile...or else i just bring kyler along la...not a problem. u msg me la...
u can come earlier if u are free hor...

my house layout very the funny one la..the living room is quite big...but the rooms CMI...
so should have space still...i think maybe i shift the coffee table one side also...so can place 2 playmats...i see how tonite...
mercs, confirm i will go tomorrow... hehe... but i will go after lunch with my in laws...

ni/ sperzz, i asking querida if she can bring her stuff over to mercs place... mercs me self invite her ok?
suika: anytime u want...just call me...i home alone anyway...u come earlier, can chat earlier..

ni: ya...like 1st time gathering...i cant forget our 1st gathering lor! yellow and purple monster!
and the ever hungry little fat gelato...
mercs: if u need me bring playmat, let me know k?
coz' i come with the driver. he will carry the playmat.

dazed: that will be great if querida can bring her loots to mercs place tomo.
merscboy, no la, if i am in Singapore and you invite me to your place, I will definitely come.

suika, yes, in KL for one week. last night went out with some friends for good food and good conversation.
mercs: thanks for the offer...i wish too but cant, Juvius havent recovered although he is much better...his LS reduced to 3 times a day and the output is a bit only...
mercs, wan Secret receipe cheese cake for tomorrow. Sq 2 here got discount. 44% discount. Only $29+. cheese cake n pizza for lunch...yummy....
ni: okie dokie...i clean clean and wait for u...so exciting...

never mind...

willting: his shit hor..got like bits or not...heard got bits mean teething...
sperzz: is it troublesome for u to carry so many things or not...got delia also...
wei...lunch time havent hor...dont tempt me with food leh...can hear my tummy growling lor
so sad, think the gathering will be v fun, i really want to go. Maybe i should ask maid to go out tomorrow, then I go to Mercs hse. hb can bring #1 out to play. Sounds like a good idea hor??

mercs, next time i invite u to my plc to swim
but v far lah, i stay in the east.

mercs, I can ask my maid to bring down the food to ni's car then reach ur hse u gals can help to bring up so not an issue.

So cheese cake onz? I had to get tonite after work...
