(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Serene, better dun take escalators with strollers... I really see disasters before can be quite scary. Do be careful ok. Wait for elevators patiently better than anything... I personally avoided one from then never took escalators with stroller anymore. phew...

ophe..although it might not be safe to take escalator wif stroller but we might have to attempt so dat if in d event of 'unforeseen' circumstances, we will still be able to handle it. A very good example for mi was just weeks back, we met wif a 'fire' at causeway point thus logically not supposed to take lifts thus rush down using escalator....im glad mum is wif mi so she carry bb Z...
Hello All,

I'm removing my name from the list cus I don't think I can take leave on 15 June for Gymboree trial class, removing my name from the list. Prob will join when all of you going for weekend classes

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
3. Samantha (5 Jan)
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. ni (2 Jan)
11. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
12. Kamy (24 Jan)
13. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
14. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
15. bunny (4 Jan)
16. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
17. pat ( 1 jan)
18. flo (27 jan
19.jolene(11th Jan)
20. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
21. chere (25 Nov)
22.Aileng (5th Jan)
23. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
btw, bbstarlet, nice seeing you... wanted to call out your name but can't confirm correct a not (came back check that it is correct!), then i think quite embaressing if i call you by nick... hehe...
have sorted out the list in accordance to DOB of bb....

Gymboree trial class
1. chere (25 Nov)
2. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
3. pat ( 1 jan)
4. ni (2 Jan)
5. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
6. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
7. bunny (4 Jan)
8. Samantha (5 Jan)
9. Aileng (5th Jan)
10. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
11. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
12. EmQ (9 Jan)
13. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
14. jolene(11th Jan)
15. Novakido (12 Jan)
16. piyobaby (12 Jan)
17. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
18. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
19. Sus (17 Jan)
20. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
21. Kamy (24 Jan)
22. flo (27 jan)

Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
precious bb....not sure if u wish to place ur name back in the list cos judging at the list most probably might have 2 or more classes....some might go for wkend class anyway...
Gymboree trial class
1. chere (25 Nov)
2. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
3. pat ( 1 jan)
4. ni (2 Jan)
5. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
6. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
7. bunny (4 Jan)
8. Samantha (5 Jan)
9. Aileng (5th Jan) prefer harbourfront- weekend
10. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
11. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
12. EmQ (9 Jan)
13. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
14. jolene(11th Jan) prefer harbourfront-weekend
15. Novakido (12 Jan)
16. piyobaby (12 Jan)
17. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
18. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
19. Sus (17 Jan)
20. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
21. Kamy (24 Jan)
22. flo (27 jan)

Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
Gymboree trial class
1. chere (25 Nov)
2. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
3. pat ( 1 jan)
4. ni (2 Jan)
5. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
6. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
7. bunny (4 Jan)
8. Samantha (5 Jan)
9. Aileng (5th Jan) prefer harbourfront- weekend
10. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
11. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
12. EmQ (9 Jan)
13. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
14. jolene(11th Jan) prefer harbourfront-weekend
15. Novakido (12 Jan)
16. piyobaby (12 Jan)
17. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
18. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
19. Sus (17 Jan)prefer harbourfront-weekend
20. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
21. Kamy (24 Jan)
22. flo (27 jan)
cjteng: brace yourself up k. for the sake of your baby, hang on there! feel free to rant it out as we are most willing to lend a listening ear. be strong for your bb ya.

piyobaby: okok.. will contact you soon. hope bb Z will be "guai" during the hair cut ya.
Gymboree trial class
1. chere (25 Nov)
2. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
3. pat ( 1 jan)
4. ni (2 Jan)
5. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
6. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
7. bunny (4 Jan)
8. Samantha (5 Jan)
9. Aileng (5th Jan) prefer harbourfront- weekend
10. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
11. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
12. EmQ (9 Jan)
13. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
14. jolene(11th Jan) prefer harbourfront-weekend
15. Novakido (12 Jan)
16. piyobaby (12 Jan)
17. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
18. Dazed (16 Jan)- prefer harbourfront-weekend
19. Sus (17 Jan)prefer harbourfront-weekend
20. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
21. Kamy (24 Jan)
22. flo (27 jan)
Gymboree trial class
1. chere (25 Nov)
2. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
3. pat ( 1 jan)
4. ni (2 Jan)
5. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
6. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
7. bunny (4 Jan)
8. Samantha (5 Jan) - prefers weekend
9. Aileng (5th Jan) prefer harbourfront- weekend
10. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
11. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
12. EmQ (9 Jan)
13. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
14. jolene(11th Jan) prefer harbourfront-weekend
15. Novakido (12 Jan)
16. piyobaby (12 Jan)
17. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
18. Dazed (16 Jan)- prefer harbourfront-weekend
19. Sus (17 Jan)prefer harbourfront-weekend
20. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
21. Kamy (24 Jan)
22. flo (27 jan)
cjteng: Hi, although I don't know u personally but I know that woman are stronger than we think we are. Hang in there. Our babies need us. JIA YOU!
went to the fair yday...bought those 5-in one potty at $23...dunno cheap or not.
but i think nestle products are cheap. like those gerber bottled food, step 1, 4 for $5, step 2 think 3 for $5, then rice cereal, 2 for $6. i think i saw precious bb/bb march at the fair...i always mix up precious bb & bb march, dunno who is who...keke

i think the next door popular fair more interesting leh...alot of books and cheap. some fairy tales books hard cover one only $3.
but i think very hard to go down already la...the parking there is terrible...

even yday after cleaning the house after installing the grilles at 5+, parking is quite full liao.
ya mercsboy, took us a while to find parking at the fair too! almost wanted to park on double yellow lines like some of the cars liao hehe... Alot of agents at the fair too quite scary.

aiyo serene sounds scary leh fire ah!!! then those old neighborhood with stairs also jialat liao! what happen leh?
novakido: u went early also hard to find parking lots ah? hubby lazy to park further so we waited there lor...really alot of cars anyhow park.
ya really alot of agents at the fair.
guess weekends will be more packed coz got popular fair and john little fair..
Good morning to all mummies!

how come nowadays got so many sales?? so tempting!
all looks so good, how?
already over spend since the little one comes, cham ah..... anybody got any secret to share to stop buying? (stupid question, hehehe)
april1, I also overspend liao. Now very cash tight
In order not to b tempted by the sale, we din go window shopping during the weekend instead bring my kids to park or garden for outdoor activities.
1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) Aileng+ shijie & daddy
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) Pinkie + ryan
14) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn & daddy
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) janjan & shyan
20) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
21) Moonbaby + Jiaxuan
22) Precious_bb & Jensen
23) laugh + daddy & Adler
24) bawbaw + Ethan& daddy
25) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
26) cheryl83 + kayden
27) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
28) Ashley + hubby + Darius
29) EmQ + Leticia
30) Pat, John & daddy

Ladies, is this the most updated list for the gathering?

I think will cater food for 35 adults. Shld b more than enuff
sperzz: me too. cannot spend anyhow anymore! babies are really expensive. anyway, today is my first day sending Kyan to IFC. so sad. i hope he can get adjusted to it very soon! =( i drop tears after dropping him...

sperzz: thanks for coordinating the food.. we ordering frm lexin right???? ladies, i will need your contact no. pls PM me... those who have my HP, need not PM me. cos i have ur records...
april1: me too.. overspent lsat month, this month very broke cos credit card come le. haha.. for me, i just don't go online lor, then won't see bps and sprees then won't be tempted.

but still need to get some tops for work. all my old tops too small..

sperzz: i more lucky than u cos my hb never bring me go shopping for window at all. he only know how to brin me to grocery shopping. then end up, i no-see-no-buy. we mostly spend on food these days. still i don't know why i overspend. so the gymboree spree i also dare not stay in the website too long. cos everything so cute and hard to resist
sperzz + janjan, i dun go window shopping during weekend.... normally weekend is for marketing and sometimes go shopping only if me and hubby see some real good offer and he ok for me to buy

dun know why i just over spend every month ler.... sooner or later have to find part-time job for extra income liao, kekeke
janjan: then luckily mine is boy... if i ger, u will definitely become bankrupt! ur tops too small?? cos ur there too "wei-da" already!!! hahahah
actually, I find I spend all my money in SMH BP. My HB is stopping me to go online. He been nagging me on my online shopping. So now I seldon click on the BP thread.
ladies, ordering from Lexin. $10/pax. Transport $40.

Fried Rice w/Salted Fish
Sweet & Sour Sliced Fish
Prawn Fried w/Cashew Nut
Braised Pork w/Bun
Spinach w/Mushroom
Curry Chicken
Beancurd w/Crabmeat
Deep Fried Ngoh Hiang
Honey Dew w/Sago
Fruit Punch
hahaha, my hubby doesn't even let me shop online. nowaday he is ok lor, still will agree if i say i wanna buy this and that. last time, he'll just say no! (maybe because of that lor i overspend).
i tell u gals hor, there was once my hubby complaint abt my spending and i told him off, i said,"i spend my $$ woh, like tat also kena scold fr u?"
from den onwards, he seldom comments on my spending just sarcasticly tell my daughters,"mummy always complaint no $$ but still keep buying" (ops)
Me too overspent this month!!! But can't help while pumping just like to browse BP loh ha. Guess it's contagious mummies disease.

Than later going to motherhood fair will spend even more. ha ha.

Anyone going??

Ni, you are right, with girls will spend more. earlier Daze mentioned got cheap girl clothes, will go look out.
actually me also leh...cant stop buying leh...
those bb stuff too cute to resist...
tats why nowadays when i open mail box, i try not to open when my hubby is around..keke
I just bought gap online and dun even dare to tell him. sure kena scolding. buy for jie jie and mei mei can also wea. we both girls so can save a lot keke.
ophe...ya think d mgmt did a lousy job in crowd evacuation...the fire started in level 5 carpark and we were at level 3 kiddy palace...so many young babies there...alarm went off but we din bother till I smell burnt smell thus decide to go back quickly...by then the escalator oreadi very crowded....ppl are streaming down from upp level...b4 long smoke filled d upp floors....yet no calls for evacuation still!
guess it helps not to have IB....think abt d hassle of transfering....works in scrapping off idea of online shopping...haha
mercs, I dun dared to ask him to drive me to collect my loots anymore. He will kill me if he see me buy things again. Worst juz announced that civil servant no bonus.
sperzz/mercs/jolene: same here!! i cant help browsing in BP. hehe also scared my hb w nag.. but i told him b4, i hardly SHOP when im OUTSIDE.. so i do shopping @ home :p

but raelly must stop yar.. civil servant no bonus
mercs, even I drive myself he will ask me go where. and see me take things home will sure nag at me again. I still got loots with ni n pat.

blessedmum, I seldom shop for myself liao, 95% for my gal.
sperzz...take and hide in ur bag then place among the old stuff so lootz will go un- noticed, dun think they have such good memory if toys just say frens passed down lor.....haha
blessedmum: this whole year no bonus or is it mid yr only? sian rite..

i shop for myself la...at the market..cheap cheap clothes...no more branded liao...haiz...
ya mercsboy, i thk school holidays alot of ppl take leave or something!
i saw the LG playmat small one selling by montesorri school for around $120 something is that considered cheap? Too bad I missed the 80+ one!!!

april and sperzz, we even worse just move house some more!!! with a baby very hard not to spend hor... and yes so sad civil servant no bonus this time round!!! so much bills to pay for need to kerb spending!!!

any dog owners know where is the best place to buy cheap pee pad huh???

ni, i can imagine how you feel... i'm so attached to my baby dunnoe whether i will cry if i leave him in childcare the next time or not!!!

aiyo serene dats really scary leh, these ppl hor, always fire drill when the real thing comes they still kalangkabot!!!
hehe... talking abt shopping ah? i was telling my hb, when in was in my 20s & wrkg in Orchard rd, i hv new clothes almost every day... now i m 100% ah soh liao... haha...
mummies who bought the X sling : can we sling bb facing front? anyone still hv the webby? i dunno how to fold the sling into a pouch...
Jolene, i cannot save ler even with both girl

i feel bad when mei mei jus takes all the hand me down. i'll buy new things for mei mei also, everytime i buy now have to buy double, if buy for jie jie, mei mei also must get something v.v.

novakido, just moved houce is a very good excuse to buy new things.....
and also "just give birth" is a good reason to shop for cloths (but me still same size so no new cloths for me
mphosis having 50%-70% sales...some of the bottoms quite worth buying...

mercs....after spending tons on bb at every shopping trip...finally got myself 2 bottoms from mphosis sales....sumore is sales items then buy wor...
novakido: i bought my bumper mat from the BP that time...i saw the fair got sell. but i never check the price leh.

i bought my pee pad from daiso, 8 pcs for $2 but smaller one la, coz i line with newspaper also. think suika use those bigger pee pads.

gelato: i bought the sling liao but never use leh...still prefer my balboa...

piyobaby: i got buy for myself..coz chong pang market sell cheap clothes which are nice too..or else sometimes i get from mango at JB, convert the ringgit its cheaper than sg..
