(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

me went robinsons too today! Baby Einsten vcd, robinsons centrepoint selling a set of 4 vcds at $29 for member, then there is $5 discount for members with the coupon for $30 perchase... worth... also i think quite difficult to purchase pigeon breastpads at discounted price liao but robinsons selling at $8.90 net. also bought another set of tippy toes socks at $36 less 20% + 10%.

i think i also over buying... hehe... both online and also shopping...

jolene, the x sling can face forward.

suika, me also use one hand to support... cos he like falling forward when face forward, the when facing inward, he likes to bend backward to see...
dazed: ya...Kevan oso like that...so i use 1 hand to support him juz in case although i feel the velcro is quite strong
Mercs, were you at the fair yesterday? I was there, how come I never see you! Yup I agree Nestle have good offer and this will be their last fair for this year. But there's nothing much at the fair, except the Poney booth. I bought quite a few clothes and manage to buy jeans for $4.

Piyo, regarding gymboree class, do you think its better to let baby go when they start crawling? Though I really wana go to class with mummies in this thread, but it may seem abit early to let baby go now

Ni, Kyan started IFC already, that's fast!
Don't worry too much okay? Don't be sad and look at the positive side! Baby will be more independent and hopefully more sociable and most likely we don't have to go through the "separation anxiety" phase when they start nursury/kindergarden. If you have any questions, just ask the teachers or us okie? Hope Kyan have fun going to school too! Too bad we don't stay very near each other, else all our babies can attend IFC together.

Speaking of shopping, since baby is born, I overspend every month. How to resists buying stuff for baby hor? Especially for the first child! Can't help but over-pamper him.

Sperzz, thanks for arranging the buffet! You're very cute, you can't shop at BP, so you're helping us to buy and collect :p Anyway Do you know what time is the gathering?

Pat, yeah, we'll see you at the gathering

Mint, How is Princess Jewel now? Is she drinking her milk from bottle already? Enjoy your hols!

Mo3, yes it's very warm these days!! Sweat sweat sweat...

Kelly, good that you've a new IFC near your place. My baby IFC is relatively new too. It's good cus everything is very new and good condition! haha..!

I remember seeing someone asking if we wana BP for icecube trays for baby food? I bought similiar ones from Daiso previously, $2 only!
mummies: may i know anyone starting to feed bb (b/f 6mths) with rice cereal yet???

I just tried to feed my boy with frisocrem rice cereal despite the PD keep saying to feed him only 6 months onwards....
precious bb, you managed to get jeans for your boy at $4? i was rumaging and can oni find girl design leh... hmm...

my mum din want to buy the jars... she wants to do fresh food, says those prepared long time liao... hmm...

miyuki, i think quite a number of us started liao... jia he has been taking it for a week. but oni about 1 teaspoon niah... he's very impatient, if he's too hungry, he oni wants milk and nothing else! so sometimes we will give him milk first, then stop halfway ( and he will be pretty angry) to feed cereal and then feed milk again. the ppl at nestle also says after 6 mths as less chance of developing allergies... but decided to start with plain cereals oni lor...
cheekygal: sorry haven had time to collect the thermometer from u yet. i wil try over the wkend. sms u c if u at hme ok?

gelato/pinkie/ni: finally johnny boy has flipped this week. i think it is true not all will go through this milestone the same way. Actually since last mth john was already able to sit up so i thought he might skip flipping, suddenly now he flip. v strange. he is opposite one. i guess is not up to us to control how they wld like to develop! i was joking to hb nxt time eh wil walk first then crawl. hehe
daymoon: ya maybe but i tested the aircon, not very cold leh...think its the air there. but well no choice. hope his body quickly adapted to ifc..

precious bb: i was at nestle booth, 3rd person paying after u. u dont have cash and the counter dont accept nets rite...i not confirm u are precious bb/bb march, so i dont dare to call out. i also bought nestle/gerber stuff, i think its cheap...
Sel: actually i wanted to start with brown rice too but PD said this and that... hee...

Dazed: my boy also like that... we tried to give him one spoon of cereal and then follow with one spoon of milk... but think he too hungry already thought we are taking milk away from him so we feed him with cereal first then complete with milk...
fluffy, hehe i read the june issue not too bad... so decided to get motherhood too la. think for mother and baby i also want to subscribe, do they have a fair like motherhood too? i'm quite a magazine addict kekeke... 8 days also last time before baby read her world, cosmo, bleah bleah...

preciousbaby! you just reminded me, daiso is one place i havent check out since i return to SG! sure have a lot of funky stuff for me since i just moved!

dazed, i also started my bb on 1 teaspoon a day,but only 2 times hehe, just met a new mum today who started her 5months plus bb on solids too and she say actually better to start from 6mths onwards! Less work for the mummy!!! keke...
we went to expo late afternoon and spent almost like 6 hrs there!

managed to ask for sample of Nan 2 and purchase some gerber bottled bb food as well....think quite a good deal...tis kiasu mummy stockup on diapers again! Nepia offer rather good deal @ $14/pack + foc 2 extra pcs for all tape diapers and pullups...ppl are like buying in cartons. EYS selling brown rice Si Shen cereal @ 20% off thus costing only abt $10+. Sealer does give out sample too if u ask them though only 1 pc.

dazed...i manage to get 3 tops for bb Z at $4 each....gota realli spend some effort to dig in the mess...
dazed/nova: hmmm....i started with 1 1/2 tablespoon and mix with 50ml water... he usually finished half of it....i think since so many starting before reaching 6months should be alright ba...
miyuki: my girl also v impatient.. when she is v hungry, she only wants milk.. cos thats the fastest way to satisfy her... i fed her one tablespoon per feed.. those chinese soup spoon kind.. and she can finish the cereal..
precious bb....my take on gymboree is dat since tis is only trial so basically is to get a feel of their activities and hw they conduct them..of cos to judge if bb is 'interested'....perhaps the other experienced mummies can advise u beta...
miyuki....i started feeding bb wif cereal abt a week back when he's abt 4.5mos...he love cereal more than milk...we mix abt 3 spoonful of cereal (our FM spoon) wif abt 40ml of milk...usualli he will finish all up..
novakido: sorry can check with you if i buy the bugaboo from U.S and get it shipped to singapore, how much will the shipping fee be? cos quite tempted to buy but scared the shipping will cost a bomb since the stroller is such a bulky thingy.
Went Expo, only bought Brainy Baby Left Brain, Right Brain, Peekaboo and Creative Learning vcds at bundle discount at #39 (buy 3 get 1 free, not too bad). Got free bib from Nestle too by signing up and yup, they will deliver free hamper of follow-up when baby is 6 MO. But Caleb was acting up again at the loud speakers and pple.. Phew :p
Clothes wise for babies, not much, mum bought a romper at $5 for Caleb. Nursing tops also not nice. Mother and Baby fair was better.
dazed: If I dun remember wrongly, cereal is to replace 1 milk feed. So if bb is full, there should be no need to give milk for that particular feed. For a start, we give bb 1 morning feed, then the rest of the day is milk as usual. I think if bb is still hungry, just give the next milk earlier. Cereal is not a 'supplement' to be given with milk le. Subsequently, we'll give 2 cereal feeds (breakfast & dinner) & slowly increase to 3 feeds with milk as supplements. There will be a stage when bb rejects cereal... by then should be old enough to give porridge/ soupy rice.
Oh yah.. any mummy's belly button still sticking out? Mine still pops out after delivering.. is that normal? My tummy also protrudes at the belly button area and its not fats.. very hard.. wonder if its normal..

cjteng: how are u feeling now? hugs
Another question.. anyone tasted thawed frozen breast milk before? Does it still taste sweet? Wondering any of you mix it with solids? Cos dun wanna waste all the frozen milk and thought of adding it to soilds. Thanks!
Sus: The last time I send bb for her jab, the nurse says by right we dun have to sterilise after 3 months. That is the guideline. Previously, my understanding was that once they start on solids, no need to sterilise... however, I know till now, my MIL still rinses the bowls & spoons with hot water for my #2 who is turning 2 soon.

I still sterilise my babies' bottles, probably will do so till #3 reaches 6mths/ 1 year ba.
sel & piyo: naughty naughty!! bee is confirmed out la...i dunno how to convince my hubby on buying another stroller ya...
Gwen, I dun think buy from USA and ship to SG will be worth it coz its really bulky leh. And the box quite heavy although the stroller is light so may cost quite a bit... Not sure about the shipping cost coz I didn't ship it back... And that time when i was buying it, we shop around quite a bit and to get the cheapest deal (about $400plus USD) online, the merchant only accept USA credit card! Unless you have friend there to help you ship back you can try USPS.com to check their rates. How much does it cost in SG actually coz end up it might be more worth it to purchase it here...

Miyuki, I only started like 1 to 2 Teaspoon just for fun hehe...

Sus I express out my breastmilk for baby's cereal but just a little bit hehe...

Mercsboy, which stroller you eyeing? Too bad that time my shipment back to SG exceeded!!! If not I help you all buy back some stuff! SG really expensive la, like the jumperoo only cost less than $80 USD here so ex, I never buy la, but come back also bu se de buy coz see so ex! I went to check out this baby exersaucer that I bought about $59.90 USD at Great World selling $249 really faint leh... How come they mark up the prices so much!!! No wonder all these baby stores can make money!
dazed: i will still feed him 5oz of milk after each cereal feeding and sometimes he will finished it.

sus: i will sterilise his spoon and bowl after each feeding.
novakido:thats the reason why some of us go for second-hand toys..cos first hand ones are usually very ex in stores. =)

sus:i didnt taste but thawed ones usually smell fishy and feels oily.i think after warming, shld be fine to mix it with solids.

suika:really ar?i used to meet buyers/sellers at mrt to deal stuff last time.hmm...
nova, blame it on the landlords and taxes..
actually retailers don't earn much, some only manage to break even, some make loses.. the rental is killing.. i just had to move my shop out from Delfi.. rental above S$10k how to survive?
Dear gals,
I am a clueless mom.. anyone can advice me how to start feeding cereals? What brand? How much?

I get many well-meant old folks who tell me many different versions, until im totally confused.. better ask you gals here, since you have tried out with baby..
junemon, I feed my son Earthbest organic cereal - they have oats, barley etc, can get from vitakids or some cold storage stores. Initially its 1 or 2 tablespoon of cereal plus milk, then gradually add to 5 tablespoons when baby is older.
I also overspent every month. So now I must avoid going shopping! And esp online shopping cos its so easy to click click click, before you know it, its a lot already.
daymoon: yup! came out in the papers once then i realised it's not allowed....so if u wan buy best to trf her then at mrt collect the stuffs oni....passing of stuffs not against law mah....heehee

mercs: another stroller? aiyo....waste money ley

dazed: i give 100ml oni....coz his cereal intake increase liao....i scared he dun noe cereal with milk will b bloated later so i dare not give him too much

sus: got time i'll sterilized but lazy i'll use hot water to wash the bowl n spoon then make the cereal
cherry, how much milk (breastmilk) to add? Do you mean from the usual milk feed, then add 1-2 tablespoon of cereals into the milk?

Afterthat do you give any plain boiled cool water?

My mil n mom keep pushing me to give him fish porridge.. use spoon to mash it..

my sister says don't. so many different versions..
junemom: fish porridge? that 1 too easy liao ba....normally even old ppl oso start porridge after bb 6mths mah...
junemom, still not advisable to start BB on fish porridge now. I think start at 7-8mths is best. Now if u really start on solid juz start at rice base cereal. If u getting Frisocrem, no need to add any milk liao bec cereal contain milk.
hi.. my baby is on total breastfeeding.. so frisocrem not so ideal?? his milk intake abit yoyo .. sometimes he can even skip 1 meal, i gotta force him to drink.. the most suckle 5mins, otherwise express then gotta pause, suck pause , suck
Junemom: I think Heinz rice cereal does not come with milk. If I dun remember wrongly, they also have 1 that can be used from 4mths. Most others now start at 6mths. I guess you can add BM to Heinz cereal.
novakido: ok thanks! the bee is abt $900+ and chameleon is $1600. sigh.. was thinking if the shipment is less than $200 maybe worth considering hor.. but impossible. haha.. think shall just stick to my current stroller.
Pat: it is ok. i can pass to u during the gathering.

sperzz: thanks for ordering the food.

sus: my MIL tasted thawed frozen milk, it still taste sweet.

junemom: you are doing wedding business. me too. my partner and i wanted to set up a shop but we decided not to after long considerastion. coz' the rental is too high. all our earnings will go to rental fees.
we keep our inventory stock in my parents'place.
junemom: nestle also stage 1 can add own milk...i prefer those dont have milk inside one and add my own bm...

nova: i eyeing a few strollers leh...but kyler daddy sulk at the idea...me trying to find sponsors...tough...

suika: see only la...havent decide...hands damn itchy though...if aug got bonus i sure buy *excuse only*
Miyuki1, how come you go against PD advice to start cereal later? Your PD no good?

My PD advised me to wait, he said Ryan's digestive system is not ready yet.

I still have your blender with me - pass to you at the gathering right. But I don't think I can recognise you, heh heh. Maybe we should make name tags for the mummies too.
Mel started on Friscrem at 4+mths, seems to like it well. It's her supper. She must have it else she'll reject all substitutes.

Miyuki1 & pinkie: i am starting brayden on cereal when he is 6mths.
i follow my PD's advice. she said it is best that baby absorb nutrients from BM as long as possible.
unless his intake of milk drops to below 600ml per day, we feed cereal earlier than 6mths.
