(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cjteng, *hugs* be strong girl.
reading fr your posts i think roughly can guest wat happen. like all the message above, dun bottle up urself, get it off ur chest.......
talk to people tat u trust, hear what they have to say and think abt it.
dun let ur anger take control of u..... take good care of urself and ur baby is the priority.

suika: yes! haha!! and let my hb try. he likes otah
buying some for my parents n inlaws too

hows yesterday sembawang gathering?? kevan ok? cayden ko after feeding him. Come back home wakey again... sigh

last night 'tortured' by cayden aagain... woke up 3 times during the night
ophe.....im fine wif either location cos both equally far from where we are...if going on a weekday then will have to apply for leave but have to plan in advance ba....
err, i can order more but i need to collect at beach rd... hehehe! let me know if u need more order, i think i can get additional 3-5 pacs if u need more order
junemom...coolz...Jadon oso born on 12 Jan....hee

so in total there's 4 bbs wif same bdae.

junemom (bb Jadon)
nova (bb Caleb)
autumn leaf (bb Ashley)
piyo (bb Zethan)
Hahhaha blessedmum . same here.. 3 times also 2, 4, 6 and his waking time is 7am.. im like a zombie now.. and he bf only for 5 mins, but awake for 30min ++
Pinkie: Really? Che... they cheat me la... make it sound so good... as if doing us a great favour... so no big deal la... ok, I shall try to go back & tell them we considering between the 2 outlets... maybe they'd bend over a little? Cos both diff owners ma... hahaha... maybe must really talk to my 'friend' la... not that close to her la, so wasn't planning on negotiating with her... hahaha... also, if I start negotiating, that means MUST go to HarbourFront, her outlet lol... if later end up going Tanglin Mall, not very nice liao...
sus : i may be able to let go to u. i ordered a full ctn of M size recently... will go back & chk how many pkts left. =)
junemom, caleb is 12noon baby hehe, but also he is born overseas and there's a time difference of about more than half a day i also dunnoe how to count like that haha...

mercsboy, actually my mom and dad same scenario as your fren hehe but since EmQ says its depressing better dun talk about it, lets head towards something more positive.

EmQ sorry about that just that i just heard from my fren about her marriage yesterday so was wondering what's happening to the sacracity of wedding vows and promises these days...
same like you my hubby side attends church but not everyone in our family are baptised, we still attend mass though. when i attend mass, i get a bit lost and would like to find out more about cathecism and wondering if going thru RICA is the correct way. also now if i want to attend RICA dunnoe who to get to babysit the baby also was wondering if the churches have this service hehe... ya i'm thking if going to Blessed Sacrament.

then serene i thk i will choose tanglin mall, vivocity very big and crowded, i always get tired after walking round and round the mall and waiting for the lift! hehe... i dun mind gg weekend with you! but if eMQ gets a good deal then we go harbourfront?

hehe btw, co sleeping mummies... i just bought a new simmons bed since moving house, wa, the simmons bed really good, minimal movement, caleb only wake up maximum 2 time since we sleep on the new bed... happy!!!
ophe....no issue wif both and weekend would be better for mi...agree that in most of the shopping malls...it's a chore to wait for the lift cos there are always so many ppl trying to squeeze in the lift...given a choice would rather take escalator instead...

u move house again ar?
Jolene: I'm interested but when are you ordering? I just went to the wholesale for fish & beef & lots of cod, salmon & steak in my fridge at the moment. So will have to see how many I can take... hee hee... let me know when you ordering & when likely to receive. Then I see how many I can order. We used to buy in bulk from a shop in JB, very cheap, think under RM4 per pack... but I've not been going since #2...
Cjteng, how are you today?

I don't know what happened but we are all here to help if you need us.

I read your post the other day asking whether a couple can last without sex. Well, I believe it depends on the couple. I know a couple who has been married for 7 years already but NEVER had sex. I also know a couple who didn't have sex since their daughter was conceived. Their daughter is now 4.5 years old. Some people can do without it some cannot.
Nova: When I was at Tanglin Mall during #1's time, the lift also same scenario... cos mainly kids stuff there & during Gymboree class hours, plenty of babies trying to use the lift also... small shopping centre, but lift condition not much better... not sure if it has changed.

Yes, agree abt the sacricity of marriage thingy... dunno what's wrong with pp these days... everything disposable, even marriages, sigh...

Maybe I'm lucky in the sense, that HB is Catholic, so divorce is not in his vocabulary... hee hee... in the beginning, when I was upset with him... when adjusting to irritating ILs, the word crept into my vocab now & then... but over the years, mindset is such that, come what may, we just stick thru it... hee hee... maybe aging...

Yes, good to attend RCIA to know more... I want to do it too... more on my own accord than cos HB expects me to... in fact, HB has not baptised our gals.. he's thinking to 'let them decide' when they are of age... but I know catholics are expected to baptise their kids...
nova : simmons bed quite ex ya? =) my bb has 'sensor' on his body... whenever i get up, he'll get up too... nowadays i hv to wake up early, latch him on, then put him in the sarong to rock him to sleep, b4 i can get ready for work...
Emq, didnt know the gymboree at harbourfront and Tanglin mall belongs to different bosses. The reason why I prefer Tanglin mall is that I feel that they are more organized. Cos I work in Harbourfront, I get to see the gymboree here almost daily. The staff there are mainly malays and when there are no classes in the day, they will bring their own families and friends to play there. I dun really like it. I believe they have stopped this practice or at least managed it such that its not so obvious. But I guess the impression stays and I personally prefer Tanglin mall. My#1 attended the gymboree and kindermusik at TM too. Just personal preference

anyone knows whether the Pampers Active offer at NTUC is still available?
EMQ: oh my god...u misunderstood my meaning...i dont mean to encourage divorce la..coz nova saying divorce so i am just trying to say that nowadays very common, and some ppl are even more jialat..
but they still hang on...why?? for the kids...i got worse cases that happened to my friends...
but of coz no matter what happen, still have to communicate, sit down and talk and discuss and see got any solution or not...

cjteng: hope u dont misunderstand my meaning...i dont want anything to happen to you too...hang on there, distract yourself with other things...dont coop yrself at home 1st ok...find someone to talk
Nova/Suika: I have just moved to new place as well... Back then we were comtemplating to buy simmons or sealy... but in the end bought sealy... the bed is good too but the height abit too high. My boy also love to sleep on our bed rather than his own cot.... heehee...
miyuki1: mi no let bb slp in our bed....i scare nxt time he no wana slp on his own....we oni put him on our bed to play at times but not sleep
cherryale, no lah, I KS lor buy n keep and found that Delia will take very long to wear L size as she still wearinf S size pamper active. So thinking if any1 wan to take over from me.

Any1 interested in getting the L size pamper active from me. 2pkt-$45, 60pcs/pkt
eh, u all taking leave ah??? i also want.. too many days of leave to clear leh... are u taking leave to bring bb out or for own enjoyment?

I am thinking of taking leave to do mani-pedi and facial. hehe
Suika: thats what i am scared too... but my hubby always like to put him in between us and hug him to sleep.... he rather hug him to sleep than me NOW....
u gals r really tempting me with simmons! haha... but nowadays so tired, lie on the floor, oso can fall asleep... hehe...
suika: me also dont let bb sleep with me leh...he got his own room ma..

sian...today installing grilles at home...later got to clean like mad...
sperzz, actually i think delia can wear M size, she is about the same built as Ashley. Ashley is on M size for a while already cos S very tight. Thot diapers can keep for 3 yrs? I also got a lot of diapers stock up at home

having said that, think i better order fitti again. Mil told me ran out of diapers for Ashton in school already. They use super fast man.
actually i don't know is it becos of the mattress (too thick) or weather or maybe combination of both... back then we seldom ON the aircon but these days we almost ON the aircon every night... tried not to ON the aircon to sleep but its really too hot to sleep on the bed without the aircon...
hahaha.... Miyuki1, u are so cute!
is the weather lah, i had simmons for very long time liao. believe me, when the weather turns, u dun need the aircon liao.
sperzz: how was ur trainig ystdy? my turn to go trainig next week... sianz.. all the way in siglap and start 8.30am.

shyan woke at 2am for milk then got more and more energetic until 4.30am then sleep back. i'm like a zombie now
april: hee.. becos back then we were sleeping on king koil mattress even hot weather also never ON aircon... thought it might be becos of the mattress...

But i feel that everything changed after pregnancy, i dun perspire easily but after delivery (maybe more FATS) i almost perspire everytime i am out of the aircon places then when in cab, the uncle will ask me 'you very hot ah' so ma lu...
Ni: Are you the point of contact for EMQ Home Address? I have PM u the other day, just wanna check if you have received it. Thanks.
Piyo, Nova,Autumn: how heavy is your baby? And height? Average milk intake?

HEehehe must compare - apple with apple
Jadon is small when he was born
junemom...coolz...Jadon oso born on 12 Jan....hee
so in total there's 4 bbs wif same bdae.
junemom (bb Jadon)
nova (bb Caleb)
autumn leaf (bb Ashley)
piyo (bb Zethan)
sperzz: u use those normal cooler bags rite? FTG got one can tahan 8-10 hrs...
i also thinking i need to run site somewhere in aug, so how to pump leh...somemore those are construction sites...so dirty...
i dunno how to pump...or should i stop in aug??
piyo, thanks. will check out Giant cos there is no NTUC near my plc or workplc

sperzz, how did u know the cooler bag din last? U using fridge to go?

miyuki, u are so funny, so wat did u tell the cabbie??
janjan: taking leave on 15 june, to go gymboree class with bb. wan anot?

cherry: i take half day PM also. cos this month take too many leave liao. new boss gng to kill me soon! hahaha.

miyuki: sorry ah, i seldom check my personal email, yes i got ur PM. but i have nt sent out the email for EMQ home address, cos i haven collate everyone's contact no yet..

EVERYONE who is gng for the 6 month bash, pls email/PM me your contact no pls... thankies!
sperzz: i use safe to go... usually by time i reach home my ice packs melted liao, but the milk still abit cool.. i smell, but no sour smell.. si i still let bb drink. safe or not ah?

also contemplating to buy FTG, but then hor, alr bb coming 5 months and my ms is up and down lor, so i am not sure if i should invest in the ftg or not
April just confirmed another 4 packs. So it's now 20packs.

Will place order tomorrow, you let me know your order by today.

Jolene -
2 - Fish
1 - Prawn
2 - Sotong

Blessed mum-
3- Fish
2 - Prawn
1 - Crab

2 - Fish
1 - Prawn
1 - Sotong
1 - Crab

April -
4- Fish

Total 20 packs

janjan: i change to FTG liao. cos that time my safe-to-go bag lost! hahaha, lost together with 2 bottles of EBM leh... so sayang man.. FTG can last abt 8 hours...
