(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

nova: i'm getting my dog's peepads from a shop at clementi sunset way there...they giving 10-20% discount for most of their products

gelato: X carrier? is it the 1 most of us juz got that 1? i've been carrying my boy in that facing front n when he tired wana slp i'll change him over....but u'll use 1 hand to support him juz incase the thing give way but i feel it's very safe
mercs: i guessed she's ok ba....mi juz chat with her hopefully she pour out will feel better....can oni listen n advice, nothing much we can do
merscboy : i saw balboa fm 1 bp sometime back, sooooo tempted to buy, but resisted the temptation, cos' last kid liao... no point buying so many slings. =)

suika : oh, so can sling bb facing front hor? normally i put caden in MIM sling using the kangaroo position, he likes it, but i find MIM sling quite difficult to change position... hopefully tis X sling is more user friendly... shall try itout tis weekend.

Great to hear cjteng is fine. =)

piyobaby : i think there shld be more sales coming up... GSS! yipppeeee!!!!! but i m not buying anything yet =( may become a FT yellow faced woman soon. hehe...
gelato: u becoming yellow face soon? heehee guessed ur xiao baobei will b so happy :p can everyday play with u

for me i feel the x carrier easier coz Kevan kicks alot he no like being bundled up in the sling
suika : not confirmed yet. will know whether i still hv my job by end of tis mth. If no job, then i'll stay hm for a few mths b4 going back to workforce.... can't afford to be SAHM for too long... hehe.... lack of vitamin M.

ya, i oso think Caden's legs being constraint when using MIM sling.. but so far he no complain... maybe he too KPO looking ard...
gelato: by end of the mth? wad happened? retrenchment? u supposed to b full time rite

Kevan likes to kick alot that's y i bought the extra carrier
suika : ya lor, co going thru restructuring cos of bought over. ya, me full time.

BTW, my Caden still hvn't flip yet, y he so lazy de?!? hehe...
just went to Robinsons at citihall..... wow, so many things on sale and worth buying!
my colleagues got lots of things, we never bring the voucher they send (robinsons card member), they actually cut out a $5 voucher and minus it for us on the spot..... so nice!
i held myself back, didn't buy anything! but i think i'll go motherhood sales at expo this evening..... again, with my colleague
hihi.. long time never come in already.. wow.. so many things happening here ar.. what is Gymboree trial class?? gathering at where??
hi mummies, i also cannot stop buying online... and i am really so guilty becos most of the things i am buying all are for myself... only a few items i am buying for my boy.... :p
hi little fiona.. welcome back!! that day was just teling kelly u long time no online

ya man. shop shop shop. ystdy v bad, boss and i went marina square. then go G2000, she keep passing me clothes to try. and then hor, when gg to pay they say if G2000 member card got additional 15% while uob is 10%. i work out the difference abt $10. so take excuse don't buy cos i never bring out my G2000 card. then tdy hor, my boss keep asking if i have gone back to G2000 to get my loots.. lol

ni: ya lor, become more wei-da leh. that day i take out my old bra and see.. alamak.. so tiny.. cos still bf mah. wonder if after we bf will still remain like that or not. i like my current size leh..
gelato: i heard frm my MIL that not all babies will flip leh, some go straight to crawling.. my hb is one of them, he din noe how to flip, the next milestone, he crawled... so all babies develop differently
mercsboy : i put him on his tummy, he juz raise his head high high & talk to pple... nvr attempt to flip.

junemom : at least ur bb flipped b4, mine hvn't... even more lazy... hehe...

ni : really ah? i only heard of babies skipping the crawling stage, nvr heard abt skipping the flipping stage.... hmmmm... learnt sth today. =)

Pinkie : Ryan is a smart boy, must be turning to side to look for source of milk... hehe...
HiHi, long time no drop by... Everyone's well? Saw something abt cj, hope she's good.

Talk abt flipping, Mel still dun flip leh though i do "throw" her "around".. hee hee.. bad mummy
Hey, I wanna join the gathering too!!!

1) sperzz + Delia&Damien
2) ni & kyan
3) flo & victoria
4) cheekgal & Brayden
5) blessedmum + daddy & cayden
6) bb starlet & Crystal
7) sus & daddy + caleb
8) dazed & jiahe
9) Aileng+ shijie & daddy
10) bunny + daddy & matthias
11) Pluff & bb ( :p)
12) shann & babyern
13) Pinkie + ryan
14) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
15) Ange & Jon
16) Kelly & LeAnn & daddy
17) willting & Juvius
18) Gwen & Tristan
19) janjan & shyan
20) Weiyao + hubby + Aiden
21) Moonbaby + Jiaxuan
22) Precious_bb & Jensen
23) laugh + daddy & Adler
24) bawbaw + Ethan& daddy
25) Miaiko + daddy & Charlotte
26) cheryl83 + kayden
27) Miyuki1 + hubby + son
28) Ashley + hubby + Darius
29) EmQ + Leticia
30) Pat, John & daddy
31) Ju & Melody (Ben TBConfirm)
hi Fiona and ju! long time no c!

Gelato/pinkie: Caleb has yet to flip too.. doesn't even try.. he hates his tummy time, PD says his tummy is too big so he dun like haha

6th mth bash: We'll be coming but think wont stay long.. recently Caleb recognizes strangers already... often acts up in large groups of pple.. very siong :p
was so busy for past few days,finally got time to log in and read and post.

fluffy:its okie,see how we can arrange to pick up the items from you.

dazed:i was with bbstarlet yesterday,saw you and your mumand jiahe but was rushing so didnt had time to say hi.

cjteng:take care and be strong okie,we are here for you.. always a listening ear if you need. =)

sperzz:i am also using the FTG. when i get home in the evening,the bag is no longer cold but milk still a bit cold.longest time i was out with the bag is from 8am to 8pm..still can drink. so far no problem.

Otar:i saw another posting in the BP thread- 3 for $10 and min 10 packets to pick up at any mrt station.is this the same one as the one most of us hv bought here?
hi, mummies, TGIF!
finally it's friday. starting to get really busy already, so seldom have time to come in too. will steal time to come in to read once in a while tho.

glad that cjteng is fine now. hmm.. also a wake up call for me cos I have been taking things for granted since pregnant. have to start to make consious effort too.

pinkie: did you give birth on 17 jan? then today will mark 20 week exactly. Mine is 24 jan, so I've been a mummy for 19 weeks! time flies!!!
my bro just have a baby, looking at him reminds me of the days when my baby was just born. all the 2 hourly feeds, so green, dunno what to expect...etc.
pinkie: babies that are close in age in the family also no good leh...comparing every now and then...no matter how nice my MIL is, i can still feel that she compare...
and my SIL son which is 1.5 mths younger than kyler now is kyler's weight liao...and bigger size than him...everyone tot he is the elder brother.
and even kyler daddy also said SIL son very smart and kyler very mischevious...
hi ladies, i've not been following the thread for a lloonnnggg time.. haha.. paisei, can i check when is emq's gathering? and when is Gymboree trial class? i'm so blur and confused now.. o_0
mercs i saw at the fair, price for the bumper mat like not worth leh... coz i remember my fren says she got about 120something but one stall at the fair sells $130 so i didnt buy.

suika, wat is the price like huh, i just bought at Holland v, 28pieces for 30something dollars! so ex...

gelato, my babe flip liao, 1 side only. do you put him on his tummy everyday? soon he will, but my mum was saying the slower babies learn things the better! seems like they will have an easier life next time hehe...
ju: i cant help it but sad...i dont compare but ppl rite infront of u compare...how?? i try my best lor..
small small la, as long healthy can liao...
I tot u wanted to get mothers and baby?Must be the freegifts for motherhood is too tempting...

My girl dun even turn, body so soft like tat... I need to support her neck and head most of the time...

From the photos u post, seemed like ur boy lose weight after go to IFC? Dun compare...人比人气死人... Every baby different development.... As long as they are growing and healthy,that's all I ask for..

Hope u r feeling better..

Ya... Shall arrange again...

Hope everyone have a great weekends... Cheers..;)
fluffy: no leh...he put on weight...now he is 8kg liao...but maybe he dont look that big like SIL son lor..but at IFC, i noticed he always got blocked nose...haiz
mercs: diff genes wah.. no need to think too much.. gd moral values n filial ok liao mah.

these few days weather been so HOT!! Mel is sleeping in a/c rm almost everynite.
daymoon: if u wana order the otah from the other BP n collect from MRT hv to b careful hor....dun pay her $ there coz it's against law to do business at the station....came out in the papers, they gonna take action on such thing
yaya SUPER HOT WEATHER !!! I bathed few times a day .....
HIHI ... is there a group for SAHM @ Segkang/Punggol, I wish to join!!
hey mummies, taka has atrium is selling toys if free can go take a look see. my bb still dun really appreciate toys so no point buying too many for now. ^^
Shann: Nice meeting you and EnEn today... Too bad you had to head off shortly and we couldn't really chat. Let's meet up for coffee next time!
