(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Cherryale: I will jokingly tell the uncle that becos of you (waiting for cab too long already) thats why my face so wet...then he will power up his aircon for me...some will pass me tissue... haha... the weather is really terrible...

mercsboy: No la, I dun mean u ask her to go that way... just suggested not to 'talk' abt it... cos so depressing lol.. positive talk will keep us in brighter moods ma... *smiles*...

cjteng: Please do come in to vent... we are all here for you... may not be able to give solid advice but the least we can give is a listening ear... I find that after chatting with mummies about some of our challenges, somehow our own challenges did not appear to be such a challenge after all... hee hee...

I used to lament abt maids... then read abt the other mummies problems with maids... then realised, maybe mine is non issue after all...
ni: 15th june take leave ah.. hehe.. ok ok.. i go apply now. next week whole week training cannot take leave.

tot gymboree on weekend, like sat or something
miyuki1: hahaha so fast u jealous of ur bb liao meh

mercs: same here....my hb lazy always wana put him slp with us but yet he dares not coz he slps like logs later bong both of us

gelato: now slp where we oso can...so tired

ni: u lost ur bag? aiyo....BM precious ley
serene, ya lor, i also wanna take escalator but sometimes push stroller can be quite scary lor, got 1 time, my stroller got stuck at the end, quite dangerous, luckily nothing happens. phew... but if i baby carrier calen then i will take escalator! But I think go for lessons should be taking carrier only hehe! no lah my new house finally ready to be moved in! I've been staying with my in laws for a month over liao... hehe... but my boxes from states are not here yet, neither is my furniture, only the new bed and the machines are here!!!

EmQ really huh, sigh but at least tanglin mall is smaller scale then vivocity coz sometimes i go to vivo i find it really tiring to walk around the mall! As for RICA also my own accord lor, hubby not baptise also just attend mass but not communion lor. my baby also not baptuse, hubby also want to let him decide when he is older. that's why i would like to attend RICA... My fren is a catholic she says cannot have birth control also ya!

Gelato ya lor the bed plus frame is ard 6k after discount but hor the sales girl says that since you spend more than 8hrs in bed deserve to buy something good i agree entirely too!!!

ya suika and mercsboy, worth the price happy!

Miyuki i heard great reviews about sealy too!!!

suika and miyuki, its more like i cannot sleep without my baby in bed with me! he sleeps in a temporary playpen for naps though so i believe he can sleep on his own bed too hehe!

junemom, zethan bb is bigger than caleb! i thk coz me and my hubby quite short, bb caleb was only 62cm and weighs 6.5kg 2 weeks ago! milk intake i'm not sure leh till now still total breast feeding...

Mummies I'm gg to the expo fair now! talk to you ladies later!
ni: kyan going to IFC also ah...remember to ask what time they bath him, so weekends u can match their timing, let him get use to it...coz now he is bigger liao, he will be more aware of things around...will fuss.
have u visited the centre, see the airon cold or not...need long sleeved or not? be prepared initially bb not used to it, might fall sick hor..
hope kyan has fun at IFC..
If order tomorrow, should receive next week. Let me know if your freezer got space huh.

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (4 Jan)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
21. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
22. chere (25 Nov)
23.Aileng (5th Jan)
nova: u like hugging ur bb to slp har? heehee u gg expo? come back do tells us if there's any good deals

miyuki1: take turns jealous? hahaha ur hb must b very busy having to sayang both....
mercs/cherryale, I using the FTG. The FTG bag was no longer cold when the course end. but the milk was still abit cool. I also not sure is the milk can b drank or not lei.

janjan, I also juz gotten my FTG recently. I was thinking even nxt time no milk can still bring cold can drink for outdoor.
mercs: thanks for all the IFC tips wor.. but this IFC no aircon, which i think is good lar, in aircon room, ventilation not that gd.. i ask u ah, what kinda marker u use to label his milk bottles??? need waterproof one right???

sperzz: by right FTG can last ma, right??? can last 8 hours.. as long as milk cold can le. cos the ice sure melt one... at the end of a working day, my FTG inside ice also melt already, shake can hear water sound.. hahaha
suika: hahha.. constant reminder so that we wont be too engrossed with bb... no ley... he is giving me more things ley...he dun take care of bb and mostly i am the one taking care of him. he also dun help out in housework...

actually he only helped me during 1st month of confinement but after that no more... and he is using that 1 month to 走天下 keep claiming credit from me....
sperzz: i think still cold should be ok...i also give kyler that leh...so far 没问题 la..keke

ni: no aircon got good points also...cheaper also ma. i didnt used marker...i paste those cute stickers with his name on the bottle and another round of scotchtape over it..
but i got try used marker, some permanent one after several washing also fade ya...
share share IFC tips...remember to ask yr side got clean the inside of the mouth or not ok, some IFC practice different rules, ask how they store the BM also
Hi all, my updates.

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha (5 Jan)
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (4 Jan)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
21. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
22. chere (25 Nov)
23.Aileng (5th Jan)
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha (5 Jan)
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan) - (weekends only; location flexible)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (4 Jan)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
21. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
22. chere (25 Nov)
23.Aileng (5th Jan)
gelato: the otah is frozen when deliver.

ni, Damien items in the CC I also used the cute cute sticker. Use perm marker also will fade.
gelato, yes the otah is frozen.

Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha (5 Jan)
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (4 Jan)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
21. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
22. chere (25 Nov)
23.Aileng (5th Jan)
24. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
sperzz / Laugh : Thanks. =) me going to place order.... hehe...

any tiong bahru kakhis want to tompang me, let me know ya... =)
went to Giant just now.
it is having promo on Pampers Active.
2 boxes for $59.50
quite worth for pampers active fans.
offer expire on this sun.
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)- prefers harbourfront
3. Samantha (5 Jan)
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (4 Jan)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
21. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
22. chere (25 Nov)
23.Aileng (5th Jan)
24. laugh (5th Jan) - prefer habourfront
ni: haha.. the ice pack hor, i broke two liao. just bought another 2 new ice packs to replace. lucky each pack is only $5. if ex hor, then i will faintz

sperzz: i lucky office got fridge, so i put in the bag then in the fridge. double cold. but when on training, then no fridge. but i think the milk still can drink lah. cos still cool mah.

serzz: abt gymboree sale, any link??? hehe, i jsut came back from marina square. went shopping with my ex-boss cos my current boss on leave
gelato, r u placing otah order direct to yuki?

If yes, she has a grp of redhill supporter and collection pt will be hdb void deck opps mrt stn. I collected mine there too.
ni: boss on leave tdy & tmr.. and the other pple on course or out of office. so can come online lor. i miss u all leh
mummies, anyone having philippino maid? how do u pay your maid?? open posb saving account?? or give them their salary directly to them?? The maid i employed for my mum told me that she doesnt want to open saving account. She wants to bank into Philippine National Bank (PNB)... can?
laugh : i m 'jio-ing' some khakis fm other thread to order. If u wanna order, let me know ok? =)

Miyuki1 : mine is indo maid, we pay her cash & make her sign whenever she receive her payment. If she wanna deposit into her foreign bank acct, ask her to TT back herself, bank charges at her own expense.
ni: i made mine in bangkok...cheap cheap...think 50 pc for $2...JB also got...think 100 pc around $6+
jb one can add chinese character lo..
sg also have, some s.c i seen b4.

sperzz: just had the prawn today...very nice too...but i prefer the crab and fish one...
suika, sorry leh i haven learn much about the baby market yet so cannot compare prices... i got a nursing shawl, a bumwear diaper to try and motherhood subsription...
i used those label printer to print the name and stick on #1 bag, water bottle, milk bottle etc. Ok, will not drop off. But of cos not as cute as having cute cute stickers
sperzz, yes the brother label printer. hmm, the organiser is not giving gymbucks but offer 20% to offset, guess worth it if its just 1 time purchase.

sperzz, thanks for the link. saw the thomas sticker, will get for my son
cherryale, ya the gymboree is a gd deal if u juz buy 1-2 items. If getting alot as well get the gymbucks for future. I also got the train stickers for Damien. But then the train is not Thomas but I think Ashton wont mind.
Serene! You went to the fair? Should have met you there!

junemom, i didn't get much coz quite well stock liao. but i saw a lot of ppl buying drypers... i got the motherhood magazine for 3years subscriptions at $108 with quite a lot of free gifts but i haven open up my bags to check yet haha!!!
the fair not much... less things then the mother and baby one... din get much... except the baby bootie (shoes) from little feet... $8, same as prev fair... cos my mom gave go ahead! she says not shoes ok.. more like socks... so me got 2 pairs!
oh, if you have girls, then more things to see and buy... poney have some clothes at $4... mostly girl stuff... jia he only managed to find a long sleeve top.

then nestle gave some cereal samples. and i asked them about the milk powder and i managed to get a sample tin of NAN 2 HA as well... sign up for nestle baby club and they will send a cooler bag when baby turns 6 mths...

other then that, usual avent, johnson and johnson, huggies, drypers and pureen. not much else...

oh, my mom said there was offer for bumper playmat at $80+ but was grabbed very fast... before i even noticed! cos i was at motherhood booth when she walked around with bb. she said ppl rushed in when fair opened and grabbed all liao...
Hi Cjteng,
Hang on there yah! We are all here to support you. I know it must have been very hard on you. You must be strong, at least for your baby.

Hugz Hugz.
ophe...d weird thing is I dun feel comfy taking escalator wif my buzz...wif my other combi, totally fine wif it...guess the wheels are abit too big which by right shd make it more stable but instead is the reverse for mi...haha

actualli im oso rather short...perhaps bb Z takes more after daddy in the height dept which is a good thing...if take after mummy then goner...

think junemom is mistaken la...mi din go to d fair lei..
junemom....bb Z is currently about 7.7kg and 66cm in height...milk intake is terrible these days...dipped from 900ml to average of 600ml...

anyway tis silly mummy did something crazy d other day...went to measure the stats of bb Z...his head is of the same circumference as his waist!
