(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

emq: have u gals fixed a date for gymboree trial lesson liao? do we need to wait till bb 6 mths or can try out earlier?


Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (depending on time & location)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan)
kamy: thank u for helping

nova: it's ok.
ladies i dun wan to say out as it is not a gd thing.. but i can say..anything will happened to us even we have a kid.i m lost and i dun know hw i m gg to face it.just keep in mind..
ya.thanx.but i feel sad that it so suddenly and it happened so fast..cum son only so young.I really wanted to just died but..cos of my son..i got to hold it for him..cos now i m the only support for him.
i dun know what is the next step i should do..i feel so tired and really lost..really..i know i have to be stong now..but is not easy and not now.it really need time to take all the unhappy ting away.i feel i m really strong..if not..i already gone crazy!
cjteng: take care..no matter wat happens, think for ur son. he needs u...

my nasty neighbour:
yday i buatahan finally call up the police ard 10pm++...then was sooo peaceful...till after midnight and early this morning, noise started again...the couple must be MAD!

so i called town council whom trf the complaint to HDB..somemore, their aircon leaked and wet my clothes! really BTH! the previous neighbour no such problem at all!

just now, LOUD noises started again..called the police 2nd time..im going crazy myself...even jewel girl almost woke up..else such go up and scold them!
Blessedmum: We haven't fixed a date, but I'm looking at a Sat... or if in Jun maybe a Sun (before 2pm - cos otherwise my #1 has cathecism & ballet classes on Sundays). We can start from 0 months! But given our babies are turning 6mths soon, they recommend we put them in stage 2 trial. I believe marginal difference la. Their transition is very slight. Also, age is not the main issue, more of kids developmental stage. My #1 walks very late, so previously we used to put her in a class with children younger than her, cos she wasn't mobile enough. We only put her back in her age group after she has caught up with the walking part.

Sus: I'm fine with either location, but think HarbourFront has cheaper parking & more shops (after class shopping & dining) if taking regular lessons. At this rate, yes we may need 3 classes instead. In which case, can be more flexible. But as they are different franchisee, not sure if Tanglin Mall will offer us the same 'discount'.
cjteng: I'm so sorry to hear about your plight... be strong. We are all ready to lent a listening ear. If you need to vent here, please do. I believe there is nothing that cannot be 'solved'. Do NOT let yourself slip into a depression. Your son needs you & like you say, you have to be his support. *hugz*

Yes, there are issues with men... but there should be nothing that we cannot live without or cannot resolve. Even with very loving & supportive husbands, there will be issues... all of us just need to work around things & find our own middle ground.

Take care, vent here & don't let it 'eat' into you ok...
Cjteng, Brace yourself.. and yes, like the other girls have said.. think for your son. And you don't need to depend on men.

Piyobaby, our babies same DOB. 12 Jan! hehe

By the way, anyone can tell me what is gymboree about?

Today suddenly i didn't receive any email notifications of this thread. Tot nobody writing anything..
cjteng: hugs hugs, no matter what happen to you, you got your boy with you, and thats the motivation that keeps us going. feel free to vent here. we will be here to lend our ears... thou may nt be the best advise, at least get it off ur chest.. =)

dazed: you sure are hardworking man! descaling at 6am!!! i have been sitting on it for ages, will get my ass moving this weekend to do it!
as for the gymboree class, are we doing it on weekends or doing it this coming 15june? as some mummies here are SAHMs, or on june holidays, and PAT and me planning to take Childcare leave! hahaa..
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (depending on time & location)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
ni, me also sat on it for long time liao... i think overdue for close to a month! lazy mummy... woke up early today cos engorged and hungry... hehe... then today no work so no pressure to rush...

going to the fair today! btw, there is john little warehouse sale at expo too...
cjteng, are you ok? i have a gfr who have 2 kids age 3 and 2 but the couple got a divorce when her youngest was less than 1 year old,she said something change in their marriage... hope all is well with you, please take care

junemom, my baby also same as yours and serene's 12 jan!!! hehe

any catholic mums here huh? i wanna ask abt RICA...

ni, me SAHM any date also can btw, can the hubby tag along or only one caregiver huh?
cjteng: i am sorry to hear that u are not feeling good. *hugs u*.
We don't know what happened, we hope you will take care and be strong.

dazed: what steamer are u using? how do u descale it?

novakido: i am not catholic, but EmQ and Samval are Catholics. what does RICA stand for?
cjteng: are u alrite....anything do pop by here and say ok...dont bottle up...take care

nova: your friend divorce of some prob in marriage, my fren even worse, hubby got a few affairs ah, china women somemore, yet she is hanging on to the marriage coz of the kids...cannot imagine how she take it man
. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (4 Jan)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
cjteng: hugs.. sayang you.. be strong for your baby ok?

Anyone want to sell their Fitti M diapers? Need just 1 or 2 packs. Thanks!
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (4 Jan)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
21. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
Junemom: Gymboree clothes is a line of pretty outfits for the kids... we also have 2 Gymboree outlets providing gym-exercise activities for newborns to 5+years old. It's not the gym gym kind, not that tough, more simple exercise, rolling, tumbling, etc... I personally find it very good for psycho-motor developments for young kids... but once they can walk & run properly, gymboree may be too basic.

BTW, there is music & rhythm in the class too. It's really a bonding time for parent & child. (Which is why when we din have time to send #2, HB rather not send than to get his parents to send, cos he thinks privilege should be left to parents to bond with child at the programme.

BTW, someone was asking if father can go in. If there is a crowd, they only allow 1 parent per child. But if the group is very small, they are fine with both parents in there.
Gymboree trial class
1. Sus (17 Jan)
2. Ashley (15 Jan)
3. Samantha
4. EmQ (9 Jan)
5. Dazed (16 Jan - tentative depending on location and time)
6. Novakido (12 Jan)
7. cheryl83 (7 Jan)
8. Kelly Koh (3 Jan)
9. piyobaby (12 Jan)
10. Precious_bb (1 Jan - depending on time & location too)
11. ni (2 Jan)
12. Miyuki1 (3 Jan)
13. Kamy (24 Jan)
14. fluffy_fluffy (19 Jan)
15. Moonbaby (tentative depends on date and location)
16. bunny (4 Jan)
17. Janjan16 (10 Jan)
18. pat ( 1 jan)
19. flo (27 jan
20.jolene(11th Jan)
21. cherryale (31 Dec) - prefers Tanglin mall
22. chere (25 Nov)
Ni: 15 Jun is possible for me. But I'm at work now, sneaking in... hee hee... think can only coordinate & check later (lunch) or tonight.
EmQ - Gymboree - the current promotion for the public (if sign up before 15 June)is already free two classes. They didn't give us any discount for large group? Bbstarlet called up also, she said they don't give.

Flo - Kindermusik - I personally would wait until Ryan is a little older, maybe 6 months or more. It is quite fun la. But at this stage, you should practise the songs at home then got more value for bb, otherwise just once a week won't help bb much. Or you can try Seimpi, like what EmQ recommended.
Novakido: Gymboree, both parents can attend if class is small. If it's a bigger group, one parent will have to watch from the waiting area (pretty good view too).

A few of us here are Catholic. Think PAT & Samval & some others. I'm not Catholic, but my HB side all are. We attend Holy Cross, come join us, think you are not too far away, though your paris church should perhaps be Blessed Sacredment. My #1 attends Cathecism classes at Holy Cross since K1 but they do not have programmes for children younger than that.

What about RCIA you want to know? I want to do my RCIA too, just waiting for the 'call'... when I feel more comfortable with things, when home is more under control & I'm able to get away. Being a FTWM, I feel compelled to attend to the kids the moment I get home... sometimes feeling so worn out & no ME time...

Cheekygal: RCIA - Roman Catholic Initiation course for Adults, basically it's a 'journey for none catholics to get to know the religion. Usually attended by pp whose family members are catholic or if they are interest to learn more about the faith. It may or may not lead to conversion.
cjteng, pls do not make any decisions now. It's alright if you do not know what is your next step. Consider all options and their consequences before deciding. Find strength within yourself and your young baby. You will pull through.
mercsboy & Nova: Let's not get into a discussion on divorce... it's depressing first thing in the morning. Beside, cjteng's case may not b as bad... let's not add fuel to fire... (no offence ok)... just too depressing to talk about such things... heehee hee

I mean there are men & there are mean men... but what the hack la, we can get on with life, with or without them...

Of course I appreciate my father, HB & FIL... they are great men in my life... they do have their idiosycracies too... but get on lol...
Looks like have to split to 2 collections, beach road and Jurong East.

Beach Road (20 packs)
April - 5packs
Jolene office - 15 packs

Jurong East (16packs -- short of 4 packs) Any westie mummy interested??

Jolene -
2 - Fish
1 - Prawn
2 - Sotong

Blessed mum-
3- Fish
2 - Prawn
1 - Crab

2 - Fish
1 - Prawn
1 - Sotong
1 - Crab

Total 16packs.
