(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Yes,supply=demand, but it breast feed direct, than no need the pump for the time mean.

there are other factor which will affect the output also. eg stress, sick

some mother are good in using hand to pump so no pump is needed.

scarletGal, Mimi,
really freak me out men....ytd told hb abt it, he say ai yo y did i drink it. alamak, she just sitting beside me lo....got to entertain her what.. if she far away i will just say i drink liao... haiz....
I have a brand new "My Brest friend" breastfeeding pillow and a tube of Medela PureLan 37g cream to let go. Anyone interested?
hey mum2ndx,ya i hate to drink those dodgy twigs or leaves soup.even if i had to, i juz entertain abit drink 1 2 spoonful then pass to HB to drink. Old folks always think the freezer is almighty. Freeze means everything is ok. Hopefully when we grow old we will be more rational....

my MIL also likes to cook TCM for HB and she said i also can drink..

without knowing the ingredients or the ingredients looks/smell odd, i will tell her straight - I CANNOT DRINK, JUST IN CASE.. :D

they are sincere but at times can be sincerely wrong.. we gotta be extra careful as we are carrying another life..
thanks pris and mummy30 for the web. i think i will be going got TMC.. since im been going there!

Wah yday go check up and dr adrian said you can buy your baby clothes! its a gal! he measure my baby thigh till her foot was 3.1 cm hehe and next week i cant wait to go for detail scan! hope baby gal is healthy in there!

and my date of giving birth drag till later no more 25 nov. now is 29nov. hehe werid it going up and down

btw my frd intro me this site telling you step by step every week. check it out for those duno about this site =) http://www.babycenter.com/
My parents also keep quite a lot of TCM stuff in their fridge n they are like 'chen nian lao jiu' (i.e. old wine). If the medicine is kept dry n proper should be safe to eat. We go to TCM shop to buy, they also might have kept the medication for years... Anyway, I only trust Eu Yang Sang - where the med has best before date.

Me feel so sian - on MC today, I have infection n now I am forced to take antibiotics... Hopefully wont do my bb any harm.
Good morning ladies

I had my detailed scan yesterday and all is well
we are so glad to know that our little Bryan is doing well and in line with his age & size ;)

Overall, it took only about an hour for us as little Bryan was really cooperative yesterday. So amazing to look at our bb now, he has grow big enough not to be able to fit into the scanning screen! ahhaah

Anyway, he got a little playful towards the end when the doctor tried to see his face (to see bone strucutre more like me or hb) he started to cover his face, when my gyane moved the scan to scan his birdie, he used his hands to cover again. Then when we are trying to see his umbilical cord, his little birdie float up and blocked the vision. hahaha so funny

I must say that the detailed scan is really informative.
Phylicia & Snowger - i know. but if i go back to work, i have no place to express and store the milk. So can let baby drink 3mths or so. And i kind of doubt i have so much milk ;P flat-chested & seems like my mum's side all no milk type.

winnie - how to know which model or brand to buy... i don't think can try it before giving birth right?

Pris - manual single pump eh, can i get fr kiddy palace? any brand/model to recommend? i go and see.

mum2ndx - if i were u, i will vomit all the things out and never take again. i got take "pao sheng" & "chong cao" powder. my MIL get 1 small bottle for $150, supposed to help the baby not to have asthma in future.


ya, add me to facebook too. [email protected]

btw, i called SCBB at 6394 5011 coz interested to donate cord blood. the coordinator said will meet me after 32 weeks.
ikeike, dee, snowger,Juzyounme,
thanks for sharing!!!!

haha... i think she din even keep in freezer, think chiller only....cos i always see her chiller fill with lots of things. so dunno if they r well kept dry or not...

I told hb dun have to tell her abt it, later she say i complain everything. i will just dun drink anything when there is herbs there..
snowger you reg at TMC for the course? how about you pris?

Luthadel WOW!! so cool!!! wah so fast you name ya baby boy! cool so when is ya due date? late or earlier? mine push to 29 nov. After you said how cute ya little bryan is. i cant wait for mine to come, hehe

add me in facebook too! [email protected]
Hi All

Haven't been posting lately.

Saw the photo on facebook. Hope i will be able to join u all for the next gathering. Btw, do add me in facebook. My email add: [email protected]

Went for my gynae appt last sat. Gynae didn't scan for us bb's gender. Disappointed but was feeling happy when we saw bb's sucking it's thumb during the scan. Was told to go for the detailed scan which will show bb's gender clearly which will be another 3 weeks' time (ie on 28/7).

Jowinbaby - that's a good deal that u've got. I'm still waiting for hand-me-down bb cot.

Mum2ndx - OMG! That's gross of your mil. Dun think i can stomach those 30 yr old TCM stuffs! Actually i also dun dare to take those TCM stuffs which my mil boils. Cos those stuffs she boils, my mother say cannot take but my mil says can take! Like bai mu er, that time my mil ask me to take. So i just ate abit. Then i asked my mum, she said" Cannot take ah. Those are cooling stuffs! only 3rd trimester then can take!". Lucky i only ate abit. :p

Just realised that we share the same edd.


Your bb so cute!!! Makes me look forward to my detailed scan appt. Btw, was your hb allowed to be in the room with u when u did the detailed scan? I'm wondering if the hospital will allow my hb into the room with me when we do the detailed scan in 3 weeks' time.
ya lo... dunno got worms or not leh.. hee....

I dunno abt white fungus, but i know we cant take black fungus cos it can induce e contraction. but take it during confinement is good cos it helps to clear the "luchia" (dunno how to spell, e mensus discharge after we giv birth).
Mimi: envy envy... ur able to see yr BB gender so early.. Ah! Congrats on knwing yr BB gender ;)

Mum2ndx: u must a good tempered person, as far as im concerned, if my MIL tells me the herbs is 30yo, i will definitely faint in front of her! haha... in future, mebbe u can pretend to drink a few mouths and pass to yr HB to finish! keke..

Snowger: dun wori, doc will only prescribe anti-biotics dat is not harmful to u and BB. but understand dat my BF frens dat anti-biotics will reduce BM supply if ur BF yr BB. Other than dat, nvr hear any other implication.
Fong2 - my MIL asked me take bai mu er during earlier stage of 1st trimester coz supposed to lessen chance of baby having rashes n better skin. but i feel that it's too cooling and have more discharge, then asked her not to cook.

LuthAdel - thanks for adding me. eh, but where are the lunch photos?
These are other stroller design( Not the free stroller's model).. i post to let u see wat are the colours available...Light Blur and green..There is one more baby pink which i cannot find.

Ignore the orange and red... ( already shown in the above pic)

** i shd collect commission from this company =P

Fong2: really?! finally i found someone with the same EDD! hahaha... so hv u gone for yr detailed scan? mine scheduled on 25 Jul.. a looong wait!

Phylicia: is it too late for me to add on to buy the BB cot (cum free stroller)? cos i will be engaging a babysitter after delivery, so think think i will need 2 sets of everything, so wat my fren hand me down can only be used at my hse, so i still need to buy 1 more set for the bbsitter =)
ladies, me have to apologise tat the facebook photo, i got Charis name wrongly.. i put it as cherbie.... so hor.. i will upload it again when free.. paiseh..
hi carmen, erm.. shouldnt u give the hand me down to babysitter then keep new one at your house? heheh.. just a thot..

you want then i add in your name lor. i will tell the guy how many of us then i will advise you all furthur
Phylicia: oh ya... haha.. will c which one fits me better first lar, cos my fren's cot and stroller sounds quite good type =)
I register liao - September Saturday course - 2 to 4pm. Suppose to pay for it on 23 Jul when I go TMC.

Your cot & the freebies that come with it is a super duper good deal. I was asking my hubby n he no reaction! so me *confused* now... *haiz*

My mum n MIL have different standpoint. One will say eat this good, the other will say too cooling - no good... So I just eat a bit (2 spoons) of whatever they say is good lor... *Hehe*

When is the last call? I will try talking to my hubby again tonight...
Carmen - My detailed scan is scheduled on 28 Jul. Ya lor, long wait hor.. I'm looking forward to that day.

Snowger - Do rest well.
Snowger - Ya lor, same here. For my case i only trust my mum. So i will eat what my mum cook. But for my mil, i eat a few spoonsful if i'm doubtful. Gotta show abit of appreciation since she already put in effort to cook. :p

I hv not signed up for any prenatal classes yet. Still wondering if it's really necessary. I heard fr 1 of my frens who went for the class but end up she had a c-sect due as her blood pressure was very high.
2nd Baby
Yes, she will allocate time for you when you're doing your detailed scan. No rush at all.

For some it may even take up to half a day if the baby cannot cooperate. Also she gave me 1 day mc even though I only take 1 hour. So remember to ask for your mc.

The detailed scan is really informative and Dr. Chan explained in details to us as well. Like when she is looking at my bb's full bladder she explained that it is a good sign, meaning his kidneys are working etc.
snowger, no worries la.. u ask your hubby first lor.. i havent called the guy to ask him how long he can honour the price and freebies for yet. I'll call him in a while to check.

Update for Cot Purchase:
LuthAdel- Orange Stroller
Phylicia- Red Stroller
Hi my dear mummies,

ok.. i checked with the company, and the deal is for real apparently, so if u are interested, pls let me know the colour of the stroller that you want and also whether u want a sesame street side bedder or girly print bedder. Dun ask me what it is.. hehe.. waiting for jowin to enlighten me too..

pls email me your full name, address and contact number + choice of stroller colour and bedder to my email [email protected]

Payment is upon delivery and $299 is including GST, delivery and installation.
Phylicia: thank you so much for helping to coordinate this buy.

Update for Cot Purchase:
LuthAdel- Orange Stroller
Carmen- Red Stroller; sesame street side bedder
Phylicia- Red Stroller

Side bedder: a "cushion" (thinner than mattress) ard the side of the BB cot, to protect the BB from knocking into the sides of the cot =)
Phylicia: Thanks. I have sent you an email!

Jowin: Thanks for sharing the good lobang! Heh...

Mum2ndx: Your MIL kept the herbs for so long??! Can meh? Won't grow mould? If i were you, i would have spat the soup out in front of her! Preg women cannot anyhow eat/drink stuff and she still dare to boil soup using such old herbs. Scary!!!

Fabbie: I've decided NOT go attend any Parentcraft courses. I've asked around my friends and many of them didn't attend. Some said the course isn't useful and ultimately in the labour ward, you won't remember all the breathing techniques one. :p They advised me better to listen to the midwife during labour. :p

juzyounme: You can Avent ISIS manual...i think it's bout $100. Not too sure about other brands.

Mimi: My detailed scan is on 31 July...must still wait!!! I'm getting impatient!

Jowin: Yep i have my Zippy liao but since there's a free stroller with the free cot, just take the offer.
I can always sell away the free stroller or leave it at my mom's place. :p
hey hey ladies.. hope all of u are doing well. Wow.. shopping spree going on?? I still nuah nuah, haven't shop around for anything yet. Now busy shopping only for wedding stuff. I think the red stroller look really good. Very sporty looking!
good afternoon ladies!

how do you lower the side railing? As in, what's the catch like...?Appears to be the kind where you need to pinch in the top two corners to lower. Can you please advise...?

Dr Chan
who is this popular Dr Chan? And which hospital? I'm looking to possibly switch gynae but want a lady and must be KK. Any recommendations ladies? Thanks!
Phylicia *BIG HUGZ*

Update for Cot Purchase:
LuthAdel- Orange Stroller; sesame street side bedder
Carmen- Red Stroller; sesame street side bedder
Phylicia- Red Stroller
Oh regarding old old chinese herbs; dun worry about the fungus or mould growing on it.. even if consume it is suppose to serve as good antibodies to our immune system and helps to fight against bad virus. Most of the medicinal halls kept their good herbs for many many decades.n What they do to keep "fresh" is to sun the herbs in the sun and keep it in dark cool places. Eg; wooden drawers to prevent moisture. I knew this because family is in this business. *wink*
Thanks u so much.... but i dunno was the old old medicine sun regularly or all along kept in fridge for that whole 30yrs...haha....

agree wif adel.. u should will have free flow of birdnest n cordyceps right? wow...

Dear mummies to be,

My apology for interluding, i am helping to sell this as the owner is stopping breasfeeding due to insufficient milk. Items are new, brought but did not use.

1) Brand new "My Breast friend" supportive pillow for breastfeeding.

2) 1 tube of 37g Medela PureLan cream

Please PM if interested.
