(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

welcome girl80...

Just curious, so its ok for our hb to "shoot" inside rite since already preggie? Or does sperm contain any bacteria that may be harmful to bb inside our womb? sorry ah.. very ignorant.
hahaa...of course the bb will not noe lar..

I was thinking wanna make love better do now, later into 3rd tri, will be tired n big as whale, wanna go for missionary style also cannot liao!! Hahaha...

Now HB can't even carry me..say i super heavy esp on the butt! so bad of him.
erm.. chantelle, yes.. your baby will know! hahaha.. joking la.. now that emeraldbride said it.. hmm.. it makes sense.. how to missionary?? haha.. there is always doggie style.. or girl on top la.. and flatten the husband!! woohoo!!
chantelle, i hope you have long enough hands to reach your down there to start with when have 3 mountains! hahahahaha...
meilik... thats a good one! hahaha.. then baby and sperm can all swim together.. hehe.. Adel's baby got fibroid to play with only.. haha..
Hi Girls

Thanks for the warm welcome

Hi ikeike

No leh, me & hubby side no history of twins, haha..guess this is so pure luck....strike after our Japan holidays in Mar 08...hehe

Hi Pris

I dun think i wan to get the twin strollers coz find them quite heavy leh....i think better to get two instead....i cannot decide which colour to get now coz dunno babies are boys or girls....personally i like blue & pink more...any due date on when you will be placing the orders?
its phyl.. hehe.. erm.. asap lor.. its not a spree.. its a beg the supplier to honour freebie and price situation..

erm.. meilik ah.. 2 breast 1 tummy.. 3 mountains rite?

i go home liao.. dun wanna play with you all liao.. making me high.. later i go home "rape" my hubby how?? tsk tsk...
Oi, at least my little Bryan has multiple fibroid to play with and exercise his football skills hahaha...

You gals are horny today ! tsk tsk tsk
wow!!! seems like i almost miss a super sexy topic here!!! wahahaha...

wecome Girl80 and congrats on having twins! Now dat means double dosage for all purchases! hee...

i think i fall into the lazy type whose SD oso not high... let me recall... dun think i ever initiate ever since im preg leh! jia lat! am i abnormal here?
Not abnormal lah... still got me join u.. Hee.. No mood + lazy + tired!!!
Tink our hubby oso abit "ko lian"..
Angie.. yup.. cordyceps is "dong cong cao" the nurse told me can start to take already.. it's so much better than bird's nest.. your FIL dote on u wor.. this stuff is expensive man..

Chantalle, DIY with dildo.. more shiok.. haha =P not necessary need that "birdie" mah.. haha
hahaha... on 2nd thots, mebbe i sud "make" the mood this wkend hor... simply no mood on wkdays now! ;p

think our HBs will be either too shocked or happi if they visit this forum! keke...
Chantalle, my hubby always shoot inside.. end up i kena infection recently.. b4 that he never shoot inside nothing hapen..dunno got link anot lar..

then after he shoot inside my baby play with his sperms.. then make my tummy cramp.. lol
Lousia: My hubby dun dare to shoot inside now. Sooo weird. He would rather ejaculate outside and insist that it's bad for the baby. LOL.

Carmen: Jia you! I should initiate sex with hubby too. Haha... don't worry it's not abnormal. I find my SD lower too now that i'm pregnant.

girl80: Welcome!!! You're expecting twins! Wow!

Chantalle: *wink wink* Your SD very high leh!!! Hee your hubby should be pleased!
Hi phyl

Or is it possible for me to book and confirm the stroller & bed sider later? Are you able to check with the supplier?

Most likely i will need to order 2 sets...haha
Phyl, me still on hold abt the cot..some measuring to do at mil's place...

Would you know bout the catch used to lower the side railing?
Welcome girl80!!!

so good u also know the gender liao! What did the gynae prescribe u for your infection?

Re Anti-radiation maternity dress/products:
I got this booklet - dun know why the tai mao bi (i.e. the shop that cuts baby hair to make the chinese brush or frame the umbilical cord) also sells anti-radiation stuff. Apparently, Zoe Tay endorse their services...

Can check out: www.taimaobi.com or call 6258 5505
(Disclaimer: I lifted the info. I do not guarantee the effectivness & usage of the products...
Snowger: Will you be cutting your baby hair to make the brush? I don't want to cut my baby's hair! :p

Phylicia/Jowin: The baby cot...it's one-side drop down right? Can lower so that can put baby down easily correct?
Hi Snowger,

Thanks for the info. I also got this phamplet and I called to ask about their hp/computer anti radition sticker. KKH branch say they dun carry. TMC branch only said they have the dress. Hmm...

Saw that you can also keep your baby umbilical cord n make it into a stamp..wow..imagine ur baby grow up become a manager..use this stamp for his documents lol.

Hi Phylicia,
I have sent you my order details to your yahoo email. Wonder if you have recv it? thanks!
Hi ladies
u gals are so active in the afternoon.....
Who want Minnie dust??? hahaha.. Gynae said most likely minnie.. but need to confirm during detail scan lor...

Gynae commented tat bb is super active n very flexible.. dun Know wat position bb is doing in my tummy.. he can't help laughing.. i think bb is bending the head to reach the toes.. so cute.... then within a blink, bb switched position again... SO gynae unable to see the gender very clearly.. he saw nothing in between n told me most likely is gal gal...

But think bb is big tat he is unable to measure the size already.. told me just the thigh is at 3cm...

oh dear.. infection ah.. take care..yes, today just talk to gynae abt sex. He said best to use condom as he said it may easy infection and some women are sensitive to semens, which will lead to contractions n cramp.. no good....my HB hear condom, he sianz... i just ask him, take it or leave it.. haha!!! no choice, sex drive not high after pregnant leh.......

Pris, i ordered the orange initially, but i called the guy this afternoon, to change to the RED stroller.. he said tomorrow let him know again as he do not have my details to change the colour for me
Hi Pris
yes, it is one side drop down and could remove the whole gate easily and make into a junior bed one day....

Hi llig or sam
one of u asked me if the gate is click or wat ... er.. i m not very sure.. sorry for the late reply.. I think u have to press both side button to release the latch

is it possible to have ryan to arrange a real product to let the gals see? such as telling us his showroom to view it.. It would be much better.. afterall it still at $299....still $$.. tomorrow i m calling him, i try to ask for the gals.

Oh yes... we gonna think of a gal gal name ... HB already knew what boy boy's name he wanted cos he wanna follow one of the Man Utd player.. now we have to think of gal gal name already.. haha...so exciting.. looks like tonight i cannot koonzzzzz....
morning ladies
thread moving real fast. hehe. a warm welcome to d new mummies. =)

don hav to wori much abt low lying placenta. i oso had d same prob wif my boi. end up as tummy go bigger, my placenta shifted as well. =)

i wan minnie dust. but mine confirmed boi liao.

making tai mao bi is a nice way to kip baby's hair when shave at 1mths or 4mths old. their service not cheap. smmore muz make sure its d correct item u receiving. d wooden stick i ordered is different from d one they showed mi. but no choice. coz baby hair alreadi make into d brush. don wan redo. scare ltr end up d brush no 'mao' liao. =(

RE: cordyceps
i hav been taking cordyceps capsules from lifestream since preg. did so when i had my boi as well. his immunity is veri much beta compared to his cousins. doesn't fall sick easier. *touchwood* =p

heard from my auntie who advised mi to take tt it helps builds up baby health. now i give a bit to my son as well. add into his porridge. hehe.
Morning gals,

I need ur minnie dust, till now my gynae haven cfm with me, only says mayb girl, gotta wait till detail scan then cfm.

Me low SD oso, sleep so much yet still tired, pity my hubby oso, anyway he scared will hurt bb as well.

Welcome girl80,
Congrats on having twins, so good, dun have to get pregnant 2 times but have to do double the jobs in the beginning and double the $$$, quite xiong.

Cordyceps: I'm taking it in powder form, gift from my dad b4 I'm pregnant. Quite heaty for me so I've only take occasionally.
Morning Ladies

Congrats for the little minnie

Cot+misc +Stroller
I think it is a good idea if we can have a product viewing and order on the spot. I'm free this weekend to have the viewing ;P

Super sian, came back from 1 day leave (detailed scan) and my job list is as long as the great wall of china. *sigh* Looking forward to weekend again.
morning ladies!

jowin, congrats on having a minnie!

me also came back to work after 1 day leave yesterday. dun know why i feel like puking today. this is the 1st time i feel so uncomfortable.
Ohayo Ladies.

Jowin congrats!! It will be a good idea if we can visit the showroom hehehe... another excuse for our gathering hehehehe.....
me ok to visit the showroom this Sat too... at least can note down our address and preference at the spot, spare poor Jowin and Phylicia having to ans so many qns from us! haha...

Adel: going to be a super bz day at werk for me too... siannzzzz...
Morning ladies,
wow, this thread is really fast moving... welcome girl80.
Me went for gynae appt on monday but can't see gender, so sad, baby is sleeping upside down, got to wait till the 20 wks detail scan to see gender then.
The talk on SD is so so funny... me oso very low, prob old liao... hehe, my hubby oso very scare will hurt the bb, although he oredi reads up a lot on pregnancy...

On the cordycep stuff, i noe there's 2 kinds in the mkt, the natural ones (dried)and the man-grown one (fresh). think the effect's the same? perhaps chantalle or anyone can shed some lights on this?
the fresh ones are oso cheaper... my MIL sometimes cook soup with it and u can oso eat them, it quite tasty....
Was on one day MC n my email is flooded like siao... Trying to clear them one by one... *Haiz*

I also want to go and see the cot too. This weekend is ok for me... I am your typical look, see, touch then agree to buy consumer.

I may not shave off the bb's hair... Cos heard it will become stiff??? *confused*

The company so bad uh? Give iemik0 different type of wood? *Tsk tsk* Actually how will you know it is your bb's hair?

I was looking more at the umbilical cord one... But then again, when I saw the sample on e book - I can't help but think it looks like u know... *opps*
morning all..wah..jowin congrats..its a GIRL!

so there are quite a handful know their bb gender liao?

btw how i add anyone into facebook?
btw, anyone organise spree to get Pump? Which brand is better, ytd i went to robinson recee, saw Avent(Philips) is more expensive than Medela. How come? I tot Medela are more better and expensive.

hi bubble_pearl, u have to scroll down to the end, there's a add friend... just type in the name or email and search... i've just add you...
