(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Morning Ladies!!

Hi jowin, the fair end liao ah? Its a very good deal..

Last night din sleep well at all. had a bad dream.. this morning so tempted to not come to work and find reason to see gynae.. haha.. worried after the dream la.. then told myself i thinking too much!!

morning ladies! it's monday again! but today it's not blue cos i am gg to see baby tonight! yippe! hope can know baby's gender..

phyl, i had a dream last nite too... dreamt that my baby is a gal! haha... hope my dream come true!
Hi mimi, your dream is a good dream!! mine not so good.. so i hope yours will come true and mine won't!! hehe

my boss in good mood, so today not blue monday.. yippee!
yeah! hope my dream can come true... went Fox baby yesterday and saw so many cute cute baby girls rompers and dresses. i told my mum today i go scan then if gal i can go buy tomorrow. haha...
Mimi, I am a fan of Baby Fox. Their clothes are reasonably priced and cute too.

Jowinbb, I got my playpen at John Little the last time too. I spent around $49 for it. Good Buy.
2ndbaby, me to tempted to buy baby clothingss yesterday. actually wanted to buy 'unisex' colours but.... the pink colour (for gals) are so sweet and nice.
Hope to join all of you at the next gathering.
Got pictures to share?
How's the MS going? Still got? I am still having

When the fair ends?

I can't sleep well yesterday oso, kept tossing and turning, seems like cannot find a comfortable position to sleep, so tired and have to visit the toilet 3 times in the middle of the nite, guess drink too much fluid b4 sleeping.
Thanks for the pics jowin.. that's really fast.. sorry i went missing on the way to mothercare.. saw my ex-colleagues and got too excited.. hehe

Nice meeting all of u that day.. =)

Slept till 5pm yesterday.. end up can't sleep at night.. now panda eyes already..
haiyo... the fair end liao so sad.. its a good buy worth a look.

me feeling nauseaous coz lack of sleep.. Zzz.. i wanna go see gynae!! i miss her! haha.. me and my nonsense!
Morning ladies!

Have to train new batch of staff today and think in my "excitement", lost sleep last night... Kept having weird dreams!

Me have not gone bb stuff shopping yet leh... Think will see what the taka fair has when it comes.

Great pics posted in Facebook! At least now, we have faces to the names! Hehe!
Morning ladies
I had a great time on our last saturday mt up too! Can't wait for our next one!!

Hey Summer, welcome aboard!!

Me went to ToaPayoh Central after our gathering and found out that stalls selling curtain & cushions sell baby stuff too - from nappies, rubber mats to mittens etc etc.... prices from one stall to another can range from $2 diff. Was told that nappies threadcount makes a diff too.... Then another stall selling factory outlet bb clothes...baby gap, old navy rompers etc 1 for 5.90 and 2 for 10. Cheap rite?
jowin, u went to ikea sale? any good buys?

any good recommendation for diaper bag? i am waiting for metro, JL or OG 20% storewide to get baby stuffs... and of course taka baby fair. my sis is passing me her sterilizer, can save $ again. hehe
my contingency companion whenever hb cannot make for the antenatal classes is my mother-in-law..... no choice if he really has to work and since classes is paid for 2pax. hopefully it doesnt seem too weird to turn up with inlaws hehehe
ikeike, its not weird for inlaws to accompany u to the classes. There are inlaws and girl frens accompany the mummies too, although its not common.

If no companion, Mrs Wong will be yr companion and she will 'use' you as live demo.
Hi Mimo
I went Ikea but saw nothing... the cot at $78 looks very unstable and i can just pull with 1 hand.. so cannot la.. too light...so nothing bought there.. baby chair n others also no discount..Lucky i din buy.. the white cot at JL looks real nice and can turn in a junior bed... Heng!

the JL fair ended yesterday.. Dun intend to go until 6pm, mum ASAP want me to be at JL fair immediately.. kenna summon down by her =P.. called me n said she saw a good deal.. N she paying.. so asked me to go n double confirm if i like anot.. Why not??? haha!!

I also dun have enough sleep.. after the fair , went back to mummy house n spring clean my room till 11.30am.. then back home , slept at 1:30am.. i going to collapse..

Hi 2ndbaby
yes.. saw the $69,$89 and $99 play pen.. among the 3, $99 one seem very much more stable than others.. i think the brand is by Combi one...So i just get that lor...

Hi mummy30
i also dun Know wat fair at expo always.. its my mum la.. she always asked me to go see this n that.. hee hee...
Jowin: Really good buy!
Too bad the JL expo sale is over. Sigh...

ikeike: I also scared that it's weird. My contingency plan if my hubby cannot make it for some sessions will be a gf too. I don't feel like going by myself to such classes.

Snowger: I'm going for a facial tomorrow after work. I'm quite sure halfway will need to get up to pee! haha...

Mimi: Hope you can find out your baby's sex today! Keep us posted ok?
pris, i also hope that i can know bb's gender today! so gan cheong... now no mood to work cos only gg to my gynae after work.

yesterday i sleep alot leh. took a nap from 7pm to 8.30pm. woke up and sleep again at 10.30pm. haha...
hi 2ndbaby
i dun think its combi.. but subsidary?? cos the playpen is handled by combi sales assistant.. i dun see the word combi printed on the playpen...Nevertheless, as long as its stable
Summer - haven't buy anything. was thinking of doing that in sep/oct.

Pris - my husband was v reluctant to go for classes. he kept asking if really necessary. after all the consistent whining, he is going with me to s Sun class.

Mei Lik - MS is still ard. on my way to work today, i vomitted twice along the road. ;P there goes my breakfast n fish oil.


went to see gynae on Sat. Dr is 70% sure it's a boy. it's 127gm. for the constant cramps, he measured the skin at cervix area and said should not be high risk for a pre-matured baby.
welcome Summer!

It's great meeting the MTBs on Sat! Sorrie dat i have to be the "show-stopper"! haha...

Jowin: thanks for the fotos taken, hope ur feeling better over the wkend and not much MS.

Pris: im more demanding in nature lar, so i will "force" my HB to go to the classes with me... btw, u gals book the lessons so fast ya.. still thinking of booking it by end Jul.

Mimi: hehe... ya, if im u, i will be too excited to werk too.. too bad i still need to wait for abt 3 weeks before i visit my gynae.
carmen, that day u went to ur gynae still dun know ur baby's gender?

i saw the meet up photo in facebook. too bad i cannot make it but i really hope that i can go for the next gathering. by that time, all of us will be carrying a 'ball' liao... hehe

I have lightly used Medela Swing pump (used for only 1mth+) for sale. The pump come with Medela Cooler Carrier and 4 bottles. Pictures as attached.

Will provide receipt and warranty. Interested, Pls PM/ SMS me at 98397101


yalor.. cos BB is bending with back facing up and closing the legs tightly (must be shy lar), so gynae say cannot make out the gender even if do the detailed scan... but got a feeling dat he din try hard enuf leh... hahaha... cos later heard from my fren dat we can sleep on our side and gynae can help to shake our tummy to make the BB change position. anyway, guess i will be kept in suspense for another 3 weeks lor ;)
Carmen, if i remember correctly we have the same gynae rite? think i got to insist to know my baby's gender tonight. haha...
Mimi: yr gynae is Dr Chen Lin Han at Yishun? Rite? yr EDD is?

Bubble pearl: huh? ru the poor MTB werking in the red colour telco, which no staff enpowerment? if yes, then tell yr boss to cover for u lor, since u cannot help to decide too! haha...

seriously, must take care and drink plenty of water (thou i knw plain water sucks when ur having sore throat). mebbe can try some honey water or herbal tea?
yup, carmen. my gynae is Dr. Chen Li Han. EDD on 21.12.08. gg to see him tonight. the nurse told me tonight alot of ppl, hope i dun need to wait too long.

ya, got to drink lots of water. can we drink 'liang teh'? can drink barley?
arrgghhh..... cant wait for today's work to be over!!! Me going to see gynae this evening too.... no more muddleheadness like last time getting the appts mixed up hehehe....

Hey Mimi, do u wish for a mickey or minnie?

Hey Pris, I guess a partner is better than going alone anytime ya.
Hi gals,
just wondering anyone knows where to get the EMF protection/anti-radiation sticker for cellphone and laptops?

Been using laptops daily for work. Heard it is not so good as it can harm the fetus as the brain cells are dividing...
hi ladies,

how's the gathering on saturday? sure vy fun... remember to share the photos ya.

me vy vy sleepy now... yawn.. n it's oni Monday!
Hi gals, do you all have any idea is the detailed scan at TMC also a 3D scan? U gals are making me excited too n I can't wait for my appt to come.

Thanks for the photos! (esp the one with all the nick - really helps!) I couldn't help myself, so made an album at my facebook ac and loaded all the photos there... :p

u also got nightmare? I had one on Friday night. Perhaps in my frustration about who to take care of the bb. On Saturday, I dreamt I went into labour! My hubby was not ard, but there was a mid-wife who wanted to help me deliver at home. I was thinking why I never go hospital leh? *Wierd* I didn't tell my hb on both dreams though.

Me wearing the pair of white hipster pants I bought at Maternity House. It's so comfy I think I might go back n get the black colour one too... :p *keke*

Not too sure if it is true. Anyway I recived some brochures on anti-radiation clothes. Will post later in e evening on where you can find the products.
Read from a newspaper article two wks ago that per wk usage of PC/Laptop must not exceed 20hrs for preggy.

For me, one day already 8 hrs.
snowger, i transfer liao.. u go check k. yup.. the pants is very comfy.. hope the jeans come in soon! =)

2ndbaby, not possible for 20hrs la.. haha.. we are all piggies that need sleep so nothing much to worry.. hehe
afternoon ladies
Went for my checp-up today.. Me oni in 14 weeks+ today still cant see the gender leh.. Tink BB not veri co-operative too.. BB like standing all the way..
Btw, my detail scan brought 4ward to 11/08 le instead of 01/09, so happy..

Tink milk make no use to me.. i drink milk almost every nite leh.. Sian

We an nap in the afternoon, at least not too bad,, Hee..
how i wish i can take a nap now. feeling super sleepy after lunch... zzzz......

mummy30, i hope my baby cooperate tonight... have been talking to baby the past few nights, ask baby to open legs big big.

Me didn't dare to drink a lot of water in case half way thru mask kena go toilet. Usually they will ask if you want to go toilet b4 mask. So it's yr one n only chance... Me admiring my skin aft e facial.

Aiyoh, you transfer me with interest uh? Anyway if you want to buy the Jeans, let me noe when u drop by, I'll bring the card, then we can get 15% discount! Act e hipster pants quite gd, if have long tops after preggy still can wear!

2nd baby,
If I dun use computer at home, smelly smelly also 35(minus lunch) - 40 hrs (add back with OT) per week. Opps that's twice of what is not recommended...
