(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Jazlyn ... nothing to envy ... I'm very busy with my kids .. lol

Juzyounme, ya I'm very blessed that hubby can support all of us comfortably

between my 1st and 2nd, there's a HUGE gap - 5 years cos I couldn't conceive (I lived with my mother-in-law .. a lot of stress)thereafter, it's 2 years .. 2004. 2006 and now 2008

Morning!!! TGIF.. yeah~!!!

wah..juzyounme.. u're even younger.. lol..

yup samantha, i''m turing 24 this dec.. hehe.. i really envy u, 4 kids.. and u can stay at home and watch them grow up.. how I wish i can do that too.. no work no $$.. i spend $ like water.. haha
can weigh baby? i didn't know that.. will check with gynae when i see him on the 17th..

my gynae only let me hear baby's heartbeat every visit, but never tell me what's the heartbeat rate, he just said that my baby got very strong heartbeat.. lol.. then on the 3d scan, can see baby's features more clearly, thou nothing much to see yet.. jus the shape of the head, arms n legs only..
good morning ladies!! its finally friday and we are meeting tmrw!! woohoo!!

iemik0.. hehe.. me september piggy.. hehe.. so now still 24! when's ur bday? i was trying very very hard to also have a piggy baby.. well.. obviously it din happen! =)

yesterday on the bus home i got a toopid bright idea.. how abt we hold for e.g. a packet of tissue.. so we can identify each other.. if not i'll probably be smiling at every stranger that walks pass marche.. haha.. i tot holding hp on hand quite commom.. but can consider also lor..

We very similar leh…
I also having my 2nd kid. My boi is now 9mth old. A mth younger than yours!

So sorry Mummies I can’t cmf if I can meet up tomolo.
Coz hubby only be back from reservist on Sat night.
(Initially though is Fri night)
Can handle my boi alone. Some more so far.
Take more picts & update us the gathering

Latest List

Date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time:12.00 pm
Venue: marche vivo (Wait in front of marche!!!)
Reservation under : Adeline

1 jowinbaby - Joanne([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
2.LuthAdel- Adeline([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
3. mummy30- Angie ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
4. phylicia - ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
* 5.Cherbie - Chereen ([email protected] for all
6. santorini - Tara ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
7. firstbaby - ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
8. Snowger - [email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email
9. Jacqueline
10. Pris --
11. Carmen -
12. Louisa - [email protected] (MSN) [email protected] (email)
13. Charis - [email protected] (MSN)
*Not cmf
dear mummies-morning...

Mimi-Yesh TGIF.. hehee..

re:age,zodiac sign
Me is a doggy with a piggy boy and now a rat baby.
morning all~! so tired. yday OT till siao on my work =S i realise after i eat i start to have breatheless .. and i keep saying im so full im so full but my mouth just cant stop -.- i just keep eating n eating till i can feel my upper body so tight! faints.

oh btw do you all feel movements yet? i think i felt abit. duno is it me being sensitive or its really baby moving!
jowin..lol.. guess i stare at the computer screen for too long already.. see wrongly.. eyes popping out le.. hehe

yesterday I went to my friend's hse.. her mum said my tummy is very big for 15 weeks.. then she said i will have a very big tummy in the later stage of pregnancy, will feel unbalanced when I walk.. so scary..
Hi Mummy30,

i am with Dr Adrian. Which gyane u seeing at KKH.

So many young mummies here. I old liao i am a dragon.
Phylicia, so tomorrow u'll be holding a packet of tissue in your hands?

If I see someone doing that, I'll know it's u and walk up to u.. hehe
Louisa: my tummy is big for a 4th preggie too... haha... then in future if we see 1 preggie rolling down the street, we can identify each other liao lor! hahaha...

Wow! me feel old here too leh, me a horsey... hit the BIG 3 last month... *SOB SOB*

Date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time:12.00 pm
Venue: marche vivo (Wait in front of marche!!!)
Reservation under : Adeline

1 jowinbaby - Joanne([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
2.LuthAdel- Adeline([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
3. mummy30- Angie ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
4. phylicia - ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
* 5.Cherbie - Chereen ([email protected] for all
6. santorini - Tara ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
7. firstbaby - ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
8. Snowger - [email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email
9. Jacqueline
10. Pris --
11. Carmen - [email protected]
12. Louisa - [email protected] (MSN) [email protected] (email)
13. Charis - [email protected] (MSN)
*Not cmf

Sorry ladies, i do not msn for a long time, so not sure if my msn still werk. so anything urgent, please call me at 826 2122 =)
wah you all still can hear baby heartbeat huh. till now i cant even hear =( dr adrian didnt let me hear or ask me to hear baby heartbeat. hmm
Me also dragon, born in 1976!! hahaha.. but i m a 1st time mummy.

hehehe, actually mine is an unplanned pregnancy.. ;) but now the bb really grew on me n my hb..Hubby so excited that he alr bought a small football for our son alr! hahaha..
fabbie, u can request yr gynae to let u hear and c bb heartbeat.

Ytd, I asked gynae whats the rate of bb heartbeat and she says its 160bpm. So I asked her is it true tt bb heartbeat below 140 is boy and above its girl and she replied not reali true. If its below 140bpm, it will be towards delivery date.
ya if u request to hear baby's heartbeat, think gynae only need to press or turn a button then can hear liao. if not, when he scan, u should be able to see the heartbeat. normally my gynae will magnify baby's heart to see the rate of heartbeat and he will print out the pic for me.
morning ladies!!! TGIF!!!


tissue in hand vy common leh. an old aunty can oso hold a packet a tissue in their hand! :p hw bout both hp n tissue in one hand? or the traditional way, pin a rose to the lapel.
Me sent out email to those attending the gathering with my HP number.. For easy contact.. Please take a look at ur email

Hi gals, I wonder if we will be only preggie ladies at mache... However, if we all wear obvious maternity clothes then we can all see each other pretty easily... *haha* I am suddenly spotting a bump!!!

Anyway if u all want to know how I look like in person can go look n add me in ur facebook... :p me email is [email protected].
haha.. yeah carmen.. i hope we won't roll down the streets in future.. bad for baby.. lol

maybe b4 i go out tomorrow, I'll post here what i'm wearing for easy identification.. or u all have any friendster a/c? we can state our email and go see the pics, maybe can identify better?
jaz, louisa.. haha.. it was just a crazy suggestion.. rose very funny leh.. haha.. and we not aunties.. hehe.. hmm.. i dunno wat to wear yet.. if i wear something loose, cannot see i pregnant.. haha.. yup.. maybe tmrw morning we post wat colour we are wearing or something..
mi born in june. hehe. 3months older dan ya. =)

so coincidence. hehe. baby at 9mths veri noti n active rite? i cant handle my boi all by myself. can die one. hehe. my hubby oso in reservist tis wk. onli out on sat. is ur hubby at jurong area camp? =)
so sleepy after lunch... **Yawn**

I m seeing Dr Ws Law..

U no old lah.. Me horsey too.. Juz past birthday last month too...

Added u in Facebook & Friendster!!
Hi Japooh, you not old lah, Im juz behind u - a snake...

Hey I'm going for the gathering. Here's my name n msn added to the list. Sorry me dun hv friendster or facebook but u can add to msn k.

Date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time:12.00 pm
Venue: marche vivo (Wait in front of marche!!!)
Reservation under : Adeline

1 jowinbaby - Joanne([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
2.LuthAdel- Adeline([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
3. mummy30- Angie ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
4. phylicia - ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
* 5.Cherbie - Chereen ([email protected] for all
6. santorini - Tara ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
7. firstbaby - ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
8. Snowger - [email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email
9. Jacqueline
10. Pris --
11. Carmen - [email protected]
12. Louisa - [email protected] (MSN) [email protected] (email)
13. Charis - [email protected] (MSN)
*Not cmf
14. Ikeike - Christine ([email protected]) (MSN)

Btw, are you all bringing HB along?
ikeike: me coming alone, most prob as my HB has to work morning shift. i knw some of us will be brining HB along, so do feel free to bring yr HB along if he is free lar.

Mummy30: oh... wat a coincidence, ur a Horsey Gemini too. Guez ur oso pretty quick temper and have high expectations on ppl too? haha... well, im very demanding to ppl ard me, esp my HB. so he's having quite a hard time for the past few months when im having serious MS ;)
Rose abit funny leh.. Like those match making in the drama..

I will b going my dad' place early in the morning so dun tink got time to post here too.. I have some of u in facebook/multiply/friendster tink shou b able to recognize.

I m not bringing HB along..
I can be quite quick temper at times especially to HB.. Tink demanding not really lah..
Tink we somehow have some privilege when in our preggie period.. Hee..
hehe. maybe. wat's ur hubby name? i ask hubby when i go pick him tmr. =) cant wait for him to be back. my son is torturing mi. refusing to slp coz miz his daddy.
i used to see Dr John Tee from KKH.

i am under Dr Adrian as well see him at CCK. I also never hear the heartbeat b4. Just see it on the screen loh.

i born in Mar so like very old liao. Everytime i told my hubby i like very old compare to him cos he born in Oct 1977 so is 1.5yrs younger than me.

BTW this is my 2nd kid (though 3rd preg cos miscarriage once). My 1st boy turn 29 mths today.
tml will be the 1st time meeting all in this forum, haha... funny, meeting all ladies but quite excited leh.

but so pardon me if i keep forgetting yr name (i have prob matching face to name recently, after i got preg), any1 have the same prob?

im in Business Deve, so used to be able to match face to name pretty fast, but recently keep calling the wrong name!? haha... so pai sey ;p

Mummy30: well, i can only say dat we are lucky dat we enjoy some priviledges. i hve frens whose HB are super insensitive and refuse to treat my frens with extra care when they r preg. thou their HB oso my frens, but i super buay tahan them at times.

i better enjoy all the priviledges since its my 1st preg, many of my frens say their HBs "stop" their special treatment when they are preg for 2nd time, mebbe HB "immune" liao! hee...
fabbie..which branch u seeing Dr Adrian? Dr Adrian always v fast..hmm..next visit will ask him to see if can hear the heartbeat..even see heartbeat also v fast..

Wah..most of u here are so young...hmm..i am Monkey..keke..anyone here same as me? Cannot look forward to a little monkey..too old by then..maybe can plan a little dragon for my hubby
u also stay at Pasir ris? Where? Me too

I am Horsey Aquarius.. but 1979 one.. b4 CNY...

Gals, me not bring hb... but maybe i ask him to pick me up or going to pull him to Harbour Front Mothercare awhile to see stollers..
hahaha .. Louisa, I'm not working and I still spend money like water ... I think if I go to work, it'll be worse ...

wow .. u gals are all so young ... make me really feel like dinosaur at 34.
oh. i stay at punngol. see him poor ting carry all d stuff. so fetch him easier. hehe. hopefully can book out at 1++pm. so juz nice can pick up straight afta my work. gotta work out my way thou. dono my way in d west.
bubble pearl,
u also seeing Dr Adrian? At which branch?
Agree that he is very fast in scanning as well as talking. My hubby mention that he never manage to see bb heartbeat on the scan cos Dr Adrian too fast liao and he dun go on all the appt also. I can see cos screen is always tiled to myside.

My hubby only manage to see bb heartbeat when i did my NT scan and TMC.

U are a Monkey har means 4 yrs younger than me lei.. So young..I feel so old in this thread.
Great! ANy more PRis MTB ard?
I am staying at Elias Rd

Ponggol also nearby! My hse is still buiding -Coralinus, shld b ready in mid 2009.
Hi Ladies

Wah, this thread is moving along so quickly! Hope everyone is doing well! Sincerely apologise for not being able to turn up tomorrow...

Have started my new job this week, back at my previous firm, but giving training on part-time basis, instead of full-time audit...

Hopefully, this arrangement will give me more time to rest, as I tire out easily...

I can be contacted via MSN / email / Facebook: [email protected]
ikeike: me 30 liao, very close to u lar...

cum on MTBs, age is only a number, let's not let it bother us so much ;)

Hee... self consolation!
by the way, is anyone here facing a problem of expanding feet??

I am already wearing size 9 (40) and I don't think I can find any larger shoes to wear, other than sandals (which are not allowed in my office)...

Any advice on where I can find larger shoes?
