(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hey raven, I saw my fren's feet expand unlike like elephant legs.... so much pressure n water retention isit? I wonder if reducing salt intake and supporting our feet higher using pillows help in elevating the swell? Anyone knows?
Jappooh Haha i dare not ask him can hear heart beat anot.. quite scare he wil scold me or drag his time.

bubble pearl im visiting Dr Adrian at CCK.. i dare not ask leh. did you ask before? hehehe IM monkey too!! heehe dun look for baby monkey.. cus we are already so playful le! haha

SAY. we can create a group in facebook!!! then we all add each and everyone in! =P
Hi.. My EDD is also on 30 Dec. Tot its abit late.. cos scared that it might crash w CNY and confinement lady may either demand a higher price or request to go back earlier..

U gals booked ur CL oreadi?

Re:Zodiac - I'm a rooster seems older rite?
iemik0, wait till they can walk. More active and have to chase them around and make sure they will not fall down or get knocked.

Looking forward to meeting u gals tmr!
Hey ladies i have 2 ques..
anyone heard of Dr. Marianna Hendricks (KK)? My gynae Dr. Ting seems to be on extended leave and i've been scheduled to see Dr Hendricks instead.. Anyone knows anything about her??

What supplements are you'll taking now? I'm 16.5wk and finished my folic acid and next appt is only on 01 Aug (long long wait!!). When did you'll start on Obimin? I still have many bottles from my 1st preg and wondering if i should start now...?

Finally, enjoy the day out tomorrow. Wish i could be there..maybe next time..
Have fun and take many pics!! And if the photographer(s) are kind enough, can tag the faces in facebook..? I'll try to start a group for us on facebook.

Oh, for the newest members, HELLO! add me on msn [email protected] or facebook(preferred)/friendster [email protected]
Welcome xuelyn..

Is this ur 1st BB?
Ya, i oso hope confinement will not clash with CNY.. so sian rite.. Not getting CL.. MIL and maid will be helping out.. U where got old... I m horse leh..
okiez, done..
Facebook group is called Dec '08 Mamas..
I've added those who are already in my facebook but have been busy lately and haven't been adding the newer members (and now too lazy to find the emails) so can you ladies either add me, then i include you'll in the group or add yourself to it.. Will be an easier outlet to share pics etc.
When did u start it during ur 1st pregnancy?
Tink shouldnt b a problem to start m.vit.. Or u can try call up the nurse to check to confirm..
hi everyone...

Sorry i've been very busy with work & after-school workshops the entire week.

Here's the updated list for tomorrow's gathering. I'm STILL going!
Finally can see so many MTBs!

Date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time:12.00 pm
Venue: marche vivo (Wait in front of marche!!!)
Reservation under : Adeline

1 jowinbaby - Joanne([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
2.LuthAdel- Adeline([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
3. mummy30- Angie ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
4. phylicia - ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
* 5.Cherbie - Chereen ([email protected] for all
6. santorini - Tara ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
7. firstbaby - ([email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email)
8. Snowger - [email protected] for MSN, [email protected] for email
9. Jacqueline
10. Pris -- [email protected] (email & MSN)
11. Carmen - [email protected]
12. Louisa - [email protected] (MSN) [email protected] (email)
13. Charis - [email protected] (MSN)
*Not cmf
14. Ikeike - Christine ([email protected]) (MSN)

llig: I'm taking 3 supplements -- iron, calcium & DHA.

fabbie: My next appointment is very long cos i just went for one last Sat and my gynae cannot confirm my baby's sex. :p So must wait till detailed scan at the end of July to see!

xuelyn: I booked my CL in April...very KS cos i'm afraid i won't be able to get one.

Btw, anyone staying in AMK?? I live in AMK central!

Shall see some mommies tomorrow. I have long straight hair & short fringe. Will most likely be wearing a yellow dress! Hope that helps...i'm also scared i can't identify the rest of you ladies!
can't remember when i started for 1st preg..think it was in 2nd trimester but not sure. The last i saw my gynae was a long time ago
and now's the long wait to next appt. Feeling a little worried, wondering if they accidentally schedule me so late.. last trip to KK was 09 jun for triple test, 08 May was gynae appt. Next appt only on 01 aug (scan + gynae).. Should i try and bring 4ward my appt date??
i think so too but thought maybe cos 2nd preg they taking it easy with me...? But then again, 1st preg wasn't exactly very smooth (placenta previa). Will try calling tom..dunno they got work on sat or not..
hihi, I'm back at this thread. Haven't post for quite some time. Been bz at work & staying til 9+pm in office. Exhausted!

Hi5! My EDD is also on 30 Dec

My next appt is at 16wks & 1.5 wks away.. seems like another long wait.

My gynae gave me Obimin, fish oil, calcium & folic acid on my 1st visit at 7wks & I've been taking them til now, except folic acid which I was told to stop after 12 wks.
mummy30: ^5! Haha...if the 2 of us stand side by side, the rest should be able to spot us very easily. Heh...

llig: That seems really long an interval. Plus you had a complication during your 1st pregnancy. I think you should bring forward your appointment...i have always assumed that monthly intervals are the norm.
hi ladies at gathering tomorrow
i have long straight hair n fringe not long not short.. i so lazy to go salon to just cut my fringe... =P wat will i wear.. dun know leh....keke....

I still on Obimin from the day i tested positive.. so is week 6 till now.. Folic acid also.. as i still puking, gynae dun give me fish oil...
Hi there! Just to alert you: Maternity Exchange @ Marina Square is having a fantastic deal every Saturday in July, starting tomorrow, 5 July!
- Additional 10% off their clearance sale items (which are already at up to 75% off!)
- 10% off regular priced maternity and nursing wear
- 1 extra credit with any rental package (It means you get to rent 1 more pc for free!)
It's a rare offer, do take advantage of it! Visit www.maternityexchange.sg for more details. See ya!

same here .. my last appt was for my NT test in my 11th week ... the next appt I have is on the 9th of July for my detailed scan and also gynae appt ... I thought I was the only one with such a long lapse in appts (at KKH) .. 9 week gap ...

i think it's cos we're not firt time mummies ...
llig - my gynae gave me folic acid & vit B6 starting 8 weeks. about week 14 or so, i finished folic and vit B6 and started on Obimin, oil gel (DHA, etc), calcium. i think it should be gd that u start w obimin?
hope u gals enjoy lunch today. while you all have lunch, i will be seeing my gynae. hopefully can know baby's gender today... and solve my pain - got cramps from yest evening till now.
Dear Madams,



We are five students from Raffles Junior College who will be embarking on our Project Work.

As our Project is based on the modernization of cures for blood diseases, we hope to raise awareness and funds for public cord blood banking.

We understand the significance of cord blood stem cells in curing blood diseases. However, not many others do. Through this project, we hope to raise awareness among the public and pregnant women about the uses of cord blood: encourage mothers to donate their babies’ cord blood to public banks (SCBB) and increase the extent of positive impact that cord blood has brought to the curing of blood diseases. We also hope to give support to public cord blood banks by raising funds from the public.

Hi all mummy to be,

My name is Summer.

I been reading so many posting by u all and hope to join this dec thread to learn more things & make frens with u ladies

Currently I am 17th week, EDD 10/12/2008 seeing Dr Poon (Every fri @ Jurong)

Hi Ladies

A warm welcome to you

Gathering today
The outing today is a great success and we had a lot of fun sharing and discussing various topics! Let do another one lets say 2-3 months down the road (ahem, when most of us are still not too big or clumsy to move about
Hi ladies...

I had fun at today's gathering! Glad that i could make it and see so many MTBs.

Adel: I agree with you. Let's plan another gathering in 2 months' time! Must "book" the date early so more mommies can mark the date down in their schedule.
pity ah.. i cant go.. so you gals got take photo mah? wah liew in facebook duno who is who de. hahah
morning ladies

glad u ladies had fun. pity cant go due to work.
it will be great if there's another gathering. hopefully i don hav to work tt dae. hehe. =)
Halo all adel & mummy 30,

I feel so welcome in this thread

so sweet of you all to arrange a gathering,hope i will be able to join u gals.
Jus like to ask if u all start to buy any baby stuff already?Cos i tot of waiting for the Taka baby fair since i miss to expo john little fair.
Me wanna get milk bottles, sterilzer, baby daily stuff lor...bulk item like baby cot i use pass down one...haha must save abit of $$$
Hi Ladies...
me enjoy much at the gathering too....everyone chat n chat n till forget the time liao...

yeah.. shall arrange another time....

Me blur with the pictures naming who is who.. haha...

Hi Summer
yaya.. jowinbaby, photographer for the day.. Hee..

When's the Taka baby fair? i havent get anything yet too..
Hello Ladies

You won't believe it.. haha I slept the whole day today! I mean woke up at around 9am, had breakfast then nap until now :p

Must email the pics, I will try to put names on the pics while my memory is still fresh although it is already fading liao...*sigh* must the our hormones lah
Jowin: Thanks for sending everyone the pics!
Even added in our nicks...

Mommy30: I think the Taka baby fair is held usually in Sept. I'm also waiting!
Hi Gals,

Sure look like ur have fun yesterday, too bad I have to work, can't join ur, if possible next outing must plan on a Sunday
I have a question to ask all MTBs...

Those who signed up (or going to) for Childbirth or Parentcraft classes...are your husbands going to attend the classes with you?

I'm trying to convince my hubby to go for EVERY session with me. He's quite reluctant because he claims he's busy with work & his part-time masters.
Am feeling quite upset about it.
hi gals, I enjoyed the meeting too! Went for my first facial today aft 4 mths. Found that it's not that comfortable. In fact half way through the facial, I felt like puking! Felt better after the shoulder massage thou.
Me returned at about 5plus n nap till 8 plus... *Shiok Man* Jus realised my hubby is off tmr, it's youth day - me got to go to work...

I am getting my hubby to go w me for ALL e sessions. Try to convince him- it's only 2 hrs each time. Take it as a break fr work n study lor. Somemore the lesson fees is actually for 2 (i.e. u n ur hubby), if he never go a bit wasted! :p
selling PRELOVED Avent Digital Bath and Room Thermometers

This digital thermometer is a bright and cheerful way to keep baby safe and comfortable. It doubles up as a convenient way to monitor the temperature both in baby's room and bath. Ideal as young babies cannot control their own temperature and are more sensitive to hot water than an adult may be able to predict. It has also been designed and tested as a safe, fun bath toy.

email me: [email protected]

Hi Pris
Yes, hb going to join me for ALL sessions

me bought a playpen and mum sponsored me a baby cot at John Little Expo today..

Quite good deal.. playpen at $99...very steady with a bassinet on top ...

Baby cot is white in colour which can turn into a junior bed.. Free bedside bedder, 4 inch mattress, a mobile music turner and a STROLLER... i was amazed that the stroller is free???? ALL AT $299... Mum decided to get tat for me to put at her house..
of course the stoller cannot be compared to those very superior one.. its at 8kg..the handle can switched 2 ways to face baby or back.. big wheels and for infant used till 4yrs old...rather steady..

Well, mum said if i dun like the stroller n wanna buy my own, she will use it n bring baby to marketing or shopping when i m at work.. haha!! Since free one, take n see how lor....
morning ladies..
Sian, cant sleep..

Sept is good.. I should able to know my bb gender by that time..
Hubby going with me for the all the sessions, thats y he choose saturday class..

I live quite near to expo yet always dunno wat fair they having.. Thought the John Little Fair ended? Playpen $99, cheap leh.. Cheapest i saw was like $100+..

morning ladies

had a good nite sleep ydae. all thanx to hubby who looked afta n cater to my boi's needs at nite. too tired out by him afta 1 wk when hubby in reservist.

my hubby made a attempt to go all classes wif mi when i had my boi. he was listening attentively whereas i was dozing off. hehe. veri bad of mi. but i learn all these during my diploma daes liao. dono y i sign up oso. haha.

tt's a veri good deal. i got mine from baby kingdom. bought it 2 daes b4 i went to d expo fair. sianz. but nvm la.

mummy30 & sam
how abt drink warm milk? helps to relax n can slp beta wor. =)
