(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Ya manz...Kath... Ashlynne too.. both lying on bed playing iphone.. And Ashlynne will "correct" her daddy if he pressed wrongly.. hahaha

Yup.. she also will drop my phone...so really wanna get one. I am using the normal skin protector.. quite thin.

Oh Vic, the sales starts today at TAMPINES?? hmmm

Hi jappooh
FB alot of MJ but not shiok to play on PC like this.

ooh..then we shall organise a MJ session..hehe. can come to my place.
u gals can play while i entertain the kids..can play in the glass room. :p
Er... Wat is MJ ar?

Btw, saw carrefour has bb fair fr today till weekend... Those waiting for pampers sale can stock up now, $59.9 for 2 boxes... Guess the cheapest?
Yup, pampers active... Only this range comes in box rite?

Me still thinking how to go n buy ler... Carrefour only in central n i'll be out of town fr fri to sun ler... Sianz... Always miss out good deal one!
I stay in sengkang, very far away fr u... Hehe!

To me both also very good, but mamypoko thicker so sometimes I find it hot for my boy, but I only buy pampers active if there is sales, else too ex...
jess, no leh..i bot my pampers active in those packet form..notice onie carrefour n giant sells them in box but i calculated, indeed is much cheaper.
too bad my hse no place to store cos he still hv one cupboard full of new unopened toys.. :p

u still hv todae n tmr to go buy
I feel pampers active is ok lar. cos i running out of Mamy Poko (left 1 pack unopen). Later I go check it out during lunch... :p hehe... Wonder which size I should get.

if my ger wear M - L size, i.e. mamy poko L size still to big. Then pampers get wat size? M or L?
Kath, actually ntuc also got sell pampers active in box but not all carry esp smaller outlet one... Normal price per box is $40+ but during sale can get $59.90 for 2 boxes, which is really gd deal...

Today cannot so hopefully my hb willing to go with me tomolo...
Tat is what I realised... tat is why when my bb was smaller, even the small like too big... hehe... in that case I will buy M lor. Cos L size mamy poko still seem big while M size like a bit tight... haha!

My ger wears size L for Pampers active though she's still tiny haha

I saw in Giant they had a promo for purchase with purchase, $28.xx per box, quite cheap.
FOX and PP sales from 30 Mar to 18 Apr

(Closed on Monday)
I did not even see the promo for Pampers leh @ Giant Vivo. There was only promo for Mamy Poko ($22.90) and Huggies Dry.

In the end I land up buying Kinder Bueno (2 for $1.95)... ZzzZZZ!
giant's pampers promo already over (I also din see it when I was at giant vivo last weekend), but they were previously on $69.9 for 2 box promo, more ex compared to the promo tat carrefour is currently having...
papmers active is not so bulky, but mp is great for overnight use, and its soooo soft! but frankly, after using Fitti premium, I find it comparable to MP and cheaper as well
Must spend above $30 @ Giant then can buy the pampers at $28.85. Promo til mid Apr. Saw at IMM Giant.

Christine, yr maid reali gd w kids. She and Shannon can clique v well. When will u be coming down for Shannon's class? Hee..
I used Fitti before leh. But din know which range. Didn't find it v good... Hmm... Maybe shld buy 1 pack to try try... So far I have used Mamy Poko for day and nite.

Is huggies dry any good?
Hi gals,

when NTUC have MP sale let me knw k. Today just open the last pkt in my store liao.

I didnt try Fitti premium cos NTUC usually dun see that mostly Fitti comfort.

Pampers active:
do u gals find that the pampers have a very strong urine smell?

My boy currently can only wear pampers active or MP. Ex..Sigh..
snowger, dry not v good, comfort is better.
My boi now is wearing L but i think he need to upgrade XL soon..so good can still wear M for some of the gals.

By the way, the carrefour pamper promotion that you are referring to, roughly how much is per pcs?
bubble pearl,

my boy already on XL size diaper since he is 8mths old. He is not fat jsut happen have big butt and big thigh. End up when wear L size will have red marks so have to change to XL loh.
fitti has 2 diff type, basic and premium. Agree its not available at all ntuc branches, so far have only seen it at amk. Very happy w it so far!

using nepia for day time, so far so good but definitely not a nite time diaper
I going to check out at CK. cos on and off their mamy poko offer is btr than NTUC one.
If CK got offer, I will post here ya?

Was thinking of trying huggies other range - will check comfort out if got offer. I know the huggies Ultra is good but super ex (in fact more ex than mamy poko).

Thanks. I will see if my house downstairs got sell the premium range. if not wrong they have fitti but cld be the basic one. I saw someone buy yesterday.

Btw, I tried NTUC brand. Not bad lar, but can only use for day time. And must change every 3 hrs. If bb pee frequently, must change before 3 hrs. last nite, my ger's diaper was so full, I can feel the jell all harden in the diaper.
Anyone manage to wean thier babies off the pacifier? Was thinking if I shld try. Cos at this age is cold turkey leh. Wah liao, I can imagine my dotter crying if she dun get her pacifier to go zzz...
very tempted to try ntuc brand cos its so cheap right? But have heard very mixed reviews abt it so i'm still sticking to the familiar. but another friend also mentioned about the changing every 3hrs part

I managed to wean my gal off the night time pacifier. Now trying to wean off using pacifier for her nap. Of cos cold turkey lor.. bo pian.. now she seldom, if ever, ask for her tutu BUT will cry before she can go to sleep during naptime. Bedtime one okie already. No tutu and no crying. I guess if u wanna do cold turkey, just have to 'harden heart and eardrums'.. first few days sure abit siong. Good luck!
Yah, NTUC is super cheap when on offer. Per pc is 10cents. ur ger wearing M or L? I have M size tat I can spare...
Confirm is day use only.

U managed??? Ooooh... ok ok... thinking of a good time to try it out... I read Gina Ford, she say have to use controlled crying. Hb say wait till when she a bit older... *hmmm...*

my boy cant wear other brand so far only MP and pampers active ok for him.. All others have rashes. I didnt try fitti premium though.
Hi gals,

any one give your kid pediasure complete? Now cold storage is selling $28.65 for 900g tin with 1 bottle of ready to drink. I just brought 6 tins with free hm delivery.

There are a new version one that i didnt try lar.. Cos my boy now is fine with the older version.
phyl u started on new job??

Jake is using MP for night time,day time so far i tried Fitti(the normal cheaper one) but think the quality have change...so am changing to EQ,recently bght one pack to try and its quite good for daytime use.Night time i stick to MP,that time when my MIL just came to sg and look after jake,she let jake wear the normal diaper to sleep...in the middle of the night he woke up crying...MP still the best for night.
CK always have MP promo..better then NTUC..hehe...i always stock up.that time promo i stock up 5packs...now still have left 2+...need to wait for promo then stock up again..this time must buy even more..cos need buy for Justin also...haiz...think he can only use MP..use pampers(S size) he will be grumpy...

so sian....my exams coming!!!!

anyone have a good maid agent to recommend??
realise MP is good for overnight. i tried huggies pull up pants.. when i removed it in the morning, its very wet and her butt is wet type.. not like MP, diaper is heavy yet her butt is dry..

still stick to MP, at least for night

Ya.. i used control crying for the night time. I was getting her to sleep on her own with a bedtime routine, same time without tutu. She got it over a wk. Now she can go the her cot w/o crying and no need tutu. The naptime is abit more problematic. Maybe cos still got light and everything so she doesnt go to sleep that easily. Just started the last two days so cross finger w/i a wk, she will okie. Rest of the time she dont use tutu already. I think 15mth quite old liao.. if wait longer, probably harder cos they become even more insistent leh.. but really must be consistent and bear with the initial crying lor. First day she cried for 45mins. :p


Wow.. i got my pediasure for 30+ the last time. I only got 1 can to bring to Melb. But here hard to find.. hmm really helped my girl to gain some weight but one of my doc friend say it is full of sugar (that's why hi-cal) so i was thinking after this can, maybe dont give already.

i give it to my elder boy cos he is way too under weight at 12.8kg at 4yrs old. after taking for 2wks i do find his appettie is getting better and i weigh him again is 14.7kg now.. So i let him continue. No choice loh
Dryper is quite good oso... But i dun like the tape, noisy to change... haha! Tat time the thread keep mentioning tat Dryper wear liao will get rashes... true?

Ya. I was weighing the consequences of waiting till she older (most prob be > stubborn) and doing it now. if do now, then must be consistent, i.e. every nite time is @ my own place, not staying over @ MIL. else 2 nites no tutu, one nite w tutu, then the vicious cycle begins all over again... :p

I notice that some nights when she zzz, the tutu will fall out of her mouth and she dun hv tutu in the mouth all the way until morning. But some nites, she will wake up on her own to stick the tutu in her mouth OR cry cos cannot find the tutu... *DOUBLE SIGH*

During ur cold turkey days, does she wake up in the nite looking for tutu?
I tried pediasure on my ger (vanilla). She drink 10ml reject everything... damn wasted... now the whole tin (small sample size) is sitting in one corner... shld have passed it to someone. Now more than 3 wks liao.. so cannot use le...
Hi Snowger,

i also let my boy try the sample 1st b4 buying the big tin ones.

So now i can many many when on sale. $4 cheaper is quite alot for 900g fm loh.

Ya lor, the PD also say my girl underweight so ask me to give pediasure. Anyway, it is so hard to get here, i guess bo pian also must give up. She did, like you say, have better appetite and w/i a short time put on more weight. I want to see if i can maintain that w/o the formula.

Ya.. my girl's tutu will also drop out. I will go in after a while when she sleep to take it away. If i leave in the bed, if her hand touch it in the sleep, she will put it back in her mouth. I thought since her teeth is forming, better quit lor. So during cold turkey nights, some nights she woke up really early in the morning and fussed, but i ignored also.. she dropped back to sleep. It took just 1wk for her to go to sleep on her own and stop waking up for her tutu.

In your case, i agree with you, must do without going to MIL place or else 前功尽弃. I dont dare to do with the old folks around because they sure ask why let her cry until so chiam. Even my hub was quite 心痛 but i just ask him to leave everything to me and dun interfer.
So good ur ger still ok to take the formula. She take the vanilla one or the chocolate/honey ones? My ger oso underweight and I tried, but she only take 10ml! No matter wat abbott range of milk powder I give, she oni drinks 10ml. So land up no similac or pediasure lor....

U want us to help u courier to where u stay? :p

Thanks for sharing the experience on the tutu. hehe... I will oso try to see how it goes, if successful, will post here to inform u...keke...
tamms, dun try ntuc, their tape quite sharp, Gerard's thigh was cut by it twice.

snow, comfort is good eluff for nite usage. Ultra is good but ex lor.

Bur, me used to use dryper when he is wearing M, but now i find huggies cheaper and the tape is better.
I c... Another brand u can try is Pet Pet... some of the mothers have rave comments abt it.

the tape sharp meh? I feel it's ok leh... :p
I looking for pet pet bulk purchase or supplier.. My friend with twins ask me to help her find. U babes see tell me oh!

Hayden uses huggies dry comfort. For day n nite. Can hold his super water consumption too. He drinks abt 5 bottles of mag mag a day.. 3 9oz milk n 4 meals.. So the diaper gotta be real solid. N i usually change when super full!

I'm hiberating at home! So sianz...

kayson have been weaned off his tutu for 2mths le! hehe. went cold turkey wif him. now is to mainly keep my niece's one out of his sight.

how much is pediasure ah? coz i get sample from d sales rep. hehe. kayson got put on abit wt afta drinking it. mayb gg to buy in bulk from my rep for him. =p
