(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

I oso let my ger try Jap and Indian curry... She likes leh... But both is the non-spicy version lar...

Touching tummy is based on volume. U just make sure that the things go inside that volume is nutrious can liao.

I still sterilise bottles once a day. Sometimes when my ger stay at MIL's place, my MIL will use the sterile bottle for all 3 milk feeds. The next day, she will use another sterile bottle for milk feeds.

U may want to try giving him his fave food? as in something which he LOVES no matter wat. Even if it means repeating it everyday. Tat day I resorted to give her Heinz Creamy Tuna Moray aft she rejected the porridge. She got eat lar but oso in a no appetite manner...

i still sterilize my boy's bottle, actually can stop doing so already but i got no place to store the sterilizer so continue using it lor :p

i gav fried fish b4 to daniell, those pan-fried with flour type... but long time never do so coz both my boys hate fish!

any baby hates egg? daniell dun like egg, the moment he sees or smell he will juz turn his head away... but egg tasty mah..
lol jappooh my gal dun eat rice. she eat porridge nia.. i ask her to eat rice? she shake her hand no no.. lol
sushi maybe got the sweet sweet taste maybe he likes?

tired of ster-ing bottles sia! but when is the actual age to stop ah?
daniell likes jap food... ramen, udon etc... one thing weird is he dun like to eat rice but he takes japanese rice!! if i make sushi or donburi at home he will eat the rice lor... guess this guy knows wat is good stuff... hehe

ervin same loh. Like to eat Jap stuff also.. Hee..

i have stop stering the bottles when Ervin is 9mths. my elder boy i stop at 6mths.. Lazy mummy..

i think ppl suggest 1 yr old ba..
Hi Mommies,

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fabbies, jess,
mine kid also like sushi compare to rice. guess is bec sushi have taste while plain rice don't.

me is a lazy mummy too. I don't actually sterlize the bottles. Once in a while, I will boil it. It is ok for my girl since born. no LS so I am not particular about it.
I intend to sterilise until she is 18 mths. Actually books recommend that as long as milk bottles are used shld sterilise. Esp the teats bah...
But shld let them use cups liao... Then can stop sterilising! keke...

My ger use to love eggs... Then u know wat! My MIL overfed her with steamed egg - instead of giving her porridge, she make the steam egg her "porridge" for one meal. So now when I make steamed egg, she will turn her head to one side! So now I give her hard boil or pan fried eggs...
hahhaa icic. like that after you wash you just dry them thats all? or need to put in a box to dry them? incase got germs go in?
i onie sterilise his bottles once every 2 days..lazy! I tink i will sell away the steriliser and the warmer..keke

jess, zach suddenly dun wanna eat. siao..but can finish 2 plates of tamago at one go! u r right..sushi he loves, but normal rice he dun like. either my cooking damn bad. He loves bread too but i feel bad feeding him bread for dinner leh, like not proper meal kind.

how shuld i say political ah.. in other places oso got office politics but those are usually played by higher levels mah.. we this type of small executive will not be roped in but here at my workplace is different.. u wanna make sure u deliver good quality project but the person u r supposed to be working wif dun want to and onie takes care of his rice bowl n if anything happen, push responsibility to u type..
u close factory liao uh? Sell the steriliser and warmer?

Politics can be played at every level one. Even within the excutives oso have one lar. esp when Performance grading tat time come... Uh well... Maybe the person u work with are the push responsibility type or just the I do my core work dun care abt other stuff type.

I had a colleague who was lidat, he did the project and thot WAH DAMN SUI and was like so proud of it. Little did he know he missed out a small portion which involved my system (which somehow he overlook and nvr get me involved). So my system went down lor aft he roll out his project... When I called him, he straight away told me I dunno, I am not responsible for this. And when I asked him the recourse, he kept pushing the blame away from him and told me to liasie with vendor directly. Wierd leh, I nver once said it was his fault and he got so defensive. Kaoz... Anyway am glad he is no longer my colleague! *Phew!*
sushi rice tastes better laa of coz it's been added seasoning like vinegar & sugar... but daniell likes to eat not only sushi but also plain jap rice, guess he inherits me... likes jap stuff... haha!
i still sterilised, since its there, no spoilt, i still continue.. no harm.. like maybe once a day at night.. throw everything in then next day can use again..

aiyo politics.. i think its not just at upper management.. even those a lower also will.. depend on severity.. i hate politics
I stop sterilise her bottle about 2 months ago. So far ok. Stop sterilise is because steriliser spoil, so might as well .... But before i use I will shake the bottle with warm water.

Rachel also dont eat much soild food. She dont like porridge/rice. Give her soup with rice, she only drink soup. I call her 三口小姐。Anything only eat 三口.....
Ask you all if ur baby dont eat solid food do you all give them milk instead
Ya lor.. I oso sterilise 3 bottles, once a day (in the nite).
3 milk feeds = 3bottles... my MIL use 1 bottle for 3 milk feeds, so before making milk, she will rinse with hot boiling water...

I do not give milk or even snacks (in b/w that meal to the next milk feed) if she dun eat. This is to prevent bad eating habits.

btw u say she eat 3 mouths only? Is it for every meal for the whole week or her appetite yo-yos?
Hi Snowger
Ya. Ashlynne has 3 bottles for milk feed. same.. 3 milk feeds = 3bottles, so that i dun have to keep sterilize. The rest like her combi sippy cup, her feeding bowls n spoon, i also all throw in.. Might as well.

haha... I sometimes so lazy, i just put all the used bottles (w/o washing) at the sink. Night time wash all together and sterlise... keke...

v cham hor? My ger oso has this habit from time to time...

From what I know, toodlers should hv the ability to "normalise" their food intake such that over a period of time, they will still manage to eat "x" amounts of certain impt food groups... Like what Jowin say lor, if no lose wieght n still active, eating less is ok.
snow, kinda close shop liao..

we're exploring several options now - i resign and we downgrade to smaller flat since onie 3 of us, or i endure working here until i can find a good paying job that can let me work on a part time basis..which I actually has an offer but a vendor to a financial institution.. abit sian having to face ppl from banks again! :p

tis colleague of mine is not like urs that will say upfront not his responsibility. he can twist his question very well that he can trap u to answering and then ur answer will portray to others that it is u that is delaying the project! Well..not the first time any of my dept folks complained abt him but wat to do..how can he expect me to review 10docs in 2 days? crazee.. even if i work 24hrs aday impossible lor n when i told him tat, he said his team can do it but onie review from technical standpoint which none of it is in the doc so i realy wonder wat is he reviewing! stoopid lar..
zachmommy ..

really? close shop aldy? but why? you're not old what.

anyway, I am all for a smaller place .. big house more to clean and more rubbish end up keeping. plus unwanted ppl can end up living with u (like in-laws hahaha) .. I prefer a place with just enough space. My hubby keeps talking about buying a house but I don't want.
I'd rather an apt anyday. plus u will have facilities all at your doorstep.
haha.. i stopped sterilizing hayden's bottles by the time he was 2mths.. coz that time i TBF him.. then after that he go IFC so they sterilize is their prob lor.. all i do i soak the bottles with sterilizing tab on sat and thats all. keke..

i also regret selling my sterilizer n warmer.. zzz.. if any of you have a avent express steam sterilizer.. let me know.. kekeke..

kath.. if not happy.. then leave lor. i feel everyday happy v impt.. if not we will definitely bring some unhappiness home. and wont be able to fully enjoy the time with our family..

I feel really bad coz my work quite tiring.. so i go home.. i hardly spend 1hr with hayden n i buay tahan will KO liao.. i slp abt 9plus everynite.. n sometimes he slp at 10..

SAM... i totally agree... if got spare room.. ppl will start coming over!! small n cosy for the family is best!
Tat sounds really sucky to have this colleague manz... Agree with Phyl that a workplace where u are happy working @ is impt! I like my workplace which is why I am reluctant to look elsewhere even when pple start calling me for job openings... :p

I AGREE! But I hope to have another room leh... Now all the rooms in the house are taken...
phyl, u dun want pigeon?? i can sell it to u at a very good price juz to get rid of it..haha.. still in very good condition leh..
i agree wholeheartedly at wat u said cos on wed when i went home after a lousy day at work, n zach was super gluey to me, i end up very frustrated and kept snapping at him..but that boy still wants me to carry him to sleep at nite..
i was so frustrated till i feel like jumping out of the window!! but now i cannot leave first cos i need to save some more $$$ first
I still sterilise the bottles and teats.

My gal is not drinking milk. Has been like this for quite a number of days. Any one facing this prob?
Hi mommies..
Re to office politic..

My prev office also play politic man, very sian.. eventhough played by the management side, but still we kena loh... They sure find something to arrow each other, and we as a sub-ordinate of course kena loh... sian man...
Now I left the company already, but I still heard from my friend that the politic more and more teruk man.. they will play till force ppl to leave one.. Last time I endure loh, if not happy just say out.. dont care if they are happy or not. Sack me lah (no good attitute ah..).. anyway "gui" also them "ren" also them what, any words speak from their mouth always 1000% correct one lah.. I wonder my boss "blind and deaf" is it? Why he doesnt know.. stupid!!

Small office or big office, still got politic ah.. Sometimes if doesnt hurt us, better close eyes and shut the ear hehe... we just work for 1 bowl of rice and tins of milk .. hehehe..
like wat esther says, every office will have their fair share of politics...but is it so bad that u wan to quit ?? since u say ur colleagues in same dept also complain abt him, so its evident that he's the one giving the problem...

sterlising: i also the lazy one,sterlise once a wk only! n tt's after i started him on FM. same as phyl, before tt on TBF so no need bottles, n IFC will take care of sterlising...when i started him on FM already 6-7mths old. After work come back still got to wash tis , wash that...lazy..

2ndbb, my boy went thur a period 2 wks ago when he refuse milk for 2 days! i panic & almost restore to adding milo into his milk. Phew which lucklily i didnt cos scare once intro taste of milo he really dun wan milk next time.
luckily his milk strike only 2 days...then recently he end up drinking much more..use to drink only 150ml n cant finish.Now drink 180ml n still can ask for more.

It might be just a passing phrase? she milk strike for how many days le?
for the time being,give more other calcim stuff? like cheese?
why she dun drink milk wor? maybe u feed her more solid ba.. did u try fresh milk? hehe

tell me about it.. how many little tooth does ya baby has NOW?! mine 16months + only till now have 8.. i didnt see white white on her gums leh.. is this normal? hehehe
sigh..zachary was having diarrhoea and oso vomitting since Saturday morning! n juz now right after we landed in SG, he vomitted all over himself n me! Luckily bought extra clothes for him and i wore 2-pc..n he onie drink 30ml of milk every 6hrs leh..
not sure if it is stomach flu like wat PD in klang says or wat..his stomach is really bloated and the moment i bring his bottle of milk near to him, he will show me the 'wanna puke' action...
summore running a fever..
Btw, I bought 1 packet of Mamy Poko size L for Zach but realise he has a reaction towards it..his penis n testicles got all red and his anus oso red..he used to get that same reaction when he wore MP when he was younger but i tot after so many mths shuld be ok..

I bot at RM37.90, willing to let go at $15.. it is L38

i think is normal for a kid to have only 8 teeth when in 16mths. Ervin have 16 teeths. I wonder is he teething again cos recently he like to bit alot but i didnt see any white white at the back of his gum too..

tmr i will be away for a nite. Going genting with hubby. this is the 2nd time i left Ervin with my MIL. Though only 1 nite but i am worried dunno my MIL can handle him during the nite anot. The 1st time was when he is only 2 mths; THat time he still dunno how to look for me.

Tonite we trial but fail. Ervin just dun get to sleep and tell my MIL he wan to look for me and run to my rm. When with me he sleep within 10mins. Sigh.. Worried worried
maybe you can try talking to him and tell him that you will be away. say something like, 'mummy and daddy will be away tomorrow night, but grandma will look after you. you be a good boy and sleep with grandma, we will see you when we come back.'

like you, my girl is also very stuck to me at night. sometimes my job requires me to work at nights. during those times, my MIL can get her to sleep, and usually she will reject my husband. but recently my MIL was not around on a night that i had to work, so i kept telling emma to sleep with daddy. that night, my husband also told her, 'girl, mummy will be back late, you sleep first ok?' she still cried for me, but was a lot less than before.

at this age, they understand a lot of things now, so you can try talking to him to explain that you will be away, when you will be back, and all that.

hope you have a good time with your hubby!
Maybe you can start to give her in straw cup and see if she takes it
It started this way with Bryan as well. He started refusing milk in the bottle and will push the bottle away or started crying the moment he sees the bottle. Once I give him milk in the cup, he was back to normal drinking.
This weekend very pek chek leh. My ger keep refusing to eat stuff which are more solid. I.e. I cook porridge less "nuah", she will hold the food in her mouth long long. So land up eating v little...

How huh? Or is it a passing phase?

My ger oso got 8 teeth for VVVVV long liao... until now still 8... I dare not stick my hand in to check if got new teeth erupting cos she bites REAL hard.

u can try soymilk? might be btr since he is having "lao-sai".
Bryan so smart. I tried introducing cup to my ger via straw or sippy cup... Instead of drinking, she push the straw n sippy cup away... hehe...so i'm still stuck to bottles... *hehe*

Then I was thinking if I should get new bottles for her leh...
Olivia also had 8 teeth for a really really long time... but now her molars are pushing out! by the way, are you all very on the ball with brushing teeth? I know it should be routine but I prob brush O's teeth maybe 5 times in a week! lazy...

it's just a phase... maybe she has new teeth about to erupt? My gal found drinking from her straw cup such a novelty, she took to it right away! If you want to, you can tempt her by letting her drink a vitagen from her cup. If you're worried about the sweetness, you can always water it down
My ger drinks from the cup/straw for plain water but not milk leh... Hmmm maybe i will try fresh milk in the cup. :p

I brush my ger's teeth everyday. But if she stays over at my MIL's I dun think my MIL brushes her teeth... :p
I brush Zach's teeth 2x a day..usually he will sit and watch me brush, then it will be his turn. I'll show him how I clean my tongue etc so that he will noe when he will need to stick out his tongue..so far he loves his teeth brushing time..
I dun brush 2 times a day leh... only once. But i will do 2 times if she eats very fishy stuff during lunch (weekends only).

Waking up in the night:
I am going nuts already... My ger keep waking up in the nite aft the tutu cold turkey!!! I dunno if its cos the weather recently v hot. So tonite going to try AC w/o tutu.

Jowinbaby, ur Ash no change to sleeping pattern rite?
Almost 1weeks+ to cold turkey to tutu.. she cannot take it... everytime b4 nap and bed at night.. still asking n crying for it.... SIGH....

sleeping pattern no change.. just cannot get to sleep so smoothly.
when you say almost 1weeks+, You mean that Ash will cry every night until she KO without her tutu?

Yesterday night cold turkey Rachel from her thumb. She cry for almost 3hrs, on and off. She has no thumb to suck, want me to carry her. Put her down on her bed, she will cry running to me. Crying like I abundant her like that. Battle with her for 3hrs , I give in........
Hi Tina
1st few nites she cried.. After tat, she kept asking for it and difficult to fall asleep regardless is nap or nite sleep...

She need longer time to fall asleep and kept on whining and sobbing asking for it and EVEN RESORT TO SUCKING HER THUMBS... I kept pull it off from her mouth.

She would fall asleep already,suddenly open her eyes and asked " tutu?" I can't help laughing at times but cannot give in... Very heartpain indeed

NOW, i have to pat pat her to zzz n even sing song..Haiz!!


those havent have my updates.. got new stocks again on www.babbiee.com =P


Wah piang.. all brush 2 times a day..i only 1 time!

okai.. so at least i feel better than my gal still got 8 teeth haha i tout she's the only one werid.. LOL
