(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

I got take Hep A before (2 times) but dunno if my body still immune or not. How to know leh?

Imagine the panic among the parents when the paper was published. The UK govt actually spent $$ to encourage parents to let their child take the jab. Even the Presidents oso had to use their kids of live examples... :p

I think majority of PDs want children to take vaccine. Afterall, its still profit oriented.
Its up to us to decide if we shd let her child take those optional jabs anot

Tat day, my PD suggested Ashlynne shd take H1N1, Flu jab etc etc... I just said " ok ok"...hahaha..but I thought wat for??

Its just at that moment, she suggested Hep A.. I thought its good.. so i let her take.

hahah snowger u joking.. Eat hum n lala.. before she get Hep A, i think she LS 1st... LOL
yesterday jake just got his MMRV jab, doctor nv mention abt the doses.now Jake left ear is very red...he keep scratching..not swollen.anyone experience this??
I copy someone post at other forum for the promotions that stated at Mother & Baby magazine.
Babysafe - up to 35% off natural latex & bedding items
BabyB Supplies - up to 50% discount on strollers, nursing wear 3 for $20
Bumwear - with every diaper package purchased enjoy 25% off original price of $29.80 (limited to 3 bxes per customer)
Belly Armour - 15% discount for belly blankets & bell tees
Gaia - up to 25% off
Heinz - 1st 100 customer can buy a pack of biscotti at $1 (UP $2.81) limited to 2 packs per family upon registration
Moms in Mind - Cotton baby sling at $35 (UP $45)
Moms R'US - SlingZBaby Pouch at $39 (UP $45.90), Spectra Dew 350 single/double breast pump at $180 (UP215)
Johnson's - Buy 2 packs of softcare baby wipes at $8.20 (UP$6.30/pack)
Mustela - up to 30% savings on specially bundles sets
Newbaby - Confinement package 1 at $1300 (UP 1480) 1st 10 to sign daily entitled to purchase at $1200
Nestle - Day 1: Gerber 100% apple juice 175ml at $0.90 (UP $2.05), Day 2: Nan Pro 3 New XXL pack 1.95kg at $25 (UP$56.10), Day 3: Nestle Cerelac Brown Rice Cereal 350g at $2.90 (UP$4.90)
Pharmed - Palmer's skin theraphy oil 150ml at $31.90 (UP $39.90) + free palmer's gift pack worth $15, Palmer's baby butter vitamin E massage lotion 400ml at $10.90 (UP$15.90) + free travel size palm's bottom butter 30g worth $5.50
Philips Avent - Philips Avent Set going at 40% off $190 (UP$210.40)
Pampers - Enjoy saving of 17% to 29% for every 3 packs of pamper purchased
Thanks Ivy, seem like nothing for me except for Gaia...
aiyo.. why u all dun believe me?? argh!! hahaha.. 1 mth i pay abt $17plus and it covers hfmd, dengue and also all sorts of things.. lets say the child fall off the bed.. then u think u very free.. can bring the child go see PD for fun and can claim too.. if the child sensitive to mozzie bite or got a scratch from a cat or wateva.. just bring PD then claim lor.. reallie... i nv bluff.. zzz.. kekekekeke..

hayden took flu jab.. and he got h1n1.. so no need take.. he took 1 jab for pnuemococcal.. and MMRV he gotta take when he is 6+.. hmm.. now only left the hep a.. keke.. we taking that next month. i also leave it to dr foo.. but i prefer to choose also. thats why we took the pneumo thingy after he turned 1. so less jabs..

I've a tin of GainIQ 3 (FOr 1yr onwards) 400g to give away. It is a sample tin from abbott.
Expiry date: 13 May 2012.

Self Collection at Toh yi area or Science Park I.

If interested, please email [email protected]
hi girls
Anyone wanna share buy gaia?
1st 5 bottles at 10% off.. then the rest 30% unlimited bottles.. I can help to buy and then collect from me???

Deal is from Expo Baby Fair
Hi gals,
Guess what! I was wondering how come my girl had constipation so frequently recently!!! just 2 days ago and now again!

This morning I went to MIL's to pick her up. She actually had non-instant quaker oats in milk for breakfast!!! I told hb to tell MIL need to cook the oats as it is not instant, telling hb to ask MIL to see the packet for instructions to cook. Apparently, lost in communication and she was eating uncooked oats. Then I told her where is the package, she said "Oh, I din see. I just keep"

Goodness me!!! SIGH... how can I ever agree in having a 2nd child with a caretaker lidat...

Anyidea if it's bad to eat uncooked oats?
Jowin,when u going to buy?today last day,yesterday I went again but forgot to get Gaia.
I did implusive shop yesterday!!bght the gelite gogo stroller!!
Any comment on the stroller??
I have a voucher for $3 off 900g of Gain IQ. To purchase from NTUC by 30 Jun 2010. Got it in the mail with OCBC baby bonus account but my gal drinks Nan3. So if any mummies want, pls PM me with your address and I will mail it to you!

alamak, your mil actually did that? while it is not unsafe to eat uncooked oats but as oats tend to soak up water, maybe tt's why ur gal is constipated. Hence we need to cook or soak in water to soften it. Or else harder to digest too.

Guess ur MIL didnt know, just tell her to cook it or if want, get instant oats for her?
Yes... I was so shocked when I saw her prepare it...
hmm... she either forgot to see the package cos quaker blue is surely different from her quaker red (instant). Told her to use the instant one that she has for her instead...

Just hope the uncooked oats dun get stuck inside her...

Oh.. ya, i get confused with the package also.. that's why i always have to double check by reading the label. Heh.

Wont get stuck la.. will digest one. Just make sure she has plenty of fluids to help the constipation.
Tat's why now getting her to drink loads of water. Hopefully it gets passed out... :p I think I would prefer buying the red one too cos usually i too tired to cook in the morning... Lazy mama... :p

No worries.. it will all pass out. The fluid will help it pass out easier. I have both the instant one (much easier to prepare in a jiffy for a quick snack!) and rolled oats. But the rolled oats i buy 'loose' from the market cos its cheaper. Heh heh.

Wow it's new right? Did it go over something sharp?
Yesterday I felt so guilty about sending my ger to my MIL's. And I won't be fetching her hm until tuesday evening. When I kissed her good nite n bye bye, I thot I saw a look of "sadness" in her eyes... :'( Kept me up the whole night thinking about it... *haiz*

Hehe., so obsessed about it that I was staring at her poo poo really close yesterday, see if any uncooked oats come out. I thot i saw one that looks like a seed, dun think it's oats thou. :p
aurorin, i bot rolled oats too but i cook for 5 minutes still not soft leh..wat shuld i do?

snow, whr r u going? how come u not fetching her home? u going hols ah?
*pat pat* sometimes situations force us to make decisions we rather not. Don't fret too much about it. You are doing the best you can!
I am sure your gal will be fine and be really happy to see you on tuesday evening.

Heh the oats probably digested and broken down already. :D

Try add abit more water/milk (i usually have the liquid just enough to cover the oats to start and add abit at a time while cooking to 'adjust') and keep stirring over low-medium heat. The stirring will help break down the oats. The liquid shd thicken and become gooey as you stir... dun have high heat cos the oats may burn and stick to the pan (esp if not much water). Shouldn't take more than 10mins but depending on how much you are cooking also.

damn heng le...haha...my father pump with the hand pump cos when we buy the tyre is not fully inflated..so pump lor.we haven even use it...after pump just put aside then suddenly break.haha....called up they say can change the wheels lor..
I felt so bad I cried myself to sleep... Tsk tsk... I think I very haunted by the "look" in her eyes, esp when she could not find her fav papa at home... And even mama is "abandoning" her.

Hb went to hawaii for 1 wk. Cos I was fell sick since thurs (fever up n down), I picked her up on Sat morning (no more milk powder @ MIL's). Felt sick still so decided to send her to my MIL's on sunday evening instead of Monday morning. Picking her up on tuesday cos wanted to grab xtra rest to make sure I am well. Since I will be chauferring her back and forth from Wed till Fri...

You din ask the sales person why the tyre not fully inflated? It could be tat it's already "lou feng" then when u pump full, the tyre give way lor...

Well take care of ur health. You did it for her best interest after all.. I am sure your gal will not feel like you are abandoning her... At least she has her usual caregiver (i.e. your MIL) around, so not major disruption. Hope you are feeling better!
snowger,think maybe its pack in box so manufacture nv inflate it.went down to kaki bukit and they replace the tyre...they also say that its a better one compared to the one that manufacture use...hope such things wont happen again.

snowger...u take care,k?its not ur fault...
Yeah... At least can catch some rest and mop the floor clean clean to welcome her home. :p YEAH! It's tuesday and I'm going to pick her up later. :p

I see... Din noe that the tyres are suppose to be deflated... Haha... but u heng oso cos they replace ur model with better wheels!

Dun feel guilty... coz if you are not in the best of health, you will also not be able to take care of her. Also u might get very frustrated if she is in a naughty mood and end up scolding her and feel worse after that. You will be able to see her tonight
Hi yogi,
You are right about that part. WHhen I'm tired and she gets naughty, nothing good comes out of it.

I just took her for the jab at Dr Ang's last week. Luckily din need to wait for a long time...
*shiok* She is now 7 days since the MMRV jab, jus now I measure her temp is 37.3, scared climb over the night, so give her a bit of paracetemol... keeping fingers crossed it continues that way.

my boy yesterday start having fever at 38 degree. He have his MMRV on last Mon. So yesterday consider day 9 then he have fever.
He still look active.. So ok i guess..
Snowger, you just take note.. Ashlynne 's fever for MMRV jab climb highest to 38.7.. i keep sponging her..Her fever comes in on the 9th day. But just 1 day, her fever subside, so would not take long to recover..This MMRV jab is indeed a real "strong " jab..Ashlynne broke her zero record of having fever just bcos of MMRV ...Silly mummy here got panic and measured her temp non stop until her fever subsided.
Thanks for sharing. 38 degrees is quite high... My ger one is 37.3, off by 0.2 to be considered mild fever... Anyway I kiasu so let her take a bit of paracetemol. Last night I measure, her temp was lower than her usual. This morn is back to normal.

Seems like I got to continue monitoring as it's not Day 9 yet... :p

ya monitor. my boy temp was ard 37.3 at Day 7 and Day 8. Then Day 9 become 38 degree. HE is like his usually self. Eat well sleep well.
Ya.. usually sleep well, eat well.. very active.. if dun measure her, dun seem that she's having fever lor...

Yeah.. Day 9 seem crucial..
Hi All
Bryan hasn't taken his MMR jab and yet he got something along the same virus line, pd called it fake measles. Started with watery eyes last wednesday and by thurs, fever developed and hit 39.1C by 11pm. The fever was up and down and only went away on Monday. However his eyes are still watery.

THEN....mummy also down with the same fever. Been having fever since Sunday and hitting a high of 39.1C on Sunday evening. Now still sick like sotong but yet hv to come back to office to work.

Now really wonder if he will get fever after his MMR jab since he already experienced the "fake measles" ...but strangely he did not broke out in rashes after his fever subsided.

if no rashes is still "fake measles"

Cos Erivn also have "fake measles" before but pd say if have rashes outbreak then consider fake measles loh.
hi snowger, i got my boi FOC jab in polyclinic, so far i go hgg one and the nurses are friendly..imo.

Btw, Gerard took his jab + P jab on 8 March and on 14 march he got mild fever but it got worse the next day. I try paracetemol on day 1 & 2, the temp was up and down. My bro ask me to let him try a med call Sunflurn (heard he got from KKH) and just 1 dose, his fever was subside.
I think if go polyclinic to take jab is see heng suay one. If the nurse there is very nice and loving, then not so bad lor...

nvr heard of Sunflurn before...
only brufen...
hi mummies,
i m may 09 mummies.
thinking for a small gathering my gal 1st bday.
if u happen to have neo garden $68 voucher for 10pax mini buffet, can give or sell to me?
Pls PM me. Thanks.

Hi Mummies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale. Drop me a PM if interested,

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings & sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)
