(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

kath ... lol !!!!! okie lar .. I will stop posting the amt on my spree blog .. hahahaha! .. it's for easy reference mah not singling you out .. hahahahah !!!! I will label it spreeist 1, spreeist 2 etc .. and u will know from the amt which one is yours .. ok? heheheh!!


ya la .. then Kinderland wants me to RUSH down now to collect ... calista hadn't eaten .. I haven't eaten .. so in the end I bo chap decided to feed her first .. and myself. will be going there in a while after my maid eats too.


understood .. :p .. tina, received and responded .. everyone else ... I will respond shortly .. calista is crying like kena abandoned liddat.
You mean the cut for kids stuff at Ralph Lauren is small :S Should I change the size then as I ordered all for 18 months...how? how?

Ashlynne how many mth liao? my gal 8mth coming 9 mth and she can wear size 18mth for baby FOX. cos i am not sure what size to buy for Polo
sam, u received my payment? i never receive ur email leh.

ade, i am buying 18mos for zayden. i think he can wear when he is 1yr old. if u wan to let bryan wear now, think 12mos should be fine.
i buy all 24months for Zach.. he is now wearing 9mos - 12mos shirt and for pants he will wear 12mos..:p

Good to buy bigger, can wear longer and make our $$ worth.

i guess my gal is those chubby type. and mummy very KS buy big big then can wear longer mah.
but office cant go to facebook kana block will check it out back home.
oh yes, who is asking me abt the lantern?

Its plastic blown up.. N have thomas the train, mickey, minnie, pooh , kitty etc

Will post the pics when i received it...
Sam, later i PM u ok?

Any of you gals put ur baby in Cherie Hearts? I was thinking of placing my gal there. There's a new Cherie Heart opening at Habourfront... Hmmmm....
i buying 24 mths also...for polo and pants...cos now for tshirt he is wearing 12mths and pants he can wear 12/18mths de....buy bigger...wear longer..hehe...
snowger, i tot CH is alr at Harbourfront.. u mean they going to hv 2nd outlet?
U tink twice again lar.. ur ger sick again rite? if she go IFC, her immune system will go weaker leh.. n CH is not cheap lor.. for infant is $1.5K before subsidy..
i want the lantern. is plastic and not paper one rite?

I wan to buy the thomas the train..haha..i am going to bring to genting.

i am going to genting on 3oct.
Wah, all these mummies spreeing. So tempted to buy, but hor, my gal still got alot of clothes haven't wear b4.


I'm keen in the lantern, post the pics if u can. Thks!

Yeah..going to Cruise later, back on Fri, can go for a break.
I maybe going Genting on 10 Oct.. hee hee..

Jappooh..yes.. plastic.. Will post when i receive the pics.

Reddates.. shiok... enjoy ur cruise.

Me thinking of putting her for playgroup only.. when she is older. See how.. maybe Cherie Hearts too. Will ask Xuelyn along.. haha.. since we stay near ..
Snowger & crabbieong,

U r here today. Want to go this?

Date: 7 Nov, Sat
Venue: Not fixed

1) ypg
2) fabbie
3) reddates
4) luthadel
5) Jappooh
6) Jowinbaby
7) joanne81
8) ikeike
9) izu
20) 2ndbb
21) iemik0
jowin, jappooh,

Me also going Genting, whole family including maid in Dec. 7 adults, 1 kid, 1 infant. Dunno if my gal will be cranky or not.

U 2 bringing ur bb also?
ralph lauren,
anyone buying big pony polo too? how come there r 2 pricing one? one $19.99 another is $29.99 & worst is the $19.99 only got size of 9M...

sam, i'll be sending u my order in a shortwhile, wait for me ya~

ya me goinf with my PIL, sil, hubby and 2 kids.
So 5 adult, 1 kid and 1 infant.

I book 2 Family suite rm in Theme Park Hotel.
hallo hallo .. I'm back. okie I try and ans all the questions since this morning.

ya RL cutting is a bit small for most of their baby/kid stuff ... anyway, u look at their size chart .. it says the same thing for the kiddies clothes ... so u know for baby it's kinda small too. or at least what kath says .. can wear a short time only. If u want to wear for now .. 12 mths is still ok. but won't wear for long. Best to get 18mths. so Ade, yours all 18mth rite? can

I will be doing in multiple batches ... so everyone should be able to get in their order.
let me consolidate all the orders now and match with the payments received to date.

I got all of your PMs and emails .. dun worry. Just that I have been up and down since morning ...

eh the pigeon stuff .. DAMN SIONG CARRYING BACK MAN. SO MANY !!!!! I din realize it till I went to collect. So stupid bring my market trolley ... hahahahhaah kena laugh at by the kinderland staff ... hahahahah ! ... My stuff came to I think 7 boxes or so ... let me sort out tonite and pack everything for everyone. then tomorrow can start collecting from me ok?
ok ... funds received from

26 Aug 2009 ITR I-BANK cindy S$117.80
26 Aug 2009 ITR I-BANK Jowinbaby S$368.24
26 Aug 2009 ITR I-BANK iris_mimizz S$155.53

thanks !! Will put in an order on RL shortly.
gals .. if you don't provide alt sizes or colours etc .. I will assume that I can drop the item if it's oos ok?

puttin in the first order now for Jowin, Echt, and Iris ...
fong2 .. will do a batch as long as there is enough to make up US$200 ... send me your order and transfer funds .. I am putting in another order tonight .. haven't calculated whether hit US$200 yet .. lol
sure no prob. pls make sure u provide alternative colours, sizes etc cos the sale items runnin out lor. LuthAdel's stuff like half don have aldy

kath, I need u to finalize the sizes for thoese few items leh ..
got it !

I had to close another batch #2. Kath, I went ahead and ordered the ones which u did indicate sizes ..

In this batch #2

2 items
total to transfer - US$54.98 x 1.51 = S$83.02

1 item
total to transfer - US$17.99 x 1.51 = S$27.16

2 items
total to transfer - US$39.98 x 1.51 = S$60.37

3 items (I din order the other 2 - will do so in another batch when u give me the sizes u want to order)
total to transfer ...
wah super busy no time to log in. Wat are u all spreeing again this time? haa.. Always the last one to knw what's gg on... by the time i find out all too late.. lolz
wa lau. snowger !! .. u so super lucky. I was checking out leh ... then I decided to check my email ...


managed to add yours in!!

Batch #3 closed !! RL SPREE OFFICIALLY CLOSED !!

Hee.. just sharing some pics of Cayenne on the Singapore Flyer.

Mummies, do post some pics of your little babies here to share ok? Would love to see them!! Sorry i know you all have blogs to see the pic but somehow just more convenient here. Really make my day to see all our lovely darlings grow up day by day..
