(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

CONGRATS to merydith too!! I thought she suppose to c-sect on 30th nov?

HI fabbie
100ml is very good already...

Keep it up...

Ur breast pump is not travel friendly ah... if u wanna continue BF, shd get a pump tat can carry easily around... such as PISA or Freestyle for Medela...Can get PISA at First Few Years cheaper than outside at robinson etc... For freestyle, me n emeraldbride bought it online

hi ladies,
Sam checked in at kkh lastnight due to nausea - turned out to be high bp. Was induced at 0900h this morning and waterbag was also manually ruptured. Says contractions are coming on but still bearable so far and is awaiting cervix check..

yup, can visit visit ah.. Eh, if you still allowed to move around, you can sneak into delivery suite right?? Understand that they only allow husband and staff in.... Can go entertain sam..

yup, i having the same problem assessing too.. think its their server la..
ooh..latest.. (macam CNA breaking news ah?)
She's effaced already so baby calista will be arriving anytime now..

eh sam.. you not bad ah.. 6cm still can happy happy sms. haha!!
hoho..went for my checkup ytd and Dr "Normal" say bb should be POPPing by 7 dec which is week 40!! Now I start to look forward to his arrival liao...no more scared or worried..since there is nothing i can do now! Just accept and looking forward! Doc give me one week mc to rest at home...

Sam is in labour now?

Kath, wah ..u full of energy leh..still can do cleaning?

Does Mt A has free wireless? anyone knows?

Phyl..ok..AMK sounds good for both of us..anyone want to join us? Carmen also on ML liao? You want come along?

Ok..gog to nap now..still have to go Sentosa to attend wedding dinner this evening
Congrats Merydith! Do post ur birth story and bb pics as soon as u can.

Luvudeepdeep - My edd on 7th Dec.. I also wonder when will i pop. Hopefully anytime this week bah.. :p
hihi anywaone got First Few Years discount card? i would like to buy something wor.. btw. normally how long will it arrival to ya door step?
Hi Mummies, I'm back. Sorry to post only after so long, didn't have the time and energy till now.

My induction failed cos my cervix was not opened at all and was sent to emergency c-sect as the CTG result was not so good. Baby was out at 0918 on 25/11/08. And doc says the umblical cord was one round around baby's neck when he tried to bring baby out.

This is Baby Geraine weighing 3.01kg
Update for sam since she must be busy introducing calista to the girls....

Baby Calista Grace was born at 1304h, weighing 3.61kg, 52cm

And yes....she did it without epidural, episiotomy and tearing..

our hero...

Well done gal!! i'm really sooooo very envious...
Congrats Sam!!! keke.. no epi(s) wow!!!!!! cant wait too see baby Calista's pic!!!

Congrate Jolynash!!.. baby Geraine looks so chubby!!
Hi Hi HI .. Am in hospital now with Baby Calista on my lap ...

gosh, thanks for Gill for updating u gals ... I was sms-ing her the whole morning before I actually delivered my baby.

I came in late last nite cos I was experiencing some dizziness and nausea ... my bp was high when tested at home so I panicked a bit. Tried to rest at home on my bed but didn't help. Finally came in around 11pm. admitted to the delivery suite for hte nite for them to monitor ...

Walau, the bed was damn uncomfortable ... plus with the ctg strapped to your tummy and the drip in my left hand and the blood pressure thing on my other arm ... HOW IN HELL TO SLEEP???
My BP remained borderline throughout the nite ...

At about 5am, I finally managed to fall asleep ... woke up at 8am ... my gynae came in and was chatting to me ... said since I was already there, might as well induce me that day ... i said ok lor ... what's the point in coming in on Tues again?

She broke my waterbag at 9 am .. and then put in the IV drip with the medication to cring on contractions ...

wa lau ... waited and waited ... I was sms-ing Gill complaining that the induction obviously wasn't working at about 12 noon ... dammit. hardly any contractions at all ...

they asked me to pee cos my bladder seemed full but I couldn't cos the baby was pressing down on my bladder ... nurse used a catheter ... she drained quite a bit of urine ...

wa ... then my contractions came ... 12.08, 12.09, 12.11, 12.14 ... the nurse did a VE .. I was effaced and 6 cm dilated .. she called my gynae .. who was at home having a quick shower .. she quickly came down ...

at 12.30pm, I was in active labour, my gynae came to check me ... did a VE .. baby was on the way down and she said I could start pushing anytime I wanted.

truth is, I was scared. want to BACK OUT also cannot ... BO PIAN have to push ... it was happenng so fast .. I just felt really anxious ... anxious that I would tear .. just scared.

At 1.04pm, my very skilful gynae ... manouvered my baby out without me tearing or needing an episiotomy ... no epidural or gas mask as well.

Baby Calista Grace .. was born ... 3.61kg, 52 cm long ...


Since I already stayed one nite, I have only this one more nite to stay then I am discharged after lunch tomorrow ... YAHOO!!!

I managed to successfully latch Calista onto my boobs right after birth and she is a voracious drinker ... having pooped in her diaper this evening as well.

I will upload pics when my hubby brings my wire down l8r

iemik0 .. what time will u be here? I am in room 8214 !!
Congrats Sam and Jolynash!

the last time my doc prescribed a cream to sooth the itch and moisturise my tummy. You might wanna see your doc also to see if there s any cream that can sooth the itch. But honestly really have to wait out the itch, coz the cream only temp relief...
congrats to all mummies who haf popped!

Sam! U r my role model! Hope i can tahan w/o epi as well n haf a smooth delivery.
Mummies that popped at MAH recently, heard the hospital has some renovation going on... Is it done yet?

There were renovations going on 3.5 yrs ago too, xian man....
hi mummies,
sorry for the late reply n thanks all for the congrats..

my gynae did not offered me local anaesthetist as he said he cant, i dun noe why..he simply asked me to go ahead with the laughing gas only to tolerate the stitching pain..

congrats to sam who did it w/o epidural too!! n w/o laughing gas..wow, i wonder hw u did it?? u are a brave girl..

Im now doing confinement at hm..into 2nd day nw..am feeling really lousy n useless as im unable to produce enough milk for my bb to latch on..end up i have to combine with FM..so upset n have been crying for the past 2 days..feeling myself very useless n failed as a mother..haiz..n so upset that im still in confinement..

Today started breast-pump..supply only 10ml..really hope can increase more..hb very gd, asked me dun stressed up, worse case just go on FM..

plus my stitching area was super painful till today..i wondered if i have teared or had episiotomy cos i didnt ask my gynae..just feel that its real painful there..must walk real slow..goin to toilet is a tedious task these few days..

Im really hoping my confinement days can end soon and my stitching part can heal soon..
hi mummies!

Sorry to interupt.. dont mind if i join in this thread?

Congrats to all those who have popped!

hi emeraldbride,
my details as follow

EDD: 12 Dec 08
Gynae: Dr Sim Lee Ngor
Hospital: TMC
Stay: Serangoon
Gender: Boy

I am currently 38 weeks+3days.. I want to complain!! Cant wait to deliver man. i'm suffering from Pupps and its spreading all over my ankles, thighs, tummy and now hands! It's terrible!!
So far not much contractions and baby has not fully engaged. Have not lost mucus plug and gynae also nv do VE. She says just wait for labour to come and will only induce after EDD. I'm going crazy with the heartburn everynight (cannot sleep!) and the rashes and all the stretchmarks.. very very depressing.
finally able to get into this thread!! So frustrating trying to access it since Friday..

Can't sleep cos having splitting headache, flu and sorethroat - all thanks to my hb who was down with flu yesterday and he assures me that it will not be contagious (since he has sinus prob) and the whole time asking me to kiss n kiss.. n now i m down with flu.. Aarggh..

bubble, no choice lar, no energy also hv to find energy to clean even if it takes me 1/2 a day..hahaha. Yesterday morning onie managed to clear out some of my old handbags to give away and before that i went to Ikea to get some storage boxes which is quite good in storing bedsheets, bags etc..planning to get more!

I will be staying home to rest later, so will hv to pack all my clothes (maternity n non-maternity) so that i can start arranging bb's stuff inside the cupboard :p
hey sam.. wah your birth seems to be SO perfect! no tearing somemore! wah!!!

kath.. you been refreshing the thread or forum till 4am?!?! hahaha
The thread is finally up! Have been trying to get in since yesterday afternoon.

I'm 39W+ now. Still haven't gone into labour yet. Sianzzz... Gynae says I will have to be induced 4 days after my EDD, if I still don't pop by then. At first, I didn't want to be induced, because would prefer for things to happen naturally. But now, with my PUPPPS getting worse, I've come around to the idea of being induced.

Congrats! You are really our hero, to do it without any pain relief and no tearing/cutting. Amazing! Glad to hear that you had a smooth delivery and that Calista is latching on fine. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your baby!

Thanks for your tip. I will be calling my gynae today to try and get an appointment sooner. I'm actually not due to see her till Thursday (which is my EDD!) but will ask to see her today or tomorrow, to get some relief for my itch. I'm actually thankful that the itch is only hitting me in these last few days of pregnancy, so hopefully I won't have to put up with it much longer! When did you start having your itch? Do you know if the itch will clear up right after we give birth?
My rash started at 24wks. Then it lasted for about 2 wks before subsiding. It was really a terrible 2 wks! Most of the websites/guide books tt i've read say that the itch should clear once we give birth coz it's got to do with the hormones... so dun worry! You're almost there! =)
Morning Ladies

Sam & Meridyth

Wow your 100ml pump is very good liao. Me still at a miserable 60ml in the morning and dropped to 30-50ml per 2 hourly, very worried too that my BM will drop further. Bought Anmum, the lactation series milk powder hoping to boost my supply :s
congrats meridyth and sam!

luthadel, my bm supply also stays at 60ml each pump. the medicine given by my gynae doesnt seems to help.
drink anmum can increase supply? if so, i also wan to drink.
Hi gals .. thanks for your well-wishes ... I got up early .. bf Calista .. she slept with me on my bed on hospital ... lol .. she some how KNEW everytime I tried to put her back in her bassinet .. ended up letting her sleep next to me so I could get some sleep ... hubby was so sweet steyed with me after dropping our kids back home with my helper ...

had my breakfast alreay .. and my shower ... watching tv now and waiting for Calista to be returned to me after her hearing test ... visited iemik0 in her room just now for awhile .. she had her c-sect this morning at about 1plus ... baby boy 3.4 kg - din get to see him as he was off having his hearing test too ... stayed and chatted with her for awhile

her room is just a few doors away from mine.

waiting to be discharged after lunch so i can go home to my own comfy bed ...

fabbie, echo ... thanks .. I am a big chicken ok?! ..I'm so terrified of tearing or episiotomy .. and having the epidural administered .. I'd rather do without .. lol

very glad I didn't tear ... now my soreness down there is all but gone after one night and I was happily walking around up and down the ward ...
Hihi everyone...i haven't been able to log on since last Thursday when Preston was born...was discharged yesterday. I stayed one additional night because Preston had slight jaundice & had to stay for phototherapy. Luckily, he passed the blood test very well yesterday so we're home!

Today is my 5th day of confinement...my CL is quite nice...Here's my birth story --

(I copied & pasted from my blog...)

On Wednesday night (26 Nov), Hubby came home from work with durians for us! He also spoke to my swollen belly, telling Preston to pop that very night because he had a busy work day the next day. Heh...Hubby was gonna eat his words cos Preston listened!

We were watching TV and around midnight, i started experiencing some contractions. As usual, i brushed them off. However, around 12.40am, i started experiencing a couple of bad contractions that felt like bad period cramps. Around that time, it started to rain heavily...At 1am, i went to the toilet & then, saw 'the show' i.e. blood on my pantiliners. IT WAS TIME!!!

I told Hubby who hurriedly showered & got dressed. In the meantime, i started to time my contractions. Hubby also called for a cab & we did some last min packing to my hosp bag. By the time we boarded the cab (bout 1.30am), my contractions were 5 minutes apart.

Arrived at Mount Alvernia Hospital & we proceeded to the delivery suites. After changing into the hosp gown, i was told to lie down on the bed. At about 2am, my waterbag burst suddenly!!! It was totally unexpected & the warm fluid just started gushing out of me. Totally beyond my control & boy, was there a lot of water. Btw...the waterbag continued to leak/flow throughout the ENTIRE labour. The midwife did a VE & found that i was already 3cm dilated. At this point...the pain was still bearable & i really wanted to try going without epidural.

I WAS WRONG. I underestimated how horrible the back pain could be! The contractions were bearable but the back ache that accompanied them was EXCRUCIATING. I was strapped to the CTG monitoring machine & couldn't really move. Each time a contraction came, i was wincing & crying out in pain. Hubby was most upset cos he felt so helpless. At about 3.30am, we made the decision to get an epidural.

The doc on duty came half an hour after i signed the indemnity form. Hubby had to leave the room...and i was told to curl up into a foetal position. I had NO idea what the needle looked like (supposedly very terrifying & huge) because i was repeatedly instructed NOT to look behind. The epidural slowly brought my lower body pain relief though i could still feel contractions...my left side of the body was completely numb though.

The good news came at about 4.30am...my cervix had dilated completely! My gynae was also on her way. The good thing about the epidural was my body being relaxed enough to dilate quickly and i didn't feel the urge to push unnecessarily. The midwives started to prepare for the delivery. Poor Hubby was so tired but so excited at the same time.

At 5.00am, my gynae arrived & things happened quickly! During each contraction, i was told to take deep breathes & push hard for 10 counts. The midwives & Hubby helped by counting...Dr. Chia was very encouraging & kept telling me that i was doing very well. Halfway through the pushing, Dr. Chia gave me an episiotomy but again, i couldn't feel a single thing.

Finally, on 27 Nov 5.12am, Preston Goh made his entrance with a loud cry!!!

Dr. Chia placed him on my chest & there he was...crying away and Hubby cut the umbilical cord after it had been clamped. While i was getting stitched up, Preston was cleaned up by the midwife. Hubby snapped photos while Preston was being weighed & measured. He weighed almost 3.2kg & was 50cm long! His head circumference is 34cm. (Is that big?) I couldn't see him much but i could hear him crying away. I'm thankful that my labour took about 3.5 hours...it was quick and relatively painless. I didn't develop any complications & Preston is normal & healthy.

Here's a pic of Preston --

Sorry...very long & lor-soh!

Sam & Merydith: Congrats!!!
So glad you have another successful delivery without any episiotomy or epidural!

Wish I could be like you as I can still feel soreness if I sit on a wrong angle :s

Do post pics soon!

Not sure if Anmum lactation milk powder will actually boost the BM as I just started taking it today. My doctor's meds also did not help in boosting my BM *sigh*. Now my boy is doing 90ml per feed and my BM really cannot match his demands.
Congrats Sam and imeki0! Going to see gynae today... Hubby went to report for his reservist today. Dunno if he defering or not... Adelchia, hope to see ya later!

I read in a book the medication for increase in BM supply will not work immediately. If not wrong takes abt a wk or so to see the effect. In the meantime, I guess we just hv to try all means n ways. How about trying fenugreek?

I am using the links from my history to access this link. If I am not wrong, what we are experiencing always happens when they are "archiving" our old posts... This website too hot liao... *LOL*
Congratulations, mummy. I have been the silent participant for a while tho did write in thread once in a while.

Welcome Mayelynn to the Dec 2008 thread. Many of the mummies here are with TMC too.

Shared all of your joy. Congrats to Merydith, Sam and jolynash on your new born babies.

Would love to be part of your cheerleading team esp to those who are due over the next few days or weeks.Jia You!

Emeraldbride, pls include my details as follow:

Current: 37 weeks + 4 days
EDD: 18 Dec 08
Gynae: Dr Joan Thong
Hospital: Raffles
Stay: Holland
Gender: Girl

I think suffering from mild depression/pre-natal blues already - moody, throw tantrums and tear so easily over the last few days. Weird! Very very Weird!

Hope to hear that there are mummies at Raffles and/or with Dr Thong.

Anyway, take care for mummies who are breastfeeding. Really admire your persistence and this give me much strength.

Finally get to access... been trying since last evening... -_-"

Congrats Jolynash & Sam.

Jolynash - I've seen Dr Chew last friday. But nothing mentioned abt when m i going to deliver. Urine shows sugar so next appt (wed - 3/12) gotta do a blood sugar level test.. Had a B12 jab that day as my haemoglobin level abit low. So sian.. My edd is approaching soon (7/12). I really hope these few days i will pop. If not, come wed appt, will ask Dr Chew if he's going to induce me if i still hv not pop when approaching my EDD.
Is that the recommended dosage? I help u ask my colleague on the dosage, cos he said his wife eats fenugreek n it helped her greatly!
Congrats all mummies who have popped! There's good news every day, gettting so excited!

I'm going to see doc later, but getting restless and no mood to work liao.. haha.

Hope to see ya later too! I no mood to work today lei... just wanna go to see the doc and ask him when i will pop! Last week when i asked him, he say there's no way of telling.... hopefully bb is engaged this week =)

<font color="ff0000">CONGRATES to SAM &amp; IMEKI0!!</font>

had my check up on sat..
did CTG scan and gynae said got contractions sign.. but seems to be OK coz it's not so bad.. not pain.. just tummy tightening..
he said bb not enganged yet (apparently subsequent preg, bb won't engage that early - only during labor).. phew!
well, baby must hang on till next week coz doc is away this week!
so, he gave me 1 week MC so that i don't have to walk too much which perhaps could naturally induce labor!

he didn't do VE for me.. hee.. i also not so anxious to know if i dilate.. even worse, who knows this might accidentally induce labor!!??
better don't play-play!
Iemik0 has popped. Baby Kayson Lim, 3.46kg, 51cm Ht. Congrats!

Sam - she is in WD 82 BD 10. u visiting her?

dee - ooo, i c.

fabbie - so terribly tough for BM. they said must have a lot of preserverance.

merydith/iemik0/sam - congrats! share ur birth story n baby photo.

ikeike - i'm having problem w accessing the thread too.

jolynash - congrats! so cute. looks chubby.

Loveangel - erm, i don't see any photo?
Congrats Loveangel, and also Jolynash ...

wa .. Loveangel, I felt excited just reading your birth story !! I think 34cm is not that that big right? ... my girl is about the same 35 cm .. don't look too huge to me ... but when you're trying to push it out of "down there" ... yes, it is I guess ... I could feel myself stretching to accommodate the widest part of the head .. around the ears ... damn siong ... my doctor was manipulating the skin around the baby's head so it doesn't tear. *shudder* damn worried cos it's very tender and stetched to the max already ...
morning ladies!! I am on MC today due to running nose, throat infection and migraine on my left side of the head..cant sleep at all last night, end up with swollen eyes..opening my mouth is also a chore now!!

I will update the table shortly.. hehe..before the medication knock me out
Morning gals.

Congrats to Sam &amp; Meridyth.

Last sat went to see my gynae cos i feel the contraction quite frequent. Was given a jab to mature the baby lungs incase he decide to come out early as i am only in my wk 36. Gyane didnt do any VE check as he worry will trigger contraction further. I was given med to take to control the contraction. Suppose to rest at hm but i have use up my MC so now i am in office. Hope bb can tahan for another 1 to 2 wks.
luthadel, i got a few packets of Anmum samples, think i will drink and see if it increases my BM.

snowger, me gg to buy fenugreek later. will try all ways to increase BM.
can i check with you girls....after VE check we will spot right?will it be few days only or continuous till delivery?think i have lost my mucus plug also....tml going for my 38week check,hopefully cervix will dilate bigger..last check up was 1cm...wanna deliver within this week before friday.....
juzyounme, visited her oredi ... didn't get to see Kayson .. will try to visit her before I leave ...
they just sent Calista back to me after her hearing test .. hee hee

the cord blood ppl came to see me ... ya, fabbie, if it's a failed collection, they just give u a thank u card ... they said mine, the amount collected, the cell count was low so cannot use. too bad lor.
<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD><blink><center><font color="aa00aa">Popped!!</font></center></blink></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">S/N</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Name</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EDD</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">BB#</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gynae</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Hosp</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Stay</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM/SAHM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gender</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Name</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">DOB</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Weight</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Delivery Mode</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Girl80</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">20-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1&amp;2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr K H Tan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Hougang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRLS</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Joann Quek / Jolin Quek</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">02/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2.02kg/1.225kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">C-Sect</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Summergoh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Poon King Fu</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jurong West</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">SAHM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Cadence</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">05/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2.16kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Emer C-Sect</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">3</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">LuthAdel</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25-Nov-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Yvonne Chan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Corp Rd</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bryan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Natural w/epi</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">4</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mimi (mimizz)</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">21-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Chen L H</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Yishun</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Zayden</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">17/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3.435kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">C-Sect</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">5</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Rihan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">04-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Mary Yang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gleneagle</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sengkang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">SAHM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sun Haoyu</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">18/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2.36kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">C-Sect w/epi</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">6</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Reddates</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">12-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Woodsworth</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A/TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bt Panjang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Wong Faye</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">23/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3.11kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">C-Sect w/epi</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">7</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jlow</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Kek Lee Phin</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt E</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Redhill</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Joshua</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">24/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2.79kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Natural w/epi</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">8</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Fabbie</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25-Nov-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Woodsworth</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jurong West</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Clarice Chew</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2.8kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Natural w/epi</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">9</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jolynash</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">05-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Peter Chew</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gleneagle</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bedok North</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Geraine Tan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3.01kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">C-Sect</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">10</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">raven_1313</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">05-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr HK Ho</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sembawang/Simei</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Siew Yu Chang Keith</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3.999kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Natural w/epi</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">11</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Pris</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Chia Yee Tien</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">AMK</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Preston Goh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">27/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3.18kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Natural w/epi</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">12</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Xiao Pooh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">02-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr H C Han</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sengkang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jermaine</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">27/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2.75kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Natural w/o epi</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">13</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Meredith</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Tan Hang Yang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gleneagle</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jurong West</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">27/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">14</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sam</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">03-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">4</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr M George</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Woodlands</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">SAHM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Calista Grace</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">30/11/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3.61kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Natural w/o epi</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">15</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Iemiko</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">06-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr K T Tan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Punggol</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Kayson Lim</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">01/12/2008</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3.46kg</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">C-Sect</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD><blink><center><font color="aa00aa">Waiting...</font></center></blink></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Qiqi81</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">01-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Loke Kah Leong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">East Shore</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Pasir Ris</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Brayden</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Princesstiara</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">02-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr T B Lim</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Tiara Loh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">3</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Echo</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">04-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Yvonne Soong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Commonwealth</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">4</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bubblepearl</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">05-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Woodsworth</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A/ESH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Hougang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gerrad</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">5</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Esthers</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">06-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Tan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Toa Payoh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">6</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Evonne Tay</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">06-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Heng T L</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">ESH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Tampines</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">7</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Funshine</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">06-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr T C Chang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">AMK</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">8</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Karen Ko</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">07-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr K H Chan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gleneagle</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Balestier</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">9</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Fong2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">07-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Peter Chew</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gleneagle</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Old Airport Rd</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Valerie Chen Si Ting</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">10</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Carmen</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">07-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Chen L H</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Yishun</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><sub>Kasia</sub></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">11</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2nd Baby</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">07-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Yvonne Chan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bt Panjang/Jurong East</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">12</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Christineteo</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">07-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Yio Chu Kang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Matthias Kwang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">13</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jelybean</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">08-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Yeoh Swee Choo</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt E</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Central</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">14</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mei Lik</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">09-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Beh Suan Tiong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Woodlands/Jurong West</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">15</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Tamms</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">09-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Lee Wei Hong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt E</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Pasir Panjang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">16</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Spaghetti</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Woo Bit Hwa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Punggol</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">17</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jowinbaby</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">12-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr L C Cheng</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Pasir Ris</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Ashlynne Lee</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">18</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">mayelynn</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">12-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Sim L N</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Serangoon</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">19</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Decbaby</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">13-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr K K Ho</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">AMK</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">20</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Llig</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">14-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Marianne Hendricks</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Toa Payoh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">21</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Ikeike</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">14-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Kenneth Edward Lee</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Telok Blangah</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">22</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dolphin</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">15-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Tanny Chan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Gleneagle</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Telok Blangah</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">23</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Snowger</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">15-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Paul Tseng</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Redhill</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">24</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Santorini</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">15-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr L C Cheng</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bt Batok</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">25</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jazlyn</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">15-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Clifford Chan \ Dr CY Wong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sunway Medical</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Pasir Ris</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Isaac Teow</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">26</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Phylicia (phyl)</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">15-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Yeap Min Li</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Yishun Ring</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Hayden Phang Yu Zhe</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">27</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mrs.Ho</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">15-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Chia</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Pantai, MY</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sembawang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Yu Yang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">28</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Ivy</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">17-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Irene Chua</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">West Coast</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jake Travis Espino</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">29</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Emeraldbride</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">17-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Yvonne Soong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Punggol</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Zachary Tan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">30</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Paulyn Kao</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">17-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Bernard Chern</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Macpherson</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">31</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">izu</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">18-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Joan Thong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Raffles</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Holland</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">32</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dee</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">19-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Y G Tan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Raffles</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bt Batok</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">33</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">AdelChia</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">20-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Paul Tseng</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">AMK</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Josiah Chia</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">34</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Xiaohwa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">21-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Woodsworth</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bedok</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Phoebe</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">35</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Hippomummy</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">21-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Yvonne Soong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Toa Payoh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">36</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Ah Bur</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">22-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Lawrence Ang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sembawang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">37</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Nashi</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">22-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Yvonne Chan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">38</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Yunbb</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">23-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Woodsworth</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jurong</font> West</TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">39</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Juzyounme</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">23-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Benjamin Tham</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Marsiling</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Ambrose</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">40</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Winnie171175</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">24-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Anthony Siow</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Woodlands</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">41</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Pastilies</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Ang HY</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">42</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jas</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">26-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Woodsworth</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jurong West</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">SAHM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">43</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Lavendery</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">26-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Tan Kim Teng</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Telok Blangah</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">44</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jappooh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">27-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Adrian Woodsworth</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">CCK</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">45</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">YL Polaris</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">28-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Benjamin Tham</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Punggol</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">46</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mummymummy</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">28-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Devendra</font></TD><TD><sub>SGH</sub></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sengkang</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">47</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Chantalle</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">29-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Benjamin Tham</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">KKH</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bkt BJ</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Pang Kai Ern</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">48</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">ScarletGal</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">30-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Thong</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Raffles</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">49</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Xuelyn</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">30-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr W H Kee</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Bedok Reservoir</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Summer Cheo</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">50</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Toonies23</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">30-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Eunice Chua</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Whampoa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">51</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mum2ndx</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">31-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr C H Koh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mt A</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Toa Payoh</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">52</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Stephanie</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">31-Dec-08</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">2</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Eunice Chua</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">TMC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Simei</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">FTWM</font></TD><TD><font size="-1"><font color="ff6000">GIRL</font></font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

The updated table - please let me know if the information is inaccurate ya..
hi emeraldbride,
still not see mine on the list, can add me in the table? thanks ya!

EDD: 10 Dec 08
BB: 2nd bb
Gynae: Dr Chan KH
Hospital: Gleneagles
Stay: Sengkang --> SAHM
Gender: Boy
Congrats Sam &amp; Iemiko.......so many mummy popped. Cant wait for my turn, cos cannot sleep well at all at nite. Hopefully mine will be a smooth n short delivery too

Jia you! Eat well n keep super hydrated! Dun stress n get enough rest to up BM supply. My neighbour tells me that letting bb latch directly often will increase ss.

I heard of methods fr different experienced mums which sm of us can consider:
a) Latch bb frequently (e.g. if u supplement with FM n bb crys out a little aft feed, jus let bb latch on ur breast) - I hear this may be bad it goes on for too long cos bb will treat ur breast as pacifiers! *Geez*
b) If u latch bb, bb nvr finish milk in breast, still pump it out to keep. Cos ur brain will think bb has finished ur entire store of milk n produce more.
c) To pump out milk everynow and then to empty the breast to store.

I will oso worry abt my BM ss aft I deliver manz. Have confidence, we will all be successful "cows"! :p My colleague told me tat his wife only takes GNC fenugreek cos other brands dun work. dunno true or not.
