(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

if can i will take 8dec..its a religlous day for muslims so makes sense for us plus husband won't have to take extra time off.. Also the date not bad.. 081208

eh phyl, rape cannot decline one mah..is by force!!! So ur hb will hv to struggle one leh.. mabbe u will get alot of scratches but hey, that's the fun part rite?? Hahahahah.. siao liao!! Must be friday, i go crazee!
juz / echo, thanks for the assurance..

wah, thank God not waterbag leak!!

just now when i was at the kitchen at 4.40pm suddenly had the urge and i just leaked right there even before i had the chance to run to the toilet!!
tried to smell but like macam urine but very mild..

so, waited till now.. went to urine a couple of times.. thankfully haven't leaked so far..

tomorrow my gynae check liao.. don't want to give birth yet lah!!

baby, hang on till MONDAY!!
I tried using sex to induce. Instead got a whole day of contractions and back pain, but still didn't pop.. And it was a Sunday too. Wasted that day staying at home, waiting for labour to come on. Maybe it will only work if you are very ripe? My BH contractions are quite strong today - maybe I will try again tonight, to see if it will work!
hi all.. sighz.. im so stress.. after manage to latch on my ger.. the next thing happen. sore breast.. till my breast got red patches.. after that. i manage to pump some of my milk out and i was happy that i got milk.. but later on i pump. my milk was all blood. sighz. i guess my skin tear off. im so so stress. i keep crying feel so failure of giving my ger milk.. i want to breast feed.. but it seems like cant. everything go hay wire... really duno what to do now.
fabbie, dun be sad. my nipple also bleed on the 5th day. apply nipple cream and it heals quite fast. i never latch on my boy, i express out every 3hrs but supply still not much, only abt 60ml per pump. i went for my gynae visit yesterday and he gave me pills to increase bm. i only started taking the pills today, hope my bm supply will increase soon.
u need to relax. are both of your breast sore? latch on the one with no blood unless your girl are ok with milk with blood.

mine also have milk with blood,don't know why but & bb refuse to suck that breast. after a few pump ok liao when i am bf mine no1.
I did buy nipple cream.. i hope to heal fast but it seems like is not working. I bought avent brand cream de. I was happy that i got my first breast milk bottle. is not so much dou. but then 2nd milk bottle everythings comes blood. Im so sian that i pump so much and all is blood. such a waste.

I wish to give my gal the perfect feeding. I want to breast feed her to have the bond. but i cant. cus my breast is sore. then when i decided to pump it bleed. sighz. im very scare i keep giving her forumla she will not take my breast milk already and im very scare that i keep feeding her in bottle she dun like my breast too.

winner my another breast abit sore. abit dark red there liao. but not as worst as another one that pump till bleed. =( Its really feels so shitty now. you think i should pump everything out? incase my breast got engrougment?
Poor Fabbie.. hang on.... ;)

Hi gals
me back from the " massage" and baby dun get to turn.. Gynae managed to turn after halfway, she spring back to orginal position till gynae said, times up.. he afraid that baby might get distress...Therefore, today mission fail

Tues (02 Dec), gynae wanna try to massage and turn her again.. I told my gynae " why not just c-sect me???" as i m really getting abit impatient about not knowing when baby decide to pop etc.. Gynae said NO and he will try all he can , before wheeling me into the operation room. So if tues mission fail, he will try then schedule my c-sect a few days after tues...

I was being sent to do CTG today too.. i got contraction every 6.5mins like tat...At some point when the scale went really high, N yet i do not feel any pain.. except one sharp pain.. a number of nurses walked past me and said " oh girl, when are you due?? seem like u got interval contraction already..." All asked if i feel something?? i said NO....

Gynae saw my chart, he said i could be anytime OR this is braxton hicks OR bcos of the massage just now, which lead to such contraction.. He asked me to monitor already.. any regular PAIN CONTRACTIONS, admit to hospital ASAP and he will c-sect me ASAP. And no running about over the weekend, have to kuai kuai stay at home....
Phyl..wahoo...u sure next week u will not pop? anyway..tml i am going to see my gyna..got to ask HL from him...this week is too much for me to handle! Next week should be on leave lah..u also right?

Emeraldbrie, this whole week suppose to be on MC cos hurt my back last sat..but i nvr take that...and keep insist going for my project management course which is preparing me for exam...I took NEL..from kovan to Punggol then back to Clark Quay...and walk from there to George St...wah..really killing me...it is even worse than i go to office...cos i dun have to walk that much to office...Really peifu you leh! Somemore walk everyday...this week is really tough for me..

Stretchmark: OH!!!! my stretchmarks are revealing...siao liao! and i am just one more week to my edd

Snowger: keke..end up i still did not call ur mum...
echo ... !!! You're making me damn demoralized .. !!!
For my 2nd baby, sex did help ..
cos I went into labour
barely a few hours later and
delivered her ..
or maybe it could've been
coincidence or as u say ..
just "ripe" lor.

Wa lau, contractions
the whole day and no labour !!
Ya lor, waste your Sunday.
today no one pop hor.. keke.. yesterday so much action.. today very quiet..

i spot after my VE today.. then headache also.. sianz.. Hayden pls come out soon ya!!

bubble.. maybe tues we lunchie hao ma.. we lunch at AMK there lor.. in between your place n my place.. wat u think? Any other ladies wanna lunch on tues?

i just washed n tumbled dry my new rompers from spree, pillow case, PJs n ah mah panties.. keke.. now just gotta choose which PJ to stuff into my hospital bag..

fabbie.. dun give up.. jia you!! its normal.. i used the medela purlan thing for my nipple coz its keeps cracking n its pretty good.. maybe u ask your hubby go buy for u lor.. engorgement pain ppl say use cabbage to "cool" the breast..
Hi Phyl
If not really tat serious, dun use cabbage as it will decrease the milk supply drastically...

Maybe i can join u both for lunch on tues too?? Lets see how n confirm with u again.
I'm also spotting, Phyl
Did my VE yesterday. But just started spotting this evening...Is that normal or am I really bleeding ah?

I think I lost my mucous plug since this afternoon. Huge blobs of mucous. Gross.
hi fong,

in my last pregnancy my gynae did VE for me in wk38 ler, and i popped on wk39, so it's kind of weird ler he did do this time so i wonder if down there hav dilated already... furthermore my mucus plug already lost early in this week

anyway i hope to stay until dec coz i wan dec bb, if i pop next week (which i always think i will.. hehe) probably we can be neighbour... fyi, i'd requested for 2 bedded at 6 floor west wing...

hi dee,

if water bag leak u sure will know one, coz it is uncontrollable & will leak and flow down to ur leg when u stand up...
Hi ladies
My delivery story:

18 Nov
Reach Hospital at 930am for registration, did not take any food and drink since previous night 12pm.

1030 in my ward, change gown, check heart beat, shave,clear my bowels and rest till 12plus.

1230 nurse came and push me to the opeartion room,
drip on, and epidural injected. a bit pain only, then quickly whole lower body became numb.

130pm, Gynae came in , husband also came in and sit beside me. Operation began. My hb kept on talking to me, so i was not nervous and felt the whole process quite fast.

206pm, BB haoyu is out. The standby doc (my gynea is so worried as my baby is very small, so she got the doc standby to check on baby once delivered, which cost me extra 500 bucks)do all the checks on my baby, certified healthy.

taking photos,stiching me up, then hubby left.
I was pushed to another corner for further monitor, some nurses kept pressing my womb to get the extra blood out i guess for 15 min.

around 230 i was back in ward and rest.

drip is on till next day morning, pee through urine tube, can not drink or eat before that.

Felt the most pain 1st 2 days after operation after the drip was taken off. But gynea encouraged me to came off from bed and walk even though it's painful. I tried, it's bearable, pain scale is around 5-6. it will scale down to around 2 after 4 days.

here is the photo of my baby.
Luvudeepdeep - I also requested for 2 bedder at 6th floor but subject to availability. Really hope we can be neighbours.
fabbie, use medela purelan like wat phyl say!! alot of mummies said it is good..else u use little of ur breastmilk to apply over ur nipple.. since it is sore, better not latch ur bb on.. is it cos the technique is wrong? call up the lactation consultant? Or is it ur pump too strong? wat pump u r using?? is it cos the suction is too hard till u bleed?? poor girl! Hang in thr ya..u must persevere in order to TBF!!
Marks & Spenser 20% sale:
Gals, I went to Vivo's M&S. Guess what! Got 20% disc for apparels if u hv robinson credit card! Offer until 30 Nov only. Includes bra leh! So I finally got my nursing bra. *Yeah! Double Grinz!*

I "pei fu" women like u who stay with in-laws. Cos no matter what we hv different upbringing from hb's family. Staying with hb is bad enough! Imagine living with his whole family! *GASPS!* Ur MIL also damn "cute", use key to open ur locked door! But I guess she is overly concerned abt u since it's the first time u BFing... I wonder if my MIL will be "peeking" at me while I BF. *Hmmmm...*

Dun give up ok! My colleague also had cracked nipples so her expressed milk look like strawberry milk. Ask Mrs Wong if u should rest that side of the breast or use a shield or something when feeding direct to prevent further abrasion...

Next week will be my last week at work. Then I will go on leave liao. A bit "she bu de" hand over my work but at the same time want to take a break before I go into labour leh... I am a typical woman who contradicts herself! *HAHA*
thanks gals. i wont give up. i still want to breast feed her. is just that i want to give her the best. But it seems like its keep failing.. now i just pump out my milk and just throw it away. as dun think i wan my ger to drink blood. So sad my breast milks is all wasted. really heng bu fu qi lor.

Okai. tmw will ask my mum to help me buy that medela purelan. Im using medela eletrica pump. I realise when im pumping. i must squeeze my breast so theres more milk. 1 thing im happy at least i can see more milk and i got the kick of the pumping liao. starting dun even knoe. but very sad. i cannot give my girl to drink! how i wish she can latch on my breast now. =( feel such a lousy mother i am. haiz.

Phyl engorgement pain i think i can tarhan liao. cus pump out the milk will be better, that i learn more of it today.. but is the nipple that's hurting also pain. But still i will buy the cabbage.
fabbie, u cannot squeeze ur breast too hard leh!! cos ur pump will alr hv the suction for ur breast! u noe one of my fren onie pump 15minz max and at her peak she got 40 milk bottles in her fridge all full of BM..so the point is not to make u feel sadder but to tell u that not squeeze hard to get milk out is good.. cos no matter wat, ur breast will never be dry!! Hahaha, might as well, ensure engorgement is relieved, then save some till ur breast is alright, then the milk can be given to bb than to throw away..
fabbie, another thing u can do to relieve engorgement instead of the cabbage idea is jsut to stand under a hot shower .. just aim the water at your boobs ... guaranteed to make your boobs feel better ...
that's what I do ..
hi fong2,

ya i know it's subject to availability... btw my hubby asked why i dun take single bed and i was like 'har? wat for since u won't stay in with me (coz still hav elder son to look after)' so dun wan to sleep alone in hospital... hehe, i prefer to hav neighbour

btw, do u happen to know if there is wireless there?
kath.. ok then whenever no milk then i massage first then pump.

sam ok will do. thanks

yesterday my right breast nipple bleed right.. now im pumping left side nippple bleed -_____- .. damn k sim sia.. haizzz im trying to relax now.. not to cry like yday.. >.<
fabbie, dun cry ok!! During confinement, cannot cry - not good for ur eyesight! is it that ur pump shield too small for ur breast that's y keep bleeding?? try to pump using ur hand n see whether will still bleed or not.. did u ask ur mom to go buy breastcream for u?? Apply some of ur milk over ur nipple to ease the pain first ya!! Hang in thr girl!!!
fabbie, dun worry ... your boobs will get used to it soon enough ... just have to tahan thru this trying stage ... try to air your nipples out instead of stuffing your boobs back in your bra ... to air them out ...

dun cry ...

for the rest of us who have yet to pop, please make sure your nipples are moisturized to prepare it for breastfeeding ... it will help to not be so sore later on when the baby keeps chomping on your nipples ... and the nipples are always saturated with milk ...

fabbie, ya .. try not to express milk using the pump .. I find that there is this sharp pain .. the way the suction works, the way it pumps out the milk just from the nipple area .. if possible, right now .. hand express to let your poor nipples heal ..

morning ladies.. oo.. near afternoon liao..

i think my spotting is my mucous plug.. coz its gooey.. well.. cant take pics of my panty liner and post rite? keke.. well.. wateva la.. today in a very sianz mood.. dunno why.. maybe coz hubby working nite shift so no one to entertain me till tonight..

fabbie.. must jia you k..

i din know cabbage will coz the milk supply to decrease.. but in general.. i think if got something cooling to lay on breast should be quite soothing.. keke..

why so quiet.. everyone secretly go give birth liao ah?? kekekeke
Hi Phyl
shd be something warm to put on the breast if engorgment.. not chilly ( like the gals said.. warm bath).. only chilled cabbage but according to Mrs Wong, cabbage used shd be more or less the last attempt to use as it will reduce the milk supply badly...Taking dang gui will also reduce the milk supply ...

mucous plug out?? wow.. tats mean u are anytime n very very to labour le.. dun run abt already.. I am also declared my gynae ANYTIME n also CANNOT RUN ABT already... We stay at home to chat chat hor.....
afternoon gals!!!

Cooked spaghetti again for lunch after cleaning my kitchen cabinets!! now plenty of spaces left -cant imagine previously the stuffs were all so cluttered and everywhere..throw away alot of stuff too!!

Phyl, is ur mucuous plug laced with some blood stains?? dun do any heavy housework ya..same goes for jo..ask ur hubby to do for u..

yup ... either a shower or towels soaked in warm water .. whichever ..
I just find the warm bath easier
and u have a ready flow of hot water
AND it is kinda relaxing as well :p

mucous plug out ... it can still be anywhere up to 2 weeks before u go into labour ..
read it on the net ... *sigh*

we're also at home today IN CASE. so sian.
I have this sinking feeling I will have to be induced on Tuesday after all ...

where are u today?
at home or out? how r u feeling?
Hey gals im back from massage. my lady massage use a warm towel and place it on my breast. It feels much better. and i think i use the medela pump hor. i turn on the "max" thats why. I tried using "min" now and it didnt bleed =) feel happy abit. but still nipple damn pain! will try to air more of my nipple and hope my mum faster get the cream for me.

But im happy one thing at least i know how to deal with my engoungment breast slowly. it really need to gain experience than will feel better..
seee ... the warm towels OR hot shower works

and yes, the pump can be rather harsh on the nipples ... go easy on the suction power OR if really bad, then hand express ...

so happy for u, fabbie.
sam hopefully everything slowly starts to be well.. i really pray. hope theres no NEW error stuffs for me to stress with. Now just hope nipple willl recover soon.
afternoon ladies
mi back from dr appt. todae officially 39wks le. told dr i having on n off contraction pains n she wana op on mi todae.

mi n hubby discussed n tot tt since i waited so long liao, there will be no diff if i wait another 36hrs for op. so tmr 6pm onwards nbm den 12mn go delivery suite tell d nurse tummy pain. lolx.

i went to oscars @ conrad. saw 5 pregnant ladies having buffet there too. hehe.

good for u tt nipple not bleeding le. go slow wif suction pressure. gradually den increase k. =)

ya la ... I'm sitting here today waiting and waiting ... regret man - should've gone to Vivo to look see n window shop.

so bored. I think I'm going to kena induced on Tue liao.

how much is the buffet u went for at Oscars btw? sounds good, man .. haven't been to a buffet since I was 12 weeks pregnant.

eh anyone know. 1st baby gov will be giving us money right? how we apply it ah? is it when we apply the baby bonus then got?
Congrats merydith! wah i realise everyone pop quite early than heir due date huh. so nice.

btw has anyone succeed in donating cord blood? cus they say if succeed will send me something a doc like that. if not succeed will send me a thanks you card only. And i receive a thank u card. You Gals ?
congrats to merydith !! .. I'm still waiting, man ... SIAN.

Just had dinner ... charged my phone and camera batt. please please let it happen tonite !!
CONGRATS to merydith !!!

oh she has the same EDD as mine &amp; she already popped... hmm, when is my turn?

hi fong2,

ya intend to online there (if there is wireless), can't live a day w/o pc nowadays.. hehe..
hi all

me was supposed to be out with my polymates..lunch.. but they scared i too tired (haha!) and came over instead and you know la.... talk and talk..whole day gone!

ooh, we went sitex yday, got ourselves sony lappie.. yippee!!

i feel like im starting to leak amniotic fluid but not constantly.. kinda similar to my 1st preg labour symptoms so fingers crossed tt i wont hv to be induced. Anyway, i already 'booked' my backup plan....sex!! haha.. thankfully my husband is not a monk and wants the baby out so he too is willing to try anything
erm...from MONDAY onwards though

Glad to hear you're feeling better about BF
must stay happy ok..

Go enjoy yourself la.. no point just waiting. We're planning to go vivo tom..see you there perhaps?

Wow.. you're gonna get your 01 Dec baby. yippee

Your baby boy so sweet..belated congratulations
ask you all ah. NOw i like sometimes pump one time i got 100ml. will my BM slolwy increase more than 100ml? cus im thinking my gal when growing big will be drinking like more than 100 ml wor.. how long will increase? 1day? or 1wk wor?

and BF wil last till how long? i very scare engourgment. so will one day there will be no breast milk?

another thing if i start work how?? how to pump sia
morning ladies
mi eagerly counting down d hrs left. haha. less dan 17hrs more. yeah.

buffet at oscars for lunch cost $44.50 per pax. mi cant eat much at buffet due to heartburn but juz for d kick of it. lolx. everyting juz one or 2 bites n im full.

sam &amp; gill
if all give birth next wk, den can c each other at kkh. hehe. tink i can onli be d/c earliest thur or fri. =)

congrats ger!!

bm will increase in amt slowly one. how much it increases depends on individual. if pump every 2-3hrs, will stimulate n produce more one. so not to wori.

when back to work, unless u able to pump every 3hrs, if not, supply may drop by a bit.
iemiko, excited that another 1st dec baby is coming out for ur family?? Update us with the birth story ya..will update the table tmr!

fabbie, dun worry!! Ur BM now is 100ml is quite good leh..will increase over time. Juz dun be stressed out, drink more soupy n hot drinks (i read from nov thread, they drank horlick or milo) an hour before pumping and the supply went up. U can try

If thr is engorgement, like what sam n jowinbaby say, take hot shower or cont to pump to relieve engorgement. Eh, ur pump is not travel-friendly?? Pump in office.. if u dun pump religiously enuf, ur milk supply will go down for sure

Hey guys, something is wrong with the 2008 Dec MTB forum. I tried to access it by opening a new webpage and typed the address manually and gone to year2008 but majority of the page is blank and cldnt see Dec 2008 MTB in sight.... Now I'm assessing this page via my Favourites bookmarked quite sometime ago. Anyone can try out or experience this?

Merydith wanted to post and she too had problem assessing our thread too.....
