(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

thanks for the encouragement! i will see what my gynae say on Wed before deciding. if he is not opposing natural, then of cos i will go for natural 1st =)

yup, i agree. having so many years of experience, i believe Dr Chen knw wat is best for me. in any case, i will follow his best recommendation. if his "verdict" is dat i sud go for C-sect straight, i will proceed ba. spoke to my frens on the phone juz now, and i feel alot better now =)

u feeling ok now? any contractions? thou it may still be a while to labour, u better monitor from now on yo.. if discomfort tml, juz sms me or Phyl and stay at hm, juz in case =)

i guess it sud be pump after Preston finishes his feeding. if u pump before feeding Preston, wat if not enuff BM, then u trouble mah, need to feed him formula milk. anyway, i read from a BF book dat to stimulate more milk, mummies can pump BM AFTER feeding BBs ;)

Hi Dee,
Greetings! Thx for the encouragement. Glad to hear u are with RH too.

M trying to tahan till next week too...keeping fingers cross. Seeing gynae tomorrow so hopefully, baby still in tact till next friday...if possible.

When are u seeing your gynae? Also, m signing up with Cordlife tomorrow. Just don't know whether to sign up for 10 yrs or 21 years since can pay the money via CAD. Let me know your thots if any.

Shall keep u inform of my trip to gynae.

Enjoy your evening.
Thanks for all the well wishes!

Congrats to all other mummies who have popped!

Merydith - your baby is so cute.

LuthAdel & Fabbie - How long did the both of you pump each time for BM? This is my 6th day and I only managed to get pathetic 10ml for 2 breasts after 30 t0 45 mins till I give up. So envy that e both of u managed to get so much BM....
u TBF so good. ya nipple no sore? if u want to pump. u feed preston first then later u pump lor. pump as much as u can.

BTW i haven't do my baby bonus yet! damn it. after i check up my baby me and my hubbie just totally forget to do baby bonus at TMC. btw other than TMC where can we do it ah? OCBC Bank can?
Fabbie & Carmen: Thanks...i tried it just now. I fed Preston from my left then, i pumped out the remaining + my right breast too. Nipple not sore...so hopefully it won't become sore as the days go by!!! :p

I got a total of about 30ml BM after about 20 min of pumping. Not sure if this amount is "good" enough or not.

Fabbie: I also haven't done CDA account...haven't registered the birth of Preston yet too! Will do it tomorrow when i bring him for his PD checkup.
We finally picked his Chinese name...

Jolynash: I got 30ml BM this evening after pumping for about 20 min. Today is my 5th day...and before that, i have not pumped at all. Only direct latched my baby boy since Day 1.
Thanks! Yours too! very chubby

Thanks ikeke for sending me the link

My baby name is Randall..I still have not registered his birth though keke.

Yah lor..and all the nurses address him as her. All of them thought it is a girl alamak... Hope he will look more boyish in the next few days or months keke.
Btw anyone know how to get baby to wake up to suckle?
He always doze off during suckle even though I tickle his ear, mouth. End up my breast always kena almost engorged...So sian..I pump it all out but dun want to let him drink from bottle in case he get nipple confusion leh...

Then the PD told me that he was dehydrated from lack of fluid causing his jaundice..but he always doze off during suckle...
hi gals .. I'm back home .. got discharged today after lunch ..

fabbie, ya the person came to my room the SCCB lady .. and passed me the "thank u" card personally and told me the news .. said although the amt of blood collected was good, the cell count was a bit low ..

so not collected lor.

too bad.

will upload Calista's photo asap !!
Loveangel - thats very good for you. You still mangage to get 30ml after feeding Preston. Think mine is hopeless already....

Fabbie - Did you drink many soups? Heard my mil says drinking lots of soup helps to increase BM.
lol he will de lar. lolx mine also look like boy at the starting hehe.. about the sucking.. maybe wait till he very very hungry than he wont doze off ba? Mine always doze when sleep at the start. but now i duno. Hmm cus i hardly give nipple since that day i bleed. But sometimes i still let her latch on, she still remember. I felt pumping out and give him at times on bottle is better leh. so you know how much baby needs everyday. hehe. Pump can pump like 2 hrs total 2 breast. if suck duno how many hrs then can = the amount that u pump out. Randall special name! i like! hehe

Hey i just finish pumping.. ok. today
5.20am - 7.15am = 200ml
2.19pm - 3.19pm = 200ml
8.15pm - 9.45pm = 200ml
So sad.. seems like still not increasing. hope tmw will increase! this is my first time to note down. normally i just to pump as much as i can. if no more milk then massage n massage. then got milk come out again. Ya i everyday drink soup.. drink milo.. drink longan.. eat apple everyday.. eat vegetable everyday too.

Oh. aiya. im thinking can i know why my cord it no suit them. sighz. i just scare something to do with my blood that will affect my baby?! hmm maybe im just too worried.. your baby so cute! especially the hair! like just came out from a shower. hehe

JIalet.. i feel abit fa leng now. duno is it just now sleep the fan keep blowing me. =( and keep running nose also. Suddenly!!

ANyone know baby bonus can do at OCBC?
fabbie, now is the flu bug season..so u better wear warmly. Cannot sleep wif fan leh..sleep in air cond lor..better.

Ur milk supply is quite good leh, 200ml! U got store in freezer?
Hi Carmen,

Me same case as u but my bb got big head instead of weight. Till now, he is not engaged. Dr is going to induce me on 6 dec to try natural. If cannot engage, then will proceed to do c-sect.
If you really want to try natural I guess should go for it since 1st baby. At least we tried
thanks gals ...
hee hee ...

fabbie, just call and ask if you want to know .. but if it's something harmful, they'll tell you la ...

actually, how you know they didn't successfully collect yours? I'm just assuming as such ... if they didn't tell you personally, probably it was a successful collection !

I know wat u mean by 'crawling' to the office. I took ML from 15th at first too...due to much 'nagging' from my dad and HB. I have to take my ML on the 9th instead. I can't wait to pop actually... went for the check up on Sat and Dr says the baby not engaged yet. hopefully will be engaged by next week...
kath i store in below only.. cus freezer if u defroze it hor.. will got alot of water leh.. BM can keep for 2 days..

orh maybe later fan put another side or wat ba..

btw you all massage lady taking 7 days or 14 days?

Oh...really!!! Good to hear that... always thought that engagement means that i will be in labour soon. Thanks for the info. =)
hmm maybe i should call and ask the lady who is in charge of me..

i know they didn't get in.. cus i receive a THANK YOU card. =(
Hi Hi

Congrats to Sam, Iemiko & Merydith!! wow seems like alot of mummies have popped liao.. me still got a long wait ahead..

visited my gynae today for my 36wks checkup.. Doc say bb head is still high up at my bladder area, so he est 2-3 more wks b4 I'll deliver..

and Yes! I did my virgin BW today too!!! Its damn painful
(rated 7 on the scale of 0-10)but worth it cos now below feels so clean and "fresh" now.. hee Baby Summer shares mummy's pain too.. she was moving vigoriously inside there while i was enduring the pain pains.. Bad hubby even laugh at me.. say i spend $$ to buy pain.. sigh.. the man jus dun get it..!

I'm w cordlife too, signed up for the 10 yrs pkg.. tot 10 yrs is quite enuff liao. If u need a referal, let me noe. I can send u my details.
hi bubblepearl n gals..
ya.. me damn piss off today as i was discussing with HB last nite, tat maybe i can still work till end of the week n then go c-sect if my BB dun turn at massage on Wed. But then, the moment i sat down at my seat this morning.. my boss asked " oh.. u still haven deliver ah".. then she started to ask another colleague to pass the work tat i hand over back to me and asked me to go to 3 storerooms to shift the goods and do stock - check... WAT NONSENSE?? i m at my 38th week.. do wat stock check , shift wat stocks??? Somemore, more tasks thrown to me when i already abt to finish the current on hands one... like tat i can never leave the office.

piss off, i told her tat tomorrow, i be on half day to finish my work, afternoon i m going to see gynae ( actually is wed) and wed onwards, i be on maternity leave liao... i do not care when my labour really starting.. just wanna get her out of my sight...

My friends told me, so wasted for me to start 2 weeks b4 EDD... but i might c-sect these few days if bb massage fail again....

COngrats to gers tat deliver... Sam, merydith.. and gals tat i miss out....

Wed, me going to see gynae turn the baby again..
hi everyone, m back from kk cos bb got jaundice since Fri

tmr need to go polyclinic to chk SB again

here's a pic of bb Joshua Low

Old pple got a saying that if ur legs get swollen during late pregnancy n it does not go away, it is an indication of soon-to-come labor.

Actually dilation n engagement are only indications that ur bb is getting ready. I rem reading smwhere that labour is triggered by a chemical ur baby releases. So hor, physcho ur bb maybe a btr method... :p

Ur milk ss is considered quite good leh! Keep it up orh! What did u do daily that gives u this type of milk ss? massage? drink a lot of soup? Share ur foodie/diet with us leh... :p
Hospital will let u use what is sponsored to them. Remaining will give u to take home.
Unless u v particular only want bb to use a brand which the hospital not using... :p
jollycow he is so cute! hahaha u manage to take baby smile! im trying hard to take photo of my baby smile really very hard! hahha
Hi Sam and JLow,
Your babies are so cute...and i feel like kissing them. now m really looking forward to having my baby girl soon.

Thx, Xuelyn for the cordlife comments. m toying at first but have clearer pix what we need...10 yrs is indeed enough. oh, my friend recommended me already. so really thank you for the thumbs up.

Seems like it you may be the last to deliver. take care.
don't give up... my supply dipped wen josh was 3rd day in hos cos i was stressed n barely rest.
Then i try to relax, eat and drink more water, then de sipply increase from 40 to 120ml, also u must rest well well ..
i didnt take note of my diet leh =X i just now everyday i eat egg in the morning.. then afternoon eat proddige.. or rice with vege.. and soup.. or maybe beehoon soup lor.. Then at night sometimes the same thing..

Always i drink longan and milo nia. thats all. Hmm oh i eat apple everyday also. Lolx. so i duno which one is really producing milk more leh. Hmm I didnt take fenugeek also. BUt i always massage and massage my breast alot to make it softer when im doing pumping..

btw you gals take 7days or 14 days session for massage huh? Im still thinking to extend anot. Im not into massage de. so i duno whether she is good anot. =/ But i quite like her cus she teach me alot of things. and her service do provide me helping to bath baby.. teach me how to bath baby.. She does help me to faster heal my below there by using charcol and help me see is it healing anot everything. But for massage everything i really duno! hao fan wor.. hmmm but i scare my tummy still come out. but hired her another week is quite ex for me. dou her service 1 day 50 bucks.

Oh btw Is there a very good bind that i can buy?
jollycow you drink water?tout cannot drink? not that good leh. drink longnan drink.. but dun put too sweet can le.

Mine also do smile while Zzz wor. but i dun have chance to take always!.. do you think babies have very sweet and funny dreams in them? thats why they smile or god just talking and watching over them in safe and sound that are happy to smile? .. =) babies are so so cute hor. cannot take it.. so sweet de.. i love to see my gal always.. cannot get her off my eyes. keep staring and when she smiles. aiyo.. really cute hor. all babies are SO CUTE! hahaha btw duno why am i crazy about babies now lolx -___-
hi fabbie
wah.. tat charcoal method is very old traditional malay massage method.. nowadays not everyone practice even the malays...
good tat u can heal fast.
tat is good news for garmen. Means u going to hv more babies in future! *haha* Ur massage lady quite good leh... Got teach u how to do massage n stuff. Me hor... Duno which massage lady to book oso. Damn Sian!

How do u know a massage lady is good? Or just try ur luck?
soli I was not at home last few days so can;t reply you earlier ... it takes 2 days after sex.

u try n let us know lol
yes lor.....all so cute ...hahhhah I just love seeing my son sleep...so tempted to kiss him, but mum says cannot, later got pimples...hahhhaah
i was in de nursery room when i was KKH to breastfeed Josh, saw so many bb there...all so adorable de le
I pm you her contact liao, must faster book de hor. My coll intro me another lady, and i think they got 3 sister. split to 3 areas im jurong so one of them focus on me lor. All the massage are the same they said.

Ya my massage lady is very traditional way de. Thats why some people like their services lor.

REally ah? got pimples? i always kiss my gal forhead. you know they love to sleep on our shoulders leh. and you carry them on your shoulder hor, is not very tiring also haha

btw does you gals breast itch? haha OH btwso pump ya breast before sleeping.. yday im so tired i sleep liao. then wake up.. my milk leak till the bed -____- haiz..
Thanks Fabbie! U make them sound like a syndicate. :p

I am feeling oh-so-sleepy today cos I could not get back to sleep from 4am onwards (can u believe it)... And my eyelids r getting heavy in office now. (*Damn*) Should I take half day? But like got meeting later... DOUBLE SIGH!
sam & Jlow, your bb is so cute!

it wasn't that long ago that you gals were talking about holding bb in your arms..

i'm gonna tahan till next week.. so, 'grounded' at home but still working..

my next check would be on the 10th (my anni).. if baby would pop by then, that would be funny.. haha..
lemme know how your check up is..
have you started your CTG monitoring?
hi snowger
same same. i cannot sleep after 5am... now hor... very sleepy le...

fabbie, so envy lor.. milk still leak when sleeping.. haha.. i wonder i have this much to leak anot =P
jo, ur supervisor really very jia lat leh..she is not married yet? Or she dun hv kids? 38 weeks and expect u to shift stock n do stock take? ask her to go fly kite betta..dun bother abt her, juz take ur leave and leave all the shit for her to take care!! dun understand why thr are still such ppl existing in this planet earth..wahahaha..

fabbie, i m taking 7 day massage session - shuld be sufficient bah. Not sure yet, usually by 5th day can see result n if not, mabbe extend lor

snowger, how come cant sleep? i also have difficulty sleeping - but last nite was the worse and coupled hubby keep calling me..stoopid!! this morning gave him a long lecture abt it...hahahaha I also heard the old wives tale (my fren told me) that if ur feet is swollen for 3 times meaning swollen the reduce then swollen, means giving birth soon. U noe, today my feet is not tat swollen, it looks like normal feet leh..wonder if my bb wanna come out by next week, since tmr i will be officially 37 weeks ler..and i left his towels (need to rewash) and bedset to wash onie..but his cupboard etc not done yet..kekeke
Sam..Claire v sweet looking leh!!

Jlow, i feel like pinching ur bb leh...so cute!!

Kath..sms u last nite..can join us to lunch today?
sorry bubble, when u sms me tat time i alr knocked out due to the flu medicine. I can't join u gals for lunch today - dun wanna travel too far out from raffles place.. so tired..sorry
Congrats to all mums that have delivered to their darlings.

Sorry, was MIA as I was on course for the last 2 weeks.


you can onli apply for BB bonus after you register your BB birth. BB bonus form need BB birth cert no. If you have already registered your child's birth, they will give you a BB bonus package. You need to fill on the forms, BB1 and BB2. Then together with the supporting documents, you just send it to MCYS can liao.

But if you have not registered your child's birth, you need to go your hospital or ICA to register first. You can get ready your supporting document. The birth registry officer will help you fill up your BB bonus forms then. You cant go OCBC bank to apply for BB bonus. That is for our child's CDA account only.

After you got your BB bonus cash payout, shortly you will receive a letter from MCYS. You need to use this letter to go OCBC to officially open a CDA account for your child. By then, you can start deposit $ to get the dollar-for-dollar matchup from the govt.

Hope this helps.
jo, if she have kids liao, how come so not understanding ah?? Siao one.. dun expect that last time she can work till 40weeks all preggy can do that..super sian when i see ur supervisor treat u tat way.

Even my boss which i feel is very mean dun do that to us, at least everytime i walk abit faster he will ask me to slow down..dun walk so fast..haha
