(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

jowin: No choice, flag raising is a must every morning. Hopefully it won't happen again. I take only one small bottle of Brands birds nest every Sunday.

Ok i'll try to drink more water.

lavendery: Some days i don't have appetite too. Perhaps you can try keeping a food diary so you know which are the foods that will "turn on" your appetite. For me, they're spicy food or sushi (no raw stuff). Eating these boost my appetite.

Reddates: When did you start your antenatal package? My gynae hasn't offered anything to me yet.

jowin..u also got nose bleed?? Me too leh, though the blood did not leak out but everytime i clean my nose, sure got blood! Wonder is it cos i drank red date + tong shim drink twice a week. Feel so hot middle of the nite..

I tot barley is cooling?
Hi MTBs,

Just wake up from my nap... :)

Sam - No Chin Chow, too cooling le. Try to cut down on gasy drinks. Soya Bean, ribena (less sugar) is OK. Drink in moderation.

Getting more and more tired nowadays. The land pounding beside my workplace is getting worse...

So sian, feel like quitting my job to have a good rest. My job is getting more and more and I tend to have irregular meals. So scare my baby is affected. Today had nightmare related to my work again. :-(

Reddates - When did you start your antenatal package? My gynae hasn't offered anything to me leh.
Hi Prisangel
Hang on.if really uncomfortable, dun force urself to go for flag rising..

Hi emeraldbride
ya.. not leak out but whenever i wipe, got blood.. i felt i m real heaty..

Yes, barley is cooling but i think have to take in moderate. I m scare of all cooling stuff until over heaty.. abit sorethroat
Tulle, phy n scarletgal, thanks for the ginger recipe and where to get them.

Pris, I never go for morning assembly since term 2 starts. As I dun have a form class, I just stayed in the staff room cos at any pt of time I will jus puke so jus stay here.
Hi all dear mummies, how's everybody been.. been sometime since last logged in..

LuthAdel-me gog for my NTscan on 20th too, maybe will bump into each other? hee..
Hi everyone,

Hang on! Its going to be a long weekend soon. 3 more days to go (excluding today).

Just wondering is it possible to take 1mth unpaid leaves to rest at home till the morning sickness goes away? Cos its really affecting my work.
Hi Funshine/Pris,

I started the package during my first gyane visit liao, u can start anytime, to me start early can save alot of cost, if not have to pay by per consultation is quite hefty. I took up package right in the beginning for all my pregnancy.

I do feel heaty inside, so sometimes I drink fruit juice/plum juice with abit of ice. Soup wise still drink old cucumber, winter melon of coz not always lah.
Hi Enne,

My schedule is at 9am in the morning and have to go back to my gynae office at 4pm to get the result. What about yours?

I'm feeling so tired today. Very bad sleep 'cos my HB was snoring and somehow I just feel so damn hot in the middle of the night.

I've asked my gynae for their package before but was told that they only commence at 20wks and not earlier. So you're lucky to have a gynae who allows you to start earlier. Btw, can you share how the package works and how much are you paying? This would be good to guage the pricing.
LuthAdel, for Dr chan, my previous antenatal package starts 16 wks onwards. Now 20 wks onwards ah. Ya, not earlier. So every visit I spent $100 plus. V Scan much more ex also. Seeing her this fri.
2nd Baby
Do you have any idea what Dr. Chan's rates are like? Also what the package covers? Do we have to determine the type of room at that point or can we wait till nearer to due date?

Now she has schedule my checkup to once in every 3 wks. Kinda miss the 2wks session as we could get to see our BB earlier on the scan :p
LuthAdel, for the room, nearer to due date then we can let the nurse knw and they will book for us. Package covers counsultation charges, urine test, exclude pills.
Hi LAdies, had a good lunch? i had nice salad with thousand island dressing. good for my constipation.. hehe..
Hi mummies,

Congrats on your pregnancy!! Sorry to interrupt.

I have an infant capsule to give away. It was given to me as a gift and I have used it a couple of times. Don't intend to sell it 2nd hand but would like to give it away to somebody who needs it. Self collection at my place in Katong.

I also have a <font color="ff0000">BRAND NEW</font> Maclaren Techno XT (grey) to sell at 30% discount from retail price

Interested pls PM me. Thanks!
Hi lynn,

I happened to ask my sis for the doctor's name whom specialised in multiple pregnancies and did the test and checks for her when she had her twins at KKH. the doctor's name is Dr Tony Tan and coincidentally he is now at Raffles Hospital.
Hi Phylicia
Ai yah, I feel like eating salad also.. but the veg are 'raw' can we eat ah??

Does anyone know if delifrance have salad?
corrine.. eh.. no MAYO.. haha.. erm.. i think must make sure washed properly.. dressing is not so good.. so moderate on dressing..

I feel like eating the potato from delifrance.. but not all outlets have it.. salads for sure is NYNY, TCC, some Coffee beans..

<font color="ff0000">Sorry to barge in. I have a BN Similac MUM 700g for sale, collection @ AMK, expiry 2009.</font>

Pls PM me if keen. Thanks
Hi Reddates,

Thanks for your info. I will check with my gynae when I visit him again 2wks later... Very siong paying for each visit without a package (spending like $200 per visit)

Finally, I got my baby journal today from the library... so happy :)

So long never dine in Delifrance. Can eat Seafood/Crab D‘sire (sandwich)? Craving a bit for it.

Miss my Coffee Beans and Bubble Teas :-(
Hmm..I drink coffee everyday, just dun drink more than 2 cups per day should b ok. If dun drink, my mind cannot function. I am still eating crabs, prawns leh, no sotong though.
Hi all,
can i join you girls? I am 34 this year. 2 kids age 10 and 5. Presently just found out i got preggy again and due in Dec 08. Do anyone have gynae to recommend for deliver at Mount A? Roughly how much is the pre-natal package? I am looking for a doctor in Clementi Area. Hopefully someone can help me on the cost matter as i only delivered my 2 kids at KKH as a susidise paitent.

At last but not least, for the maternity leave entitle to 3 months, we get salary in 1 shot or monthly?
as I was reading this thread, I realized I am perhaps the only one who didnt really observe my diet. Been feeling so bloated and loss of appetite. The only things that I take are my sour plums and preserved fruits.

I got two other younger kids aged 3 &amp; 2. Already feeling the stress of having to cope with three although we love more kids. Been losing patience with almost everyone including my 2 precious. Know I shouldn't but can't help it. Tempers flare all the time. Anyone feel this way?

I am in my 10wks
Hi Ladies,

Agree with Reddates. Need to drink coffee to keep the mind functioning, if not, cannot concentrate. Although I have been cutting down. And yes, been eating prawns and crab (once in a blue blue moon) - simply love them. But no sotong (it was like I was eating with parents and my aunts, when I placed a squid in my mouth and my aunt said no sotong!). But too late, already swallowed...

So will be remembering this. Cannot wait to see my gynae on Sat! Hehe!
Hi Ladies,

Haha.. i stopped drinking coffee.. so i've stop functioning also.. hehe.. replace my morning cuppa with milo kosong.. very depressing.. hehe..

i'm having cramps.. how normal is it? my next visit is next thurs.. should i see my gynae earlier? my cramps are like period cramps..
Morning ,

My next visit on Fri, can't wait to c my bb, wonder how much he/she have grown liao.

Not much appetite for the past 2 days, but no choice, have to eat something.


Cramps are quite normal as the womb/uterus is expanding, so will experience some cramps, i got it oso, but if it's too severe than you have to take note and c/call ur gynae to check, they r the best person to advise you.
My friend's wedding is next week. I know that sharkfin cannot eat. But i really very tempted cos that's always my favourite dish among all, can i just drink the soup and filter out the sharkfin? Or i must skip totally?

I did tat oso, just drink the soup, take out the sharks fin, guess it's the fins that we can't eat rite, heehee...
Hi lavendery
Skip totally la.
I having wedding dinner this friday nite.. already cannot eat lor..

Hi Raven
u are so early.. no sleeping ah??? 7am post message liao
yaya.. i also eat prawn n crab once a while... yesterday, i craved for " Hao Jian" fried oyster.. aiyo.. this one really cannot take.. too oily n oyster too much bacteria...

Nowadays appetite no good..bloated also... if i can eat, i try to eat liao..

I still have 1 more week to see gynae....can't wait to see how much bb grow..
my EDD bring forward to 05/12/2008 liao. BB want to come out earlier.

just c gynae last friday. i have very very poor appetite. watever i eat will just come out immediately. so had been lost 6kgs in 10 weeks time!!! but luckily gynae told me bb is fine. had grown from 0.6cm to 3cm in 3 weeks time.

so happy to c so many MTB here.
Hi Ladies,

I'm currently on 2 days mc for bed rest. Yesterday when I strain during pooping, a blob of mucous came out and it was quite a blob. Thereafter, nothing happens but when evening came, I started to have cramp like pain in my lower pelvis area. The pain persisted through the night and I could not really sleep.

This morning, we decided to see our gynae and found out that it was all the fibroids in my uterus that is causing the pain.

Our BB now measures 55.1mm and currently 12wks according to the scan. I just hope that the fibroids won't give me too much problem as the pregnancy progresses.

Also gynae gave me meds to standby incase the pain becomes contraction (which could cause miscarriage) due to the fibroid activities.

I think my boss is going to flip since i'll be on mc for 2 days. *sigh*
Thanks ladies,

Now online searchng about fibroids during pregnancy. So far reports are ok so not too worrying but just that I'll have a more painful pregnancy when baby is bigger and fighting for space.

Seriously, I think a bowl of shark fin is not going to do much harm. My gynae told me to eat whatever i like in moderation. So I'm still having my usual coffee and orange daily. Dont make it a point to restain from everything. Pregnancy should be an enjoyable process. Everything cannot eat how to survive 40 weeks?
hi ladies..sorry for MIA so long..really v busy at work..

Now i am in my week 10, will be visiting my gyna this sat..keke..just have chicken cutlet + xtra sausage for lunch..miss my breakfast cos too busy at work.
LuthAdel, Take care oh!! =)

I had Apollo's curry fish head on such a cold cold day.. its really good.. hehe..
hi all...
long time no post...hope everyone doing fine...

Now...i can't stop eating... i can't keep my mouth empty...die...dont know what will happen to my size after this pregnancy...
my mouth feel tasteless if never eat anything...i must have something to chew/eat...and i enjoy chocolate very much....
mrs ho..same..keke..i like sweet stuff too..keke

nowadays pple all got no heart one..ytd i saw 2 sec school girls..( one of them still prefect) sit on the mrt seat, while a preggy lady is standing infront of them..at that moment i felt like asking them to offer her the seat..but i did not..i am so gulity now.
youngsters nowadays are rude.. lets all just make sure we teach our babies well abt social mindedness..

i think the classic is ppl pretending to sleep when they see elderly or pregnant ladies.. its sad to see our society morphing itself into such a selfish, kiasu, kiasi, greedy, pushy, rude, inconsiderate place..

Horror story--> was on crowded bus standing.. this old lady alighted with daughter so got 2 seats.. got a school girl beside me so she took the inside seat. when i was abt to sit down, she move to the outside seat.. then i was like.. "whatever" and moved in to sit in the inside seat.. TO MY HORROR.. the seat was soaking wet in the old lady's URINE!!! can you believe it.. that student sit down then tam tam nv say make me sit on it.. WAH.. i was so embarrassed.. coz the smell was strong! went straight home and threw my pants and undies in the washer and washed it alone!!
bubble pearl: Your description also reminded me of yesterday MRT ride home after work. Yesterday when i was on my way home in the MRT train, i saw a pregnant lady (her stomach was very big and obvious as she was rather slim) entering the train and she was standing infront of me holding onto the railings. I was seating then.

That time i was suffering from the 'morning sickness' again, was feeling very very nauseaous and abit dizzy. I looked left (an Indian middle age man) and right (a young man) a few times, hoping someone can see her could let her have their seats.

Sadly enough no one seemed to bother nor care about the pregnant lady. I wished i could stand up to offer her the seat but i wasn't feel well at all, hence throughout the whole journey i kept my head low, filled with guilt, dare not lifted my head up to look up to see the pregnant lady.
Hi everyone! How u gals manage to chat here almost everyday and anytime without fail. hehe
I dun have a pc at home so is rather difficult for me to keep track. But happy to read all the progresses of u and ur baby.

Btw anyone here started blogging for ur bb? Give me the link k I wanna know more. Is so interesting to read and I enjoyed tat alot.

Take care gals and enjoyed ur pregnancy! While i'm trying to enjoy mine too though having bad MS.
phylicia...aiyo...so bad that leh..hmm..ladies..what do u think i should do next time if i see something like tat..should i ask them to give up their seats? but once again it make me look so Kapo...

Lavender: i understand how u feel..u also not feeling well..sometimes i also like tat..but no choice..we also pregnant..also not feeling well..haiz..

Diana: i also nvr login v long liao..busy at work..but now still not that bad so sneak in..
LuthAdel - pls take care and rest more. Don't move about too much.

jowinbaby - hehe! yup, am up early every day and happen to be on leave from today to fri.

Seriously, do we actually have to skip the whole shark's fins soup?? Since we only attend weddings once in a long long while... I am still contemplating whether to take it during my friend's wedding in June.... (my fav dish and to think that I have to give it a miss...)

I was just about to blog about some impatient Singaporeans... Every morning, I never fail to get "pushed" into the trains. I was quite shocked to hear my sister's story of an old grandmother who pushed a sick looking lady from taking the seat (the lady already had her bump less than 5cm from the seat!).

Just yesterday, an aunty used her bag to push me away after I alighted from Habourfront. And the best part is she is rushing into a train that is terminating at the station!

Being preggy makes me more fearful of being pushed cos I scared fall down...
Thinking back, I now know why some fathers to be are all geared up to buy a small car to ferry their wife.
