(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

cannot eat peanuts? i still ate those canned braised peanuts. what about walnuts? heard that it is good.

i also want pre-natal massage. got good one must share share...

actually for the mayonaise, you can check if it has been processed. I think large companies will process their mayonaise, something like pasturizing milk.

Unless the mayonaise is home made then you need to avoid.

Can we do massage? Will there be harmful for 1st trimester?
Hi gals
personally think tat all food are okay as long as we eat in moderate
Raw tomatoes as long as wash clean , are good for skin , Vit. c

Lettuce i heard is abit "liang" but we also cannot be over heaty too.. in the end, sore throat, fever, we gonna take in med. I think its worst lor

Hi Luthadel
I bought a tummyband from a BP spree in singapore motherhood thread

Hi Shirley
Yes, i do experience.. i believe i m over heaty N constipation...so have to monitor lor...
oh ya, i collected the free baby journal from Sun Plaza library yesterday. the journal is so cute but i think i will be lazy to record all those.

merydith, i think we can only do pre-natal massage in 2nd trimster.
Thank you Samantha, smurfygal, Pris, Phylicia, Spaghetti, pig07, lavendery, snnowy & mimi thank you so much for your well-wishes.

Yes, m worried now about gynae. I do like Dr Joan Thong at RH a lot. Shall check on KKH.

My sister delivered her 2 babies at KKH but bad experience when delivering my niece. She felt the baby coming but the nurse refused to call her gynae & insisted that the baby will not come so soon. Within 5 mins, the baby pushed through and torn her vagina ...had 14 stiches. Postnatal blues for 2-3 months afterwards.

Guess that's why m so afraid. but the PD experience for her was good...very caring towards her son and daughter. now m in dilemma.

Samantha - yes, believe we must look good always

Pig07 - any senior gynae to recommend at KKH? Who's your sis gynae?

Lavendery - my gynae gave me 3 ultrascan pix the first time I visited her last week. Not sure if u can record the process...maybe ask your gynae. heard some gynaes are ok.

Ladies, i didn't suffer from nausea or usual pregancy symtoms but have rashes and really itchy. anyone with same symtoms and any advice?
Hi Lynn,

I'm with KKH for 1st pregnancy and enjoyed the whole process. my gynae was and is going to be Dr Benjamin Tham WL for 2nd pregnancy.

the more popular one at KKH is Dr John Tee but I've consulted him before my 1st pregnancy, didnt quite like his attitude.
mai worries lah ... i also ate alot sandwiches with ham and cheese, even maggie mee during my #1.. i just eat everything.. but moderate. even sashimi i also take during #2.

Don't hear too much of wat can't eat or can eat .. if u feel not secure can ask ur gynae.. she/he will be advise u.
ladies, read in yesterday's newspaper urban section that its good to put the anti stretch marks cream from 2mth to 6mth.. they recommended Palmers($25+) and Clarins($79+).
phy, my sis actually asked to apply anti stretch marks cream when i 1st found out that i am preggie but i am very lazy. have yet to buy. anyway i think i will go kiddy palace and buy cos i got a coupon for 20% for Palmers
mimi, is palmers good enough? will try.. my tummy area has become bloated n i think its a good idea.. but not sure which is better. any other brands?
phyl, i dun know if palmers is good. there is another brand 'mustela' which is much more expensive. i saw this in kiddy palace too. heard about raves for clarins. my cousin has passed me her leftover, but i have yet to try.
LuthAdel, for the tummy band, I got it from gynae's clinic. For me, doesnt reali help much. Cos I find it so uncomfy and hot with it.

I have been eating unhealthy food and snacks. But only by eating these I have appetite. Jus cant wait for 2nd tri.
btw, can we sew? i mean do cross-stitch. thinking to do those precious moments cross-stitch.

i jus had mc donald mc spicy. yummy!
mimi.. mc spicy has mayo!! haha.. i agree its yummy.. i'm a mcdonalds fan!! hehe..

cant sew in bed.. can sew in general.. dunno the logic.. but well.. anything without scientific proof does not stop me.. hehe..
phyl, i asked for mc spicy without mayo and the veg. actually i only crave for the meat. haha...

3 hrs more then can knock off! yeah!
Hi everyone...

I'm using Clarins tonic oil & i apply it over my tummy. No stretchmarks cos tummy still not big but i'm scared will have! So i'm doing preventive measures. Heh...if you order online from Strawberry.net, it's cheaper. I paid bout S$60 for the Clarins only. They charge in USD and now the exchange rate is very good. Heh.

Heard some women cannot use Palmer's cos they're allergic to cocoa butter. So if possible, test a bit first before you purchase.

lavendery: It's good to eat tomatoes. Lots of vitamins and they said babies will be born with rosy cheeks. Just wash it clean & eat it with a little of salt sprinkled on it. I eat cherry tomatoes too!

Phylicia: I still eat subway too. I like the honey mustard! Heh...

Then in future, who will help you take care of bb? Are you going to leave your bb with a nanny? My MIL will help me to take care cos my ILs live with us.

If possible, try to engage someone to help you with your confinement. It's a very important period for us to rest & recuperate. Taking care of a newborn all by yourself can be very stressful & tiring. Perhaps your hubby can take leave to help you?

Lynn: I agree with them. If you can, go to KKH cos they're specialists. Otherwise, you may consider giving birth at other private hospitals with NICU facilities.

Yunbb: I also eat everything in moderation but i try to avoid sashimi. Even took 2 mouthfuls of champagne 2 days before! :p

Mimi: I also want to know when we can shift the furniture. Hubby & i want to convert our spare bedroom into a nursery/playroom for our bb. There are a few pieces of furniture inside that we no longer want. How? Does anyone know if we can shift the things?
pris.. i really dunno yet.. i stay with my hubby in our nice little place.. and thats it.. haha.. no relatives.. so its abit sad.. haha.. there are too many horror stories of CLs.. and my hubby is weird.. hehe.. he doesnt like strangers.. so he will be hiding in the room.. so i dun want him to be uncomfortable. thats also the reason why i cant hire a maid.. i am exploring looking for a nanny.. but i think confinement will most likely be done by myself.. i dun believe in myths and things like that.. so i will bathe as and when i like.. eat as i enjoy and spend lots of time with hopefully not a screaming and crying baby.. hehe..

His company peaks for CNY so 20days before CNY no off and also they work like 15-18hrs a day.. so its not a god timing for baby to come.. but well.. not much choice now.. he will be very tired after work coz work is very demanding during that time too.. i'm still clueless.. hehe
Hi YunBB
Yup.. actually i already have not much appetite.. if i cannot eat this n eat that, really nothing much to eat liao....

I still eat mayo cos its one of my fav.. mayo can cover the taste of the fishes...

Hi Pris
Yes, cherry tomatoes are good and healthy for baby.

I believe u can move the furniture after 3 months. once bb is stablised.. I intend to ask my mum to install a new air-con system in the house as i m shifting back for confinement and thereafter.... all have to be done after the 3rd months lor...

Hi phylicia
the clarin one sounds good as a no. of friends recommended me.. its at $79.90 .. but now no sales leh =P Robinson no sales for clarins..
jenrei - I my 7 weeks now & I have that too, is brown discharge/have trace of blood. when I ask my gyne, he said is ok due to the changes.

babe - KKH has clinic at AMK. My gyne is there on Wed night - Mr Anthony Siow
Hi Ladies,

YL - do u know of top-notch gynae at KKH? More comfortable with lady gynae.

Pris - what is NICU facilities? RH doesn't has it, I supposed. M trying to find out who is the gynae of the pregnant woman who pass away when giving birth to twins last yr at RH.

Ladies - my friends told me to use olive oil to massage on my tummy and thighs. Isn't this good enough or stretch mark creams are better?
Any feedback?

Concerning furniture/aircon replacement, we just did it yesterday...HEE HEE...hubby stay at home with contractor to change our room's aircon. m away at work. That's ok right?

Now m thinking of redecorating our study room to become baby room. Is it ok to get carpenter to come in and leave husband to manage project? No taboo right?
dear phylicia,

admire your cheerfulness and willingness to take on the challenge of taking care of yourself & baby. Do give have friends to support you emotionally at least during that time.

M sure you can manage it. M also thinking whether i need a confinement maid. maybe get my mum to cook something and have a maid to clean only...yeah no choice...if the twins turn out real healthy and strong.
Hi gals,

Paiseh... Didn't check the post until today.
You do get discounts for Oscar (fetal assesment), the nurse at Dr Tseng's clinic told me to apply before the test. The discount is about 10%. She told me the test is $350+?

Furthermore my gyane is participating in the FBI program, so I can get discount for the consultation. So I thought why not right?

Off the cuff, I can only remember the following discounts:
- Consultation (5% I think)
- Your hospital stay at TMC (Between $40 to $100 depending on room type)
- ParentCraft Services (pre-natal courses)
- u and your kid (touch wood) see doc at TMC

-Free 6 months insurance coverage by AXA Life Singapore

- 3 books written on pregnancy, childcare and (opps I forgot)worth $48
- one mitten
- one baby bib
- one baby waterbottle
- one baby shirt
- one baby toy (I got a teether?)
- one "expired" Mother & Baby magazine
- free milk for mother

I will go home, check out the details and let u all known again. The link doesn't say much though... http://www.thomsonmedical.com/facilities.htm

Me going to ask her to exchange the mother's milk. Got one sachet got a hole... The milk is like all over my goodie bag!
Hi Jenrei, just to share that I also have spotting.
Just check to make sure it is not red. If you are not sure, it is best to go to a gynae... There are few causes for spotting such as vaginal infection, polyps and others (dun want to scare you). So my advise is go see a gynae - trust me, their advice can put you at ease. I was on Duphaston (highest dosage among the MTBs in this post) till 8 weeks, my doc just gave me green light to eat folic acid only.

Just to share about the Palmers thingy. I read in another thread that some mothers actually got quite bad rashes on their tummy in the later part of their pregnancy. Their initial use was ok. Reason is our skin becomes more sensitive as we progress. Palmers actually use mineral oil, so some mothers might get rashes. Also, because of the skin sensitivity and ease of pigmentation, all MTBs should start slapping on sun protection to protect our skin! Me doin it religiously now! : )

Just to share, I use the following as a guage on what not to eat:
- food that contains bacteria (i.e. raw food or food not cooked totally, there are some types of cheese we should avoid).
- too much high sodium and can food (as we may get water retention more easily).
- caffeniated drinks (i.e. coffee and tea)- they actually drain calcium!
- also aviod overdose of vit A (i.e. retinol types of cream and pills)

Hope it helps!
time to go home soon.. good weekend ladies..

i will be going to get new comfy shoes and my stretchmarks cream.. i have decided to get the clairns one.. hehe..

lynn, no worries.. you babies will be healthy and very very super cute.. hehe.. they will be such joy!!
Phylicia: All the best if you decide to handle the confinement on your own.
I'm sure it is also possible. One of my close friends did it on her own & she had confinement food catered i.e. tingkat.

jowin: Thanks. Hubby & i will probably start shifting the things & preparing the room when i'm about 6 months pregnant. Too soon also no use.

Lynn: I think NICU stands for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Snowy: Me too! I slap on lotsa sunscreen nowadays. Scared get brown patches on my face...plus my skin tone is very fair. I'm using Vichy spf 50 sunscreen. What bout you?
Hi MTBs,

Just to share some tips with all of you. I've been experiencing the pelvic pain too. Am currently at 7 weeks 3 days. Learnt from the mothers at my workplace that ergonomics is really critical during pregnancy.

I bought a backcare spinal cushion and a foot rest from challenger. It works wonders. The backcare cushion is used with my office chair and now i'm forced to be in a good posture. No more backaches.

As for the foot rest, I used to like to cross my legs but now that its advisable not to, I have the foot rest to rest my tired legs and it has worked well for me too.
Hi Ladies

Just came back from my checkup today. Gynae did a 3D scan and i saw bb's little hands and feet! Felt really happy.
M now 9 weeks+ but gynae say bb's size is abt 10 weeks.

Re: Stretchmark creams
I've been using Clarins since i found out i'm pregnant. Heard alot of +ve remarks on Clarins though the price is abt steep.

Re: Sunblock
I've been using Biotherms' SPF50+++. Find that it's not as oily as other brands.

Hi Phylicia

Maybe u can consider hiring part time nanny to assist u instead? So that when ur hubby is out working, she's around to help? And when ur hubby is back from work she'll not be around anymore?
Hi gals,

Just came back from my gynae's visit. This morning saw some spottings and immediate called up to see him.

He gave me a scan and heng my bb is all rite except my placenta which is giving me a small problem. I was given an injection and on duphaston for 2wks.

EDD is also delayed... I hope is OK.

Now the aircon man is fixing my room aircon and I am in the living room, hope is OK.

Woah... then I must go buy stretchmark cream le.. Have been applying lotion still I know I am pregnant.
Hi Jowinbaby

Ya, i also never expect can see 3D wor. Initially gynae show me is the normal 2D scan.. can see the heartbeat. Then he convert it to 3D to show me the hands and feet. Nearly cried when i saw it. At least set my heart at ease. Dun think there's any extra cost leh.. but he only give me 1 scan pic on every visit. Not sure can ask for more or not.. :p

Sorry I couldn't find the picture online. I remember seeing the cushion in black and grey. It has a curved in area for your spine area and has a velcro band to be secured to your chair.
If you're a challenger member, I remember its was around 29 bucks for the cushion at challenger members price. I bought it at challenger simei.
I have started applying olive oil on my tummy, quite gd leh, my tummy was quite itchy, then after I apply, ok liao. The last time that I have my post natal massage, the massage lady ask me to apply olive oil to prevent stretchmarks, she says it's very effective. Olive oil not very ex oso. Think I should start to apply sunscreen liao.

I've got backache initially, but after taking the chinese med for about 2 mths, my backache is completely gone. I'm seeing the physician since Mar till now and she says my bb and myself are in good form, hope tat everything will go well.
Hi ladies,
I'm new to this thread
My EDD is 30 Dec.
I felt so bloated!! My tummy looks like 4 mths preggie! So ugly now.. Anyone knows of ways to relief bloatness? I've tried ginger tea, but worried that if I drink too often, I get heaty easily.

Hi Pris,
I had the same pelvic bone pain as you a few days ago. My hip area hurts every step I walk, or even when I moved my hips. I experienced the same during the 1st trimester of my previous pregnancy too. Subsequently the pain goes away. Hope it's the same for you too.

Hi Lynn,
Congrats for having twins - double joy! I'm with Raffles Hospital too. Btw who's your gynae? If you're 1st time with Raffles, heard that the antenatal package starts at $2.5k inclusive of normal delivery charges. Ivy Lee gave birth to her twin boys in Raffles. Btw do you've any existing medical condition that may complicate your pregnancy? In my opinion, higher risk pregnancies is better to go to KKH as they've the most comprehensive baby/children facilities. *touch wood* Of course hope that all our babies are healthy.
my gynae gives me 4-5pics everytime we scan, print more only mah. I'm sure you can ask...

went for my scan today, am 9weeks+, bb size show 10wks. Very surprised to see it looking so human, cos bb looked like a prawn the last time. Was moving around very vigorously like it was dancing! shaking his head and punching both arms around...so cute
congratulations scarletGal. wonderful to know another MTB with raffles hospital. my gynae is Dr thong Pao Wen and i really like her. hopefully no complications otherwise shall shift to KKH. Who's your gynae there? BTW, i don't have any medication condition except for my rash. getting cream next tue. praying that all's well.

Fong 2& Tamms - so excited for u on the scan. i hope to see it too. next tue my appointment and hopefully, my babies strong like yours. sound so cute.

Reddates - so the olive oil effective. m starting today then.

maidenleak - all challenger shd sell the back cushion, right? m checking funan next week when got time.

back from my scan at dr todae. still unable to see baby clearly via d normal scanning. ended up wif another v-scan. dr say mayb due to my previous c-sect, d scar & all my adipose tissues. haha. baby currently 10wks old. =)

for mummies interested in 3D scan, best to do during 3rd trimester. had my 1st one done when i had my boi laz yr. not all hospital hav d facilities. went nuh for it. cost abt $160. inclusive of 2 pics n a dvd wif 2 clips of bb movement. veri nice. kip as momento. bb looks almost same when born. veri fun. hehe.
wow the 3D scan sounds like so much fun, i don't mind paying for it to keep in my bb album. We've been putting all our pics in a folder, yesterday's scan was the most exciting cos BB was so active. We're so glad to see BB developing so well.

Wanna try the olive oil when i'm done with the cocoa butter, but my hb will surely complain about the sweaty oil slick i leave on him every night!
Hi lynn,

my sis went to see Dr Kong, a senior consultant. She was referred to this other doctor (couldnt remember his name.But anyway he is no more with kkh) whom specialised in multiple births for her check ups etc. But Dr Kong is still the one whom performed the c-sect for her.

I used John Tee whom is a senior consultant last November. He is a man of few words too. But i guess many gynaes are like that. I had tear during my delivery as well. Had 30 stitches. But if you opting for c-sect, which i thot for multiple would usually be c-sect bah, then you dont have to worry about midwives and tearing etc.

my feel la, ward condition, or services of KKH midwives la, nurses la are secondary. Primarily, safety and facilities for babies (and more so when it involves multiple birth )would be what i regarded as most impt when comes to choosing hospital.

btw, mummies, few docs from kkh has written a new book. I thought its very informative for first time mummies. It covers wide range of information and also the english is easy to understand.. hahahah..
pig07: thanks for the info about the book. sounds very interesting, to have a pregnancy book written in the local context. do you have any other details about it, like what is the title of the book or where we can buy it from? thanks in advance!
Hi all

Anyone do notice that there is a new women clinic at AMK hub (by TMC). It's located besides the food court. Doctor is Michele.

Any comments?
Hey Lynn, I'm with Dr Thong too! what a coincidence
She's very professional & both my hb & I have confidence in her. Very steady & glam gynae.. hehe..
Have you checked with Raffles when is the latest you can switch hospital? Can't recall if it's before 5mths. I think they'll tell you upon signing the antenatal package.

Hi echo,
The book title is 'The New Art and Science of Pregnancy and Childbirth'. $38 for paperback.


Hi Mimi,
I'm using Usante iDreamer Back Rest & I find it pretty good.

Hi Snowy,
thanks for sharing what not to eat. Serves as gd reminders. But I missed salmon sashimi! *sob sob*
hi all,
new to this forum. just went to see GP and confirmed i am 7 weeks pregnant. Hmm,how to begin? Seems to have so many things to do.. like looking for gynae?

Some said can go to polyclinic and some go Private.. any comments?
Pig07 - thx so much. shall discuss with hb. may stick to Dr Thong for a while.

ScarletGal - ho ho ho! So we are seeing the same gynae. I shall check with RH. I really like Dr Thong except heard that she doesn't deliver babies outside RH. when did u find out about your pregnancy?

daymoon - learnt from this forum that KKH is a good place to start...many good gynae consultants. if budget not a concern, then go private ones. many good ones at Mt E, TMC, Gleneagles, RH etc. Polyclinic not recommended at this stage. Do talk to close friends.
maidenleak: Thanks for sharing bout it. I'm relieved to know that i'm not the only MTB suffering this weird pelvic pain when i walk/move.

scarletgal: My good friend also recommended the Usante one to me. The outlet at AMK Hub is having 20% off 1st purchase. Heard the outlet at Marina Square having closing down sale. Anyone can verify?

funshine: Hope you're ok. Rest more & don't walk too much ok?
I hope my pelvin pain goes away soon. It's quite painful.

Fong: The 3D scan sounds very interesting! Perhaps i shall ask my gynae at my next appointment whether that is possible.

daymoon: I think it's better to go to a gynae and not a GP at the polyclinic. A gynae will have the facilities (e.g. ultrasound machine) to help you with your pregnancy.
Pris: Me using the one from lancome which also acts as makeup base. My mum bought it for me sometime back when they just launched it. :p don't really like the sticky feeling, so may try out the Clarins one since I am a sucker for Clarin products. :p

scarletGal: No problem, me first time MTB also nervous and reading up quite a lot. Me also love sashimi (esp salmon and tuna). Now I try to avoid the Jap restaurants cos they just make me more tempted. Furthermore, the fish (like mackarel) I dare not take, cos read somewhere that King Macakrel should not be consumed by preg ladies...
Hi gals,

Just an update on the FBI thingy. The three books are on Childbirth & Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Childcare.
Read the Childbirth book quite interesting. I thought the free mag & the childbirth book were quite informative. The mag has a few pages written on what to do or expect when mothers go back to work after their confinement...

Me booked for my Oscar liaos. Will do it on 2nd June and see doc in two weeks.

I also went to collect the Baby Journal! It's so cute! But I may do up a book of my own cos no space for all my ultrasound pics lah...
My doc gave me two pcs at the last appt. One with the hardbeat monitoring and another just the fetus! Am keeping them in a box now. The 3D scan sounds so exciting!!! Wonder if my gynae will facinate me with a 3D scan someday... :p

Yes, she only deliver in RH. Btw the wards in RH are nice & the confinement food is very yummy! Even my hb loves it.. keke
Oh, I realised I'm preggie about 1+ wks ago. What about you.. how many weeks liao?

The Baby Journal can be collected at any Library branch? I also want! hee..
Think we gotta avoid the deep-sea fish that contains higher level of mercury eg shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tuna steak etc. So you're right about can't eat king mackerel.

Share an article about eating fish here:

Perhaps you can call the Marina Sq branch to ask them? http://www.usante.com/index.cfm?GPID=12
