(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

velcome vickie!

wow, u lagi closer! hee..
how do u feel?

starting hard to accept becoz like just give birth not long ago...
Now got to go thru this all over again. i guess the menstrual cycle is irregular after delivery. Hence i am pregnant again after ending my 1st menses.
sama-sama.. i only had one menses after weaning baby off BF and hit the jackpot - unexpectedly!
i delayed testing w/ the kit coz thot that i probably have irregular menses.. haha..

have u seen the gynae yet?
hey Mmmyhamster, I also couldn't cope ... When I was preggers with No. 3 .. I finally demanded/begged my hubby for a maid to help me out. It really helps ... now I know I can definitely cope when my latest one arrives. Or else HOW??!!!! I'm a SAHM so I think it's ok to have a maid since I am home to watch things anyway. My maid is pretty competent and she has been with me since my last pregnancy .. so about 1.5 years. She has promised to stay ONE more year after her contract ends - by then my 4th will be 7 months old so I'll see how it goes.

I'm just worried about getting a bad maid ... SIGH. I had good luck the first time around ... dunno whether can get another good one the next time around. Nevermind, I'll worry about that NEXT july.
Hi all,

I am now in my 10th week..baby is around 3.3cm..Saw it moving ..so cute!
My first reaction was "wah how come look like an alien" haha..

Change my gynae to one in Glen E and found that he is much more better in terms of details and concern compared to KKH gynae..Btw when to start eating DHA fish oil? My gynae recommend me NeuroGain but I heard Nordic Naturals Prenatal Fish oil is better. Anyone knows?

Hi Samantha,
Wow 4.4cm..did you see your baby's yolk sac? Coz I wonder when will the yolk sac disappear into the baby intestine and take the nutrients from placenta instead.

Hi LuthAdel,
Always interested in your updates keke coz you are ahead of most of us and entering 2nd trimester soon! Did your MS get better by wk 11? Coz I think my nausea now peaking at wk 10..vomiting air also.. so I cant wait for it to go away...
Hi everybody,
just join the forum today. wow wow wow what an active thread here!!!

YL, vickie, u gals very powderful leh..
I have a boy coming to 3 year old next month.

now m 7 weeks preggie, have not seen gynae yet cos e previous had a v-scan. OMG, that was bad experience man. so decided to go next week, just to confirm bb bed in proper place. hope dun have to do v-scan again.:p
i need help,
Im shifting to TPY on 1st wk of june. now i dunno what to do to my bed frame. u know la, we are not suppose to do anything on the bed, like cutting etc. but now is a major move men! got to diamantle the whole frame. is there anything we need to look out? i dun 1 any mishap in my unborn bb...
All the moms' babies so close in age gap. But 1 thing for sure, the sibling will be closer to each other. Image mummies can shake leg 5 years down the road cos they are already independence
If shifting cannot be avoided in this case, I suggest, you stay away from home (you can go out shopping), ask your hubby to dismantle it and ensure it is fix up in new home before you step in. During this period, dont touch anything that is to be dismantled

Snnowy is correct. Just dont be present at the scene when moving or dismantling is carried out. when i was carrying my 1st one, my curtains suddenly dropped one night because think the screws are loose or what. My hubby asked me to get out of the house while he fixed the stuff. I just waited outside the house till he said its ok.

i just went to see gynae this wed. Everything is fine. heartbeat is detected & baby measuring 20.6 mm. I will be returning for oscar test in mid june.

Its not easy to hire a good maid. It depends on luck. Since your current maid is so efficient, why not keep using her service?
not planned de .. when i first discovered, we had a hard time deciding keep or not as nobody taking care mah. my #1 just turn 24mths yesterday.

So now luckily my mil say she want to take care. so good lor. But i scare she can't cope leh. see how bah ..

me too.. after my 1st menses after delivery, one time kena ..

Since your MIL agrees to take care, just let her try first lor. If not how? no other choice right?

You are still lucky. i got no one to take care of my 1st one till i have to tender my job to look after her. Actually intended to send her to childcare once she is 18 mths. So, i can return to work. Now comes the news that i am pregnant again.. my plan has to change already.

Who to look after the 2nd one? i really dont wish to stay at home to look after him/her again. i want to work!!
Hi Ladies

I need advice. I find myself very heaty recently regardless how much water i drink. I got ulcer in my mouth n a bit sore throat. I dare not drink barely, ppl say is too cooling. Any recommend
ah, i'm home now.. phew! AND i've found my passion fruits! heehee..

hmm.. actually i drank barley in my 1st preg during 1st tri also.. it was ok.. as long as everything in moderation should be ok..

but if u're uncomfortable, don't force thyself to drink..
it's better to do it with full conscience so that you won't feel guilty..
welcome Vickie n mum2ndx..

Wow.. i learn something very impt today.. after giving birth must use contraceptives.. hehe.. i TTC for 2years+ so always tot getting pregnant is one of the most difficult things.. hehe.. i dun think i can cope so i better play it safe..

hehe.. you ladies are wonder mums!!

samantha.. you are so lucky to get a good maid.. just like CLs.. i hear too many horror stories to engage one..

mum2ndx.. i also did a v scan when i saw my gynae 3wks ago.. that time i had yeast infection so when she stick the probe in.. wah!! very painful! think when i see her next thurs.. should not be v scan liao..

Paulyn, i drink barley, eat ching teng and drink jia jia liang teh.. coz firstly, weather very hot.. 2ndly, they are like the only other drinks that are not caffine-ated.. well.. i drink water too.. so i think unless you replace all your water intake to barley then not so good lor..
hi phylicia,

ya.. that's was really bad experience... n the best part was - he still din see any sag when he put that thing in...he say very cloudy.. mayb the body is preparing for next cycle of mensus..so end up got to do a urine test! very faint + sign and he told me to wait for few more weeks.. if next mensus comes in then im nt pregnant...u can imagine me n hubby's anxiety...

which week were u when u see her?
Hi mum2ndx,

i saw her 2 times already.. seen her when i was 5wks.. she din scan.. so went back 2wks later.. then based on scan she say i was 6wks.. i my EDD moved back.. she did abdominal scan but cant see baby so she did a v scan.. so next week see her lor.. hope like other ladies here can see baby waving.. hehe.. wonder how much baby has grown..

I went polyclinic to check and also got a faint positive.. then the dr there say its nt a pregnancy yet.. make me so sad only.. so i bought the clear blue digital kit to get a straight answer.. hehe.. then got a pregnany sigh so happy lor.. hehe..

i've still yet to tell my big boss!! ArrgghhHh.. dunno how to tell him!

Wow so many 2nd time MTBs, some more the age gap so near, this teach me a lesson, to use contraceptives even just give birth, haha...just kidding..anyway age gap close is good, they can grow "old" together and mummy/daddy xiong at one go, no need to wait for another round.

Went for my gyane visit today, 10week exactly, measure 3.4cm. Am going to my 12th week blood test at Thomson in June. Gynae told me cost at $90 and to test for down syndrome.
Hi Ladies, just back from my check up. Bb is growing well. This time round can see bb legs kicking and lots of movement. Bb is now 11 wks at 36mm. Nurse has booked the oscar date and will be doing the assessment in 2 wks time.

I cant wait for 2nd tri too. Got lots of gas but yet cant burp it out. Super uncomfy.

Today called up confinement lady recommended by fren, and she is booked for the month liao. Need to source for another confinement lady.
Hi Dee,
My gynae is Dr Yeap Min Li from KKH..

haha.. unless got ppl help take care of children if not very xiong also leh.. send to childcare or nanny very ex leh. hehe..
Hi ladies,
What is the rate for confinement lady now?
It was 1.8k for my CL last year.

Guess i shall be sourcing for a new one because my mum n MIL were displeased with the previous one we engaged.

Taking care of 1 already very siong for now, all the MS thingy. Lucky I got a good myanmar maid to help out all the household and meal things, if not will very siong.

Like now, thought my MS have wane off, but last nite at abt 2am+ , can wake up cough cough then got an urge to puke out. Wah and today like feeling nauseous for the whole day and feeling very tired, when is this going to be over, on/off like tat.

Anyway, enjoy the coming holidays..hmm and to think that I can enjoy my maternity leave during the CNY season, dun have to work, make me so happy liao ..heehee.....I've still haven engage any CL oso, think have to start liao as too many Dec MTBs liao ;p
Dear all,

What is oscar test har? I dun have that for my 1st bb leh. just the 12week blood test. that's that means 2 blood tests?

oscar test is to check for abnormalities in fetus like down syndrome. Usually done around week 12. They will scan the fetus by measuring the thickness at the neck area of the baby. If measurement is too huge, likelihood for baby to have down syndrome.

They will also draw your blooding for testing.
Vickie, seems like its yearly increase of $100.

mum2ndx, the assessment for oscar is when bb is 11-14 wks. Its 90 % accurracy compared to another test so I opt for oscar then. Some extracts from the brochure:

More accuurate method of screening for risk of fetal anomalies, in particular Down's Syndrome.

What does Oscar involve:
Ultrasound measurement of NT
A sample of mother's blood is analysed for levels of free beta hCG and PAPP-A (Pregnancy associated plasma Protein A)

What other info can I get from the procedure?
Baby;s length (CRL) is measured to check for gestation age and to establish that due dates are accurate.
hi winnie!
How many weeks are you now?

vickie, 2nd Baby,
so meaning i can choose between oscar n the 4th month blood test?
I remember e blood test at ard 4 month(which took 3 tubes of blood sample for HIV, Down Syd..)
I am 8 weeks now. So do your elder one to 2hr playgroup? presently, my mum take care of him & he only come home on Fri over the weekend cos we live far apart. Was thinking to send him to childcare next year so he can go home everyday & my mum will take care of the 2nd kid.

Do KKH offer oscar also? I only remember that my gyne say now can take the down syndrome test at 3 1/2 mth, not sure whether is Oscar or not.

i also didn't do any oscar test with 1st baby.. was with RH and still am with this one.. but heard that gov hospital does alot of test which is considered optional for private hospital..

we use to be weekend parents too but since my MIL start taking of BIL bb, my boy starts full day childcare from 18th month.. heartpain.. now we bring him home everyday cos BIL bb stays there. but i can see the good thing from that, my boy gets more attached to me. hee...
me too.. not yet.. i'm gonna tell my boss after my 2nd gynae visit.. end of the month..

i think he'll be surprised to knw that i'm having another one..
I told him already cos as & when I need to take mc and leave le.. I think almost whole office noe liao..

Eh bubblepearl, ur nick sounds familiar, did u have an multiply account ar?
bubble pearl,
for my 1st bb, it's my colleague that broadcast to the boss.

I dunno if we need to tell them. hubby say dun have to say, tummy will tell. haha...
mummies..hv you all found ur CL yet? How soon should we look for one?

I just realised CNY for 2009 is on 24th Jan (chu xi), which means my confinement period ends 1 week before CNY (if my EDD is still 24th Dec).. quite diff to find CL?
I thought is the other way round. My BIL did a blood test for thasmemia (spelling not correct)when his wife is preg. I am with KKH n my husband did not do any test. I thought maybe is the new requirement.

After checking with my gyne, he say no need to do the test on my husband bec I am not a carrier.

strange.. for my 1st preg (which didn't make it coz no more heart beat), i was with SGH and had to do blood test too..
but for 2nd preg (1st baby), no blood test was required.. maybe coz i already knew the result.. when asked the gynae, he said that gov hospital makes everyone to take (too many) tests.. i guess some gynae just wanna make sure to rule out the possibilities so that patient also feel secure..

Hey Merydith,

Er ... dunno man, I just saw the baby moving around .. I didn't ask any questions nor did I notice the yolk sac .. lol.

My gynae just prescribed me with Neurogain .. told me to start in a week .. so should be in my 12th week lor.

It's not that I don't want to keep my maid .. she has a small child at home and her hubby wants her to go back after 3 years here ... I told her that she can come back to work for me anytime ... just have to buy a ticket and renew her passport .. I'll do the rest. No point go through agent and take a loan.
