(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

fabbie ... u must be skinny and small-framed (I'm envious) .. that's why u can feel the pressure there badly .. as if it's tearing as u say ... just mention it to your gynae later .. I am big and heavy like a horse so it's ok for me .. lol.

Haiyah, don't dream about giving birth early la .. suck that baby in !! .. wait a few more weeks !! lol

reddates, I have a bad sore throat too .. so sian. And I can't shop for more than an hour .. tires me out to walk around so much ..
Hi gals,

Are any of you intending to use cloth nappies?? If yes, which brand of nappies would you recommend?? Like the standard cloth ones which needs to be folded and pin up that we have been using for ages, or the newer prefold ones (from bum wear or bambino mio??)

I'm still thinking... Now with the recession.. must save money whenener we can!! Hehe!!
Hi Gerry
i did get 20 spares in case bb have nappy rash n its good to have the baby wrapped in cloth nappy till the rashes ok... I bought the anakku one...

U need not get it pin up now, can just get the nappy cloth wrapper which can velcro over

Hi snowger
oh dear, u better give a call to ur gynae soon ok... take care...

Hi 2ndbaby
snowger, same as me, week 31...still abt 6 weeks more to mature leh...

Hi phy
u still in spreeing mood ah.. keke!!!
Hi gals...

Gerry, i am using cloth nappies...forgot the brand that i bought.I will be using those prefold nappy, the velcro kind bought at $5 each during baby fair. must save money...but now electricity and water bills increase 22% so must really see which is more worth it..nappy must keep washing...

feeling so dizzy....if we pop before 37 weeks then it will be premmie...so our bb will need tubings to breath?
Hi Gerry,
I'm using bumwear. Bought a dozen prefolds and a package with 2 petite, 4 one-size and a dozen inserts. I'm planning to do disposables for the first week, until the meconium passes, then transit into cloth diapers once we settle down a bit with the bb.
Sam i think im fat! even i dun look fat i have a fat butt! T___T Seriously i rather give birth earlier. as its really going crazy!

even yday i went to go tampiness ikea i walk where i sit down. even those display table i also sit. Hahaha

Sam wanted to ask you. if you keep producing baby would u be fatter and fatter? lets say after my this baby girl. i wanted to get another one again ASAP. would i be fatter than last time before? Im quite depress to see my butt so big. hur hur.
Hi gals,
Thanks for the concern. Think I'll take the advice to call the gynae clinic to ask the nurses. I'm onli wk 31+ (confirm too early)!

I dunno if it's a leak cos discovered it when i woke up to pee. Found the undies very wet (i.e. even the panty liner could not hold the liq) and it does not smell like pee. *Worried* So far no contraction feeling nor further leaks... *keep toes crossed too*
Hi Snowger,
During my last gynae appt, my gynae mentioned that my amniotic fluid is not too much, just acceptable only..If the fluid gets lesser, then he may have to induce me..I was so scared cos its too early to deliver..My hb asked if there's any way we can monitor the fluid, he said no & only he can monitor..So now he keeps me on 2 weeks review..My next gynae appt on tis wed..am telling my bb everyday not to come out so soon, wait for another 6 weeks more..hope bb good ger will understand..

So nw when I go toilet, I always keep a look-out for signs on my panty-liner..sometimes it seems wet but I told myself it could be the extra discharge we may have..try not to tink too much & not get over-paranoid..

My colleague told me low amniotic fluid could be due to stress..so now im keeping myself as stress-free as possible..

Dont tink too much k..if it really worries u alot, then call or email ur gynae about it k..

dat's wat my gynae said lah. coz bb still hv space to move around in the tummy. if he/she is the noti type, may even do somersault!!!

xiao pooh,

keep urself well-hyrated as our body needs enuf fluid to replace the amniotic fluid. dehydration will make the volume lesser as our body needs fluid to function as well.


anyone of u experience the feel of 'like gg to burst' after heavy meal or when u r full? yest i had this feeling like a slight pain over my belly button n feel like my stomach is suddenly so huge!!!
Jowin.. no la.. cheaper than stores by 20% ma.. then figured if i need one might as well get it prepared.. though i intend to breast feed.. but that is an intention now only ma.. so i did standby a milk powder container and prob will buy a bottle of FM at home as standby..

hehe.. but i did go spree today.. i realized that my son has no socks and no caps.. so bought socks from babymallonline.. keke.. i also bought a 5 pc set for him when he discharge from hospital also.. keke.. matching matching very nice ma..

snowger.. must monitor lor.. my friend gave birth at 33wks coz she noticed leaking when she was having lunch at suntec.. so such things can happen.. no worries k.. dun stress yourself..

fabbie u wanna try for one immediately ah.. i did think abt that too.. coz i really dun want tiger baby.. the animals in my house all too docile liao leh.. my hubby chicken, i pig and now hayden mouse.. so imagine what the tiger will do to us all.. keke.. ppl say 2nd baby usually show faster and tummy will be bigger coz stretch b4.. but fatter maybe coz din have enuff time to slim down to pre pregnancy body.. so start out bigger than 1st time so will end up bigger lor..
Thanks for the recommendations.. Will shop around!!

Fabbie... u are serious about trying one so soon after... best to let ur body heal and recover before u stress ur body out with another pregnancy.. I think if u let ur body rest, it will help with ur figure... esp if u exercise.. I have seen mothers with 4 kids and still have a good figure..
phy, its useful to get the flask. Cos u can use the water in the flask to warm up breastmilk and when bbs are older, we can use the water for formula milk.
Xiao Pooh
I've the same problem as yours, i.e. reducing amniotic fluid at 33wks4days. I just read some articles on the web and as what Jazlyn said, maternal dehydration can also contribute to the low fluid level.

Frankly, I've been a camel the last 2 wks due to my work, keeps forgetting to drink water and at the end of the day, i feels so thirsty and have benn having dry lips. So today i make it a point to top up my glass the moment it is empty.

I'm hoping that by staying hydrated, it may help the situation. If not, it could means that my baby's placenta has start to drop it efficiency.
iemiko.. you piggy also.. keke..

Jazlyn, 2ndbaby, i bought liao. but bought the small one. coz easier to bring ard.. keke..

Wah.. better drink loads of water ya!! weather hasnt been great too.. so good to drink lotsa water
all the young piggy girls here.. kekek!!

Fabbie, wait awhile la.. dun get pregnant too fast.. recuperate your body 1st... maybe 1 yr later conceive again? I am still judging how to take care of one baby 1st... then 2.. haha!! preferably not too long too as i dun conceive so easily...

Hi phyl
hee hee.. the flask looks good la.. if 20% , i might wan to wait for metro sales, taka sales or watever to choose urself lor .. i saw some got disney character one.. very cute de wor....!! kekeke

Hi xiaopooh n snowger
take care.
phyl...your friend delivered at 33 weeks??!!then her baby must have aid to breath after delivering right? so afraid that might deliver earlier than 37 weeks...my cousin also deliver earlier...her EDD was 16 June but delivered 15 May...so bb was around 36weeks?but baby is healthy, dont have to aid for breathing...so confused...
my friend's baby no need go NICU.. coz agpar pass.. but i notice her baby not as strong.. coz frequently sick..

her baby decided to come out early to see his mummy n daddy..
oic...so also must depends on the development of the bb...cos i thought that our bb lungs can only function once reach 37 weeks...

usually the gynae will recommend that you give your body about a 1 year break before conceiving again .. to let your body recover etc.

No la .. I was fat even before my 1st baby ... more or less stayed the same ... maybe a few kilos. But I'm betting you'll go back to your prepregnancy size and weight within a year of giving birth .. so by the time you become pregnant again, should be ok.

Thanks Jazlyn & Jowin..

Ya, we have to drink more water i guess..Actually my gynae didnt specifically said why the amniotic fluid not much in my case..I initially thought/wonder is it my bb drank it or what..then went to some websites & realised its just a natural process that perhaps we are ready for delivery..But now its too early so kinda worried..

Anyway, I dont go & tink abt it & praying hard that my this wed gynae appt all will be fine..my bb will be good ger one..

As mentioned early, was super tempted by u all mummies to start my blog again..so here it is, my newly blog - http://danielnjanice.blogspot.com/ ..so far only 1 post cos didnt have time to upload all the pixs i have taken over the weekend..will try to post more..hee..
Hi ladies,
thanks for the concern. Went to delivery suite this morning, did internal exam (owww..) and all clear!
happy happy.. waterbag intact and only mild contractions (suspect braxton hicks). Doc didn't do swab for GBS infection though.. Will ask my gynae about it on friday when i finally see her again. Am on MC till then. And yes, won't be carrying my little boy..kena 'lecture' by husband a few times already. haiz....

Amniotic fluid is clear, bamboo-colour. And smells nothing like pee. So if not sure, sniff sniff..might sound disgusting but that's the surest way to check. Its got a different kinda-sweet smell. Also, if there's no repeat and no pain, should be ok. But if repeat or you're feeling worried, just call and ask your doc k.

My baby's head also down but not engaged yet so anything can happen. Hopefully he stays put for time being.

If baby wants to come out now, even if its early, baby can still survive cos past the 28wk mark already. If you happen to go into pre-term labour and there's time, doc will give you 2 steroid jabs (one on each thigh) to strengthen baby's lungs so baby can breathe normally on his own. Jabs are quite painful when needle plunged in and thigh sore for max an hour only. Back when i had them, noticed that my son (1st child) had very frequent hiccups after the jab. Don't worry so much k. My friend delivered almost at due date, baby bigger than mine but got complications (NICU for 1wk+ cos unable to digest milk). So early baby does not mean will have more problems than full-term baby.
llig - well, at least ur hb lectures u not to carry ur son. my hb said if ever get a 2nd kid, i must still learn to carry the 1st kid even if he is more than 15kg. his logic is there is no such thing as mother can't carry her kids one even if pregnant.
llig n the other gals,
Thanks! I've given the gynae clinic a call. They say I have to monitor. If it happens again, I will go for an urgent appt at the gynae clinic to check. Cos we won't know if we are leaking or not unless the gynae checks. So I'm praying really hard. Bb has been active... Really hope the "wetness" was caused by by yeast infection? *Fingers n toes super crossed*

I havent been drink water much during the weeks where I was tested positive for sugar. So now I am drinking (water) like a fish. Prevents water retention too. I got myself a hot water flask and water bottle. So that when ac cools water, I can use hot water flask to get luke warm water. :p
anyone can give good tips on how to deal with such scenerio which happened quite a few times to me.

when i'm at the inner bus seat (which means nearer to window, not aisle seat) and i need to get off the bus, usually the persons at the aisle seat will just slant to side and let me squeeze through. even now when i'm too fat and with a big bag or bags, they still just slant one side to let me pass, and they sure kena contact by either me or my bag, then they will just look at me like i'm v rude to "touch them", i can only say sorry.

is there any other way to handle them, apart from telling them to get out of seat and let me out...?
iemik0 - well, pple always say it's best to gap kids 2 yrs apart. how they manage to carry the older one while pregnant with another one? u got any idea? sometimes i don't think stroller is a light thing too.
hmm. some still juz carry as per normal lor. for mi is hb help mi carry especially when now i cant take my boi's wt le. too heavy. initially still can but now is few steps n i gasping liao. lolx. stroller oso not easy to handle coz not all kids like to sit in stroller.
talk about your hubby makes me boil...cant he just help to carry? even gynae will strongly advise mummy try not to carry elder kids when we r pregnant and i dun see y he cant help to carry elder kids when u r expecting 2nd one? Sorry if i dun sound nice, he's really a Da Nan Ren!
As for the bus seat, take the aisle seat instead lo. then dun have to worry abt squeezing out. now we have a big tummy to squeeze too. for my las preg, i always take aisle seat.
Yup..feels like cramp and entire tummy hardens up. I'm getting braxton hicks very often nowadays and they normally send me rushing to the loo cos make me feel like wanna pee (but norm, false alarm only..)
Can read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braxton_Hicks

Stroller is ok for my boy but i wanted to tire him out that evening and we were supposed to meet up with my husband downstairs so didn't take stroller. In the end, while we were walking, husband sms to say he held up and will be late. By then my boy no more stamina liao, so no choice and i carried him. Hindsight, i should have asked my maid to meet me downstairs..lesson learnt :p
bubble, hubby ban me fr durian cos he is afraid tat i will gain more weight and baby is too big to be delivered naturally!

So busy today, only got time to come in and chit chat..but at the same time still doing other stuff lar..hahaha

Snowger, i tink u better consult ur gynae abt the undie incident juz to be safe.

Lately i also have alot of funny dreams, mabbe cos it is nearing to our delivery, we are nervous bah.. but hopefully is good!

Phyl, u noe of anyone out there doing Pupsik sling spree?
Actually i will just ask the person to move cos me big butt + big tummy.. hehe.. Normally just say "Sorry but i really can't squeeze through" then the person will get up. So far, its worked for me and never get angry/black face
mum2ndx - i think he just want me to fetch the older kid (if i'm ever pregnant w 2nd kid) to and fro the caregiver. it's v hard to get him to help with other stuff as well. like for the past weekends, i was trying to clean n shift my stuff onto top shelves with ladder with painful ankles, he is busy playing computer games even that the ladder was just next to him. it's v unlikely that i bring a stroller as i need to take 2 buses. ok, i will try to take the aisle seat as much as possible.

llig - hmm... ooo... really eh? i think i will still get a black face.

Why are you up on a ladder and ur hb playing computer games!!!! OMW!!! U really are getting bullied left right and centre!!

Isn't there any way you can talk to ur hb.. get him to understand ur situation as a 3rd trimester pregnant woman!!!
try to get an aisle seat so u put the stroller in the inner seat. that's what i did last time. provided u get the entire chair.
Gerry - haiz, he really doesn't care... if he is sensible enough, there's no need to talk to him. if he is not sensible enough, whatever issue talk to him also don't work. u know like small kids hard to get them off computer games n ask them to do real work. sometimes talk until cry, then he just let me cry then he continue play games or just snore away.

mum2ndx - i think it's hard to get seat on the buses eh. half of times i still stand on the buses, don't say about stroller.

y dun u ask ur hb to help out? scold him lah... if anything happen to u (touch wood!), will he still got 'xin ching' to play his games or not??? feel like smacking him lah...
wa biang.. cry liao he still can continue his game or snore away?? give him a kanaji!!!!! show him u r not a loser!!! Buay tahan.. the more u do things yourself, the more u r telling him indirectly that "no prob, i can do it". but i know it's diffcult to get his butt out of the chair. hai...

I can still carry my girl at 13kg but for a very short time on my hips and this is only when she is fussy and cries and refuses anyone else ... anyway, I'm bigger so it's not so bad .. I widen my feet apart and brace to lift her up ..

wa lau. still quite siong.

juzyounme, my husband hates to see me carry my 13kg dotter cos he knows it's tough and will try to distract her and carry her away immediately .. - i'm sure your hubby will see the light when the time comes ..

Ya man, llig, you should have asked your maid to come down to help u la .. be careful from now on ..
my hubby do that too.. and my son is 15kg. sometimes he just dun want hubby to carry. just 5min and im panting liao..n i will bargain wif him, like, mummy carry u till the lift or staircase ok? he will co-operated. well he just want some love from mummy... so used to carry him liao.
