(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

same here, I'm also carrying a girl & I also got it during late 2nd tri, at 26wks

But mine could be a case of Obstetric Cholestasis. Gynae wanted me to go back 2 wks after the previous visit.
Link: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/cholestasispregnancy.html

okie, tks

Good morning ladies

My stretch marks are all concentrated around my belly button area. Haiz...

Good to go for runs but must get gynae's all-clear first during the 6wk post-delivery checkup otherwise got chance of incontinence etc.. Me will be taking 12wk maternity lve at a stretch n hope to fit back into uniform by the time i reappear at work.. *fingers crossed*

I feel that i'm still able to carry my 10.5kg boy but people around me think i cannot make it *haiz* That's the problem with having small-frame..you're automatically viewed as a weakling. Having said that, me trying to not to carry him already. He'll just sit and snuggle on my lap when we watch cartoons..that's about it. Too many lectures from too many people.

Mummies of toddlers
At what age do you send you kid to 'school'? Ie playgroup etc.. I was advised to enrol my little boy at 18mo when #2 is born so big boy will have his own thing to do and won't feel left out. But i'm still in 2 minds about it...want him to have friends but don't want him to grow up so fast :'(
Appreciate advice.. TIA!
fabbie..i think for me is opp..my hb will pull me to run w him..now he is saying my bum v big..so sad..

Gerry, my mum is slim but she got a bit of tummy..i think tummy is something which most of the ladies will have lah..unless u v hardworking to workout
hi 2ndbaby,

I got stretchmarks near buttocks and lower waist area. tummy so far dun far *touchwood* me now 32week liao.. hope it stay that way bah.

Strange my stretchmark seem to sprout out when i am 7mth preggy lor..Argggg
ya, 2nd baby, vry comfy hor..i love it..me bought 2 types - Wired for wearing for work/outdoor activities, & Non-Wired for inhouse wear (esp during confinement)..lately realised not enough so am goin to stock up few morem liao..

Me already got stretch marks liao during my 2nd trimester due to rashes outbreak..

ya..me feeling rather tired & sleepy lately..so didnt join in the talk much..but have been watching all the interesting posting here..hee..today me siao siao..post alot..cos wana share on the nursing bras topic..

2nd baby / bubble,
me oso have craving for cold drinks lately..have been drinking root beer & F&N Grape leh..dont noe why, juz love these two drink..+ recently crave for ice dessert (strawberry ice kachang)
YEp agree with bubble pearl, its cheap to get nursing bra from chinatown CK. I oso got mine there $3.90 good bargain lor.

ITs got 2 colour beige n pink colour. I buy pink ones look sweet... got little flower on right side of bra lor.
ya..can be quite long and uncomfy. Don't think there's anything we can do to ease the discomfort..
I also always tummy tight n experience a few cramps like menses cramp.. the cramps started only this week. But tummy right is always..

Always felt like baby is stretching and become a hard lump.. dun know is head or leg.. which sometimes can be slighly pain n uncomfty lor...

I still dun know wat is BH like... sometimes tummy tight.. dun know is it BH anot..

Hi iemiko
Thanks. i go see the webby...
Jazlyn - of coz got ask him to help. he just bo chap and do his own stuff. yes, i have a feeling if anything happened to me, he will have the mood to continue doing his own stuff. coz for last 3 yrs of marriage, he always do his own things n bo chap me.

mum2ndx - wah, what's kanaji? heard before but don't know what. well, if i don't do, he doesn't do, then who do? sometimes i do what, he doesn't even know even he is at home...

sam - haiz, i don't think my hb will be that kind or see any light eh.

emeraldbride - what dreams u had? i woke up a few times yest.

Gerry - my Dr just told me that he will swab at 37weeks. by then don't know too late or not?

bubble pearl - ur msg for me was cut off... can't see ur blog link.

bubble pearl/Summer - i'm interested to get bras from CK. so far only Kovan & chinatown have that? any other stores at north areas?

winnie - my hb same age as me ooo, 26 yrs old. haiz. i feel like re-marrying. there's nothing which he has done so far which really make me happy or respect him.

mine is more bb pushing his head, or body, or stretching his limbs causing a lump in my tummy. i think i hv yet to experience BH till now

for stretch mark,

i think i m doing fine right now. but i m scared coz i heard dat tummy will become vy big towards delivery. so i m worried of last min formation of stretch mark. hv been applying cream religiously twice a day.


i think my bb is the lightest among all. 1.5kg at 30 weeks. my gynae is abit worried.

i think ur hb is too young to understand the full responsibility of a hb n a father. 26 yrs old was the time when i hd the most 'unforgettable' time with my hb as he just become a kid again n thanks to my MIL, our marriage was almost wrecked.

if u got the patience, give him time to mature. or do something drastic that will wake him up!!!

at the mean time, do ur best to take k of urself. do not climb ladder anymore.
Juz, here is my link: http://ahjolian.blogspot.com/

Oh ya..what i want to mean is..if u nvr rely him on doing things...then he will forever think that you don't need him to do anything for u or bb..

just finish my lunch in office..my bro bought me nasi lemak from tanjong pager this morning..so i keep it for lunch..
Jazlyn - u marry young as well? wah, what happened that time? i run out of ideas on what drastic things can make him change. coz he is always bo chap type of pax. i still haven't cleared up my stuff eh, still need to climb ladder. :-(

bubble pearl - have checked ur blog out. i rely on him to change bedsheet, iron clothes, catch roaches, bugs, etc... apart from that, if he doesn't want to do, i also don't do, then nothing is done which is v bad.
I don't think age is really an issue .. my hubby was 23 when we got married ... I was 24 .. he was responsible and still is .. juggling work and family and financial commitments quite well.

Jazlyn, ya .. same here .. my MIL nearly wrecked our marriage too .. in those early years ..
lidat quite hard to walk hor? Coz the tummy so tight..I still feel tight now....i dun feel like walking or try to get up..tmr I am seeing gynae..32 wks ..hope my baby stay longer inside.
got d same feeling as well. pratically draggin myself as i walk. dr wans mi to c her immediately if its persistent. haiz.
sam - i also don't think age can be issued. coz i still guys of my age v gentleman with ladies ooo. and i do hear some of my frens that their bfs paid for them when go out or even pay their credit cards. btw, u married at 24 and give birth at 24? wah, what ur MIL did?
I married at 24 .. gave birth a month after I turned 25 ...

My MIL lived with us lor .. need to explain meh ..? My mother-in-law is Teochew .. she expected me to be like a maid .. everything also blame me .. I cried almost everyday .. so miserable living with in-laws.

A few years ago after we came back from an overseas posting (we didn't bring her thank goodness) I told my hubby to choose .. me or her. I was going to divorce him because after living on our own in the States for 2 years, there was no way I was going to go back to living with her. So after that, it was just us and our 2 kids (at that time) ... so much better ..

No lah 37th wk still ok (unless u deliver before that time).. cos if positive then during labour u will be given an antibiotic drip. The results come back quite fast one.. 2-3 days... I think...

I also dun agree that age is an issue.. My hubby is the same age as me.. 26 but he is very mature and responsible.. I started liking him for these qualities.. Actually, come to think of it, he was very mature even when he was 18... of course there is still the boy in him... He plays computer games and collects transformers!!! but all in moderation.. Still need to relax mah... =)
"kanaji" is to hit his head hard hard wif our fist clentch and then stick out the middle joint a bit and "atah"!! painful one leh...hahaha
i start my boy for the 1.5hrs weekend playgroup when he is 22mths. He just started his half day cc 1.5mths gao when he was 31mths. He will be going to full day cc next mth. (33mths)

cant give any advise on nursing bra cos i didnt buy at all. I wear those that i bought b4 i give give. (it actually 2 size bigger b4 i get preg liao).

better to be thought of as frail and weak than like me .. Sam is big and strong soooo ... everyone thinks I am capable and can manage .. so sian .. and tiring. Ya la, I am capable and strong .. but still pregnant what .. need HELP. hahaha ..
Hi hi..super busy this morning till now!! Will be my last post for today.. going out for corporate function later at 4.30pm.

Juz, usually my dream revolves ard the baby. Think i m nervous abt how to carry him, how to bathe him and sometimes i will dream that I accidentally drop him. But last nite was dreaming abt my family lar..suddenly miss my mom so much..hehe.

I hv not bought nursing bra as well. My colleague was askin me to stock up on breast pad cos will need alot of it and buy nursing bra cos definitely in use.
sam - eh? u marry a chinese meh? i thot u marry a .... my MIL is teochew too n i think she pity me coz i had a miserable life all along. i stayed with his family before getting married. before that nearly everyday got beaten by my father n a mother whom keep asking for $$$. btw, where did u get to know ur husband?

Gerry - well, there are always chances that can pop at 37 weeks before test results out. u also 26 ooo... i think ur life good.

mum2ndx - middle joint is elbow? where u learn this stroke?
Jaz, for 3wks interval, she put on approx 100gms. So maybe when u reach wk31 yr baby will be heavier than mine
So let's jiayou to pig out wahahahaha.......
Dear Mums, good noon to you all!I came in to seek help for my research as my friend, Sophia who is an active member here said that there are many pro-breastfeeding mothers here and suggest that perhaps i can try to get help here.

Allow me to intro abt myself..
I am Yiping, a postgraduate student in NUS..I am currently doing a research looking for a particular type of cells in breast milk.

This is my thesis for my Ph D actually and I am trying to culture cells found in breast milk and identify this group of cells. If our hypothesis is proven true, it might open a potential use of
breastmilk and its benefits for the breastfed infant might thus be more than what is already known.

With that note, I would like to seek your help to participate in this study by donating about 30 to 50ml of breastmilk (an amount that you are
comfortable with, at a frequency that you are confortable with) and I can go collect from you at your place when you are convenient. As I am using the cellular component, I would actually require fresh breastmilk (of not more than half a day old) for study and as freezing is detrimental for the cells, the milk should be kept at room temperature or at best 4deg such that they arent frozen, upon which cells that I am interested in would most likely be lysed.

Please feel free to contact me at 93826595, or email me at [email protected] if u have any queries. Hope you would be willing to help and hope to hear from
you soon. I would appreciate to start milk collection as soon as possible, with immediate effect, actually.

Hope to hear from you all soon!

P/S: i have been doing this for the last 3-4 years and there are promising results presented in various symposiums/ conferences and also published in a peer-reviewed journal..Study has also been approved by a local hospital's ethical review board.. So, neednt worry tt its weird study or wat, k....

Really hope to hear from you especially if you are able to express more than your baby's demand!! And u aint committed or obliged to help me for very long... that is to say, you can stop anytime you want.. If you have questions, please drop a line too! I will try my best to help!
hi iemiko
thanks for the webby.Check with moms in mind, their showroom open on 25th Oct. So maybe go there n see the bras... if not, i wait for M&S's sales... or go perfect mum to see..

Hi emeraldbride
yes.. sure to get a few bras.. cos when we confinement n also in hospital, must wear already ma.. So i intend to get a few 1st.. N pyjamas also.. front opening.... i at home wear T-shirt to sleep only.... now where to find pj la..
no. it's middle joint of your middle finger.. haha should show it to u if we ever meet up.

just few days after i gave birth to my boy las time, i dreamt of him.....pass away!!!!!! i wake up crying, wake my hubby up. n he accompany me to his room n look at him...(he was sleeping wif CL).. drama right??
Me too! My baby has recently gotten the habit of pushing herself against my tummy. So i can feel a hard lump either on the right side or left side of my tummy. Makes my tummy out of shape! :p Still can't figure, it's the head, the bum, the leg?

Counting down now... 3 > days to seeing gynae! *Yeah!*
Jaz: Don't worry...your baby isn't small!
Mine at 31 weeks is about 1.7kg...

Gerry & Juz: I'm 26 too this year.

Emeraldbride: So far i have bought 4 nursing bras -- 2 from Spring Maternity & 2 from Mothercare. They don't look like normal bras...unwired & look more like cropped sports top or sports bras. :p
mum2ndx - aiyoh. I can understand how you feel. Stress.

Anyone doing confinement with MIL?
My advice is take it easy. If things can close one eye, close one eye. But speaking of which, at times just "buay song" with the way MIL does things. LOL.

My colleague stress with doing confinement until she cried and cried. Cos her MIL keep disturbing the CL and when my colleagues mother bring food for her to eat, MIL also want to "chap" (control), saying that here got food, why need maternal side bring food for you to eat. Wah lau. She cried non-stop. poor thing. Stress level went up man!
just c gyn yesterday. he say around 1.5kg at 30 wks ok leh.

don't buy too many breast pad also. For me, i bought 1 box but only use 1 or 2.
Mei Lik .. ya lor. I can't stand to see her .. even now, I ignore her at gatherings. Still can't get over the horror of those years living with her.

Juzyounme, my hubby is mixed .. mom is Teochew .. dad is Sri Lankan. I'm Eurasian .. so my kids are like rojak.

I've been with my hubby since we were in jc .. then after dating for many years, we got married .. we'll be celebrating 11 years of marriage in Dec ..
Mei Lik,
ya lo. super stress men. then just las week, i dreamt of him got lost when we were out for gai gai. wa lao...n my hubby buddy help my hubby to bring a woman home n kick me out!! i cried n cried.. that woke him up. haha he say dun cry ok, tmr i call n scold him.. damn funny!!!
wa biang, mother bring food for daughter also cannot??? buay tahan men!!! these kind of MIL...

my boy has the pushing habit since a couple of weeks ago. sometimes he does it when i was trying to sleep, pushing my tummy to a side!!! then my hb will stroke him or 'beat' him gently asking him not to b noti noti.

winnie, loveangel n ikeike,

okok. i will not worry bout bb's weight then. i definitely need to rest more now as doc said not enuf rest will make bb small as well. i will c my gynae next Sat, at 2 weeks interval now. hopefully he had catch up with his weight then. meanwhile i will replace my milk with full cream milk.

juz n sam,

ya, i can considered as married young. v ROM in 2003, dat time was 24 yrs old. one yr into our marriage, MIL n FIL ask my hb to divorce me due to $$$ issue. i decided to spent my savings in further studies while hb spent his for investment for our future. then MIL jealous saying dat my hb loves me more than love his own family. buy property for investment oso put my name while i hv no contribution at all. then dunno how she brainwashed my hb, my hb just changed overnight. into someone i do not know.

i even moved out n stay all alone in jurong east as i can't take the pressure of relationship issue. at dat time, i gotta focus on my studies n work as well. somehow, hb decided to turn over a new leaf, but it's ain't easy for us. it took me so long to agree for a wedding ceremony. dat's y v r only officially married (aka traditionally) last year.

now me hv been pregnant for 31 weeks. there's no call or even a sms from the ILs asking how m i doing. whenever hb is away from me for overseas training n attend wedding dinner, MIL will called up hb n ask 'do u need me to come to SG to spend time with ur wife or not?'. i rejected it openly. i do not need her at all. when my hb was in KL with her, she is not concerned at all bout me being alone here. yet good to put up a show to 'show' dat she's 'concerned'.

i feel so sian bout my MIL. i was sick during my last trip back to KL she oso din bother to ask or call me. yet she's quick to put a show to show that she's concerned whenever she knows hb will b away from both me n her. n till now, i hv been refusing visits from my ILs. i do not wan to c their faces at all in SG here.
Yikes horror story of MIL...

I'll be staying with my own mum (yipperz!!)... My MIL wouldn't mind... But actually my MIL not that sort who controls u (i have been staying with in-laws even before marriage)... she doesn't tell me what I can or cannot eat during my pregnancy... I guess cos she is also very modern.. she's in the medical line...

Juz... Yeah I do appreciate my life.. It has treated me well.. =)

Sam... My hubby and I were JC classmates... actually never thought will end up with him... heheh!!! but now can't get enough of each other!! =)
Jazlyn - i see. i married at 23 in 2003, that time my hb still serving NS. understand where u coming from... it's just like i will never want to see my biological family anymore. if i were u, i will avoid your ILs at all cost.

Gerry - that's gd.

About the group B strep thingy... maybe u should tell gynae about ur concern... it's true you can pop anytime before 37 wks... but it's also true that there is no point to test too early either..

Sigh... but i dun think u should be overly concern about it.

Have u been tested positive before???
Lot of posts today!

Nursing Bras: I have 2 from last preg, think still can wear bah, haven dig out.

Breast pads : Will use alot if breastfeed, I bought abt 6-7 boxes liao, from forum 1 2 sell section, cheaper.


I dun intend to look for any PD, my boy oso c GP when sick, it's only when delivering at the hospital and the first check up I brought him to c PD. Injections done at polyclinic.

MIL : All the scary MILs...mmm..luckily my MIl is those bo chap type, she helping me with this confinement, hope no conflict. keep my fingers and toes crossed...

i juz ask for baby package afta i deliver so my boi does all his basic jabs at kkh. for normal sickness, i bring him to kidslink. =)
