(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

just realised my name was taken off the list. if possible kindly update the table for me. Tks.

EDD: 24 Dec. 2008
Gynae: Dr. Loh Kah Leong
Hospital: East Shore Hospital
Baby gender: Girl
Name: Jolie Lai

u ladies toking abt weight gain is making me nervous abt my gynae appt tomorrow leh! hehe... my last weight check is 8kg and BB is 1.5kg at 29W. Tomorrow will be near 32W liao.

me weight gain same as u! hahaha... is it becos we are going to the same gynae? how ru today? feeling better? btw, mummy weight gain does not mean BB is bigger. Dr Chen will tell us our BB actual weight gain during our visit, so dun wori =)
care to share some symptoms on Strep Grp B? E.g. alot of discharge? My fren suspect she kena and i heard dat if we dun get treated before delivery, our BB may get affected rite? Honestly, after my chicken pox, im now very conscious of other illness which may affect BB...
Oh no.. did your gynae give u more creams to put to relieve the itch? I can imagine the discomfort you're going thru... Gynae din recommend seeing skin specialist or something to try to stop the rashes from spreading? Hope your rashes and itch goes away soon... Weather these days quite hot in the afternoons, may have made your rash worse... try to keep cool in air con room...
Take care yah? and jiayou! Must tahan, i'm sure things will get better =)

Weight gain: I'm almost 30 wks, last i weighed, already gained 12kg....today my mummy came to see me, and she remarked tt my legs and thigh quite big, dunno is coz of water retention or just weight gain.. haha.. i trying to control diet already, but these few days keep having craving for snacks and chocs.

Today i not working, took urgent leave. Pulled a muscle last nite during slp, couldn't walk and leg super pain... so staying at home and limping ard..
yeah fabbie, i sprained a vein at my right ankle and it is still abit swollen and blue black but so far is okay, as long as i dun climb down the stairs the pain is still bearable.

Adel, dun walk too much ya..juz rest and lift up ur leg!! Me so sleepy.. went orchard for lunch (farewell lunch) then coffee club for drinks..and today leaving earlier cos flying back to KL tonite..yippee!!
carmen, haha... we have the same gynae and same wt gain. baby at 28w5d is 1.5kg and when i went to him again at 29w3d, baby is 1.8kg leh.... i hear liao i wan to faint... baby gain 300g within 3 days!!! but dr say 1.8kg at 29w is also average wt. me feeling ok liao, jus wake up from my nap. got 1 more week for me to rest at home.

last night i kena leg cramp again... haiz, i read that by eating banana helps but i jus dun like bananas.
Hi gals
me busy till mad... gonna get back to work again

Oh. Strep Grp B have alot of discharge? how is it like? Cos i do have alot of discharge too.. whitish creamy but no smell la... Then sometimes also itch abit.

I found this online

Answer :
The normal vagina contains between five and 15 different types of bacteria, including group B strep. Usually, the complex interplay among vaginal bacteria and their byproducts, estrogen and vaginal pH levels prevents any one form of bacteria from getting out of hand and causing unpleasant symptoms. It is important to remember, however, that not all discharge is infection and therefore bad -- a clear discharge without odor, that does not produce itching and burning, is most likely normal and does not need to be treated.

Group B strep certainly can be associated with infection, but this is most problematic in pregnancy, because it can infect the newborn baby. Women who are found to have group B strep in pregnancy are treated during labor to prevent transmission of the bacteria to the baby. Group B strep can also cause uterine infection after a vaginal delivery or cesarean section.
Hi girls...free hair cut(trim) still available for long hair and no rebond or perm for past one year...please PM for more details.
carmen, u doing the growth scan and the lab test for infection? the nurse told me i will do the growth scan and the lab test during my next appt when i am 32w. the lab test is to test if i kena any infection cos if kena infection then cannot deliver natural as it will spread to the baby.
emeraldbride careful ah. we are closing stage to our legs get swollen and heavy will be more pain ba? so must take care! hehe

Mimi i heard canont eat banana leh. but small banana can.

Btw who has start to drink coconut?
fabbie, can eat bananas but not del monte bananas. bananas has potassium which helps in leg cramps. my hubby keep saying i kena leg cramp bcos i never cover blanket but even although i cover blanket still leg cramp

i think we can only start drinking coconut when 36w?
phyl, i dont think will be cheaper..selling at $9.25 for 3packet but collection point is at West which if u travel all the way there just to save $0.50 - $1plus..not worth it lar..petrol also more than that amt liao.

we can start drinking coconut water from 32nd weeks onward (into the 8th mth) but dun drink daily lar..moderation.
mimi, you can try to wear socks to sleep, i've been sleeping with socks and so far my cramps have subsided.. *fingers crossed* main thing is to avoid wind blowing yr "jiao ban"

My gynae told me after ultrasound... actually can tell once the placenta form which was in the earlier weeks.. Actually, an anterior placenta is ok.. it is still functioning and providing nourishment for the bb.. it is just the position... the placenta is attached to the front of ur body instead of closer to the spine.. Really depends on how the embryo implant during the early stages of pregnancy...

I didn't have like super alot of discharge.. They say it is normal for pregnant women to have increase amount of discharge anyway... I actually found out that I have group B strep because doc didn't know the reason for my frequent bleeding during my 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy so she check whether i had any infection which may cause bleeding... but i dun think group b strep will cause the bleeding...

actually, if you are healthy.. group b strep infection may not give any symptoms... ur body and vagina can adapt and live in harmony with quite a no. of bacteria... like what jowinbaby wrote.. problems only arise if u are pregnant... cos group b strep no good for bb.
fabbie - there's a new centre under NTUC at Woodlands Ave 3 opening. it's opposite woodlands stadium. they do offer infant care. their open house is this sat 10am to 2pm. Can call their general enquiry line at 6391 9233 to find out more.

Spaghetti - those black thick tapes eh, i think i saw b4... just that worried that it can support the shelves. intend to put big detegent bottles, cleaning stuff, which can be rather heavy.

iemik0 - i still remember ur story on LV. when ur boy is older, do u intend to send him there for kindergarten programme since i think u will still serve ur bond there? so far in general, i think the centres i visit, quite ok with them handling babies. just the other factors which i don't like compared to other centres. i think likely that i will start him 1 week before i go back to work, stay for awhile, then leave n pick him near end of day.

Mimi - pregnant got pandang on mani n pedi eh? 1st time i hear...

piGgiCia - adult symptoms of HFMD same as child? btw, the infant care ctrs i checked out doesn't seem to provide baby wipes eh... have to bring...

Santorini/winnie - i c. thanks!

emeraldbride - i'm not arguing or countering what i have said, so it will be my last post in replying to you infant care issue. i did ask for the centres i visited, on their total strength of infants (2 centres have 4 infants & 1 centre coming to 15 infants) and their age as well. coz there can be some moving on to toddler group by March 2009. i need to know if i can stand a good chance to get vacancy there in March. i see it differently about answering phone calls. all centres that i visited so far have their office. and they do have their admin staff there, be it clerk or principal. let's say if there is something urgent that i need to speak to teacher, it will be best if phone calls are picked up. like for my boss' son in kindergarten, i have to call the kindergarten when my boss forgot to pass form to centre and there is deadline; to remind teacher on getting her son to take medication; check on transport arrangement; etc etc. hmm, the bathing method for baby seems different from my mum's way of bathing my brother and what's taught in class. since i don't have strong fingers, i think i will just stick the soap into water and place baby inside tub to clean.
Gerry: Regarding the Strep B thing, u mentioned this thing comes and goes. Meaning to say, there's no total cure for it once u got infected with it?

Jowinbaby: For my case, i do not have alot of discharge. It just that its not colourless, more like white (egg white colour).

scarletGal: I fully emphasized your current situation. I also got PUPPP a few weeks ago, for around 1 week, it was very itchy, kept on applying Calamol lotion. Luckily its over by now, but still left behind those unslighly brownish scars which i believe will take sometime to fade off. Pls hang on, once u deliver, everything will be back to normal

I wouldn't say it is an infection cos if u are not having any symptoms then there is nothing to treat... Just like ur gut.. it has lots of bacteria.. like B. acidophilus (found in yogurt and cultured drinks) and E. coli.. They are living in ur gut but they dun make u sick... There is no need to cure it.. or remove it.. in fact, if u remove the nicer bacteria then the really bad ones will take over and that will make u sick...

well group b strep is just looking for a home... and so happens to find ur V a nice home... the living conditions in ur v is always changing... so the no. of the different bacteria will change.. sometimes higher... sometimes lower.. never fix...
juz, dun be so sensitive ok..not challenging u on anything!! We'll drop this subject then..

i also have alot of discharge, even when wearing panty liner, my undies will still have some..jia lat. Need to tell my gynae during the next check up.
Is it you ask me about the themometer good to use anot ah? cus i saw at ebay have this. ear and forhead too! you can try =)


I tout is normal to have alot of discharge? i always 1 day change abt 2 - 3 times panty liner i think its normal. Dun have to worry.

Oh try wearing socks? AHAha even i wear socks also leg cramp haiz. =X but then is bcause i didnt cover much blanket ba.. cus sometimes im hot i kick away my blanket or my hubbie will pull the blanket to the other side till the floor. to cover the floor. faints.
juzyounme, heard old folks mention cannot do mani and pedicure. since they say i listen lor.

fabbie, i also dun cover blanket. so hot and i keep kicking away. hubby will then keep cover the blanket for me. i dun wan to wear socks to sleep cos i scare it will be slippery if i go toilet in the middle of the night
i tink is normal for discharge, but if too much not very good for our health leh. Not sure if it is cos i hv been drinking alot of chinese tea lately but i drank chinese tea cos i really hv heartburn after every meal..

We definitely need thermometer for baby?? I have not decided which brand to buy leh.. all seems to be quite expensive and dunno if baby will use it for long or not..hehe

Wear socks to sleep help alot and raise ur legs with pillow as well, I have some cramps but not very pain 1 lah. And stop very fast, been wearing socks to sleep for many mths liao, have to keep our soles warm esp when sleeping.

Chinese tea esp green tea or ang moh teh, not advisable to drink as it's consider "li4" or acidic, will cause discharge(some say "bai2 dai4"). Tat's y I stop drinking any tea when I know I'm preg.
hi emeraldbride
I realise tat if i take much cold drinks tat day.. i have more discharge.. then it is like wat lavendry said.. whitish... It turn powdery when it turn dry. I am allergy to panty liner.. so cannot use lor... always buy new panty also.. if not i will boil those panties to kill germs.

Thermometer sure have to get. but then i also cannot decide what type. I used to have one from pigeon but it take too slow to measure. Guess our babies dun have the patience for us to measure them if they already fall sick... Wonder if the measure by ear thermometer is good but ex.

Hi Lavendry
Yup same as u.. the white discharge...

Try to cut down if possible, after ur confinement then resume. I noe it's hard, tat time my cfm I have to stop my kopi drinking for 1 mth, coz bf my boy though preg I still drink kopi lah but not more than 2 cups of kopi everyday. When u eat too full or wat , u will feel better after drinking chinese tea, but preg can drink, just endure lor..lucky I'm not a tea addict lah, so still ok, so now if too full drink something sour lor.
lol. i feel like drinking KOPI O!!! omg. so tempingggggggggg hahaa

Oh ya. you were saying abt take much cold drinks will have more discharge is true! but for me. i really cannot live without cold drinks. but im trying to cut down. cus they say if drink too much. not good for baby's health.
eh btw. my frd say our placenta can make it into n consume? anyone doing that?! whats goood abt it? im abit nuts abt this man.

I saw it on the forum oso, have to wash very clean and oven dry it and make it into capsule, believe to cure some sort of sickness or boost immune system for ur kids, for consumption. I read it on this forum, normally will take it to chinese medical hall to do it for u, some ppl do it on their own. If I rem correctly, there's this kind of svc offered in Sg, have to go look for tat thread though.
ya manz fabbie.. i m not only a tea addict too but a cold drinks addict.. No softdrinks for me but like ice milo, ice tea etc etc. So i try to restrict on cold drinks.. but can't help... haha... the day b4 n yesterday , i drink milo dinosaur liao.. yummy!!! But everytime tell uncle "Less ice please" but to console myself only.. keke!!

eeeeeeee... really eat placenta??? no offence..=P
reddates can u find that forum? thanks and OMG i have to wash and clean it myself? isnt that gross?!

jowin if the pills dun like placenta and is good for us. Why not?! hahaha as long dun look gross can liao wahahaha i always Drink KOPi Peng! is damn bad lar. so cannot drink now. i still drink softdrinks sometimes COKE =X and 7up.
I dunno where's the thread liao, din bookmark it. Have to search again.

I'm still drinking my kopi O everyday, if not cannot function ah..heehee.. and eating my ice cream quite frequently, just got the craving and feel so heaty,
i placing my boi at kinderland. LV juz cannot make it if they continue to hav d same principal.

for baby up to 6mths, usually we advise parents to use axilla(armpit) thermomenter as its more accurate n tt they r too young for tympanic(ear) thermometer. one good brand of axilla one is terumo. =)

i did bring home my placenta previously. but lazi to wash coz heard its veri smelly so end up throw away. tis time round i still tinking coz no CL. would actually like to bake it n make into capsule.

I have been drinking kopi O everyday since young, even during my first preg, I oso drink kopi, just limit myself not more than 2 cups a day. It's only when bf than I dun drink kopi O. Read from reports tat as long as not more than 4 cups a day of coffee/tea is ok liao.

really??? bake it ? and make it into capsules? are there any health benefits to it?

I don't think I have the courage to even handle it much less bake it and eat it.

I too chicken.

Think placenta should b full of nutrients, our bb get all food and nutrients from placenta. All the "good stuffs" r in the placenta. I was thinking abt doing it oso, heard tat in future if bb got any problems can let them take the capsule oso.

Those ppl who wanted to stay young and good skin, normally will take jab "yang2 tai1 su4" goat placenta.
ah? bake the placenta?! i feel like laffing. cus to me placenta is look like a brain? isnt abit gross mah? Hmm anyone deciding to bring placenta home?
fabbie .. to me, it looks like a dirty old rag .. like those rags mechanics use to clean engines .. lol.

eh, no offense to anyone here .. it's just what I THINK it looks like .. and no, I'm not thinking of takin it home .. I might take a picture of it if my gynae allows me to .. but definitely not taking it home .. I'd be too grossed out.

reddates, really? hmmm I wonder if there is any proven health benefits to it.
i have been eating ice cream daily, mabbe tat's y i have so much discharge..my discharge abit thick and creamy colored..everytime go toilet, i hv to wipe off fr the panty liner. sigh!!

I read in forum before that there are 2 girls that help mommies to process the placenta. But i definitely will not eat it lar..abit grossed out!! Hehehe
Hi juzyounme,
Sorry on my late reply, was on leave today, so nvr get a chance to be online... A chiropractor session cost between $50 to $80 per session, depending on the co. and whether u sign any package.

Anyone going for Mrs Wong class this sunday afternoon?
On placenta: i oso plan to keep and bake, make into capsule and eat... my hubby say it's disgusting and he would nvr want to kiss me again if i eat it... But it's really full of nutrients... many ppl pan and buy sheep's placenta pills to keep them youthful... So... why waste our own... hahaha...
hmmm... eating placenta?
that day when i was admitted to Mt A, beside me there are 2 mummies going for their c-sect and the nurse is asking if they wanted to keep the placenta and bring home. 1 of the mummies say she wants to bring home cos her mil ask her to bring back but the other freak out when the nurse ask her. the nurse explains that some ppl will wan to bring the placenta back dun know for wat usage and malays will normally bring back and bury. the nurse say the placenta cannot anyhow throw one, if bring back and decided to throw away it got to be a proper method. i ask if want to bring the placenta back then he show me his funny face, ask me bring back for wat. haha.... so i guess i wont be bringing back as i dun know how to 'process' and i dun dare to eat it.
