(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Mimi - what reasons for cannot do mani n pedi... *shake head* the links r interesting, but i'm too broke to even consider such services.

fabbie - ya heard of pple eat placenta. but it's over my dead body for me.

iemik0 - i'm actually thinking of kinderland at woodlands civic centre when the baby reaches the toddler stage. should be more convenient for us as well & i think their programme quite enriching?

bur - i c. if i desperate enough will see a chiropractor. meanwhile i will just stick to massage lady.

Hi Mummies, sorry to intrude into your thread. I have a Medela PIS advance for sale. Use 1 week only and now letting go at $530. There is still a year warranty. I will be throwing in 3 boxes of milk storage bags and 2 X 30mm funnels. Interested, please contact me at 93664880 or pm me. Thank you.
Why cannot do mani and pedi?? The chemical smell??

I will still go for my pedi... still need pampering.. and as tummy grows.. it is getting harder to cut my toe nails!! Hahaha!!!

My auntie told me not to take soo much cold drinks but SG sooo hot... nice to have cold drink.. esp coke light!! I never notice the increase in discharge.. I just know that it is the hormones that cause the increase.. plus why cannot drink cold drinks... like cold milo?? By the time the milo enters ur stomach ur intestines for digestion and absorption... it gets warm up!!! dun make no sense to me... =)

Studies have shown that having tooo much caffeine can increase the risk of miscarriage but I think they mean alottttt!!! 2 cups of kopi wouldn't harm anybody...many pregnant women have drink coffee and their kids turn out alright... still smart.. still healthy.. but if u have bad reflux maybe best not to drink.. no good... I stop drinking coffee (I miss it terribly)cos of my GERD before pregnancy... sigh...
Went for 30w scan yday.. Baby is estimated 1.6kg, water level 12.4
Didn't manage to see gynae cos her clinic is blocked so have to wait till next Fri.
Suspect my waterbag is leaking though..since thursday night. Called the ask-a-nurse service and was assured that so long as its not much, should be ok to just rest at home. We're concerned about GBS infection again so will probably go delivery suite either tomorrow or monday. Fingers crossed that all is ok.

me too..gained 8kg+ so far. Feeling big and heavy
My friend is checking out marie france packages so will prob sign up with her next year if the extra tyres refuse to leave.
yoz! Ytd went for my 31 weeks checkup..bb is 1.8 kg..3 weeks weight gain 1.2kg...which mean more than 30% went to bb..another joyful thing is..my bb is head down!

Asked Dr if my weight gain of 13kg ok..he say ok..heng..else 9 weeks more..i am gog to piangzz. I have also ask my doc to help me book Mt A liao..finally one more item off the list.

Durian milkshake: Phyl, ytd went amk ctrl dinner with hb..and try the milkshake..wah..really nice leh...did not manage to finish it..so bring more than 1/2 cup back home and drink it during supper..really shiok leh!

Placenta: I tot of getting pple to process leh...but dunno if it is really medically good..
morning went for checkup. baby 2.1kg at 32weeks. mi din gain wt tis mth. lose 2kg in fact. so funni. hav been taking meals regularly lei. dr din say anyting so c how it goes.

hav been having lower abd pain n cramps again. dr wans mi to monitor n to go c her if its persistent. haiz.

yipe. suppose to steam d placenta wif giner n lemon grass den cut into strips b4 baking. den pound into powder form n make ito capsules. (if i nv remember steps wrongly) hehe. heard its good for our complexion n if baby unwell, can add abit to their milk.

kinderland programme looks pretty good to mi. was actually tinking of school house by d bay but d prices can kill. hehe.

take care care *hugs*
Hello Ladies
Just came back from my check up and shopping trip.

My goodness, my boy has certainly grown in the last 3 wks! He was only 1.6kg at 31wks4day and today at 33wks4days, he weighs 2.38kg!!!!! That is an increase of almost 800g! No wonder I'm feeling breathless

My gynae said that I may have the potential of early delivery if my boy's weight keep at that pace. We will see how things are in 2 wks time. Now my appt is every 2wks. Scary that I may deliver in early Nov rather than at my edd of 25Nov :S

My Weight
Guess what, I lost at least 1.5kg and so far my total weight gain since pregnant is 8kg still. Hope i can maintain this until birth!
halo ladies,

hw's everyone? me hv been vy vy busy that i din even have the time to read n post!!!

went to gynae's check up this morning. was told dat baby is slightly on the small size. currently at week 30 and bb is estimated to weight at bout 1.5kg. doc asked me to switch to full cream milk n sleep more. i hv not been sleeping well in the past few days due to work stress. m wondering does this affected baby as well?

hopefully my baby is able to catch up in his weight gain. gotta back for another checkup in 2 weeks time.

u should be able to maintain your weight gain to that 8kg till birth cos it's unlikely you'll experience a sudden surge in appetite at this point .. there's already so little space in your tummy right now!

I am dreading my appt on Wed ... this is hte first time that I feel BIG in all my pregnancies at 32 weeks ... even my hubby has commented that my tummy is huge and I can feel my baby squirming and it feels pretty high up near my ribs .. also a first time for me ...

I am not keen to push out a baby bigger than my last one at 3.9kg cos I don't want an episiotomy or epidural ... I am not over eating nor have I gained much weight .. total 2 kg only .. yet my tummy seems to be getting bigger day by day ...


will keep u guys updated after my appt on wed. I dearly hope I am wrong about my baby being a bit on the big side at this point.

Eh how you bake a placenta? in a mircowave? will it stink? Im just kinda Curious about it man. so if we bring it home we got to goes chinese medical hall for them to do till like a med huh?

Thnaks mimi for the links. So anyone going for it?!

Today went to TMC to collect my FBI free goodies and went for the Hospital tour! also got free goodies too sia! hahaha cant wait for tomorrow to go tampiness ikea to buy cupboards for my ger!

If really someone do it like a pill, just take lor! haha dun think its a placenta can liao haha

Wah.. your baby really growing fast! cool! wonder whats my baby's weight hmm. oH so ya appt now is 2 weeks later? Great! so my monday appt will be 2 weeks later. hehee so nice to see baby again. Oh btw. Does ya tummy going lower and lower? did gynea say ya baby is engaged already? if engaged can prepare liao haha.

you going to delivery suit to give birth?! so fast? do take care, will pray for you. rest more ya!
u gotta bake d placenta in oven. den afta baking den can bring to chinese medical hall for them to pound n make into capsules.
i went for check up today after 9 weeks since the last one. yes, he did ask why never come last mth, i didn't answer...

there's protein in urine, so DR ordered for urine FEME test & prescribed me sth just in case there is really infection. but i didn't get another round of supplements, coz my husband was rather broke. he spent $390 just this wk at NUH to see his foot. special thanks to piGgiCia who has donated her obimin & fish oil, which is better than nothing to supply for this mth.

i don't know why... my gynae is v concerned about my weight and baby's weight. at 29 weeks 5 days, i have put on 11.5kg... and baby weighs about 1.49kg. he said baby is on a heavier side for an asian. he asked me to go walk walk & exercise more & control my diet. i think nowadays i get hungry more often, but i thot i'm still eating alright, except that i still like sweet or fried stuff. ;P i have already tried to walk as much as possible, but my swollen ankles hurt with standing n walking.

he won't be sending me for glucose test coz he just think it won't be a concern. i didn't say anything, but i felt it may be a concern coz i like sweet stuff, eg. bubble tea, ice-cream, sweets... blah blah...

iemik0 - what school house?

fabbie - faint... pills also scare me... i think llig isn't going to delivery suite to give birth, but more to check. for KKH patient after 6mths of pregnancy n don't have appt n want to seek help, have to go delivery suite.
tink at katong area. webby i not sure wor. colleague intro to mi one. afta hear d price i dropped it coz half dae sch for 3x a wk, one term cost 2.8k.
thats weird to bake your own. hehe I shall ask my mum or my MIL whether is good or not. Hmm

Oh haha i didnt know that lolx i tout delivery suit meaning go deliver liao. 1.49kg around my baby's weight. Mine was like 1.5kg when im around your week. My doc say is fine and is normal weight hehe so dun worry. Btw u got test urine mah?

yeah man. mine too! next week on monday cant wait haha!
adel, dun worry abt giving birth early ya..as long as you can hold on till after 37 weeks, baby is not considered preemies.
How's baby bryan doing? Now that he is big alr, did he still kick as hard or shuld be harder?? Me can't wait to reach the stage as urs leh. Is his head down yet?

My next checkup will be on 20th Oct - can't wait for the 4D scan on that day itself.

Bubble, the durian milkshake is sold by which shop?? But doubt my hubby will let me have it since he banned me from durian liao!

I was back in KL and everyone commented that I look so round!! Hahahaha, but tis time i really ate alot alot!! I don't care lar as long as baby is growing..keke
oh ya, forgot to add on, the baby's head is downwards. but the Dr said downwards doesn't mean anything... it must be engaged downwards into pelvis bone then consider ok. he said same logic as firing a shot from gun... the bullet must be engaged before can shoot out. so anyway, now baby still not engaged. btw, my Dr told me not to book any delivery suite n ward package until 37 weeks... which seems a bit late like that...

2nd baby - your contact for massage lady came today at 8am. i think she (I will just call her Y here) is much better than the previous one i had (I will just call her S here). Y massaged for slightly more than an hour, which S massaged for 45mins then run when she told me it's 1 hr. Y gave me the option of lemon grass oil or olive oil, when S just used olive oil and her olive oil is extremely greasy. Y took her time to massage, more thorough in covering the different areas and strokes more gentle yet firm, while S seemed like in a big hurry, cover main areas and used strong strokes. so told Y i will get her for the post-natal massage 7 days package. she asked if u r the teacher staying at Bukit Panjang. i don't even know eh... she said my feet, hands & even lower back have water retention.

iemik0 - huh? doesn't even sound like childcare, sounds like a nursery programme. anyway, it's definitely out for me - no $, too far, not childcare.

fabbie (fabbie) - ya, 1 bottle of urine to do urine FEME to check for urine infection.

emeraldbride - i think the durian milkshake they talking about is the stall right at AMK hub B1 near to NTUC Xtra main entrance. the stall always smell durian n long queue, u can't miss it. as both my hb n me can't stand durian, we usually hold our breath n get out of the area fast.
Yup, after 28wks, A&E won't see you already. Must go direct to delviery suite.

Accdg to my friend, the Marie France package is $1588 for 50+ treatment. And 6 sessions free each when you refer a friend. Sounds too good to be true.. Anyway, not signing up yet la. Going to wait and see if can lose the extras first.

Its quite easy to differentiate amniotic fluid vs normal disch and i've been having small leaks since fri night. Suspect is because i overstrain..carried my 11.5kg boy home cos it was just the 2 of us, no pram and he was tired. Called the Ask-A-nurse svc at KK and she advised rest only since the leak is on/off and not alot (doesn't soak up one pad). Anyway, since yesterday evening till now, no more leak
bubblepearl.. the milkshake very shiok hor.. kekekeke.. yesterday i was at AMK also.. but go take mattress from pris.. so nv go back to hub to buy my milkshake.. tmrw i DIE DIE must drink liao..

iemiko.. its GOOOOOODDDD... kekekekeke...

there are i think 4 different china girls working in the shop.. got 1 girl more stingy with the durian.. and just for all your info.. they play cheap and put sugar.. so usually i will tell them i dun want sugar.. so its just the milk, durian and ice!!
hi phyl
u buy until u know who is stingy, who is not ah .. keke!!

Hi llig
i see.. u take care ah.. dun carry ur boy at the moment till u deliver already

aiyo. i can't wait till 21oct to see baby... its the growth scan...
my baby head had been facing down since week 20. but my gynae did told me yest that baby still have lotsa rooms to move around. so there's a possibility for him to do a somersault n turn himself up!!! i hope my baby is a good boy n just stay down lor till birthing time.


u must take k leh. dun carry ur boy liao. y dun u bring ur stroller along when u go jalan jalan with ur boy next time? this way, u wun strain urself.


u vy funny leh. drink the durian milkshake so often till u noe who is better in giving u more durian taste kick!
jowin, jazlyn... haha.. its super nice ma.. and cannot be disappointed when i go and buy ma.. wahahahaha... tmrw tmrw.. i must drink it!! keke
Hi everyone!

Mimi: I have been going for mani & pedi throughout my pregnancy. It makes me happy to see my nails groomed & it's seriously near impossible to trim my toenails! Hee...

Phy: Good chat with you yesterday!
You're the only MTB to have come to my house! Heh...I checked with Kiddy Palace today & my UOB vouchers can be combined to purchase the Babysafe mattress. So happy! Hubby & I will both redeem our credit card points to offset the cost.

Adel: Wow, Bryan has grown a lot!!! Must be very tiring for you.

I went for another checkup yesterday morning...was 31w3d. Doc said Preston now weighs 1.7 kg & so far, i have put on about 7.5 kg. We saw Preston drinking water & sort of smiling through the ultrasound.

Oh ya, my gynae warned that i MAY have to C-sect cos Preston's head seems quite big (like me!)...so i praying that my cervix will be able to dilate fully.

Shall see how he is at the next checkup which is 2 weeks away.
hehe.. pris, it was very nice of you to have me at your place yesterday.. glad to also hear that you can offset the price of your new mattress..

hubby says thanks to you for the mattress too!! and he keeps telling me that he feels that randy is making too much money.. keke..
For my case, my gynae said we shall assess Bryan's growth again in 2 weeks and if he keeps up with this rate, then I may have to be induced as he will be too big if I carry him to full term (at least 3.5kg & above). He has not engaged yet so still some time to go.
I am worried abt fluid leak - cos seriously I can't tell wat it is. I woke up last nite n found my undies "soaked". Din noe what i did to cause that thou. But aft changing my unides, it remain dry. Wonder if I should tahan until sat to see gynae.
Good Morning Ladies!

2ndbaby, yup, saw u ordered.. i ordered 2.. 1 for Hayden's room, its an animal theme one.. and the other is a tree for one huge empty wall that i have at my living room.
Morning Ladies

How are you today? Any more of the "soaked" undies symptoms? If not, dun worry too much but if it continues and does not look like your usual discharge, do call your gynae.
morning ladies.... me 1 more week to stay at home and rest.

mani & pedi - actually i also dun believe in pantang stuffs cos i've seen lots of mtbs doing mani & pedi too. so it depends on individual lor... some say it may cause birth marks to babies but of course no scientific proofs. these are only myths.

Jazlyn, baby still have space to turn inside har? my baby's head is also down since 24w, hope he remains 'down'.
Phyl, that day..the china gal who is in short hair v generous leh..give me a big scoop of durian and milk...yah..v shiok! I wanted to go down and get another cup..but too lazy.

emeraldbride, why ur hb banned u from durian?
Hi Mummies,

i'm selling away my Medela PIS-Shoulder Bag that purchased on 1/7/08 from First Few Year (paragon) at $530. Warranty till 1/10/09. Reason to sell, and when the babies arrived in end Sept 08, decided to stop breast feeding completely after a few days.

For more info, please email me at [email protected] or sms 93664880

I will also be giving away my - :
-breast milk storage bags (75pcs)
-a pair of 30mm medela breast pump funnels
-disposable breast pads 6 boxes
Wondering if it's a one off scare. Now a bit paranoid, will keep checking to see if undies will soak wet. *keeping fingers crossed* If all goes well until this sat, will just tell gynae wat happen. See what he say...

Feeling so tired these few days, was coming down with flu and body ache for the last few days. Till now still achy throat, no appetite, the last tri really so "Xin Ku" have to endure 1mth+ b4 I pop.
morning all.. do you all feel pain below as in like your skin tear below? arghz.

Excited to see my doc today! wonder hows my baby weight. hehe i today dream that my babyy is engnage lolx. so funny to dream that i giving birth early. But i think normally is opps de ba.
